
ક ન fata ser 37 2000 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Hos To THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANBARY. real PIEDMONT VIRGINIA CIGARETTE ation The COOL MLD Smoke With that lingering taste not have to And the Sherlock, MOISTURE PROOF Secretarresident said that they had he to be if they did that, it was king he was understood that el in the There is still more digging for Jamaica Demerara god going on in another district, Dit am waiting developments before reporting this transac Refiners Fail to Ful4, 000 Ton Sugar were very whera to know that is It would for peo Factory they ever were to succeed in fil Contracts finding Spanish donloons that a law was passed in 1886 or there.
Rumour of Condtions in Ca.
WILL BE ERECTED AT abouis, am informed on goud.
nada Causes Acute Situation SEVEN RIVERS.
authority, saying that any gold og up in the island would be in Demerara Sugar Industry late issue of the Gleaner claimed by the Government The states that week by week lurge Government has recet recently pur THE Consideration of Reciprocal achymes are being propounded chased the old tavern at Blue for the great development of tields, formerly be ongine to the Treaty Postponed intil sugar in this ward; and we are to Haughton James, Esq. for Position Remedied in a position to announce this 1, 000 pounds sterling for some horning that a company has years they have rented the dwell been tur med to ercet a big sugar ing houses as a police The following is taken from factory at Seven Rivers in the and court house. But the whole the Demerara Chronicle of parish of St. James.
property which they recently November 25 As newspaper readers are spt down Mr. Surveyor Hem special Council meeting of the Gaorgetown Chamber of ware, that property in questioning to surv. y contains about has in the past been largely cul 11 acres. It abounds in Guinea Commerce was held in the Extivated in bananas, but the grass, bread fruit sugr Room at 30 a. and other change for the purpose of onn.
on boom has led the owners to join sters, and almo hone, a closed up sidering an acute situation that or in scheme for the conversion store and some other builoings.
now confronto the sugar indus.
estate. We learn that the propo ernment wants so much Yand for try of this colony, in view of cer.
dal in to to put up a 4, 000 ton court bouse, and why the tain advices which have been re.
vory capable of extention as time inhabitants of the disuriat should ceived. Mr. Farrar presided, the latest and most ena ing a few acres of it, since an opportunity of pur gordate there were also present machinery will be APG Austin and Mr.
acquired. One of on the prime po land around here is offered sall, Vice Presidents, Hon.
movers in scheme is Mr.
for sale, and many of those who AUSSTA, Gray.
lobn Charley, who is now in have got money from Cuba Dalgleish, England arranging details in would buy it if they were allowed connection with the project. It 10, even at twenty pounds an Palrauneau, Smellie Guy, Hon.
is learnt that the cane farmers acre.
to the Cambridge district are Recent Arrival from Cuba rather jubilant over the scheme PACKETS OF 20 met that morning to conand Among the people who have sider the sugar situation. He had And every effort is being made to plant out large areas in canes recently returned from Cuba is revived information that the itie pre for the factory when a Iva ion Army Captain who Atlantic tineries. Lid. bud etdd has come to Sav la Mar for fur: intimat their inability to fulfil It was was reported that Messrs. tough. Describing the present contract and Ludros. were interested in conditions there, he says that in Very the scheme, but yerlerday a re. the part where he was localed, authorised capital of 750 000. Te probabile debate other refiners presentative of the Gleaner the people have been wo was some nx mooths or more and the result would be an ex.
Paw Mroci Lindore medicae receiving no waxes in cush, but would be in the same position from the beginning of November, THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT ago since rumours of a big mer and denied that his firm were tioan began to spread tremely dangerous situation of cially iniprested, alihough he merly orders to the ci around, but alihudikhº it was the colo mmissa colony.
thought expressed the opinion that it ry for food; and that even the No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE goliations correct that a very grat num.
would be a good thing for a fac washer women have to be patis.
Were proceeding, notOK deti of the estates in the colony tory to go up at Sven Rivers, tied with similar treatment. And and the hope that the fun ound he says that many there would First Class Meals served at all hours nile was given out. It has how have made shipments to the Ato ever been announced in the lantic ketineries, Ltd. they Ing planters would support the be willing to work for half island that a has been we Company Were scht me.
EARLY TEA AND COFFEE perhaps the largest buyers her a day, could they but get it.
formed and registered under the of Demerara suger und if the Also that hundreds would return foregoing uitle for the purpose ed the resuits would be very far other refiners are similar affectto Jamaica if they had their pas. Special accommodation for Ladies of acquiring a controlling boter Latest Events at sage money to do so.
basiness of Messrs Da reaching The estates in this TIDY AND POLITB TERS Bluefields Harvest Festival Service Costa und Company and Gardiner calony have sold their sugar in Aualin aod SERVICE UPTODATE.
Company Ata harvest festival thanks which were advance at certain prices and as rekistered as Ltd. Liability Com the market went up wagos wens giving service held at Grace Hill Story of Gold, a Spanish Baptist Chapel on Tarr day, there Lid, Wilkinson and company up cortospondingly and cannot panies, wianning and and now be baco be brought down at a mo.
Jar and Adventure of a Wan Red. Whitwand Biue comSupon, sont Memasa by ment petition, which attracued a full the retiners would be sold at French Professor be and mile attendance. Unlike similar and Challenor The two sacritice and this might mean function reported in the Gleaner, THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE ist named firms are now the ruin to very many tirms at well EXPERIENCES IN CUBA where four deacons were dress course con OnPsion into limite as individuals in the colony. He ed to reprenent the four Evan gelists: that they should do Matthew, 167 BOLIVAR STREET liability compau. es and me gistered at an Bar they nou date. The event.
early in their Harvest Festival Thanks saalison Mandele Mark Luke fine assortment of Canal stone rings, fresh supply of directorate will be reca will be composed of impress the Oanaula. Per to piving Service held at the sonated Father Christmas, there wristlet watches of solid kold and gold filled with high the partners or directors of the ernment the serious effect their any grade movements, silver table sets, diamond rings, diamond mentioned, and it is Companies iner action Grace Hill Baptist Church kind draw crowds, or to cause in withdrawing the rela valliers. Initial buckles, belts, salety razors, fountain understood that several of the strictions on prices entorced dur any excitement whatsoever. The most influential planters of the ing the war and outil quite reo ham (From the Gl aner) Rev. Kirkham, pastor pens, etc, etc.
of island have already intimated cently would have on Canadian the church. pre ided, and was Fully one thousand rings of all descriptions to choose their intention apply for credit and prestige in this colony Bluefields, Friday The Bed: assisted by Messrs. Phillips, from. 10 discount on all purchases commencing Jan. 15th.
lamites (as correspondent of Pieswn, and McDopaid, shares in the Company. The men and the West Indies, and that it yours calls them) are not the theological students. WILLIAMSON, Proprietor who have been carrying on the Might Affect the Ratificaonly foolish people in this island Not only brao kind and fruit, negotiations and shaping, and tion of the Reciprocity after all; while they profuss to but some small animals were directing the formation of the be anxious to go up before brought to the harvest festival; new the Barba dos Adapve Fod Treaty their time, we have some who not inclnding a cat in acutiocue con gratulated on the success which He would like to hear what the are far more other members had to say on down for hidden treasure. some basket, which was sold to a man allowed YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT As result of this months ago, in a certain district watch howed it to escape and buck to. of this enlightened parisb, a few who give it, where it was, she there will be two great combines Mr. Sherlock said he thought old silver coins were really found 8vid, likely to steal strongly worded telegram during some Plaotations should be sent to the Premier ot Rutbrytbing!
excavations, and before she Lid. which despite the winister Canada and also one to Mr, upon the strength of this That the goods we sell are exactly as represented French professor in Kingston, profitable time was spent, and At all events, pleasant and rumours recently afloat will in Macaulay and the Presidents of We guarantee them so Prompt, efficient and satis all probability weather its storm the Chambers of Commerce of wrote to the owner of the land the procet ds Lust have amounted factory service in the interest of our customers is our Barbados and Trinidad asking nying that a large number of envelo to syme pounds, includink gold coins were deeper down, opes sules and collections. In constant aim and purpose.
for their co operation in mat ind that he would be willing ter.
able to recover them for fifty wbite and blue many red, and deed there were so Merchants Cutting Prices. Mr. Cressall said that a teleFor reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry con pounds paid in advance. Altertaining money, that they could envelopes and expert repairing. Call and visit.
come correspondence, twenty. not be emptied. and the exact says that dry woods merchants thought that the Chamber of The Barbados Advocate gram had already been sent by the Planters Association, but he five pounds were forwarded to amount known before the pastor are cutting their prices, but Commerce should still send one him, and the other half paid him and his asbistants left for their FULLER JEWELRY STORE, owing to the reduced purchasing in support of the one sent by the on his arrival at Mt Blank. The respective botes.
Gransaction was of course kept 122 Central Avenue, Panama.
powers of the masses, there is Planters Association.
but lite response to the reducsecret, and the Spanish jar tion, and sales are not as brisk Mr. Austin Bald be would have been lifted on the 1st as is Barbados at this time of the understood that at the meeting usual pro year even in pre war times. The of the Planters Association is found at the last moment Banks have shortened credit and was decided that all the heada That he had forgotten to bring money is very tight. Thus the of the principal firms along wi with him some smina cool. The Commerce of LET GET TOGETHER re acuon from the big credit the President of the Chamber of is used by Jocomotives which bolstered up speculation Commerce and the President of This was indispensable, he said. Barbados is most sever ly, felt, and it is the Planters Association should When asked whether some bleek Resolved that the price of Dressmaking must being questioned in high com mer interview the Governor on the Smith coal was not the same.
be reduced.
cial circles whether the extreme natter.
ho exclaimed, decidedly colg Registering of the Barbastringency now observed is not am surprised at you! But he dos Shipping Trading Mr. Cressall remarked that operating against recovery. Mr. Brassington would interexplained that it would only THE WOMAN EXCHANGE View the Governor at about Co. Limited, Takes loan one day postponement since he could go up Monipel 20 Place.
Dr. LOWE a that morning for Railway Siation the uextra los It was decided to despatch the DRESSMAKERS, mornid. We supply from AN IMPORTANT STEP.
To following cable approved of by L, Edin. the meeting to Mr. Arthur MetLocomotive driver. who was dient of his, and then return the NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA ghen, Premier of Canada. Sle 139 CENTRAL AVENUE Georg Poster, and that copies e gyoning to do the listing An exchangoane: Bon of the PANAMA CITY of the ouble be sent to ke.
hole during the moonlight. But moue important developments in to the pressat he has not reche. commepolal history of Barba ANNR. THOM3.
Orto Mouth Macaulay and the Barbidos and Trinidad Chamber of Commerce arned from Montpeter, levity dog was confummated on the soking for their help and o0 per would neem, gone up 2012 November when the Barba Proprietreon.
ata on the matters Kirgston to wait for the next doo Bhipping and Trading Com.
11. Bon 790 Phonet; jome 04 Romoured faktura Canadian paay, Lid. was registered with Anca, Beside Idade 1002 de Page on Govo ather the pastor imper kas no outward display of says the ate are to be keen digging Bas so far covered their efforts the subject.
on ket in the island merger the new. combiding produce, there bere Beason.
the Postuhy, but. Well, the cuch


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