
Big Readjustment Sale!
Three We The Liberty of the Press in the palladium of our rights. JUNI Thereby offering the public an opportunity to REGARDLESS OF COST visit to any of our three stores will convince you of 0:00 SXVEXXOXO Sam Sum, in American Bazaar Stores با legill, IM PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15. 1921, KSISSASEX CONSTANCE TALBE THE WORKMAN In Pair of itk relingsat the Cecilia Theatre, To Night Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies.
ALROND. thence Central Avoton Correspondence on all matters e and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited One of the most taking pictures do that has ever hit the tans will All copy for publication must be In or ler to meet the decline in prices of merchandise Box 74. Panama wri on one side of paper only, and be shows at the Cecilia Tacatre RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION muss To Night accompanied by the same of Obe Year Coastaoce Talne in her 40 cy the writer, bot roessarily for publica WE HAVE MADE SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ON New Play pair of sk Stock Six Months 12 ton but as a mark of good faith ngs. Tais picture hus captured 864 do not undertake to return OUR ENTIRE STOCK the audieace wherever it has beca Oue 24 ejacked correspondence.
scrceuci and will can you Baiuw is a syaupsis of a. SYNOPSIS SATURDAY, JANUARY 1:. 1921.
It yoar Susbaai not only be purchase at prices which we have fixed jesto to your taste in autur car ANOTHER CANAL MAY BE CONinsisting one of his owa selection bat buaght sabies for another STRUCTED HERE.
wmaa ww make you jealou) as well, would you imulately losa au tin: ia suing for divorce?
The praning of the Isthmian lahor tree consequent on Cuide to the Cecilia Tatra the big cut in Can appropriations and the fizzling of the To night and see just how Me Choruhill (Castance Taime le. industrial stir in Cuba nave created so tremendously serisolves the problem of the mic ous an economic problem, in and around these parts, where car od the sables, ia ber lale!
there is so much unemployment that the talk about conSelect Picture is which she is structing a new canal here or in Nicaragua sounds as welpre seated by Lewis Selznick.
come as the buzziog of a bee in early, spring.
aud Mullie Thurshill, a young English couple, are beper Both ex Senator Harding, President elect of the indeed, watil the serious questiua United States, and Secretary of War Baker are talking the wisdom of doing your Xmas Shopping at the of a motor car arises. Mullie about the coming inadequacy of the pr«sent ditch, on wants this and Sim weats that account of the probable increase in canal traffic within the with the result that 1A.
next decade. But the President elect is in favor of transrage, gues off make Myllie jealous dud altempts this by the forming the present canal into a sea level water way, sablesfor anstber wethu, the while the Secretary of war is advocating the building of bill around for her to fias. Mulle mo another canal.
out ooly finds the bill, but also Any man who familiar with the present rush of PANAMA the speediest way of divorcing COLON San o starts od tu tour the business in the canal, and who observes the inevitable incountry in a car of a make wh. ch crease in trade and size of merchant ships must see the SOXOXOC Cocoa she is sure Sou disapproved.
Sim force in the suggestion that something must be done in 5SXK9KC Seros Sam goes to a cuatry house way of preparation for the times whose signs are so plainly and tries to drowa bis surrons indicated on the horrizon of Panama cuinmercial world. strike the Congressional hall of the United States in regard Siar of Rebecca Installs the merry, whirl ut amateur tacatricals. Mulle, approaching The question of providing ad gunte passage way fol to building a new canal than that of constructing it in Offi:ers.
1015 same house, breaks down the future leviathans of the United States fleets does Panama. Panamanians will all welcome the idea as the and is cu apelled to be a gestia not enter very prominently in the dis. 333107 of cum im. greatest thing that could happen to the country. On Tu slay night the h instanta che house waich seitens son, provements, probably on account of the ideas circulated as know that all of the prosent unemployment would be re very pleasure. Wwenj »sed toy box dare, tarough the me. othiei, lumbers aal Viors of the Parot Sa Sucking, Wilca to the disarmament of the nations; but it must be imagin lieved without any further difficulty in the situation.
ed that in the next few years the rapid transist of mer.
01 Let the United States spend whatever money she of dom Umly Hellows to the Lastrully luses, the two are resuel chant and pa senger shis and the increased tonnage must let out in canal work in Panama and the returns will of labores Landbou Rw m, nun wurde en arried by the vor 636, of the Improved Inde do the village ocean gcing vess is will make the present canal altogether inore than amplify the action. It is always easier to move or drul Od fellows, uber ibr Oflict too small to handle the business.
at parallels than to swerve off at tangents, and the new Ir the entirm we inalied. St. Anthony No. 1, a Evans, P. Iruise Installs Officers The Secretary of War plan seems to he a much hrt. canal is a more probable reality alongside of the present, NG ;P 161 0, VG; Delcinn At a meeting of the st Anthony U.
ter one than that submitted by the President elect sincroue than it would be as new enterprise in Nicaragua.
Theas; Ch se, Ese, Il Greroide. CFs. No. I, beld at their bir bulle Another canal will mean more passage way between the Cse;Bin v, IG; Il Best, OG Pacific and the Atlantic and will involve the expenditure. Bryar, Worden; Iride do Cu 1) outer 316, 1920, or.
Gouding, VG, the ceremoy when ustalled. The remony was e ndue tiers for the January Juwe terun no of very little more money than would be neccessary in DISARMAMENT OF THE NATIONS. vry impresiv. were erstel by changing the present one into a sea level canal.
the followin Grand Officers from thPP, sod Huville Alexiader, hy be worthy Brus. Nothorel, The question of the location of the new canal is the Gerd Le due as follows: Bro. Siwy insisted by AL Tays, The of interesting feature in the proposition. The Secretary of The League of Nations and other int rnational bodies CCGM: Auto, moto R6 ers for the ensuring ter o are an follows: one DG. M: Chnee, ACER.
War seems somewhat indifferent as to whether it be built may, perhaps, find discussing the disarmament of the Mek sec. Elwin Goo. Mire Predeat; dokuwa in Panama or in Nicaragua, but this is an indecision which natións a very remarkable pas time, but to all practical in law, DG COW. Wherco Mari, Vice Proud ne tre elected. GI; WmR Clu does not bother us much sinc it will not be left to tents and purposes such a thing exists only in Utopian w, DG, WJ C. Hunlıy. DGC eher la ry, Elis Baker or any other individual to say where the new ditch dreamland. Disarmament of nations. The idea is unthink. Ser who ucted a Grand Morball be laut, ses cretary: Artem De kué, Tressurer (P. Alex is to be dug.
able by serious minds who do not speculate in idle or GM, at the come of the ceremon, oder, Fred. Aleswell, and it in There are many strong reasons for wishing that the facetious conc ptions and who are too practical to waste loved a very mteresin nddee und Charles, Tourete (te rector. sitene ove tb u uw apps. After this kirton, Martell, ad Abrahaa Powie, new canul be built parallel to the present one, and the time in looking for or prophesying events which are absore to the bowywe took om wbre a Bervary Nurbal con el etet) ry jully time was enjoyid uuril the trasons ought to be of abnormal weight in determining lutely contrary to human nature and experience.
sal hours of the thon, with the place of construction.
The history of the human race commenced with Bileklihe Duxology uruugbt well stalla. ut vulars The United States government through the War De warfare, and with every step in the development and small evewise to come On Tylyst there we meeting civilization of man the weapons of war have kept pace.
of the Rio Gert VL. 9017, partment has just spent millions of dollars in building From the primitive stone shot, througn the times of the ntral American District, GUOF. their remar meetik olce forts for the protection of the canal. In all these fortifications substantial buildings and forts have been erected bow and arrow into the days of gin powd r, man hits been Held Her Annual Meet. ng frih. prnt ture At o clock HWN for the purp of internet fll 19 To build another canal in another country, apart from the manu aci uring implements for tighting, and every micPGM. Br T Lyner and PGM, The Annual Meeting of the Centr Bro Spring of Cruncil Initial worry of concessins and treat will meall the cerding wave of civilization, marual coinbits have bu co ne er ction of forte which would necessarily put a very heavy more terrible, science more wicked in its discoveries and Arican 1) ere, Ind s, ndesc Org. Vid the order, com the newly elected.
item of expenditure in the budget of the W»r Department invention muore deadly in its productious for the battle. Ond rowo, Monetreter Ully, was trder tove ther and after scorini ile field.
in the Run of the Lyal Vicur. 2440. thun tall. which the present policy of reducing expenditure could not There is nothing in the mannerisms of the nations to Sue Guneb pall, Pariama, on Satur WH wis, G; Ir, PNG. permit.
day, Juary 8th, aw the wlowing te Lie. NNJ. Perre, PN. FI The labor necessary for building the new canal can be indicate that now. or at any time in the immediate future were also ed guide its usile JD Clark DXnEDGE will be in that liation that would tortor year 1921.
found right here on the Isthmus where a staff of ex lead to beating their spears into ploughshares and their Holder, WT; Warner, WC; AC, Bro Adre. Foulk, of St. Davie, 1G;G. Alleyue, L8. to NG perienced workers stands available for the undertaking swords into pruning hooks.
Charles No. 725. as Prow, Grand A Hin KS to NG:J Jordan To build the canal in Nicaragua would necessitate the iner and Bei. Dolor Augier, G of Warden: A Downes, Adv. Bro.
migration, of labor by contract or otherwise, into that Man is a militant creature, anyway, and as far as Vietor 8137 no Prov. Deputy Grind Clarke who was to be installed V. G: couutry while here in Panama we have all the labor that history has shown, the struggle for dominence among the ster; Bros. Coles Aufted Harrin, was usvoidad y abwent throch illors Amine the Vitins were Bros. Workin.
would be required should the suggestion to build the new nations is as natural as the fight for self preservation PP Prov. Cor. Ser tury.
canal here become effective.
among individuals. Man has always fought, and so far returnereded the wenly 4u8 Afut th ceremony, Bru dala Whyte, Bu er and Rchine of Cuacil Nothe usual The administration of a new canal, if built here might us we can see always will.
lu talled Olli en the portabou of twear repast was enjual conveniently be vested in the present excutive arrange There are those who dealing with the question usually uffice aud wished iheu vucuresoj ment at Balboa Heights, whereas in another country it associate the idea of universul brotherhood with that of Chorrillo Star Lo. ige In THE ORDER OF DRUIDS would mean another administration altogether, and this disarmament; but one is a moral question while the other FRIENDLY SOCIETY stalls Oficers would mean additional expenditure in the form of sala us stnictly politics, Universal brotherhood sugg sts thr ries and privileges.
highest mural developinent in which state individurls have Panama Dist Ict Annual Meetrillo Star Lideo, No. 635. Improved The installation of fliers of the Chor.
There is nothing that could prove to be of intenzer learnt the great principles of equity, justice and right.
ing. January 15th 1921.
dup ndrat Order of Oddfellows, London benefit to Panama than accomplisment of the new project Where the absence of these elevating principles is felt Unity, took pinie nt their lulke room on here in her territory. The present canal brought about it would be nonsensical to exprct nations to throw away The meeting of the Panama the Ilth Jobusty, 1921, Pr nuptly an industrial awakening which shows itself in her inde their arms and sit comfortably in the confidence of hon District Order of Druido the clock the Grand Landke put in iis prarance Bros dney pendence and her commercial life. As the adopted child orable relations with people who possess no sense of right back at the Druido Lander McClean. Grund Munter; Che. Do of Colombia Panama remained neglected and ignored, but and who would not scruple to execute the most barbarous blueso for the evening will be the ball Coligon. Acti: Grund 20. Hurley, as the outcome of her connections with the United States practices in the accomplishment of their unrighteous cou electiou stud laun of officers Serenry; Ausrin, Grand Procurers he is a progressive goverament, enjoying the sincerest ceptions.
sive ile ensuing resto, beaten te re Kwee and Walkes, Grind Guards assistance of the greatest Republic in the Western bemis Individuals make up nations, and nations are as im qussed to be perut at pm. obarp. and Pile. Gratul Warden. The There.
pulsive and changeable as indiviuuals. If the world wants tean the most imprese Yn ceremony The fact that it would cost less money and consume to see the impracucability of the talk about disarming, Successful School Entertain when the followingficers McGovern, GP; Gittein, NG ment, Jess time in building a new canal bere than it would take let it be asked that either of he first class powers takel Sobers VG; Stewart, Pere to cut a water way through the Nicaragua route should the lead. Neither Great Britain, nor the United States Secretary :J levelesCor. Sement make the United States Congress agree to have the work nor France, nor Japan, would budge as the forerunner. the Bao u Stoian Levin Catbulie sistemul Io. 3:2, 00. Felic.
Eperiaiment by children of Kme. Elwaria performed here, and the question of its upkeep, sanitation olitical and commercial interests are too unsettled in the Cow suks, wbreda cume a fi cu the 100 B3 Hue, u. aud Duraoti and protéction would ada comparatively less pressure to. vorld 10 expect anything like a rocking chair policy among m, wanderted ru zems. The cold warden.
the financial thermometer of the United States Treasury the nations, and besides, the inilitary programs of the retail sequited themselves ereditably. At the close of the ceremony the than would be the case should any other plan be consid various countries are to prominent on the matter of amd catwu of cat ful epara on a brobiere, sisters and visitors retired to ered.
municions for the idea of disarmament to be taken seri Bob was to attendance od did bubuy. done we good things provided and be put if we teacher. Tan Bilver City the banqnet to what jource was We do not believe that any other thought woulously by any single power. and be.
of dhem as follow suereinsalieds ماما عد مما عملیاردان است مالها مسملما ما مانداسفانه به


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