
Cameron camerama eren ment Canada 15 Cents per Package Dr. Hubert Edwards, TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 1921, PAGE THREE Big Preference Giv DANGER SIGNAL en to Canada Stɔp! Read! Proceed to Bellevod Much Trade Hitherto Action!
Done With America Wil STOP. This is necevery, bone Go to Dominion. he signal of dance is prominently dio plavet fore your fax, aurely VIP According to a direct Westoms of the dad y dimases of Kidney Inula cavie trui o wi dated nd Bodder and to proceed wacheekud ellettive on December 15th, has set to dime: your setia to the 3, the new Trinidad trill means incet donth.
READ. This is also necessary la been received and shows con fest route to pursue and as to what you iderable increase in the prefer hould do to escape the confronting Co Kiven to Canada by the Trade Agreement of 1912.
new Trinidad tariff shows a prePROCEED TO ACTION. Whe Terence of about 33 3 per cent you have stopped and read, theo meno on a large list of articles. On tuou to action, for mark you, without the products and some other articles coupe is imposible.
he duty has been removed alto. Pills, the beat. ensirat and safest meam Start with DeWitt Kether wWards Jouhe of escape from the serious danger. By the NewAgreement of June medicine for the whole world. No Millions have escaped by this King the representatives of several of other Is Just as good.
che Brush West Indies includ Trinidad agreed to give the genuine Pille put up by DJ Take herd. Why not you? But mos sity per cent perference subject WITT Co. Ltd. England. ratification by their respeo Sold at all leading Drug Store.
uve Governments, while others of the group agreed 3. THE CITY PHARMACY, or Trinidad is the tirst to be official. SOLE AGENTS ON THE ESTAMOS ton per cent respectively.
139 Central Ayenue, Prasm.
Ik beard from. While it does not appear to have ratified the atty Advertise in the WORKWAY per cent proposal, the placing of certain articles on the free list and got Good Results.
together with the 38 3 per cent cron Cameron all probably average nearly New Discovery that Communications being receiv.
edt by the Trade and Commerce Dr. Fronebs Strongthoning Department evince great lo.
terest in trade with Canada and Compound Indicato that much business bitherto secured by the United Considered the best blood and od result of the new Sa es will hereafter come to Can Nerve tonle in the World as a has been buildid up a great trade in flour with the and public for Weaknes, Lise Is highly recommended By prese southern colonies which were parties to the old agreement and of Blond, Nervous Debility and general depression of under extended scope and probthe whole systein.
ably be much increased.
For Both Men and Women Sole distributors for Central and NOTICE South America PANAMA DRUG STORE have been authorised by the President of the West Indian Muller Building Sternship Co. of Jamaica to CALIDCNIA state that the permission given to Mr. Sydnes Young of the Panama Mercantile Agency to represent the West Indian Steam ship Company Lid in the sale 182 Bolivar Street of stock ut Panana is uutil fur.
ther notice cancelled.
DIN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLN F, ALEX. KENNEDY. to inform the publie tha has sin all connections Representative S. with the English Drug Store owned by Mr. Salazar of the Pan American Dior Suire; bus Llewellyn Kerr site tot been rymd Avertise in the WORKIVAN and can still found abwe EACHER: METHODIST EPISCOPIL BY SCHOOL the Singer Sewing Machine DC. OGILVIE Dr. LOWE and ect Cord Results.
Company. Same old stand.
IS SOW LXATID A1 L, RC. Edin His residence is now at the Music, Spanish and Evening Lessons Alba House ctween E, 157 Central Alcalue, corner 139 CENTRAL AVENUE IS IT TRUE?
and Fourth Streets. Street.
PANAMA CITY OUT:11. Office Hours: 30 a. ti.
The following lines from the columns p. p. 11. Incorporated under the Laud of of local dynamiently portrans Bundays: iw li a.
Ja maica)
the purit of the times song women of Appointment can arranget Box 793 Office 844 today that the herrin reproduced Phones: Ancon, Tee hone75.
Residence 1002 The grentest proprsi on even for the bem of our trades:taken by the West Indians and Backward, un backward, Time in the whole world is filling in Jour flight, Give us a me (BRANDON BANK)
usa video with skirts not so tight, The Directors are offering us girl whose charms may or few. 100, 000 worth of Stock to the Annot exposed by much peek a boo.
people of the Republics of Pan Give us a maiden, no atter what age SECURITY ams and Costa Rica.
Who wouldn use the atreet for a vaudeSERVICE This can be inken up in Preville stage: ferred Shares at per cent or in Give us a girl not so sharply in view dinary Shares.
Dress ber in skirts that the sun woulda Panama (Founded 1863. Colon This money is needed before the end of January 1921. This Then give is the dances of the days long Our large Resources and well known will bring to Panama lelor gone by, Anvil oor LARGE PASSENGER With plenty of clothes and steps not so conservative Management afford un.
SUNLIGHT SOAP is made STEAMER hich from tre sweetest and Oust Turie trot, capers and buttermilk questioned security for every dollar choicest of edible oils and fats.
West Indians, this is your Blides, It contains no harsh or strong chance.
The burdy qurd twist and the wriggle deposited with this bank ingredient.
Purchase and Live! Disobey ant Perisi!
Then les us feed our tired opties once It is the purest and most. efficient of soaps and, if used Send money by mail to he On a genuine woman ns sweet ns of yore; judiciously, the most economical CAMPBELL, Yus, Time, please turn backward and KUPINE of soaps.
President and Managing klant our qilast little goes a long wayFor God richest Blessing but not one 13AAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON I, BRANDON every particle is pure there is Director, undressed.
Vice President.
Treasurer nothing to harm the clothes or 73 Orange Street, to impede the rapid progress Kingston, Ja.
of the wash.
THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD ASK FOR We are soapmakers with an ideal our ideal is to make OCROL would be glad receive infor Soap which shall have no SUNLIGHT equal for Purity and Efficiency Blood and Liver Tablets mation as to the whereabouts of Rosa Barrett, believed to be throughout the country 20 Newest and best Medicine resident in Colon.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended superior in all the world.
made for Gua!
in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverish URITY We realize our ideal in every tablet of Sunlight Soap which Liver Complaints Indigestion, The British Consulate, Colon, ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
manufactured Loss ut Appetite, Billiousness will be glad to receive informa etc. etc.
tion as to the whereabouts of It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives ALL THE VALUE 19 IN Labeline Sutherland, native of tone and energy to the whole system, THE SOAP THAT WHY. For sale at all reliable Drug Stores Saint Lucia, who is alleged to Sole Agent for Panama, have arrived in Colon in October Dose One Small Wine glass before each meal or time. day vowe Demetrio Fabrega, Last.
JAVIER MORAN Panamk Drag Store Advertise In The WorkFARMACIA AMERICANA.
Muller Bullding. Calidonia man It pays.
Made in the of the best Tobaccos LORIL ad and STREET. COLOS RESIDENCE 19 Market Street Colon ADDRESS. lux Cristobal West Indian Stranship mpany Lic.
At Very Moderate Price Panama Banking Company Give a All the VALUE in the SOAP phine throuzh.
til glide thee General Banking Business Transacted 81000 The British Consulate: Color: VIGOR TONIC Sora SUNLIGHT SOAP


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