
PAGB PIVO Atlantic Side News Caual Zone No. es of allen the city Session city of Vi in Claire before On Saturdas Fur is the of Pagama.
ولها باسمه ما الله عنه 90 with the UO.
واقرار روووووقه tw Arplewhite ters success in Il ne tian unbroken Service was and sen.
צמיחסון Czrmen Cemetz, Popular Candi on Monday January 3rd. Two date capable young ladies have been secured as Instructors, Miss Colon, Jan. 13. When the Carnival Etweige Lawrence of Clon, and CECILIA THEATRE it Lok will come Miss Sca Luzey of Nicaragua Para s) Club:o 10.
vites les it firth West India These instructors Gurin, the fine revue the te ted. Ten Week ve just Program for Week Ending January 21, 1921 List Mi Cuen Damn. Will at Red Tank Bac Team will no conducted Colon Ik She is likely followed by on the throueh prine they Billie Jr. Samle. how her principal of the Oik st Junior by Prof. Beyr formerly revind intri owo Terriety ot be Saturday 15 Tuesday 13 er dit to be que contides of ve College of bante of Prsion Imat Sud y mihi of Huntsville Alabam But this innen: nv The count as takin last pilt tid creditable work in this Miss Lawrence and Miss Lizey Wednesday 19 Constance Talmadge in Pair of erns are to take pl ce bir ib month.
Guillow nu Session and are conducting On h 15 Dr SB.
Constance Binney in 39 East Realart.
Silk Stockings. Seleet.
a good school. While thorough Tom n, will produce the greatest Sea.
Aline Carnen Dames 25500 ration in Mavic and Illusion et arena Firsmu.
14:50 Pathe Weekly News No. 92, work is being given in reating Paramount Magazin: N3. 333. the Parabo Clubbruce Punch and Judy 145:30 and language: special en hisis will slot part of bie renom. Ad Eums Edward 10 Oh Billy, Behave Strand Comedy, Bible pature staly. Subjects laid on matbenities. Nobody Baby Strand Comec y.
misi 15 and 30 e na Cy On Mondry nixb the 17. Read To Support Miss Jessie Szmue health and hygiene are also laid natter pertaining to cleanliness, Darce. Alartin and his us Addision Candidature Thursday 20 to the the school in an educa HI 25 od 50 redlo UNC.
The Atlantic Orchestra andouled tional way.
Sunday 16. The Cloven Tongue. Russian Art.
door, 22nd. od ek outvery braly.
the first week the school. Arrat Troncos grand musicale, on lehif fibry Club to take place to 20. to the twEnglish teachers above enrolled 34 tre in which Cristobal Gurun, noma. The Law of the Yukon. Charles pupils. In addition The 8, Club was fummurd rereply the school carries al Beating the Cheaters. Do Haven La Bon and Praiso will be pres ned, at the Cobal Blv. Ciubou e.
Miller Production. Realart.
Comedy, All friends sad loven of weldow joy.
ment are invited.
bo He Was a hero Strand Comedy. Too Many Sweethearts. Strand a of the candidates for queen of the cour is being taught daily in Gatun lug rival.
systematic way. Miss Idslia Comody.
An tuce kent program is being prepar Stephens is Spanish teacher.
ed lut ihe occasion, when many of the Miss Stephens holds a diploma Another Cricket Cluh has been ongi Friday 21 ind this Look City with Curtis local tales, including Mise su muels, of graduation from the Educa Prrsiden, Bitler Captain sed bu ibnell. musician of much pro tional Deportment George Seitz. Bound and Gagged.
Holbru Sreretary, and thry resdy having passed with Monday 17 hooors in an examination in the year 1919.
With Marguerite Courtot.
cross buts wib any other team, on the lothmus.
Frank Keenan in The Public Unity Lodge Installs She is authorized by the Superio tendent of Education to teach the Episode No. Snared.
We underetand the Secretary Egeles Colon, Jon. The members of Un Spanish Defender. Pathe.
language in element any ion of the Colored Clubhouse bus brea An Uawilling Princess.
ity Liderand vitorn from kindred ary school in the republic.
Pritsring for the fixing op play.
greities, peut very enjyatle time at The school was visited by the Cow Husband. Malt Jeff.
und for. hn color chi dren hire. If Held for Ramson.
the lodge 10th and sheet Im local Superintendent of Education this is. wr congratulate ibu kentlers eight, on the orention of ile tullatun who expressed his satisfaction Thrəs in a Row. Strand Condy.
for his interest in nur litile non and alihe prevent administration.
the location of the school and Beans for Two. Strand Comedy.
hehin efforts will be crowned with The function was well rtended, and the course of study provided the ceny Wn8 bily thil red by The School is wider the man Ward, installing her. agement of a well organized and Mr. Mabel Coulon. and taby girl Is a follow. cetticient School Board of which and showed a careful study of OBITUARY Droids ad She hords confrater. Rebub looking the pus ut health.
bave ut rulurped from trip Costa Mooing, MIN. And pistor. Reid is chairman, the subject. At the close of his nities and was y to hr JD; II. Piet, sie; Evous, and treasurer: other members are comment, the members who spoke 01 Thursday lost there ware of nr secr. The fan rale LWIE, D; Pector, Dr. Buchanan is Secretary reading there was very little for list regiing place by hundrtit Wedding Ceiesradiaa: Treasurer: Brown. Tyler. Mr A Grizzle, Limchin, and also highly commended Mr. Inid to it in the Herrer Come NON W4 Tully Ilony. Tie Flowing the us, the dipine Mrs. Walters. gout ittendance Thompson try the list mai renu Liiniry of PW was culund ou is expected and we wish to these This most lively and interest Miss Melvina longue, wat of beautiful wrahasa token of home of Mrs Les noir of Last Monday pening, at they Lory inplorees net teachers and educational promising meeting terminated at 10 20 To nam the Last Janica, their poteom. their worthy every one leaving the hill Bwl ariene this tomore thW uluvan Core. a porty of lailis and Evers, Mive Miim (now Mrs with satisfaction writted on their for the il celorlatih fun al servic. Sh on ertral Avenuto New School, enterprise. t 18 vers uni, from which she wa a memerficint tl n asenbl u at her faces.
th Colon, Jan. 10. The Colon The principal item for next woman with an Mutual Benefit Co operative So Cristobal Literary Association Tuesday programme 41 Var9 at the time of it with her over texladsome ws or juica will be of of 15 rers with tn, Pauma ath sid laves an ugod inosh of br diuxhie Ciely 5th Street and Broadway, addresses.
The Association held its rex Camille Miss Lugn was un em cr and ww. duznter. mis ahich took place on the 18th day its school Auditorio, second floor of the bar meeting on Tuesday evening Dance at Cristobal To night on the more than from Lesundes who meet themelor bomber 142 in New Yuru guy.
we understand, its estar render siucerest building, with 33 children under when it has a very full attendance The u uutisstu the jo The will known Silver City Bind of lishinent, and for many years, able management of Miss Mabel Weather condivivus being favour. Le Bone will joury this evening to the was forma) of the condolences.
of wine we e prosed with thi Ricketts, who bolds a Govern able.
Crist bl Silver Clubhouse and dispense derartinent. ller illness though expresion profesy and ment teacher certificate, from After the opening formalities the latest hits to the dance tane over mot entined 10 bed, extended ppine of the about pair. Jamaica, having taught in schools were me throuw, the regular there. All those interested in tripping over theast three months but four stories cik, which graced in thit islaud for ine period of programme was turned to the the light fantastic tve, are requested to her acrivitis only actually Rent Receipt Books In Spa ne tible born the bord ord deccra 14 years.
first item of which was a Recita The school, it is understood, is tion by Mr. B. Kinnimoth, en una de in cuppence. The full baud ceased rev day before hish and English, for sale at the tion of the original bride cake will atteudauce.
deuih. She was a member of the Workman Printery.
wa sent down from the open to the general: ublic, but titled the Spanish Champion.
State. a ouvenir 10 th noththe members of the society are the gentleman recited in his usual The cak. wstick by Miss given special facilities in lees, good style and was much Milanad Mr. Tuilt. Dancing faeir charge being one halt of the cated Second item was a song OC 20 ociocco Moc: induld in till the wall by G entitled Tale set by the Colonn always rechers Association in all Spalding hoor of the morning.
all cases.
chasing rainbow Among the present were Speaking to our representative, Nr. Spalonng sang with marked Lwis (br ber of the MC S, Ricketts, president and ease and bide) and Ms. wi, Mc ad general manager, stated in effect showing its appreciation with a Mrs Dir. Mcs. Lant that the society in opening its beauty applause The Thind item diugh e, Ruby Mr Hir.
school had entered upoil verv was a Recitation by Miss Linda is, Miss Findley, 9 19, Taill, Butcher. Kig ind others is is the intention of the Society, Ella Wheeler Wiko. this lasty elaborate program. He said that Swart entitled Baby Land by as soon things develop suthcien. Was hlle una her elucution Rose of Isthmus Installs ly, to open secondary de, ait 4th item was a New Officers ment, when it will be possible tor Relation by Mr.
West Indians residing on the lath Item No. Essuys was Mond y evenine, the 10th inet.
Senior exammation witbuut going el cience Dunbar, the great quality the Cambridge che item on the programme, the compout of a new adminis Neely, al of tration at the Rise of Isth nu Lodge, to their native land.
No 10. IO G9 ad of.
It is also understood that in the Negru Poet, the gentleman in his whole of the Winter Quite a number of visitors were present near future sewing and knitting essay of which too much cannot will be taught in connection with be said, paid the highest tribute greet the newly elected officers and on the present school bv compe. to this great Poet, the while un enjovable and instructive his teuf teacher.
admiration of his literary talents. vening was spent. The installatina and also read some quotations Respond to the appeal to Human Charity lety Wrmed by Bro.
NEW DAY SCHOOL from his genus, several members Wilson, Senir Past Supreme Couacommended Mr. Neely in his from these innocent victims of the late War. Sir Kuighle essay and asked that Mr. Neely Brown and Sraehn, who weted. New Day School has been give a lecture on that Poet on Grand Cru luetuire. The following forta p:oed by the Seventh day Sume subsequent date D, ONLY SIX DAYS LEFT FOR RAISING FUNDS se prent administration: Alien Aiventists at their church on Thompsons essay on the early Sr. chan, PD; Abe Albertbe Downie, of Third Street of Broadway Colon, English ets was also excellent and Arntre ting.
OR; Reb. com Wilie, DP: Ann For God sake don postpone your giving till it is too Pr; Relwera Cigle, Willenina late.
DC; Lindmy dost. Every day you lose thinking it over increases Suso Allen, DK; EPD: Pent; Catherine Froncien, RS PD: the suffering of these children by one day. If In Dxn, LN to you Loxar, RSO DF; Entberlin L80 fP; Agnes Armstrong, PP.
Don Soft and easy to comb? Want can afford Ten Dollars, give what you can At the cluse of the orrmony the asyour scalp cleansed of all germs but give it at once.
reably mpired to the banquet foota where ample justice ws due to the that destroy the hair Tette. scurvy, Rumptuous supper provided lur the dandruff? Want your hair to stop Subscribe to day at the American Foreign Advertise in the WORKMAN. at cnce from breaking off and fal Banking Corporation, the International Bank and get Good Results Jing out? Come 10 DAY to No.
ing Corporation, the Panama Banking Com11 Street, upstairs.
NOTICE pany, to Mr. Theo. MeGinnis, Mr.
THE Mme. WALKER Cardoze, Governor Estripeaut or Mr. Gabriel Mrs. ANNIE LINDSAY Certified Midwife and Trained HAIR CULTURE PARLOR Duque, the only authorised collectors.
Nu se, beg4 to notify her patrons and there that she hae left the Ask for Mme. Walker preparatics Isthmus for Janica where she (This space donated by the Workman Printery. exp cts to ruinin for few at drug stores.
Wakafter when she hip ta return and resume pracuica u త o bietetufuro.
appre grace the audience Help the Starving Babies in Europe being superb McKenzie the 10. 00 will care for one Baby during the showing cbr, wisted by Sir Lande, Want Your Hair Straight C Chrwear Cualue


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