
PAS TWO THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1921 Interesting News from News From The West The West Indian Islands PIEDMONT Thad to us, such as. it like wa Fire Miss AU busi posite Marycie, who is raiding The COOL MILD Smoke withilde impartiality.
With that lingering taste without no ades MOISTURE PROOF PACKETS OF 20 and assistants No honesty, we we fear no inis.
of tica sule. ntre of many of their tage will Act.
which was going towards Hall Jamaica way Tree. The woman, Margarut Douglas, was a pasrenger in Mr. Sherwood car and she was Insurance Company thrown out, while Invael Rybinson, who was rding on the day Thinking of Rais was know sud e both rustaining the ii juries stated above.
ing Rates Thet e injured in ware hor.
ried to ibe ho pt where thy were treated Dr GF. Bax Fire: Fre uent and Brl ter. e of the mule attached the dray for one of its logo gade Not up to Mark.
broken and in all probability will have to be destroyed.
The Jamaica Gleaner states that Sherwood so much so, that it Both cars were damaged, Mr.
th view of the frequent tires, and had to be towed into the city enre particularly, he alleged in efficiency of the Kingston It might also be stated that Brigade, we learn that the Fire Insurance Companies doing the reeidence op Westbrook. rendered ness here, or most of them have valuable assistance to the injur under consideration the questioned person and inst wd that the inch asing the rates of pre injured animal bould not be re mums It might not be generally first being seen by Veterinary moved froin the pot wiibout known that portion of the. Surgeon.
genees which the Government received from the Fire Insur ance Companies is paid over to Slump In Trade has Althe Mayor and Council for the lected the Government Woch proper up keep of the Brigade; Revenues and anot only the Insurance Com but a large section of the panies.
community have come to feel Government Budget for the According to the Gleaner the that the Brigade ofers con ing tinancial year is awaited quate protection in cases of fire. with interest. It is proposed to It is therefore felt that the time have a conference between the his arrived when the Brigade lected inembers and certain of should be under the complete the men bers on the Government control of the Government side or the Legislative Council, principally beads of Public De partments Interesting Proposal Forum what can be gathered, the surplus at the end of the preby the Government sent financial star, will not be as large as was uriminally anticipat Elective to Adviso bout there has ben a sumpin trade.
led. During the past three months Estimates The produce market bas cracked up, and there has been very it The courtesy of His Excellen.
tle of dny kunds. The result a the Governor en bies us to bus ben that the export trade print the following ei cular let has considerably failen of, and Biectd Member. Accompany bales of suds are enher in the ter which he has sent to each the import trade has also di op, ped considerably.
Hundreds of ing the letter bad. COM 26 Kine Warehouse or on the per th Barbados Law 24 of 1891, the Executive Committee consignees decir ing to take delivery, and in other The Governor letter states: cases bluply to let them stay The preparation of the Ar there lecause there is no dewand Aval Estimates has now reached for the arucks. lo the cireum.
decision the lake at which a preliminary Biances, the import duties have has to be given with off as compared with the respect to probable increases and collections abuut the same time decreases in expenditure as well last veur.
us with respect to justifiable in The budget estimate is, howoreases or decrennen in expendi ever, being maintained: it is only ture should very much like that the amount which it was you and the other Elected Mem. anticipated would be realized, bers tº take part in settling av degard to the slate of shat should be done witbreng wko, will not me up to the sanrevenue some tive months foregoing increases tod decreases, but gulue expectations.
Phil What with the prolonged stand the many reason co to unke it impracticable for drought and the slump in cade the Ected Members to at it is expected that reconomy tend metings in kiigstin wil have be enforced by the Srite this litter, however, in the Guies menit.
bope that you may be able to at.
sume of the meetings, the Latter to be held in Kingston Grenada ander the Colonial Schairmanship of the should our tere be glad it sou would Warning in Due be so good as to let me know if di will be practicable for you to Season is this inanner. The proposed meetings would We have gleaned information, bo advisory.
wen it an Elected Member at from being deboite as regards Consequently in a way which precludes us tends the meeting he will not details, to the effect that during fore his freedom of action in the the next six months there is Legislative Council. In fact, an elected Member position at the service between Grenada and to be no direct steamship!
porno in.
similar to that of an Elect that the Messrs. Furness and ed Member who attends the Gov. Withy steainers, late the Trini anor in Executive Council of dad line, will bid goodbye to Gre.
nada waters after an unsubsidized wervice of any years.
Two Persons Sustain Ir ju the history of the services of This is not the time to go into ries In a Collision of Two these steamers to put on record Automobiles the great benetits brought by them to the general trade and states that two motor cars collid are not concerned to day in ad near Half way Tree, as a re measuring the seriousness ot mult of which Israrl Robinson, that disaster. All that we have of Stony Hul, was admitted into tu do now is to sound the note of Public Hospital suffering from warning Injuries to his back, and a woman By slow degrees, by more and as med Margaret Dougl from more, we have been building up Whitfield Pen, was treated for a wall between the trade of the abrasions of her face and hands United States and ourselves, and ad sent home.
the feeling is being entertained From the facts gathered, one that, in a short time, the Grenafotor car belonging to Mr. da trade with the United bert Lindo, and ariven by Aston should not be worto bidding for Agard, the chauffeur, was com by unsubsidized steamers. we Log out of the residence known understand that American shipas Westbrook on to the road: ments for Grenada, in that case, The other car is owned by Mr will be sent to Trinidad Sherwood driven by his bro shipped to Grenada by sloop and Ther, Aston Sherwood, and was other chance opportunities, and in the direction of Knuts goods and passage from Grenada be cd, the latter being thrown on dad. Pertaps we can atford to the bank on the opposite side, beg for this, or perhaps not.
Oming in Cuntact wiiba druy Wu seem to be Lens on copying every clour, every ciasy, wy cred.
Now, in the discussion of pro babilities which is the natural outcome of the sending on of the Petition, speculation is rife, and all sorts of addressed questions are being Will vernor stand by the popleputting his weight with height of the Potition? and ly that our Ptition will Le turned down? also What THE VIRGINIA CIGARETTE Possible objection could be made such a strong CP Natural ly, not being mid readers, we cannot answer the questions with any directn ss. We can са only analyse circumstances, weigh consequences, trust in the rreitnde of men in respunslble positions, and hold faith in the aim of British rule as en.
dorsed by Prince Arthur of Cuo.
naught. The believe in the best.
Wbile His Excellency the Gov.
ernor should, by virine of ola ofice, in an impartial position, we believe that presentation of the facts of the case is quite his scope of We do not expect him to be roPetition, for that Inight be be yond his trust, nor do we think he can be Anti Petition personally holding up to ridicule the the fixe best representatives of thought and activity of the colony, many of his chlet advisere includ understanding from this side, cause everything is plain and visible in the brvad daylight of knowledu in these part.
But we are asked: Is it likely that our Petition will be turned down? All we can say All can say is: Nit on valid grounds in keeping with from Trinidad in things com. ro the aim of of British rule Wa We Cia. not knowing that Trinidad are in a position to ineet any of THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT can atford do many things the objections of the rely of which are beyond us. Come what Colonial Office as address to No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE way, Trinidad is, by her wealth su. Vincent, and more. The remo: resources and position, eminent ghost of an obj ction on the ly qualified to be the distributing grounds that the change cannot First Class Meals served at all hours of the West Indies, and be made without its being in as every mistake made by the small sociation with changes in other er culonies, to disadvan.
islands will not be able to stand EARLY TEA AND COFFEE will be of great advantage the light of day Tois canooly to our big, enterprising sister. Colonial Office ditticulty.
Special accommodation for Ladies The trade of Trinidad is worth existing more in the fear than ia bidding for; ships will call at her the reality.
TIDY AND POLITE WAITERS ports under any condition; but We have every reason to be SERVICE UPTODATE.
this is not the case with Grena. hopeful, and, in ending our ser.
ies of articles on this question, There is a plan in Trinidad to we look with radiant faith unto make Port of Spain the distributo be everlasting bilis from whenco In commercial centre in there cometh our trust in the good and parts. It is maturing nicely. At the glory of the aim of Bri Isla o distant period of tiine wer: rule, despite the hotel Brie forta changing. chants in Grenada and other is. tunes of parties and th: ri e and will goods nct fall of Cabrets; and despite the Fans ENGLISH BICYCLE PARTS the United Blata, Canada, or bewy burd. ns and hunger arter States direct, but higher Britisli standards of line from Trinidad merchants, sub wh which formed the major suck Wired on Tires and Tubes agents o ol big tirus, in their dis our experiences for the priod of tributing centre for the West In over bali century, ever since dies. This might come naturally our Constitution was taken away ou the long run from the dim dis. hrow us.
WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY, PANAMA tance, but the questions: Aie We prepared for this low Phone 85 Box 816, Ancon, Barbados Petition for Representative GovernCRICKET TOYS!
The Heralt of the 11th ult.
ment to King reports that the interest evinced in the meeting of the Wanderers LUCIANO SANCHEZ And Pickwick first elevens at the Now Absorbing Tople in Bay on Saturday last. was not No. 21. 13 EAST ST. Salsipuedes)
Grenada surprising. It anticipated, Bide has. at present 23 to its credit, POPULAR SATISFAC. is the last game of any decisive Big assortment of general Merchandise TION OVER TERMS AND and sensational thinxs were look: value in the competition grab OUR PRICES ARE CHEAP BACKING COME AND SEE OUR ed forwad to. And great and sunsational thing did did happen.
Englishman In Our Midst Says The weather was sympathetic to TOYS!
TOYS! It is a Demand of Every Colour, December day quite seasonal. turf iron bound and the grass well AMONG SIGNATORIES TO PETI. clipped. There was every niga of TION EUROPEANS RIVAL WEST et preparedness. The twenty: INDIAN BORN 10 ble of big performances. The antagonists NEW ORLEANS, crowd wa large and irrepress With this article, there comes ibly enthusiastic. The WancerCRAWFURD ELLIS, SIMMONS, to a close our series of articles ers won the tuss. Great lock!
Vice President Gen. Mgr dealing with th Priition froin And the incomparable George the people of Grenadu to His Ma Challenor and young jesty the King praying for Re much promise began an inuinks Insurance in force over. 85. 000, 000. 00 pr Boptative In titutions of Gov. that was to prove record break ernment for the Colony of Gre a mistuke at an early stage of ing and thrilling. Skinner Total assets over. 500, 000. 00 unado nada Legal reserve on policies in force as leave off for work in an. the game; but was permitted to required by law over 500, 000. 00 other direction. viz, the prepar rectify it by a generous fielder.
ration of our publicity campaign, Taking pattern from the wind, among great friends of the West the two batsmen one great and Assests in excess of liabilities for preIndies in Englund, in the inter the Other grateful delended miums of policy holders over. 580, 000. 00 est of the Petition.
with a cool and quiet cheerful.
The absorbing topic in Grena. Dess that was admirable. No The only Life Insurance Company qualified in da, at present, is all about the risks were taken, and, certainly, the Republic of Panama.
Petition. There is popular satis. the bowlers looked formidable faction over everything, so far. as a result.
The first hundred came with HENRY CAMBRIDGE, It was an Englishman, one of the many whose nam are at an unbroken partnership, and Special Agent. Colon, ched to our historic document, the third half century was also who raid: Ibis is a wonderful signalled to uie favour of an in demand. It comes from wen of Continued from my Selling Cheap. Selling Fast. the ordering pect to the.
at the he was Each od points to and 8s as this the occasion. It was a bright The Cleaner of a recent dans une belle colonde wa PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Skinner of States be re


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