
Big Readjustment Sale!
Ancon In order to meet the decline in prices of merchandise WE HAVE MADE SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK Thereby offering the public an opportunity to purchase at prices which we have fixed REGARDLESS OF COST lay the saine cord direct on however applied ha the wisdom of doing your Xmas Shopping at the whes Thulin and the American Bazaar Stores and Taimedey were given tiro and PAGE VOOR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1921, Four Seriously, Hurt THE WORKMAN in Auto Accident.
Last Monday afternoon at the jonction of recand Published on Sawdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicatial Av. nother cond WALROND, al tbe office Cesura Avoton Correspondence on all matters and painful accident as a result ho and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited of which the follox West de All copy for publication must be 10.
dian, Wilian Charles Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and Mors, Chus RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Birt, ar no occupyin bus. One Year 62. 40 Ls. cy, the writer, bot necessarily for publicaHospitalar uia Bix Masha posibility of ach one lasing na on but as a mark of good faith.
three 666 We do not undertake to return is both of tilega One jeered correspondence.
The formed part of na of labeers mpy u with the Mary Datu Terby of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIE Canal Zon, and wn wire dally SATURDAY, JANUARY 8,. 1921.
taken totalice Orkan army tick home that uleion about THE ABOLITÏON OF THE LAS CAStuciorkie duiver the truck, Kunn, of the Quale muur CADAS SHUTTLE TRAIN.
Corps win abu 10 lalu the corner of Sueet in lete tral Aver. or po ie the north ern end of Muller Isuildi Last Saturday (New Year Day) was the final day when he behold Jillud Curmak.
for the operation of the Panama Las Cascadas shuttle ing train. The scbedule was discontinued on that date after a long and convenient service to military and civilian resiseemed inevitable. The soldier, dents of Culebra, Empire and Las Cascadas who, although rimmediately his emergency br. kes and in crack separated by the canal from the rest of the Zone towns, visit to any of our three stores will convince you of caune to a sudden and pirti stíll felt themselves within the radius of civilization.
stop, the jerk resulting Now that the train has been taken off the run much forun throwing the four menl out speculation is being indulged in as to the real cause of the of the truck which, however was motion right hiud change. Previous to the discontinuance of the shuttle Bervice notification had been sent out by the head of the passed over their legs.
They were in mediately rushPanama Railroad Company, explaining that the weakened ed to the Santo Tomas Hospital, and unserviceable condition of the bridge at Paraiso over transfert the Auwhich the train passed, made it necessary to end that route con Hospital being ewpogeus in order that bo accidents might occur for which the railPANAMA COLON of the Canal Zone.
road would have to bear the responsibility.
The driver of the truck and his con Another cause which is suggested as being responhis cowanion aboler soldier ible for the cessation of that service, in certain quarters. oxo xosso by the am of Morris, as wll as two or threuther West Living is clanned to be the non paying, condivon of the line. lt wou were who were in on the ºne is said that the train service to Las Cascadas has been truck we edetain dat the Police truck we operated at a considerable loss to the railroad company Siation for the prey inves: and that it was impossible to continue the line at that raie.
wati. Strangely, to weer, he Chaufeur vi the car which the Whether the railroad Company discovered tiat it was suid er wiedt av. id hitunghi losing money on the Las Cascadas shuttle service, or not yet been found with ally Wheuer it found that the pontoon bridge at Paraiso was Die lank of gtting the the becoming unserviceable, we think that the company bas of the car iu lue Xviteureut of tile woment.
acteu wisely in disconutung the run, and tle public whose buluess eye is suiciently trained to see the leasibility of the pullivu will readily endorse the action of the rulroad The Universal Trading Co.
authorities, The Panama Railroad being managed by practical It is indeed gratifying to note business meu it could hardly be expected that the compa the rapid strides that are being made by the Universal Trading By would do anything in lue line of publc utility which Company, whose advertisement did not pay. li is too well known for its parsiinoniousappears elsewhere in this issue, ness and general policy of suppression of expenses in cases and which is at present situated at the corner of 14th and Dstreets, Where service 18 absolutely indispensable, and where the with John Neverson, late of nature and circumstance or the situation demand liberal tun, as manager.
oulaye, Mr. Neverson, it will be remem.
But the discontinuance of the cros3 over trains be bered, is one of those who sacrificed and suffered much tween Panamna anu Las Cascadas is it very serious quesas a result of the recent strike.
tion for the civilian population now residing on the other He held a good position with the side of the canal. The mintary tolks are well provided Canal, which he for iu the matter of transportation. They have only to Panamahe Value tarily give up. Casting in his lot cross over the locks at Pedro Miguel and at one ti ere with th: await them military motor trucks or way0u1s. The new employees, and now that he is his arive au whicu u tenus from Iedro Miguel in a pathe commercial direction, Sallel line with the canal on to Las Cascauas afford the should be the moral of the Inost pleasant riding, Su that oui military friends do not people to help him as much as Come il win a NICK at lue abortion of the land with their patronage.
understood that the com Survice lo Las Cascadas.
pany intends in the near future The civilian crowds have no kind of conveyance to take NOTICE to open another store in addition them iium lue West Dank at Pedro Miguel lu the villages TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN present one: on luat side of the Canal, therelore it means for them an central part of the city, when it uushaded walk or over tive miles to the nearest towu site.
Mrs. ANNIE E, LINDSAY hopes to be in a position citer di lavolgutedness hau directed the placing of a few Veli There is a limited amount of on a larger scale commercially to Certified Midwife and Trained the public of Culou and its adja cles on the west side before the train scuedule had died, Nu ne, bugto notify r patrons cent districts.
the question of transportation for West Indian residents and others that she has left the would have been really solved, but the opportunity hav.
Isthmus for Ja. aica where she Cristobal Literary Associaing been lost the people must loot it and make out as expects to run in for a few tion.
buat they can.
at theweek after which she bopes to return and resume practics as The situation unquestionably needs careful reflection, beretofore.
The Literary Association on Tuesday for the civilian residents could not live there under such People Drug Store night the 5th inst. at p mn. held in circumstances for any indennite time. The talk about esweekly meeting at the silver Clubbouse tablishing a ferry service from the east to the west bank Calidonia and Chorrillo The West Indian when there was a very ground attendauce.
At this meeting the coduction of Offic sounds quite reusouable but its practicability is quite anINDUSTR:AL HOUSE ers for the ensuing six months took place other question.
They are going fast, get yours 3rd and Cash Streets, Colon and the office induced are us follows: The best way out of the uncomfortable situation Offers exceptional bargains in Cian MeKenzie, President, would be to abulishthe west side settlements for civilJ. Reid, Vice President, SHIRTS, HATS, CHILDREN Neediy, Treasurer, Norman Cordio laus and locate those people at New Culebra on the east GARMENTS, ETC. ETC. Scelary, and Thompson, Asbank. New Culebra is a very desirable site and would All Made to Measure sustant Secretary form a fine town with the trausference of the people from ting a suitable site for a station which would stand on the Dress Making a Speciality a few remarks by the President, the Culebra, Empire and Las Cascadas. This would be better Colon line.
CARNIVAL CUSTUMES bets several ut wbum spoke, all expert meeting was thrown open to the far than allowing the people to remain in so unsatisfactory a position where convenience is so conspiculously absent.
If even the people he not removed from the west bank of all description to be had at nx their appreciation of the work of the vid adminitration with sprcial reference Another inconvenience resulting from the abolition of villages and taken to New Culebra, the position of con moderate prices. Mr. Purker the retiring Prosje Place your orders early.
dept, and wishing suced the new.
the Las Cascadas traia service is that which is being ex necting Paraiso with the main line seems 100 logical to be AMY MORGAN, Au interesting programme is being prePerienced by the residents of Paraiso which town, althougu ignored, and its present population of over eight hundred Proprietress. pared for next week melusiog enestys by Lying on the east bank, is, notwithstanding, hard hit by is strong argument in favor of the plan.
Mens Norly aud Tuoupsou. All aro the uew arrangement. The Las Cascadas traia was the After all, the convenience and comfort of the people, ourdially wele me.
only one passing by Paraiso within access of the people who in any community, are the first considerations of public NOTICE used it iu cravelling from Paraiso to Panama or for cun officials, and after sanitation we know of no other which Meeting of Social Decting at Pedro Miguel with the Colou train.
comes before transportation. The people at Paraiso cannot Now, the Parais oites must walk to Miguel a little over get everything they need for personal comforts at the com HONESTY SEEKS Officers and members of the a mile, lo take the train for Panama or Colon. This seeras missary there, and for this reason must be placed in a All men who worked on the all quite unnecessary, as Paraiso lies right parallel to the position where they can get railway facilities. Besides this, Duck at Buenaventura, Colombia, Loyal Guiding Star Social. In proveu Independent der of main line and ought to be connected up with the other imagine a person taking ill with fever or headache and and contributed to the Injury towns along the route. We believe that the authorities of wishing to go to the nearest dispensary which is located Puad are asked to communicate Odd Fellows, London Unity, are the railcoau must have seen the possibility and necesity at dro Miguel! The idea of having to walk, in pain, at once with the British Consul hereby notitied that on the 16th day ol January, a meeting of the above nained social will take of placing a station at Paraiso on the main line, and we distance of more than a mile with no houses along the ate. Buenaventura.
would recommend it as the best thing be done in the road! Think of seeing crowds of people walking this dis SCHRILS, place at 11th Atreet and Broud.
way, The Negro Hall. bexin.
011. The houses in this town are located quite near to the tance in a drenching rain to take the train when right Cable Office, ning at p. sharp. Friends pain line, and there should not be much trouble in get behind them runs the main line of the railroad!
Buenaventura. are cordially invited, ALBOA EST EER REWED have sacri of suticring silver compelled to turn eation 11 it duty of to the roll Hord LUNG GERMINE ARE


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