
LIFEBUOY Sagouaced reductions rangias WISIN SZINT SOAP tons.
The many hands which are wiped on the had to LIFEBUOY SOAP these.
to pay the prio attitude clearly wero than PAGE SEX WORKMAN, SATURDAY JANUARY, 29, 1921.
Britain Leads Whole World in Shoe Prices are ARA Down in the AINUTAR HAMSTOWS in Building Ships Trade Expects Radical Ritu Has Filtz one Per Cent of sine month the share of the u. na in the Pries of fool this Month MANY United States has decreased World Total Tonnage Crome 377 per cent to 182 per Under Construction cent. Tank steamers under con SY CLEARANCE SALES struction at the beginning of HANDS UNITED STATES 13. this year amounted to 1, 169, 000 Now York, December Reporte wns, of which 627, 100 tons were in the retail stor trade in this site in yards WIPE Ready to meet New Ger en increase in Internal combus dicate that while business has not been man Challenge, Says Cu tion engines. Ships of this type up to the mark of last year, there nard Line Chairman building at the end of the lase been a fairly good demand for fortune during the past two weeks particulare year amounted to 454, 000 tous.
ON ONE lor gift purposes. The 800 naty Ready for Challenge iste in starting because retailen er SEES ALLIANCE TO London. January 10. That ally were not inclined to reduce their British shipping is ready to prione in line with sugrations that had New York, January 10. Great meet the new German challenge been made to them by msaufactura Britain building wore as soon as tue Germans seeks and jobbers.
commercial ships than the rest regain their forner position in When it became apparent that com of the world combir. ed, gays a therea carrying trade of the canets would refuse to buy until prices statement issu tere fo day by world is the declaration of Sir wure suficiently low in the air judgment, Lloyds Arthur On reports received up to and Catlard Birth, Chairwan of the scores of leading retail shope chroughout the city December 31st, 1920, Ir the North German Loys from coa to brtesa per Deat. The recluding onder way in the Unit and Hamburg Aunerican Line mediation was an ede by oto lance ed Kingdom amounted to 709. are dead their hosts are surels tipe manufacturer that shoe swing 000 g:08s tons. In the United highly substantial spactres. trom dui. to de would be fcatarul.
States it amounted to 1, 310, 000, suid referring to the recently is and this plan was adopted in depse tons, and in the countries of the sued German shipping annual went sture: us well as in eh. shop to world, it amounted to 7, 179, 000 which shows nine Germaa lives erinia extat.
operating agen. It is certain The wwewhat larger dead for Tonnage under construction in that partly by alliance between cho has been reflected reatly in the countries on December 31st, the Germans with experience weather ackot. Por time the leather 1919, amounted to 7;861, 000. On and no ships and the Americans market was practically at sandstill percentage basis, the report with ships sad 10 experience Well informed kather merchants in this same towel are busy all day long handling shows Great Britain share to Garwany is taking ready to city declared publicly that the world 61 05 per cent of the total, as aght for the old position on the could not be to adjusted to meet!
re germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, coapared with 81. per cent at sens. Well Britain will meet the conditions until the retail a realised the the beginning of 1920. In the issue.
need for liquidating. To such a kto Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
the demand for footwear dropped Irode HE WEST INDIES. January meas in the district offsetories in the various shoot elf that retailers and ordering the Blue Mountains.
were forced to shut down.
The following is taken from Must Reduce Prices recrat lesue of Queen. an Erg. Robbery Committed with tish Journal Chloroform Retailero realised at length that they PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
As there is now a regular could not mure their stocka uatil they weekly sailing from Avon mouth had reduced price. It became perfect to Kingston, visitors in need of Paris, December 20. daring fly obvious that the day of the 20 doll does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin, Lifebuoy steny climate will no train robbery has just taken shoo had presed. People are looking for Warm and Soap does more.
doubt ol. ce mure lavour the West place on the Riviera express good shoes, and they were unwilling to It positively protects its users from Indies. large numbers. The Two women were robbed, one of pay more than dols of dole. to the many germ laden things they come into contact yoyage can be taken during the jewels valued at 4, 000 pounds not these changed condition whicho winter months, and Jamaica has sterling and the other of 150 were marked down slightly, but the two with daily Health is stored in every tablet.
plenty of hotel accomınodation, pounds sterling in cash The tail shoe trade did not how any great the climate is warm and at obbers ehlorutormed their vic improvement. Consumers were simply Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial tv day. lia abundant, antisepoio tacber will same tiine equable. At King, tims, who suspect a pleasant asant determined not to prices and indiosted make your skin glow with health. Wasb your face with it.
ston the temperature in January spoken women who warned them ibeir attitude libay Bethe averages 70 deg. Fahr. or about against thieves and auvised them waiting for very radical reduction within Shampoo with it.
30 dext. bigher than in in the south for greater Security to to place bile prices in soma instances have of England for the same month, their jewels in a handbag. The beon fairly well tusintained this has bota MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE 20 dek lrigher bat on the victims complied, and and thus faci largely the case for the higher grades Vrench Riviera. deg. higher. litated the task of the thief. The of futwear, the cost of the leather LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PURI SUNLIGHI ENGLAND.
than that of the Canaries, and 18 police suspect that a regular which eatered into the making of this deg. higher than that of Cairo. gang is at work now that so el ss of footwear being very high. Dur Bund In the bills of Jamaica the cli mary wealthy people are crowding the orgy of spending the damsad mate is cooler, 57 deg. being the ing the southbound trains. had been almost exclusively fur high priced footwear and retailers had nog eeted the medium and cheaper ghidea When the spending twed greater eflors made to clear shelvw of the cheap WEST INDIAN STEANOHIP COMPANY LTD. er Sotne of the shops hsve already begun INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA their clearance eales, although is the of cases these sales which were 73 ORANGE STREET, You ought me to suffer nuore. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED in KINGSTON, JAMAICA majority An annual event, will tul take place order to completel, dominate your sufferings is the famous until after the turn of the year. It is OBJECTS: a! To engage generally in the shipping freely predicted that that the HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES business, treated to some astonishingly low prise ww wide reputation for Neurasthenia, Anemia, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Debility, eto, because returiers buvo res ned for sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Monro. b) to unrry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, idea of getting rid al Panama, New York and England.
stocke and smolbering their losses, Subaanr, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colop, CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per sbare.
La fact, it is said that the real liqui dation in the rotail shoe trade will come GERVASIO GARCIA. b) 40, 000 preference shares at per share.
in January. The big parimeat store. CENTRAL AVENUE Agent for the Republic of Panama (c) Shares may be subscribed for as follows: 59. per will, of couro, bs the leaders in the share on application, 5s. per share on allotment aud the bamovement to dispose of their footwear lance as the Directors think fit.
at reduced prices and the smaller shops are expected to fall in lino in osramot (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors, arranged sed Crow Nurme, and one Te) Peraons qualifying for post of Directors shall hola Red Tank Colored School de tonchoswoting. Doctor, gave an Evorybody lo Juot crazy over not less than 50 shares in the Company.
Glves High Class Concert pourmee delity to the scrue. The The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and DialogunThe New Poseber, the recita.
Dr. Welters Tooth Powder hope to start the service about the end of September.
tine The Patriot Last Appeal. by Baesuse it the ONLY densifloe that polishes gold in the mouth. blenohes the It is cert sinly very pleasing, to mo. Naster Millips the Exhibition It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will It lo Antisoptio avall themselves of the opportunity of owning a large bum. Tank Colored School has been adding Yankoo Deedle were masterly rendered And worthy of meation how to Rod Son by Master Jones and the song 12 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th. Colou.
Box 734 Cristobal.
ber of shares.
life to this fooality by its recent notivimod derved the rooiderous spplauses gents Wanted KASHMIR BEVATY PARLOR Distributors.
SOLICITORS: Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St. ties.
wer that they moved Kingston, JA.
It opened the your with unique The Pantation of the audio funotion thein athletic Sports. andere wood to approbation by two!
the first month of the year bu run ito recitation given in Spanied by two Proபம it has once more demonsteated to main challen of the school.
DIRECTORS the entire township its worth and werit. Mr. Parames, ceo of the toobers, A CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President of Red Cross Concert, which was meistens China and succeeded in DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; DR. Sr. Oeh.
kiven in the local Club house on Wedan in the ons.
programme DR. OSWALD ANDERSON, TULLOCH, BINHAM day evening 12th, inst.
Ria were given in JOHN WHITTINGHAM hood GRANT, The programme ww very long termenung und followed voried and attractive own, and inter is die in America, and Duit MISS LENA SANDFORD, Secretary, spersed as it was by several roela Mentos monively. Long OWNED BY Educational Morios. given for followed by two role of Movie the instrumentality of Me. declinable concert to le Unit Secretary) the leap APPLICATION FOR SHARES The National City Bank of New York riood1110 audience was kept at wrap attention Head Omce: 55, Wall Street one loud in WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
throughout hat was the very o The Clubhouse was complowout pent for some time, Capital. Surplus Vadivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 over crowded, hardly standing room 73 Orange Street, Kingaton susseld es being available.
Egin 73 orad Another Call from er future.
an beg to apply for. shares of each in the West The behaviour of lage body of Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Indlane teamship Cos Land.
hoolega indeed zood, and the indefatiga bula tecarlo Dr. E CALVO children. Depositoryjof the Panama Canal, herewith send you 58. per share with this application bas do 01 and agree on notification of allotarent of same to pay 5s. per eru Mosers, Joharon. Principal) Myers Parekment and Palmer, are to be com 100 Through its Agencies in the Interior and it instas share and to make further payments as indicated in 58. per and congratulated the Physician and Surgeon suot its Foreign Branches this Institution offers the accompanying Circular. TName in full splendid showing of the childcom under ile exceptional banking facilities. juda their daily charge and guidance. CESTRAL Araux AND No. 911 od civilegit Ono oan hardly burticularise from such Address Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands 1973 BR, LAST, inc a spicy programme is was presented, but Oconpation mention must be made of the two no JOFTICE BOURS: to 11 a.
31 beautifully arranged tablesur (1) The Interest Paid on Savings Account at Por Cent Date.
The Housekeeping mone. 2) The Battle 90 cea weder Annum To ad field. La this latter, the boys die maith Die GLOS ed in souteuild the whole Malin spoken fres bio orienpolice Acroflolvsli sybuy, deed bus WASOM YHA do and bad ya Bicondoltqort Gozaten bada, emaid on se ai gost boycott were to sborn SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE public will be of the teeth, retards diseases, prevents deony, and relievo soothache, Free from grit.
Try tin to day course, INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION plimented and et pun.


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