
THE WARKVAN, BATIONSV. JAVIARY IK, 1991 PAGE SEVEN Interesting News from West.
Notice! Notice. The West Indian Steamshlp Co. Ltd.
ASK FOR 73 ORANGE BT, KINGSTON, JA, ZION Brand Margarine altero klade The Company is paying on Preferencial shares We piy promptly because we can afford to pay Our overwhelming success is assured We have secured and are opera ting one ster the first of the lot plinned for We are completing arrange mints to open up the Bicas, Colon, Jamaica, Cuba traile and ve want much more money.
We Te are offeri in our For eign Sectin 100. 000 of stock at pr thare. If our friends need the assistance we desire to give, they ought to come forward in a body and take up prery cent of this 100. 000 of stock.
We hope sont declare a sub Atantial dividend in ordinary stock.
We pause, and await your reC. CAMPBELL IT IS ENGLISH o clock.
tury bis During rink laxation For sale everywhere in Panama driy 603 and the day of Application for Shares tribute paid his The West Indian Steamship Company, Ltd.
73 Orange St. Kingston, Ja. brg to apply for. sharpe o ach in the West Indian Šteams hip Co, Ltd. hereby reid jou 250 pe hare with this aplication and agree on notification of all tirent of same to pay 250 per har beg to apply for shares each the West Indian Stram pin Co. Lid.
lher with Phdon to cover cost and await notification of allo: mnt.
Name in full.
retined 54119t. Continued from Page 2)
act orm. At 170, Skinner at. performances of Challenor empted the impossible and was (261) and Ince 118 Derun out. It was a reviettable claring their inninge closed, the ceurence for he was well set home team sent in Pickwick on and scoring with that ease which Saturday and by very solid and betokens form. His contribution dogmed defence, of which the was 63 Dillon) Ince joined Fontabelle team is most cap ble, George, and there was re com they compil 320 runs for the menced a new inuing. Both ni loss of wickets H Tarilton, playd determined brilliantly Pickwick skipper, and idly. By George, Ae of the kane did he mond mounted and the scorel with Gibraltar like 21 vero hodox shop was employed alter his tacties and berome er.
in njunction with the he livening, or cheer inspiring frequently drew on his bix re With a vlacial steadiness he dee serve of original flourishes. His find time and criticism, and genming was marvellous and his rously helped the bowlers to inimitable wiist dieks, so Ranjit guin averages which a tittie dash smjhian in their perfectitude might have easily distigured. Tx and giace, were the artis icon rilion saved his team, but he tribution to a 385. the tinest left hander bucal bantly; for there was no risk in a o perfect das Au could have saved it more brilcricket has produced, tell a vio little slushink after tim to catch by the wicket The circumstances certainly кеер. He bud pas ed his ce the contribution was 118. her rape in his Stern defence 150 duing bad and di played all but there was no danger in ro of.
11 of his time and credite plared of side by his clean, crisp cut game for 91, He was free in bais stay he had terrorised the Archion towards the close.
Link, and placing, and puzzled acidun, hard driving and safe, and the inside by bis wonderful was the one bright attraction in force. He left nothing undone a day commonplace perform hat he could bave done.
It wns a pits that he his performance by failed to gain bis century, for be the crowd Have you seen the great bultuous.
Sincere and tum played in a manner that deserved DRINK MUSCDINE PUNCH pain sale in Fine English Woolafter being jived it and, with a fascinating that ens for xmas all double width Holgon, whº followed Ine.
was admirable, selling at 25 to 00 gold Jouble century amidst tremend reached bis chanceless Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refresh per yard formerly Sold at 00 Agricultural Jottings ous and sustained cheerx. and 10. 00 per yard. Then se cute later he had acknowledg ing beverage. Once drunken you will forget to David Cardoze Store For (By Plar. Correspondent)
Root Beer and all other aerated drinks.
merly Chong Kee, opposite oft ed the compliment by bitong The fortnight just end has Panama Lottery Office.
not been particularly eventful.
CALL AT THE ortily for six, and to a reliljer Tha rainfall for the period Boy.
of the compliment, he with another six and unci ered has not been all that culd Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane Rent Recept Books in Spon. fours a other is. From the be desired. Inded it has been Ruotsinjbia the brim var Ish and English, for sale at the Habs tuni, Gr. On Sunday.
and Secure same for your Xmas Drink Wɔrkınan riabi.
ant ist fill, for the time re Waves and audit inspirin: cita acter azeri sees more than about she of Jessup With ut reserv, 5) pirts. The old cares meve Xoxocare Yooooooooooo consideration or any of the resultered as a result. There training in tl seno s, he tigurish hw ver. possibility of experti went at slow, medium pacel. tionis being somewhat surprised fast and xd d and by good turns at buffed and lifted until the plantations should ball seemned tired, but wo tired the weather again change for to protest. the farthest ex the better. At any rate there tremity of the ground one life will be at least two fifths of the seemed imperilled by the rocket slat that will not be lew men produce more than there were lew men half of their who were not hoarse when it was list year crop, and with the GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST all over. At 12 George was pro was prospuct of much lowered values 200, at 25 tie was 261. His first for produce, those owners who because he had become magni: per 100 ibs for sugar basis will chance was given nally given purcha «ed propertieso. a 20. 00 De Beyaand me uperebly reckless be pincluing themselves to find tently a nervous and leg weary field be or not. The young canes plant gave two more to out whether they are sleeping fore he was taken on the bounded during mid November are ary by Kidney. He had been growing nicely: but the later IN THE kulty of the most electrical explantinks are wiff ring for want hibition of wielding ev. lof nature encouragement.
and the Vegetables The prices of these have fallen pla; cricket, quietly ani deten considerably. And now that posivily. withole and tatres locally grown, and alpusly and offensively, alter imported. are being sold at a reasouhive hals miny rur As son able tigure, the food problero are necessary are cry The winterers of the labourer is not so puzzling play produced 461 for and dificult as it was forgerly.
wickets. The same will be con Plantation News tinued to duy under we hope the On Saturday, cember 4th, ost favourable conditions. Moncrief, St. John, and Fair. later issue of the same pa. field. St. Phili, were apprais per says the tirst eleven give to 25 000. The properties bebetween Wanderers and Pick longed to the Godinx Brothers, wick at the Bay was concluded But owing to the ach of one of on Saturday last, the ing a a draw, as was necessarily into chancery in order to obtain inevitable as long as both trams partition suit. As an instance were favoured with good wick. of decreased values it may be inets. The Wanderers, on the first teresting when state that at day of play, raised the main the end of May of this year moth total of 464 for the loss of 50, 000 was offered and refused wickets thanks to the brilliant for the same plantations.
13 Wendt bowling one at gone me favner BUSINESS MEN ably situat Rent Receipt Books In Span.
Ish and English, for sale at the Workman Printery.
able to ing hits Notice జయజయవ ADVERTISE To all Fraternal Organizations: Plea ed be informed that the Na.
tional Progress Hall, situated in Chorrillo Avenue, is now ready for rent. All up to date conve.
niences, roomy, airy and confort ble. Terms moderne For fur.
ther particulars pply to FINN Box No. 668, Balboa, in Willow ay tup form leseparatory, as well How to buon in this Colony, display gave boring, and VIE را runs NOTICE WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
day The West Indian Stearship Co. Limited Persons desirous of obtaining olares in the above company ay now do so by applying, if in writing address: Box 887, Cristobal on if in person at office.
No. 44 Bottle Alley between 6th and 8th streets. Colon. ALEX KENNEDY, Topresentative for the Company resul them.
estates have had to TO PARENTS Why are you go selfish and. unkind to your children? Why have you neglected their eyes 80 long? You seo that their eyes are weak, painful and watery.
They even complain to you about them, yet, you continue to beglect them.
The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of Kashmir Beauty Parlor any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama. The Parior or Satlatactlon Scalp and Pacial Treatment, Maniouring Shampooing. Hair Straightening Hair Growing, Hair Dressing. Hair Dyeing. Facial Blemishes removed. Coras cured Equipped with electrio vibrator, electrie somb, electric hair dryer, and other modern appliances. WAVE YOUR HAIR WITHOUT EEXTRA CHARGE Two Private Apartments. Best Result, Lowest Prices Mme. Anita Patti Brown, world famed prima donna whom wo treated to her ontira sailufaction, rocommend. us.
Mmo. ROBERTS, Beauty Specialist, Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, a Therefore THE WORKMAN is a paying Advertising Medium Do you wish to see them blind or have their vision impanied in their early years? should say not. Then it you want to make bright men and women of the children God has given you, if you desire to see them progress in their studies and acquire good educution, il you are intererted in their future welfare, DO NOT eglect their Maty a hope a hopeless care of bao eyes cou y a competent eye specialist was consulted when the tint and slightest signs of eye liouble appard.
If you are in doubt of your own eyes or the eyes of your children, see that you consult Dr. BUCHANAN Renowbed eye specialist of New York No. 162 Bolivar Street, Coioa La front of Mouse Temple Bldg.
Jungeses could have been saved LET GET TOGETHER Resolved that the price of Dressmaking must be reduced.
if only ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable. SA


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