
German Report of Naval Bat. Civil Service Aptle in North Sea pointments.
MANY AND could be be stopped of TOTES by the German TROUBY of persons.
VUOSINCUM SOAP promptly war died away.
THE many hands which are wiped on the 60, 000 tout, while 63, 000. tone, LIFEBUOY SOAP the Must be made by Secretary SCHEER SAYS BRITISH et must have turned away after our of State for British LOST CHANCE TO WIPErprise torpedo lost attack.
Colonies. We eurely espected the eremy to OUT ENTIRE FLEET attack u at nisht with trong forces in an endeavour to push u to the westward Commenting upon the state Clair:s that Surprise At order to lurce us to fight until down inent that all Civil Service AS when their ruperior forces toust have pointinents which carry a salary tack by Torpedo Beats anubilated the German fleet. The Brit of 800 a year and upward, must ish bad all the Drove Off Jellicoe neccesary power to do so, be submitted to the secretary of If the enemy en ireling movement State for the Colonies, the Ja of avoided or if we maica Gleaner says inter alia: cuidand a course to our base before year or so agga rumour OPENED WAY OF ESCI PE he enemy reached a point int roestine went the rounds to this effect it, we would be fice to follow our own hat all important positions in From the New York Times) efination in the morning Jamaica were in future to be titled The top du touts sent ou by The following report of the mainly by the nominees of naval battle in the North Sea und British a fleet, but in the templimed to be found for men who had enemy in onunter attack, Inied to find the Colonial Otice. The suggeswas that good situations uur tween equadrons during the recent Et ut beavy fighting in which our tow been in war works of some sort portion of our fleet was engesed in stort, noe the tuan Admiral von Scheer, sured in toward the nation held cul colonies of Britain were to wrgroups were furoed to give way theo her, and that the tropi much for its autheuticity but be cremy from the eat, cornetites by light meinember for kingstone sporty and is here reproduced not so were attacked dobe and be by the arded as adiniranie fi ids for.
cause of its anks dissimilation and sometimes by heavy foros, as compared to to previous reports and properly took the of this weborable and historic Captu in Groos, Commander of a Ger matter up in the gislative event in the world greatest man firat line abip. bere noted that Ad Council and asked a a question miral Jellicoe had taken bis fleet to the about it. The Government to Berlin, Dec. In the coneluding por portebwardwhile Admiral Beatty, who plied, denying there was ang tion of Admiral von Scheer report on panied before his quarry, thus allowing attacking German foundation for the rumour; therethe Battle of Jutland to the Kalter the the Germans way to their home base accepted the Governor word, we after the rumour We commander of the German High Seas Ploet duolarw that tie komt totalled through wbich Admiral von Scheer led still receptat. We do not believe same towel are busy all day long handling io his feet while the British lowe that any decree has gone forth totalled 169, 000 Continuing, the report myo; declaring that all the all the better gerin laden things. Books, Money Tools, Taking up bie narrative of the mo On the morning of June our Zeptions of this country shall be allmost of greacent peril to the German polia No. 24 obporved tware Britished by men elsewhere for whom Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
in e lino pointing at the centre of the coeding south ward. The main German less, it is now credibly reported the found buge semicircle formation of the the combin tleet at this time, however, could so that the local Government has ed keele of Admiral Jellicoe and Admiral nothing of the enemy the weather pre received instructions that no pubBeatry, Admiral von Scheer continuarenting obervation.
lic officer must be appointed lo. Our torpedo boala look upon them It deemed unwise sed impor cally to to any position worth 300 selves tho up to thu time had been dit sted Bible for un to attack the enemy reported pointment has first been referred beavy fire of the which year and upwards before the apPURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
upon to the south of us. therefore renounced our cruisers, and carried the attack until further operations and give the order to to the Secretary of State for the withia 7, 000 yards of the middle of the our flent to return to our base, which we old Colories. This is not It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy British parlear formation, which www did successfully.
old procedure. Undoubudly all Soap does more. It positively protects its users from Bomnosed of more than twenty dread official appointments have to be The enemy losers in the engagement ratified by the Secretary of State noughts the many germ laden things they come into contact It was only by ruch a surprise attack mounted to 169, 000 tone, wbile the but in the the Governor nh the past the with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
that could hope throw he eve my con total German lose was 60, 000 tons.
could do a great deal towards the weung scent and provide for our abipa (Captain Groos states that the British making such appointmeut abso Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day.
acknowledged the loss of only 117. 000 lute before the Colonial Oitice Its abundant, antiseptic lather will doorw. y to safety Wibe boss vouly one torpedo tons and ex ingerated the Germ in losses, pronounced its fiat.
It make your skin glow with health.
Goverror who Wash your face with it. Batbe boat, muy attack realized my obj vive, but insists that Admiral von Scher practically the with it.
Mly, me, tu retorr, was mau tu. ca figures un contained in the letter to the made the appointment. Now o Shampoo with it.
back to the westward, maborg Kviser, were absolutely correct course, at Governor can alwaybuely to the sube. co, revudas for the German loses were con make recommendatives for the MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE Voit met wit cady cord)
most part privately, and it is undertaken by the enemy.
impossible to believe that those The way it we when the Gr Advertise in The Work weight. But equally impossil LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND, recommendations will not en man lps swung in Lew de Anil C that is be man It pays.
It is to believe that the Colon tic. will not have alwayson menin Inind: anil, it ju en for furths it is to be far dihat promotion thay come to th:1 in the con WEST INDAV STEAMSHIP COMPNAY LTD, where the INCORPORATED NDE TELINOX JANA Knt of their position, You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decido. WIAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED in 73 ORA GE STREET, KINGSTON, JAMAICA.
order to complewel, dominate your sufferings is the famous DOD TANX ATHLETIC CET OBJECTS. 1) To engage generally in the shipping HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES of world wide reputation for Neurasthenia, Anemia, Weakness, Lossif appetite, Debility, etc.
The Athletie meeling Pill in one (1) To carry on buinnea between Jamaic, Cubi, Hayti, tion with the RTk For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this city and at those of Messrs.
Panam, Vw York and El.
Shaol rame off on Sindy Salazar, Delgado Son and Da Costa Gomez in the city of Colon.
Yere Day. The whol affirmy!
CAPITAL. U) 10, 000 cominon shires at per share.
out to be an unquid repea, GERVASIO GARCIA. 6) 40, 000 preference shares at per share teachers of the bool. sepe TS 63, CENTRAL AVENUE.
Agent for the Republic of Panama. c) Shires may be subscribed for as follows: 55 ;er Jinsin (mineiral. share on an plication. 54. per share on allotinent aud the ba. NI D Plus de lance as the Directors think tit.
ceiver anonim piere Pneonium prae showed on them by all who witnessed the (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors. test. Thir untiring efforts on behalf (e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall hold their pupils certainly reflected credit, nnt INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS not less than 50 shares in the Company.
only to the schooland themselves, but Everybody is just crazy over the entire community, The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and Dr. Welters Tooth Powder Mention must be made of gentle The installation of ofliers of the hope to start the service about the end of September.
Hecause it the ONLY dentifice that polishes sold in the mouth, bleaches the men Ne Herr, Neting striet Queryl Sar of Hone Lodge of the Imteeth, retaris diseases, prevents decay, and relieves Loothache. is hoped that Jamaicans and their friend abroad will termaster, who in mermer to the trach proved Ind pendent Order of Oddfellows, Free from grit. It lo Antiseptio Try atin today avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num. rs request teadily lent his suprarth ondon Unity No 632. took place at ber of shares.
clearing the most suit ble site for th: heir lodge rooms at 30. January 1st, Agents Wanted KASHMIR BEUATY PARLOR Distributors.
SOLICITONS. Messrs. Lake Rowe, 99 Tower St. necacion: Mr. Pruner, Coumisery Mar 1921. The Grand Lodgr put in its nils ap esanent o clock ager of Pedro Miguel: Mr. Sieller. Com Kingston, Ja.
The officers coa miscare Manager of Beltu: Misting of the folowing: Brothers sid Plat, Scretary of the Prime Nigy McCwan, Grand Mas er; E Clublin: Mr Low. on. Mr Alle Babsty, Deputy Gratid Misier; llur DIRECTORS and Mrs. Palmer, who interix Marshal; Chose. Grand soveral gentlemen assised ally durinecretary; Austin, Grand Tenser: CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President the day neting stewards of the. Rouse, Walker, Grand Guitd. DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; DR. ST. Cyn grounds and race trick. Pale, Grand Worden. The Grand DR. OSWALD ANDERSON, TULLOCH BISHAM The events were viry kernly emtest. Master installed the officers who JOHN WHITTINGHAM, zrent solemnity that it took impression GRAST, rd pliv the 100 yaris race of in virla and that for loys the Marathon the entire lodge consisting of nos MISS LENA SANDFORD, Secretary.
frarn, and the High Jump. On the whole than 125 members, including visitors OWNED BY programne the right to the Fatif etion and deliche e installed close to the mud The National City Bank of New York caried rom sister lodgus. Te following officer are of APPLICATION FOR SHARES of all present. There was a large turn out a traco ninistration for ensuing termof parents and guardians and visitors Bros. SVAR Rishrook, Head Office: 55, Wall Street WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
which gave groot impetus to the 19; MeCleme, Permanent Secretary; Blackman, Gadsby 73 Orange Street, Kingston Refreshments were served twice for Brooks, Warden; od beg to apply for. shares of each in the West the Rodas Indian Sean sup Co. Ltd.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama item surpassed all expectations. The re Chaplain. Many distinguished visitors freshments were served in common talon for the purpose of witnessing the herewith send you 58 per share with this application vere present, who Joureyed over from Depository of the Panama Canal and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 5s. per parents, children, and vi itors alike. At tallation After the installation sbare and to make further payments as indicated in 5s. per the conclusion of the events the prizeshe Grand Master Rave stirring Through its Agencies in the Interior and the accompanying Circular.
were distributed the winners. The pre addres, for which he was greatly ap.
its Foreign Branches this Institution offers sentation was kindly done by Ms. Alauded, then the members retired to exceptional banking facilities.
Name in fun Parchment. Following the dietribution Address.
of the prize, the audience, which borbe banqueting room where refreshments assembled, sing the America sed Boilere greatly enjoyed.
Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands.
inh National anthems, and the three long chers which rang through the air Ront Rocelpt Books In SpanInterest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent Date.
brought this uniquis event in the history ish and English, for sale at the Shio town, and smart wall upont day. Workman Printory. Per Annum to otting alone at p. tn.
premenil an 124 Bolivar St. Wonth and 9th. Colon.
Box 738 Cristobal, CZ y, Grand INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION NG teachers and the set olars in the day creblarler; Gritib, Kuigbo, Capital. Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000


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