
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1991 Notice! Notice. PAGE SEVEN Interesting News from West.
The West Indian Steamship Co. Ltd.
ASK FOR 73 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JA, Demerara LION Brand Margarine received The Companr is paying on Preferencia ha res.
We py promptly because we can afford to pay Our overwhelming success is assured.
We have secured and are opera ting one stomer the first of the lot we planned for.
We are completing arrangemints to open up the Becas, Colon, Jarraica, Cuba trade and ve want much more money.
We are offering to nur For.
eign Section 100, 000 of stock at per share. If our friends need the assistance we de ire to give, they ought to come forward in a body and take up every cent of the 100, 000 of stock.
We hope soon to declare a substantial dividend in ordinary stock.
We pause, and await your reC. CAMPBELL IT IS ENGLISH Com For sale everywhere in Panama (Continued from Page to confirm the pensions that have already been granted to clergy.
men, and to to provide for pensions. those Ministers who on tha in a pensions on recent visitor to Demerara. Clercy List who were promised expressed the opinion, that com pintment. trust that the peo.
During the prices at which cer. ple of the colony will recognize tain commodities are sold in that it is their duty to support Bruzil and Argentina with the their own churches at their own prices obtaining in the West inuies, it tho e markets are in periple. It is be hoped that not at that of other expense and vestigated by the merchants in the West Guiana, a quantity of foodstuffs from the State will diminish and est Indies and British verybody will understand thap year by year the aid rece could be purchased at bout hall that the Churches can only be the price the renew best maintained by the efforts of their purchased at in North Americ adherents. It is not proposed and Europe. principal y at present to withdraw the barley, bay, hams, salud mat. grants that are being made for charsa, butt. r, cauved meats various special missions. It is to four, beade, etc.
be expected that the time will come when the State will no The Demerara Government has longer be justified in continuing issued an embargo on the expor these grants, but this is not liketation of rice until October 1921. fly to happen during my adminis This action has become necestration.
sary as the Demerara crop bas failed to come up to the expected Among the passengers who re Standard owing to the absencecently arrived in Deinerara com of the requisite rainfall This is England by the Antillon bad news for all the West Indian was Mr. Howard Hun islands as brown rice is now a phreys who has come to spend Have you seen the great bar scarce commocity in these parts. some time in this enhony Mr.
DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH pain sale in Fine English WoolHumphreys who is a member of ens for xmas all double width BIII for Disendowment. the Institute of Civil Engineers, selling at 25 to 00 gold and also a member of the losti Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refresh per yard formerly Sold at 00 from his seat on the Legislature, the Principal of the firm of The Governor of Demerara tute of Mechanical Engineers, is and 10. 00 per yard. Then so Ing beverage. Once drunken you will forget to David Cardoze Storo foi recently, made the following Messrs Howard Humphreys and Root Beer and all other aerated drinks. merly Chong Kee, opposite statement:Sons, London and will advise the Panama Lottery Orice. Bills will be put before the Government and Municipality on CALL AT THE Court of Policy to give effect to sewerage problems. He is of the arrangement approved by the opinion that Georgetown will be Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane Rent Recept Books in Span Combined Court for the gradual difficult to deal with on account and Secure same for your Xmas Drink Ish and English, for sale at the withdrawal of Governmeot sub of its being below the level of Workman printary.
ides the churches, and also the sea.
NILE QUEEN Ssoccione 10330300 The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin Made of oils imported from India and Japan QUUGE.
DANORU. BENEDY Springfield. II.
Kashmir Chemical Co.
Chicago, Gentlemen. Nile Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair and skin. trie 3V366. WISH gonos ao pinpl. liver spots and black beliau ad Jones south a lovely OJ Din har 944 Arwa to 14 and clossy, my frends until found Kasa. Niie varen. Now my skin is a nire it. wiss our wou would try Nlle Queen.
Box 736. Cristobal.
Application for Shares The West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd.
73 Orange St. Kingston, Je beg to apply for. shares of ach in the West Indian Sten me hip Co, Ltd Therehy sed you 50 per share with this application and he agree on notification of allotment of same to pwy 50 per share. beg to apply for shares of each in the West Indian Bram pip Co. Ltd.
Ihes with send you to cover cost and await notification of allotRunt.
Name in full.
BUSINESS MEN Rent Receipt Ecoks In SpanIsh and English, for sale at ther Worlman Frintery.
Notice 04Oooo ADVERTISE NOTICE IN THE To all Fraternal Organizations: Plea ed be informed that the Na.
tional Progress Hall, situated in Chorrillo Avenue, in now ready for rent. All up to date conve.
niences, roomy, airy and confort able. Terms moderne For fur.
ther particulars apply to FINN Tex No CE8, alboa, 83 NOTICE TO THE INTENDING PATRONS WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
The West Indian Steens bip Co. Limited Pisons desirous of obtaining Fares in the above com Ioan de ruby applymgli in witing andress: Box 37. Cristobal or il in Duisen aluffice, No. 44 Bottle Alley between 5th and oth streets. Colon. ALEX KENNEDY, representative for the Company, Owing to the greatly increased demand for our services and in order to avoid any disappointment on the part of those requiring same, we would advise all intending patrons to give us advanced information of their needs as we are very busy and cannot always make it possible to attend to you at a moment notice.
So please be guided accordingly so that we may arrange matters to suit our mutual convenience.
The Madam Walker Hair Culture Parlor, No. 11 Strcet, Panama City.
The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper prinied in the Republic of Panama, TO PARENTS Why are you so selfish and unk nd to your children? Why have you neglected their pyes so Jong? You see that their eyes are weak, painful and watery.
They even complain to you about them, yet, you continue to neglect them.
Therefore THE WORKMAN is a paying Advertising Medium Do you wish to sue them blind or have their vision impanied in their early years? shou say not. Then if you want to make Bright men and women of the children God has given you, it you desire to see the progress in their studies and acquire a good education, if you are interested in their future welfare, DO NOT neglect their eyes any longer. Many a hopeless case of bau eyes could bave been saved if only a competent eye specialist was consulted when the first and slightest signs of eye trouble appeared.
If you are in doubt of your own eyes or the eyes of your children, see that you consult Dr. BUCHANAN Renowned eye specialist of New York No. 1o2 Bolivar Street, Colon In front of Masonio Templo Bldg, LET GET TOGETHER Resolved that the price of Dressmaking must be reduced.
ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.


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