
FATIMA CIGARETTES ATAAN SUR for precious have. FATIMA 477444 od fro 8 TURKISH CIGARETTES cent Cameron Jabel is issued by dowachen to move so AN TOBACCO CON OK CO 15 Cents Package Made in the of the best Tobaccos THE WORKMAN SATURN JAVUA 29, 1921 PAGE THRER Panama District, Order of There is no. Better Than Annual Meeting the Best.
The monumention of the Passes District Order of Druide 8, fork place on Saturday, the 15th January, 1921, at the Druids Indee hall, 20ch allowed to pick ner choice, Central The following officers would have nose but the best of overy ale obed and installed to mere for the thing: yet it in and to oy that our pro Sesr 120 ple on the Isthmus at the son of the Lastence Ramnay, DOM, from health, jump at ovary box pateat med Brilia Pride Lodge No. 2343: Charlo: u Corbin, DGG, from Royal Vilcine placed on the market; especially toria Lodz, lon; Thomas Hordley, it is nice to tako. M. re elected) Perwe Such risk senerally prove harelul. ance Lode No. 2202; Williams Bee many of the new dope or nothing but skie, District Treasurer, fram Brite in fakes. and should be carefully avoided.
Pride Lodge, No 2343 When obt ining your medieiar, el The installation ceremony www per the best. The best is always that which forted by Bro. Julius Harding, SP. well tned and momended by the mujority. Remember, dat experiment with be, it is LA BOCA LITERARY SOCIETY eat the indisputable right of bring Members of the La Bocs Literary the best Patent Medicane on the lub Society and their friends aprot a very good. It has wond the test of mus.
Let no one fool you you, another enjoyable time at the clubhouse last fat ycare treatment, and holds the Chamurday night, 18th inst. when the Society planship of the World. monit beld ia of soriel.
Millions have been oured, and milione Card, chockers and domino ramo continent.
are now under treatment from every were indulged in while o bere wbirled to fro in the spicious hall enlivened by This statement is baoked up by tacte selected music furnished by the Victrols.
Advice from the master rende: Due to the Alte refreshments, including puante, o many por orders that are being in daily from ice cream, cake and mandwiches, were from all parts of the world served. Mr. Jump introduoed there ancora una co od the Frontly faced the demand for DoWitt Pallo, bare Csir Deace in which on ceeded is holding baie found it start to finish. 11 59 when Me Road, Bail Croydon, London notory grounds at Ohorty One ME SUCCESSORS to Cameron Coltiae, President of the Boulety, bio pered the news around that Sunday ww Stars now. Sold at all lending Drug The right treatcoat la Wit at the doors brought a sad well Skores, and to swaye la lock the pe time that will lieger loop ontbeberal depot.
stede of thom who were proreal to 55 Tuonday wight, the 26th, Dt. KE THE CITY PHARMACY, Lowo will deliver address before the 189, CENTRAL AVE, PANAMA Society. tbe seboot of which will be se nounced later.
Dr. Hoffman Llewellyn Kerr has reopened his clinio for gen TEACHER: ETTEICOLE ALTRO oral practice for gynoonlogica COLHER DET, COTO cases and urological disorders of 2015 RESIDENCE. Market Street, Colon, both sexes. Diseases of the blood toil ADDERS: Box 37. Cristobal 0, treated in accordance with the Music, Spanish and Evoning Lessons latest German discoveries. Ap Atvory Modorato Pries. plication of the Genuine Germa 606 and its latest modifestions per คน นอน 26 Apatien (1495 and Silber salversan. The Classical and Telephone No. 746 Commercial Schojo CENTRAL AVENUE, NO. Opposite Amador Theatre No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz Box 1044, Ancon, C, cirati ELEMENTARY AND HIGH TO PARENTS SCHOOL COURSES Why are you so selfisa and unkind to your children? Why Day and Night Sessions have you neglected their eyes SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra, long! You see that their eyes Geometry. Bookkeeping. Tyne. are weak, painful and watery.
writing, Shorthand, English, Ele. They even complain to you about nents of French, Spanish and them, yet, you continue to neglec Resolution of Sympathy Latin Grammar, etc.
London Talk About Circles oth here and in Coen. As she spent some time here dur.
School now in session. Pay higen is will she be able to ing the war acting a nurse or School re opens Monday, Jan Charming Danish Princhar in the Prince of Wales to invalided soldiers. She is fond Whereas it has pleased the All wiseuary 17, 1921, at 30 cess at Capical the polat of making a proposit of outdoor sports particularly and Omuipotent Being in His infinite of inarringe All eyes are on motoring and is an expert driver. Roodnese und mercy to move from her ROBERT LINDSAY, Do you wish to see them bliad couple and beauti London, Dec. Princese lug points the (Camb. Senior)
eartbly abode sur tel ved friend and or have their vision impaired la Cup Presintation sister Melvins Logue, Postmistress of Principal their early years? should say Margaret o Denmark. continues ers here. xlish people recall our Order, and not. Then if you want to make to charm all with whom she that Queen Alexandra, beloved At the general meetioz of the Unity Whereas member of the Order ASK FOR bright men and women of the comes in contact by her beauty by all, was the daughter of Lrdee, No. 3, 10. F. held Tues her life was a pattern to all concerned children God has given you, Aud vivacity and the question ou Viking King Princess Margt dav, January 11th, 1921, at the st. in the interest she evinced in its welfare the tongue of everyone in court ret is very popular to England Chus Ludge roeth, corner of 10 and and her devotion to her fraternal duties, you desire to see them progres OCROL in their studies and acquire Detroeta, Colon, Silver Loving Cup Be it Resolved that the Officers and good educution, Il you are intar was presented to Bro. Isaac Hart, 1, members of Future Hope Lodeo, NoBlood and Liver Tableta ested in future welfare by the members of the above named 2104 of FB. in semion 1091 this 17th day of Newest and best Medicine DO NOT neglect their eyes ang Lodge, for meritous services rendered as day of January, 1921, made for longer. Many a hopeless case of VALDI for over tea year Bro. Hertia accept. Ing daughters, our heart felt condolence ver complaints Indigestion, it only a competent eye specialist Treasurer, a position which he has held extend to her aged mother and sorrow baq eyes could have been savoid ing the cup thanked the members for at their sad bereavement.
their appreciation of his services, and And be it further resolved that the loss ut Appetito, Billiousness was consulted when the first and slightest signs of eye trouble wiebed the Lodge continued prosperity. Implement of this Lodgo shall remains toe. etc. sms appeared.
druped in black for a period of forty (40) For sale at all reliable Drug Stores If you in of your Solo Agent for Panama, own eyes on the eyes of your And be it also Resolved that copies children, see that you of this Resolution be sent to the bereaved Demetrio Fabroga, Dr. BUCHANAN relatives and to the local press for pubRenowned se specialist of New York.
Suromthe sweetest and SUNLIGHT SOAP Panamá Drug Store 03mpany Ltd. licat on, and that a copy be incorporNo. 182 Bolivar Street, Colos ated in the minutes of this date.
Muller Building, Calidonia In front of Monia Templo Bldg, choicest of edible oils and face It contains go berb. trong (Incorporated under the Laws of Ingredient Jamaica)
Unity Lodgo, No. 3, LOD WA)
It is the purest and moul officient of soape and, if used As the installation oeremony of the judiciously, the most aconda. The greatest proposition ever abovenamed Lodge which took place at sorp taken by the West Indians; and the 8t. Charles Lodge hall, corner of aad 10 streets, Colon, on tbe 8th inst, 19 little for long way the whole world is falling in, every particle is pure thons to The Directors are offering and at which Bro. w. Ward was the ofte. Mobil.
a jela (BRANDON BAND nothing to her the clothu 100, 000 worth of Stock to the the people of the Republies of PanD. Laurent. PB. or bu SHORT STORE 3310 MSD W12 to impode the rapid program Anderson 93102205 SECURITY Erdmontod ama and Costa Rica. 10 of the wish. db us This can be taken up in Pre yol autor SERVICE bersam ALL THE VALUR ferred Shares at per cent or in LP. Alter the ceremony srials, Trew Bu Beown, Tyle; Joxo e seuns 18 IN THE SOAR. Ordinary Shereg. ot asusupay the REG dukte wa aferred on Bro. Panama (Founded 1803) Colon We are soapmakers with a This money is needed before Applewhite. Tho, wual social Ideal our ideal is to anak. the end of January 1921. This exorcisou brought she evening businem Soap, which shall have me will bring in Panamsar before to a borsay was Our large Resources and well known SUNLIGHT equal Cor Purity sad Esticiency Anrilyar LARGE PASSENGER conservative Management afford) un ahroughout the countrSTEAMER Tengoa Tom Installation superior in all the world West Indians, y this is your33 AM questioned security for every dolor URITY We realize our ideal io crom As the rerularly convened meeting of deposited with this banknoloo bo ablet of Sunlight Soup which Purchase and Live! Disobey the Royal King George Lodge, No. 21 DE 9:20 Die Stod manufactured and are Apd Perish!
Modern Order of Rihany, held on Mon SETEMBRE Send money by mail to ALL THE VALUE IS IN y, 10th irut, th, followlng officers for od ddotud THE SOAP THATS WHY. CAMPBELL, the me Marstorpe prevent ter wees installed.
osa Grant, Samuels, si President and Managing Dottin, Humen, RW8.
Sub xoa reblat 900 SEO bos ting Director, Rw. Cond. Woolsey, Ant. Cond. 18. Lovell. Assist. Soo. Sintec Burko, SAAD BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON 78 Orange Street, Sí, 14. Prosidonta Vio Pluidos 101 TOTUS Sentru Kingston, Jason Town Prolakta He saisoned and buses 20W:Sett outbe od tsanscrisoaras lo estrogena 903. 59 sent aan on mitage is Ou 819 10 8100 BEBET 10 siodw od to ASOVP al aidovha Bogaer Tho. sbadətl.
ods ai boltando apa dT. ma standing to shit belt of yw let9a0g e mi gati adi isvinsko olive avaland tists gaieb 98 stort set Detlueen been tag bus ன fi lsyiassa o ai dal sd ovogtigesra lis. 9000 1999 a se liw syab wei 12901 sds bas torta Night them the varr their All the VALUE in the SOAP are doubt days West Indian Steamship you consult SOAP SUNLIGHT UNSCENTES Panama Banking Company 80.
al 1000 SOAP Cues chance.
med 2009 General Banking Business Transacted SUNLIGHT SOAR


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