p. 8


los AGITATION IN JA MAICA Continuation of the Stupendous Universal Serial Re; orted In England That People e Cianouring For The Change.
men THE BLACK BOX Thousands of. The West Indian INDUSTR AL HOUSE Continued from page 3 and Cash Streets, cm Lg slatin at th Hotel tor on Ofers exceptional bargains in Deem 29 and 20 will be con SHIRTS, HATS, CHILDREN cerned chilly with a di cussion of plans for combatir unem GARMENTS, ETC. ETC.
nt and indo trial uniet Al Made. ure sin and for the nec: ac merit of health Dress Making a Speciality, ws for wave earning families, cluding mare nivy priterion CARNIVAL CUSTUMES There will also be a discussion of all description to be had at of merxercy legi lation by Co moderate price ess to extend the protection Place your ordere early, of workmen compensation in to injured longshore men and sea AMY MORGAN, Pretro Pofessor Herry Sager, who was secretary of the Pris Tha Classical and iden Induri Conf rence, wil preside at the afternoon Commercial Schcje Ion on c. 30 Spikers will include Meger Bloointi ld, I.
Stone, Sinney Hillman, Artur No. 2, Calle Domingo Dlaz Hatch and Oto B1944, Ann, Malley ull to store workmen ELEMENTARY AND HIGH Compensation to maritim uok SCHOOL COURSES ers will be discuss. at another Sesion by diew Furu eth. Day and Night Sessions President of the Inti rrational SUBJETS: Aritmetic, Alena amen Union; V Connor Geonetry. Brock Jln Cuxhin ad Leonard writing thind. Eish, in Hatch. Thomas Chabour up. Presidente Assic Doorns nf French vanish Tuitin Grainer, et: will pr sid. at this session, Scho now in tesvion Lillian Wald, of Henry Street Songs. a.
Settlment, will preside at the uary 17, 1921, 31 30.
morning session on Dec. 50, wb. nl gisia ion for ma ernity ROBERT LINDSAY, protectio, buth deruland (Cainb. Senio)
State, will be considered.
Principal Worts Daire berr ALBOA EST EER REWED AFTER SHAVING USB DI DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC It feels fne. Prevents soreness, chappiog, burning, aftlag, If you shave often, you can do without it Inoxpensive, easy to use. Just a dash in your bowl of water keep your face smooth and sunfortable. pleasant, satisfactory mouth wash. Use it for dobio Iteh At your druggists. You need it.
Surrey defəats Standard.
There is a limited amount of LUNG GERMINE THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE 167 BOLIVAR STREET fine assortment of Canal stone rings fresh supply of wristlet watches of solid kohi and gold tilled with high grade moveineuts, silver table sels, dia moud rings, dia nond ja valiers. Initial buckles, belts, baiety razors, fountalu pene, ete etc.
Fully one thousand rings of all descriptions to choose frou. 10 discount ou all purchases commencing Jan. 15. WILLIAMSOX, Propriet or Indone in ito issue of Br December, putribed the following Ercle in its Jomies ele pode ul.
under the bendix Weet ludi u Hote RJ Jata, and, in ded, thrughout th Both West ludus. Cras Colony Genel hulee me puguito all 11 in Du Du went retea de at the boot sell nigbattist MI Atle Liaislaive elections Parly this ye. viry member was le tu td widte to a for chanele Cubisti ution, and citite of the Lit Council in leo ER Rid in pratik a total to the CRV Dae Irebe Colbies ark.
box thata kuyal Commits should be eut to Jasica to Inquire into the pol.
tel, odditio to uber cundus oblading lere. Early bext year the to bi ot the Irgisture will priced to Loudon to pre ut the case of Jamaica to the creary of State for the Culunkalbe Leser Antilles buve already prepared plats fur alike depulation wib the neend in View bur chance from an attenust syal of BOV Feat finde expression in Brius GB, sod Leward and Windward Islande, Tridad, and muien, and friends couetturonal governeut u everywhere bebelul that the luperial Goveruutut will Outridur ad frate Blue by wtb ole eo be brouge abuut. The fitueut syntetu is critic sed as stilling the vule of the repl; Crunn Goveral, a lo chord, is aut cric aud de Guverture to tuny fiut wie wie twit vructuurt the pics representative de talu ever Liu. Beture 1886 Janica had constituHuw, wouied by Charles Il, which was It the It Outsieu of a Guveru, Pe Council, a gislative Couteil au mua buty of 41 en Catal Bewbs.
In that year this Constitution was sur reude rodada Leative Crucil esta TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ol Led list au equat tur al othelb uuu. cu un tras la 1895 chine was utileu bytur Coul.
Gil Cutbud ut lae Guvetuur, five ex.
MO officio urut, aud ur poulie exs tuila 10, atid 14 putus to le el ciu, wiha Privy Council which is the Executive Cuuucal, 18 experiment in Crown Colony. at the Vertime we pt ved expensive. Nor e the tuletenie uf 1895 be consid e:edu proverbeut. The Privy Coun oil is a modell vurde. It is tode up of officials, the commander of the forces, ad a couple of Paters. There is tu Tepi Pentative of the pe ple at ita sit ki, bo one to do thatters ad on taxpayet check extravu 00 in the bus of Le Privy Coud.
and the Gvernur bed is more or lees puptet However, weil di puerd or obet wise he may be to projeole of legislation, he must act clearly on the Advice of the Council, though, as it is boutinually Netw Colony, bie bouy dues not represent the peuple of Jamsion a wtube.
It may be mentioned bere that BerFREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE muda, Bari abus, ad Babins Lavro Presen auve gvernmeut, but most of thu West Indian coluutes buve praoil ACAJUTLA cally bode. Juision and fuw dibero buvo un dioum of representat ve inti will leave Cristobal a, m, will leave Balboa, ROOD FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1921 for tutione. It is this bybrid government with a permanent BUENAVENTURA and TUMACO.
dojurity in the House which is a perpe taulinitat destroying initiative, to. BARIMA tarding development, and stranghuk opi will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, THURSnion. The pooltiva, 100, of the GoveroDAY, JANUARY 20, 1921, for or I rebident of the House is objectPuntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corintu. Amapala, La Union, lonable. Bute 25 years go it was La Libertad, Acajutia, San Jose de Guatemala aud thought advisable to remove the Guv.
oroor from this compromising position, CHAMPERICO.
but for some reason which required ex planation de returned. CAUCA The establishment of reprerentative will leave Cristobal A will leave Balboa, noon FRI.
government throughout the West Indies DAI, JANUARY 21, 1921, for would wenn a ubitor system of admin Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta, Cayo, Ballenita and Istration and would bave the effect of GUAYAQUIL bringing the colonies into closer louch with each other. In its turn a coutouS. DRITA il sense thus awakened would lead to lederated West Indies, as a prelimin will leave Cristobal, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1921, for arv to the tuin of domininn.
Newport News, La Pallice and United Kingdom NOTICE ORBITA will lense Cristobal, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921, for Newport News, La Pallice and Cnited Kingdom.
HONESTY SEEKS All men who worked on the For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at Dock at Buenaventura, Colombia, CRISTOBAL and contributed to the Injury.
Fund are asked to communicate or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, at once with the British Consulsto Buenaventura.
PANAMA SCHRILS. Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Mc. Sul Agentia Cable Office, The Royal Mall Stone Paolo Con, Paasms Buena cutar People Drug Store Calidonia and Chorrillo They are going fast, get yours YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT deeply Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
That the goods we sell are exactly as represeated We guarantee them so. Proinpt, efficient and satisfactory service in the interest of our customers is our constant aim and purpose.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jowelry and expert repairing. Call and visit, FULLER JEWELRY STORE, 122 Central Avenue, Panama.
tbe when the huwever, this Date of The Surrey and the Standard met in a Spalding Cup match lat Sundy at the Standard Oval. The wicket was in eplendid condition, and when the Surrey CC won the 108 and Bent Standard to be bit, it was thought boy be supporters of the Surrey C.
that a big mistake had been tnade. The bowers of the Surrey bowled excepti polly well and the entire Standard eleven went down for 62 runs. The only men on the Stundud side to reach double fixures was laynes who recured 13 to his credit. Afur the usual recess Surreynd its innius with De.
Scusa sua Thomas. Souea wa BOUD sent back to the pavilion, being taken at square leg oft Forde, Juha then joined Thouse and more pretty play was reed.
The bowling of the of the Standard was very ken, and runs Caras slowly. Eventually John was bowled by Welle who had replaced Forde, and Clarke who took his place was soon run out in attempting to seal a short run. Lynton now came in, and together he and Thomas carried score to 62 for the loss of wickete, the mosteh was stopped owing to the fact that fight had been staged to take place there Thomas who leads in the Chetnical Hall Cup made 32 bot uut aud Lyoton 18 bot out.
Game for To morrow Jamaica vs, Surrey at Isthmian Park.
UMPIRES Collins and Coulthrust.
There is always big orowd when these teams weet, and it is expected blist the crowd to morrow will beat all reourds What makes this matchmure interesting is the position in which these ciuca stand relative to the cup.
Surrey Jamalca Match Burrey CC, the bacon gatherers of the Gittens Competition for two succes ive reasons; winners last Suson of the Spaldink Cup; and leaders in this 19201121 race for the latter tropby, meets the Jamsios at Isthmian Park to tortow.
The Jamaica flushed with its roceat victory over the Super CC. of Coloa. is is brimful of cupfigence, to handing out a roasting to its opponents, but the boys of the old reliable Surrey when told of this abake their heade with grim smile that admits of no question to their being certain of the issue. At Any rate whatever may be the right dope, what we are aboolutely sure about is that the keep rivalry existing between these two teams and the strength of their respective line upe en repimo worthwhile going any distance de re FACTS CONCERNING YOUR GAS METER Every Gas Meter is tested and sealed by the Manufacturer in the United States before shipment to us. On arrival at Panama we re test every meter before we install it in your home.
We Absolutely Guarantee the Accuracy and Correctness of Every GAS METER PANAMA GAS CO.
AT Cathedral Plaza YOUR Tel. Toe SERVICE COLON GAS CO.
13 Bollvar St.
Tol. 364.


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