p. 8


Hels Good SHOW Each Night the Coming Week who reputable utable bo ly are playing AD Lyntoa her com coronation bu taman loses out ALBOA EST EER REWED correct all hours business lètling them for the each member of Her decision man to to umpire Loyalty to PAGE RIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1921.
Cricket and its Laws Psi ROYAL DECREE Horse Racing at Abused Juan Franco.
Continued from man PACIFIC THEATRE Duke of St Jugo de tu Vos4. Br Aktuur HOLDER)
Clarke We understand that plans are Duke of Westmoreland, B Samwell under way to give the public Cro illo, a New Year trest in racing on the Jan. 24th, 1921.
Duk de Abate of Colon. Belin 13th and 30th of next month at de Abite above named popular race The Editor of Tox WORKMAN, AO Dake of Argyle, B Thompsoncurse.
Dear Sir: Please permit me Marquis oi Aspin wall. Atterton Pauama Racing Association ander Eforts are being made by the space in your papr to publish Clarke the followiny, reguding the sta Marquis of Kingston, A Hall be conducted to bring the Sport whose auspices tus of CEO Lie tha:Bart Oricke and its adjoiting regu Lord Mayor. Bir Aubrey Spala of Kings on these two occasions.
lations, use an awful set. hack on ing, GCB up to the standard that has been the Isthmus by the Ll fated Field Marshall, Earl Hickett. cc hoped fər, but not yet fully reulizplayers and supporters, Royal Tailor to and bered on the Isthmus, and to which still consiste to deceive the pub Court, Sir Arthur Taylor, Kt end the members of this highly He with the idea that they are Bart working like correctly that National Director of the Public Health, the Directorate of the old Roman Baibe of olu England and her de would like to bring Colonel Chas Perry, CO mirinns.
gladiators real shows.
Court Jester, Prof Gilmore the to CEP ctet that there will be owledge of the Parama a liberal infusion of new blood cricketers o of the foremost AMBASSADORS among the contestants, and pate paragraphs in the laws of cricket Special Evoy and Minister PL Cons of this graad sport may be The Umpire is the sole jde eos of a fair or unfair gune. Whe nipotentiary to Siberia, Riassured, we veature to predict Han Sir Richards. Bet of having a real good time.
ther light or wrong, the opinion iniin Ambresador to Washington, ITS of the umple stes grid and unchanged on the fi la Suppos Sir Thomas Lawrence USA. SI Ambassador to Marcus Garvey in the batinan was clean bowDoinains, Sir M Sinclair Cricket.
led and in the opinion of the Uin Ambassador to San Blas, Rt Hon pire, the bails were taken off by DL the wicket ke per, then the bits Jamaica dateats Primrosa Ambassador to Liberia. Hon man success to another play Cambriuge but supposing ag in the ball was Ambassador to Hayti, Sir Edgar played and in the opinion of the The gams that was scheduled to como Reid. Brt Umpire it struck the bitsman off between the Prime and Ja.
lier Majesty will be pleased to mnica Cat Rod Task Test puntos pad and that that foot was then conter titles on her subjects who was played at the Isthmian Park instead.
In a line with the wicket and will be presented to her after Primmee had first kanck at the wicketa prevented a straight one from down thy bails) then the and all fell for 36 rues Jamaica ben and unfortu And be it understood that each had their tu at the wickets and put up ard every one of the foregoing a total of 63 runs for the los of only nately ovly succeeds to balio his play. Clicket therefore, des shail be individually presented one wicket. Of this cocai Bucuelt not allow the batsman to say what to Her Most Gracias Majesty war iespousible for 42.
happened to to him, as few men when she shall please to cn fer the aforementioned titl Britannie detoats Cable.
would describe an action li wote Be it furthr widerstood that The Cible newly organized ly again themselves Everything Surs during the nights and eluto. plaved the Britannio che must wind up on the opinion or the Uvpire. Uin vires all over daya during the riod covered sandard Oval last Sunday Fans turned by the world have had their short deb. Sth, shall be the Cable had. They won the toes, ad comings and mis sights: keeping urday evening, Feb 5th, out in alle soo what sort of a 8 men when their were out, and to meriment and that cided to bit, and were all disana out wh they were Wibn dins e in any way interfere for 53, runs of which excit dhe te festive season, the par before he was bowled by Eastmond supposed to be in. In every case the above ty or parties so affected shall Britvanie vplied wita 134 for wickets dificulty and the have the right, under this decree of this Ess mond made 61, Croney 37, batsman takes a walk or to the to dispense with same.
and Trotmia 16 out.
ante according to to the Um Be it further understood that Meeting of the Surrey re decision. It we we cannot ureja Majesty agree to the Umpire The Surrey will hold Reuerad household shall always find theinthen we must admit that we are wives in a position to stand on meeting tonight at the residence of Me. nowplayiogericket. lt it is believed their left leg as tirm as on their Rawle Holder, in 25 Stroet. All me that the Umpire is not the rigel altu bers are reatly requested to attend right, to prove their matters of vital importance are to be Her Most Gracious Majesty through gume, betring, blavoritism, insularity. org up in getting the cops to draw ci Given this Twenty eighth day settled. Mosting Parts at p.
particular side, then ali bets on the match; way the of the month of January, in the Refutation.
sumamount of time wanted to year of our Lord One Thousand his appointment should be voted DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC ke poor men poorer still. The Nine Hundred and Twenty. one, rey desires to exploma that the Mr. De Sousa, Captain of the dusobjected to or But if we o headed captain DeSouza did under the signature and seal of balletige appearing in the Star de duly appont, accept and pic.
nounce ham judge of the game, is the one best prescriptioa for itchies. bruises, cuts, not even protest to umpire and Her Most Gracious Majusty Herald to the Janeica CC. As tsving our then must indeed then sprains and flesh wounds, so cum his match as many cap Queen Carmen I, by come from his was tot true, sed understand that bis decision tains here would have done.
stacds good whether fair or un As an internal rem dy for cramps, culic and diarrhoes still trusted in Roll left hand, paced there by the secretary, wbuut BIR BYRON LEVY, bis bowledge of authority, It takes indeed a gentle it hasa an equal.
but, opportunity lost is seldom man of very cool head to leave recalled The speculating contest Private Secretary to Her chee:fally when he is given out You want instant relief and you get it, ended in a draw, while the ap Majesty w, especially when he is sure Installation and Annual pearance of the cops on the that same ball was DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC played. Bat scene stopped a riot among those Countersigned by Dinner tlague cobrados Sic ALFONSO FERREIRA, are who invested their money Clean the Buy it at the Drug Store, only on that cricket was in ball is our cty for the coming Prime Minister The Royal King David Tem.
kended tor; not head strong, secon: and let us lay cricket APPROVED, ple, No. 2, of MT, an rougrekes as those who taun for what it is worth: sport!
CARMENI, nounces is in allation of offi.
Jeers for the present rm, and Per 120 si that kindly Que a New Cricket Club Ready for Pas ty this wilo are jantus! dianer to take pacu at ready csatrifica (f cal upon)
En exents.
une Cuart Brown Lodge hall on th5th their Interfore with this genue manly LAS poter should Dr. OGILVIE The members buve all been The recently organized Cricket Club asked to be present at 30 u.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. which will be known as the Clovelly IS NOW LOCATED AT Uu pires are but web. They pricisely, bereby bexs to make it known to the regular meeting for the end are au ang is th y are liable to ferring of degrees, and instruoerr knowingls and unknowingly.
Pacific Steam Navigation other clubs on this is hosts (Atlantie side187 central Avenus, corno Street clubs ineludd) that they are ready to Weerr too. Smetimes we are tions in the prineiples of the given out clean boxed and acaccept engagements for friendly matches BOURS: 80 11. 30 a.
order is also announcud for the to be played at the Isthminn Park on to 30 ua 14th.
cept it cheerfully, and then we FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE sce not really out being bowled.
any convenieat Suod. yur holiday, 30 to 30 u.
Bundays: to 11. o.
by a No Ball. What we wan: Advertise in The Work to see the bat inen run away. QUILLOTA come forward in the near future. Appointments can be arranged.
from the wickets when given Yours, etc.
Te ephone 875 11 it pays.
out by the umpire, whatever will leave Cristobal. MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1921, for CLOVELLY might have prompted him to do NEW YORK direct.
Per Taitt, Corr, Seoty, 30, Then and only then, will we 1st class far 120. 00 be able to boast of playing Box 937 cricket.
will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, match, all web well, unul Bar.
MONDAY FEBRUARY 31, 1921, for Mrs. Grant on Another Va.
nett the new pride of Jamaica 0, appeated at the wickets.
Guayaquil, Paita Pacasmayo, Salaverev, Callao, Tambo de Bets Mura, Pisco, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, went sky high all kind of DON money was offered that he Cuquimbo and Valparaiso.
Among the toany passengers ned?
who sailed on the Coronado Don use a large burner when a small burner will do.
The irun chest of the last Saturday for Kingston, Ja Don light the gas until you have the food ready speculators on this man, made a sudden jerk when the poor will leave Cristobal a will leave Balboa, noon TUESDAY, maica, was Mrs. Edith Graut, to cook FEBRUARY 1, 1921, for wile ot Nathan Grant of frightened batsman chaving Buenaventura, Esmeralda Bahn, Macta and Guayaquil Colin. Mr, Grant gies on Don allow the gas to remain lighted without more cuių on him, that be another vacation coupled with being in use.
nedzem) got before ORBITA Tusiness and will sraight one was found spend the coco DO, 891 with her, relatives and The ball was a razor in har nusta vuilty: friends.
will leave Cristobal, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1921, for in speed; Ob! Electricity!
Her host of friends and well Use gas only when it benefits you: Elle ryone had his opinion of Newport Nowb, La Pallice and United Kingdom, wishers wish her a very pleasant Remember gas is no hotter ten minutes after burner but the umpire opiacon puzzled voyage and a sate arrival at her is lighted than the instant it is lighted.
one half of the speculators. It ORTEGA des usation.
puzzled all those who laid their Always turn out gas and relight it again in the event money on him.
will leave Cristobal, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1921, for LORD MAYOR OF CORK there is an interval when same is not needed. po ver in a crick La Pallica and Liverpool REMEMBER et gamu 18 nearly uolimited.
should men then bet their For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at (Continued from page 1)
mouoy where one man has the TOVO 39 Wasting Gas Is Burning Money of Labour Wilson, who has reCRISTOBAL power to change the aspect of fused tv acknowledge jurisdieany game, it a chance avals itBelf? If so much cuin was not or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company. tion of the State Department until the case has been forwally PANAMA GAS CO.
AT laid og Barnett then there would COLON GAS CO.
PANAMA presented to it by the Labour But have been so much Hesitativu Department Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bollvar SE to leave the wickets. But it is or Massrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. lic. Sub agents.
clearly seen be saved not only Tel. 798, himself, but others also. Just The Royal Mall Steam Packet Co. Panama Advertise in Tha WORKMAN SERVICE Tel. 364 the sume amount of time used and get Good Results.
១១០ ង រង love for any out, fuir.
mon prox Co.
ut of plan Jamaica GAS BILL ocation.
make 20 runs. What pouco nobis. QUILPUE 1290T3 laid on and The umpire Way the LORD MAY YOR OF CON tal Soldnioanele ZTTAA 40 GIRSMAS. YAVH od niyo


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