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PRICE Cts. Cy.
OCCUPATION OF TERRITORY NEW YORK PAPER URGES CASE FOR DISARMAMENT ode, Irom the the that neig is wunication which in part said: CALLS FORTH 11 YEAR CARNIVAL COMMITTEE ABLE PROTEST GIRL DIES INVITES WEST INDIANS From Panama Minister of As Result of Dislocatiɔa of Torsign Afizis.
Right Knee.
Quotes Statements of Prominent Not long ngo the hormony of Colon, Jan. 13. Little Myrtie To Take part in Celebrating Fesdiplomatic relations between the Cumberland, who died yesterday British Statesmen in Support. givernwents ot Panama and the in the Ancoa Hospital as the tivities Next Month.
United States of America was result of the dislocation of her somewhat disturb by the au righat knee when she leaped from Direct West India Cable states that the New York ten ptd occupation of the Bjor a wotor truck on New s Day The following communication from Mr. Jose Mistelt, World in the second of a series of articles advocating day tba ya are again enxavid in a Mount Hope Cemetery, followed Dr. Lowe and the Editor of the WORKMAN MO part of the island of Tabwa. To was this evening buried at the Director of Celebrations for the 1921 Carnival, addressed disarmament publishes cable messages from a number diplomatic struggle causid lig by a of leading men of Europe. Following are excerpts from the sudden and unofficial ccupa of Christ church by the sea ana a large procession of member: ublished for the information of the West Indiau Colony a number of these messages: tion of 125 tiecares of land in others. this city:Lord Beaverbrook: Great Britain, Japan and Americanas, to the East of Colon.
reg ou of the Bay of Los Mi Myrtle, who was a scholar o Sir: The Committee of Management over which ought to agree on a naval holiday during which no ships The manner of the occupation annual picnic which took plac the Church school, attended thei reside, being desirous that the Carnival which will becelshould be built and they should iusist upon the smaller called for a strong protest at Mount Hope on New Year. brated on February 5, 6, and next, may have all the naval powers following suit. The Daily Express will from the Acting Secr lary of Day, and ou her return, whil opularity possible, begs to approach you through me coourge this plan with all its energies and press the necesity Foreign Afaire, Sir Ricardo for limiting armaments on the British public and Gov! Aleksa wus was so relice se ne more time framestice notortruck dering you one of the prominent members of the Westen which conveyed them down, slip India Colony of this city requesting your co operation is matter to th: ate Dapartment ped her richi kuce. The accident order that said colony may be represented in the celebraternment, in Washington, through the Pa. was regarded as being slight, and Lord Buckmaster: The path of International disarm nawoun Chaix Alla res, Mr. home treatment was given, but ions as in past years.
ament is the only one that can lead the world to safety ferie. In this letur this failed, she was taken to the do not doubt for a moment that West Indiang wil Competitions between nations ia armaments is a race for Mr. Latvie, Mr. Allato tells of Culon Hospital, and later traus take pleasure in doing something apprecisble in order that bankruptcy, a race which those who win and those who a comunica iva received by the feared to Ascoa.
the Carnival of this year may be a brilliant and memorable lose alike will gain the prize. If the commonsense of Coal Zoue autorilt kiving in community is Nutely Relutoasodic The sincere condolence of the success in order to effect which the contingent will throu tendered mankind cannot agree for its mutual protection, common forma un or the proposes wu bereaves parents.
in some of its accustomed skill and enthusiasın.
folly will work its ruin.
pa son of the lel ritury already waiting your favorable reply.
Lord Bryce: It is to me rather doubtful whether good hooned and the arrangements Mass Meeting will be done in the United States by expressions of opinion went to retur to the cultivat were us 100 foc tue am pleased to be, proceeding from England on the question of disarmaments, kuid or owners there. This Your faithful and obedient Servant, In connection with the invitebut hope for a nearby opportunity of expressing my own communio atoa was dated Dec 10 swted to the West Indian (Signed) JOSE MISTELI, feelings on the subject in Parliament.
20. 0, 1920, wud was sigadu lony of this city by the Direer U, mellvale, Executive Sex of Celebrations of the 1921 Cardinal Gasparry, Papal Secretary of State: must retary, Canal Willou remind you that the final proposal of this nature, the however, Walling for a jem srnival soliciting their co opec GREAT OCEAN RATE WAR Pontifical appeal sent on August 16th, 1914, to the heads when could not be given uu hich app ars else where in this 0 of the belligerent nations looked to simultaneous dimin the water was placud boloru u u9 th West Indian public in COMING SOON ation of armaments and the substitution therefore of the President and his cabinet requested to attend a principle of arbitration. In view of the fact that the Holy envr ut die Laul me, Oulun th Icon Oestion, Aung 49 Meeting at the Standard Bee first set forth such a proposal and officially urges it, Morrow, unuer une of Doo uy 17th, at scto. k, to considsval on Monday evening, Jan Germany Reported to Join in you can imagine with what joy it would hail the realization can be 30. n, forwarded ulreci to vr what stops can be taken to Presideat lis another com comply with the invitation Fight Against Great Britain THOUSANDS OF WORKERS OUT. Dear Mr. President, By vir: Isthmian League of A Berlin despatch states that It remains to be seen hoy Indians.
Germany will stand with the the English lives themselves che OF EMPLOYMENT Lue Hay Var. dia Truly. We United States in the ocean, fate support such war. The per the Lotur lutorm you that cer conflict with ngland:The general monthly meeting pect of ultimate victory appear Caused by Great Trade Slump in United The next few months will ratber dim. The English lines burhwou of the Bay of Las Alus of the Panuna Dustrict will be witness the severext competition have gone through mutu tus Eidst on Ouluu alu wasicu is convened in the Wesleyan school na history, says an article to the prosperous year, and many other States of America in de cateva se lote en una entitate durant els mesos de la beyin gunsteling Industrial CommercialGar tto. era contemplate culing in thele alacuca uerew, HAVE BEEN Members are requested MEN Dy tue Uld Ounces tur be out aud on time as watters ui By having linked her shipping tonnas because travel at the New York papers state that as The Sears Roebuck shoes fac. Cana. The owners of dealt with.
toe we celeus ut tu Panama im poctaacu sre pendiuk bu interests with America Germa present rate is not proti canale ny becomes vitally concerned in and the cancellations of ship the outcome in wage re properties in the described area England rate building orders are a dully pro the United States thousands of duction of 20 per cent twday, por outro luulyWowpeeseen here on PRIZES OFFEREO IN THE war is aimed not only at Amer cedure.
Jonkers have lust their employ. effective December 27.
ica but at the rebuilding of the This article on the Anglom Uniteu Suren.
Jamaica Surrey Match.
Normally 600 are employed, German pent while others have been merchant marine, and Americaa rate war ends wide kept in their jobs at much lower but the factories have been rua eka Alaro kuing ou to suw Tue Acting Secretary of For.
doubt the rate cutting anyolok the business of the ning with short crews oi late.
The WORKMAN will give a will bear beavier on the German entire world and its shipping tuut whereas ou December zutu pair of baiting gloves to the lin than the lines of countries which, the writer ways, faces The following clippings from the New York Journal of Commerce At New Bedford, Lue Guveramentul Kuuawa was bowlerobbulunk the highest more favourably situated. Our crisis that threatens ruin for portray the existing conditions: New Bedford, Mass. Dec 17. urdu le proposal ww. average in the mateh, anu Mr. oportant contracts with Aner muy vessel wners and for the The w. Beda Texile coup quite cu trei catodell Turpin offers a first classican shipowners leave us no shipping industry of nuvacid Cut In Wages.
leu cil to night called me lions of a la Caual Zuuu could uave and the buguest individual score, wayo ihe Governor bat to the batman who makes choice but to oppose the British countries.
Brartanburg, Dec. 17. the various texule unions of the Viseu Paide Porras that the Spartan Mills, one of the largest city for Sunday afternoon nx or change our cu operation with New Passenger Survoudo In the section, employing about to act upon the HAD ALREADY BEEN TAKEN Recent illness.
wag reduction 000 operatives, announced to of 22 per cent recently announc ult ausw. uleijo wawvui lue cundem England is not so formidable day an additional cut of 20 per ed by the New Bedford Cotton de Republic ul Panana, waucu Friends of Mra. Bishop, wife of George now as she once way, but she can Direct West India Cable from appeareu straugu.
80 cent la last ninety receive Homer ce making the content conte of council will meet Sunday night cowbout inner United States outy at Anon, 2. anda member of content cite this resealdeBolo domluvat a swing from Balitax to the onany, meest effective cutest Manufacturers Association. The luer, users wille who are my Biebe employee of the Good Connie boung persona estona beready done Montreal de cerca 20e Hotels he islaves the Church like France Belgium, every three. days, different meetings.
the right auquire whatever Ing ou Tauesday, as peovided is o lewer regret to earn that she now confined the journal Other mills in this city are waters outside of weten to one of the beds in Ward 20, Ancun But the war will force other the new schedule waich was it making similar Tnis action was taken after re: wie suip cuat may be necessary Hospital having undergone na upecamion countries to lower their rates it sued to ceipt of a reply from the Manu lur tu provectuu of the cash We wish her a speedy recovery.
Wages cuts Spartan company ofices said facturers Association to re it woulu wa moustruvusly and they wish to continue to bast. senger and traigat service to be to for the their operatives understood the quest by the council for a contenully absurd wagina laulu the American Legation in this not unlikely that the non English new Mar ness. the article states. It is cominnoed by the situation and had agreed to ac terence on the wage situation. sauued tu dedo lue Vulted city or by the State Department countries will league tokether to cantile Marine steamers, Canon oept the wage cut rathe thrown out of employment.
lehen be the reply outlined basi manuten stabiele alones de decided up in Washington with the Panama take common fonction against din Fisher and Canadina. lt At Uxbridge. The former will leave tu cores veces bate cousineagere would the ones we would read ulan Legation there and hopes Enxlish reduction.
ditions necessitated the wage. rs. placed on Acticii of said Treathat the pracdce which has hith Besides Germany, Janan is Infax January 13th for Nasset duction and said that if the county walu reads Notice was posted to day an desirable the secretary of the sun te luuepeudeuce of Pun questions that are purely diplo ese lines, with the support of the 19, aod will thence DIbridge, Mass. Dec. 17. cil still thought conference tale Uaraules and will walo. Jerto been adopted of handling an important factor. The Japan Babamas, whers she is due o et tua mutic by authorities subject to their Goveroment, recently have Kingston, Jamaica, thence Bo slon in wages of the employes of retary ot the council. Members decide luat luncene who wlaule She Wautacut, Elmdale, Stanley of the council said they inter Republic fue tue will be put a doubului whether the Japanese Canadian Foresters will make wolen, Uxbridge Worsted and preved this all refusal olas como se hace rechercher une course stop to The Government of Pan would sign with the Americans. her first sailing from thalitaxon prutochou, Davis Browo mills in Ux. ference.
for there 3rd waintaining spe bridge.
taking possession of the lands in Japan over the American ship cial schedule. Each veasal ha This includes all the mills in To Discuss Labour Laws Concluding Secretary Alfaro referred to in the letter of ping policy. But it would be im accommodatiou for thirty Paese own except that of the Ameri New York, Dec. 20. The four expresses the upusco beste al Acuing Governor under data, of prudent for the Japanese to regers.
Au Woolen Company at Hecie. teenth annual meeting of the evolg wusstuu of us, te of force carried out by the Ualt er and their bent port may be to uiplomauc questions such as the December 30th, as simply an act sign themselves to Brit pow.
At Sho. Factory, American Association for Labour pruperty of the Republic of Pared pecainst the Republic of ud over the crisis with GoAdvertise in Tao Word Continued from page Spring Vale Me, Dec. 17. ime, wuld be madlon tan Panama!
me subold mas. It Pays tue ul welcruis ut Arick Il of situateu Id beyond Wages Yet with plan or or to ruin these contrats lauપ America.
continues lands ou be Or Bail the Canal الما athlon sha


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