
w City ar to the throne and still Dominions chance ed to a THE many hands which are wiped on the same towel are busy all day long handling gerın laden things. Books, Money, Tools, Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
GREAT SPEECH BY August hardly ow how to to any other uene PRINCE OF WALES It ke this on very kerest. com pliment, and hope they wil WATA mantinn tarogard me such, in the same way as wart Welcome Given Him in London on all the ex Service mai of the Empire to look on my as a con Retur from Extensive Tour.
MANY: ad Yon will not be sirprised to hear that fou id in both the STIRRING APPEAL FOR EMPIRE COMRADESHIP)
the ax safvir HANDS men were the bakbone of AND CO OPERATION the ountry. Think at they dil, olunteering in thousands to face WIPE London, December The the e visits by the Prince of the great ad nuure of war Prace u Wales de a wonder. Wals were nd marks in the the more thansan of mil ful perch yesterday at the history of thu Clie. wy. Can anyone dare say ia Guidol where he was formal N, Pirsidant uld have done the lace of us that we is ont condaily welcomed by the want the king has a chi vill which took our old spa Cintains his return from his Emn. the Enpre, and no President od ex lorers across the world pirtour.
son woud have the positt ne is not only alive brun thriving in Hete with modesty and accomplies what has beu don che Big British nations way?
fires, a clear, farraching by the ar to Büt Yuig Saking from a sheall The Wincef Wales, snow Tre the back bone of their peo noi la brat runt badering the trat, nud: In plus, wh ther here in the old win her them to var glad indeed to be ack int y or in the Dominions and The Ottel the Cofida il mura dinted at the po Tat is a fact that nobody can Hetid the story of his travels Pet Of All undisturbed twelv tavay frn.
At tnonth in a concie rewarkably months in the old countiyatrat told the late Lord Mayor well balanced manner. The sur that have not bad for rix at serting on behalf of the un.
powdex Sen Diise cam at the end, when he years.
passed with mutur transition Crossing this immerse dis was delighted to tind that the from his friend the tances that did in a magnifient bu insofr patria ton and the and ex Service men of Australia wis like the Reneron makes one carine for to disabled in bring to his ex Survica comrades at malise what was the spirit of carried out in both the home, the men to whom we owe those wen of old who laced un victors, who must be given a known dangers and uncharted Of course we have a far harder seas in shine which were not one problem here, because, with less The Guildhall has never listen Sixtieth of the tonnage of a mod eunployment available, we have more apt or better phras ern battle cruiser.
far larger proportion of men royal speech than from this to provide for, but know that surprising young man, and it The Old Spirit shall all of us here in the old was easy to see the qualities country do our utmost to show which made his tour 80 great a alive and making British history whom we owe victory and who The rell same apirit is still our gratitude to the nen to success The citizens of London turned in our own time 12, 000 wiles must all be given a chance.
out in their tens of thousands to awas.
Live and Work Together, cheer the Prince as he drove to Two features of my visits to the Guildhall from York House Australia and New Zealand I have one plea to make in this Arch, Northumberland Avenue, ly, a regurds the children. In of comradeship, and that is the by way of the Mall. Admiralty have very closely at heart. First connection. have just spoken PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
Victoria Embankment. Queen both the Dominions was very Apirit in which feel that all the Victor street, Queen street and struck by their appearance and British nations must live and It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy King street Learing and the wonderful way in In uis reply to the address whic which the Governments are ear together if their union is to ure.
Soap does more. It positively protects its users trom presented by the City Corpora.
Since my travels am quite the many germ laden things they come into tion, Prince said: in com. Couting on their education. One contact the truly any of their systems sute that the Dominions always mon with all my fellow Londes: pitriotism into their youth with. But we must do outre utmost to they instilled discipline and will be ready to stand with us with daily Health is stored in every tablet.
ers regard this as the greatest but militarism.
city in the wo Distant travel point of that VIEW Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will He increasing ap! you know me well into preciation or him in luence and enough to have ready guessed dreams, so that we may all of make your skin glow with health. Wasb your face with it. Batbe charm, and tind that love it what is the grcond feature that us throughout the Empire work with it. Shampoo with it.
better that come back every time have very closely a heart. chu toxether in a spirit of comrade.
and Nu Zealanders ship which bound us during the The Prime Minister Diop sed who longeit und won in the great eat war.
MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE the health of the Pince of Wales war. felt inat WAS comrade As a practical example of what st thrub que lun. 00. Mr. of the dig ders. but had not mean, all the Dominiony want LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND Lloyd Geresad: It bad be landet one moment before was po 0ulation from us, and we have come a common ac arnih huled as Deger, and by the the opulation to spare, but the neverthel as it was tru that sail from Sydes in purely business method of eni Kranton 19 no god nowadıys.
Flaming prosopetuses will not draw emigration teadily from th old country. What is wanted Si.
WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPNAY LTD. sjust plain human co operation British population is a very Vhluble ching nowadays, and INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA in ust see to it that it all remains You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED in 73 ORANGE STREET, KINGSTON, JAMAICA Let me say this and say it with dider to completel, dominate your sufferings is the famous re ou heslation, as a leson lhave OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping learned HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES from my travels during business, the past fifteen months: If we of world wide reputation for Neurasthenia, Anemia, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Debility, etc.
wo 1) Tocurry on business between Jamaici, Cuba, Hayti, are to restore our well being and For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Messrs world, it our credit in the Panama, Sew York and England.
1s necessary that every natoa of Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon, CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at el per share.
the Empire should pull with a true spirit ogether GERVASIO GARCIA. b) 40, 000 preference shares at per share.
ship and co operation in all our. CENTRAL AVENUE Agent for the Republic of Panama (c) Shures may be subscribed for as follows: 53 ;er affairs. This can be done only by share on anplication, 59. per sbare on allotment aud the ba maintaining within the nation lance as the Directors think fit.
here at home the same spirit (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors.
which links the nations of the Empire to us. e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall hold Sam Was Riht!
Dot less than 50 shares in the Company.
Everybody is just crazy over COAL MINERS STRIKE.
The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and An exchange states that Dr. Welters Tooth Powder hope to start the service about the end of September. direct West India Cable Georges Carpentier tells ap Because it the ONLY dentitioe that polishes rold in the mouth. bleaches the Seeth, retards diseases, prevents decay, and relieves toothache.
It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will from London dated December amusing story, in his reminis cences, of Sain Langford the Proo from Rrit. It lo Anticoptio 22nd, states that:avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num.
188 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th. Colon.
ber of shares. general strike of miners in coloured boxer.
Agents Wanted KASHMIR BEUATY PARLOR Distributors.
the Rhondda coal fields of South out of virtual retirement, LANK Not long ago, when brought SOLICITORS. Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St. has been declared in conford was Kingston, Ja.
Ocean sequence of the refusal of the ford was put up against a brother Coal Co. which operates cathe Negro. It was arranged that several local pits to reinstie here should be no knock out all men dismissed blow. The atsir, which was one DIRECTORS that their work was not re of six rounds, was to go the limit, CA. CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President to take the form of an munerative to DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; DR. Sr. Cyn.
Forty. tive thousand men cerned in the strike are In the second round Langford DR. OSWALD ANDERSON, TULLOCH BINHAM to persuade thº South Wales received a terrific blow in the JOHN WHITTINGHAM, GRANT, Miner: Federation to call out all jaw, and down he went. His vrou MISS LENA SANDFORD. Secretary.
the Welsh miners to enforce the er Negro believed that he had sed Sam out but Langford OWNED BY relastatement of the eleven mand scrambled to his feet, and almost the withdrawal of other similar simultaneously the bell went.
The National City Bank of New York APPLICATION FOR SHARES notices of dismissal.
The round was over. Coming up for the next round, Langford Head Office: 55, Wall Street BRITISH CONSULATE walked to his man and sbook bin WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
cordially by the band.
Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 73 Orange Street, Kingston his opponent. The under mentioned ex sol: this ain the last round, Sam. beg to apply for. shares of vach in the West diers of the British West India Oh, yes, replied Langford, Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Indian Steamship Co. Ltd.
Regiments are requested to sup. guess it is; certain it is. It is Depository of the Panama Canal herewith send you 59. per share with this application ply the British Consulate Gen the very last round. believe me.
eral at Panama with their pre. And it was, for Langford and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 5s. per share and to make further payments as indicated in bs. per Throughats Agencies in the Interior and sent. Post Office addresses so promptly stretched his opponent that King Certificate on Dis on the floor of the ring.
its Foreign Branches this Institution offers the accompanying Circular.
charge may be sent to them.
exceptional banking facilities.
Name in fun Lunch No. 14613; McLean Address.
14063; Narr No. 15716: RobinOccupation.
soa No 14531; Hutchinson TEACHER: ELLER EN GOPAL DAT No. 14526: Hylton No. 15990; RESIDENCE Martiet Street, Colon, Interest Paid on Savings Account at Por Cont Date.
Rose No. 15487: Reld ADDRKOS: Bo 87. Cristobal 4219; Gibeon No. 13660; John Music, Spanish and Evening Lessono Per Annum No. 12266.
At Vorv Moderate Price LLLLLLLLS LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLL SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE Batish of com Try atin to day Box 738, Cristobal, Wales las the gro re and was the Company. exhibition.
INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Con a Say, Said le. Nach Goddard Moreno. Llewellyn Kerr Drafts;on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands cent and SLEET. CEL


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