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PRICE Cts. Cy. Trade and the Empire THE SINN FEIN OATH TO FREE IRELAND lost: ad ing a threaten.
COLONIES DEBATED AT SECOND LABOURERS HEARING VIARNED AT WESTMINSTER Pete Williams Relates Life Of Big Drop in Wages on History in Ancon luurt. Cuban Estates.
Replies to Questions Asked In The Ancon District Court was 28th instaat states that the fol The Jamaica Gleaner of the And Make the British Empire asain the scene of busy activity lowing warning was issue from Parliament Recently. last Wednesday and Thursday, tre days set for th, bearing the colonial Secretary Office Entirely Roman Catholic the renatoing burglary charxes yesterday:London, Jan. Tue West India Committee Circu Williams stod tudietes As at be notified for general informar from the British Californian which states that the original of which the notorious Peter The Governor directs that it The following is the Sein Fein oath. It is reproducad lær publishes the following: triallong before. that a has Lieut. Colonel Amery asked by Mr. Omsby Gore, on opening hour an immense crowd been received from the British was found on a Sinn Fein Officer taken prisoner. December 23rd, whether the reform of the consttution of assembled it the doors of the Consul at Santiago de Cuba, in Jamaica and several West Indian colonies was now under court roow, all determined to get which which be intimates that the THE SINN FEIN OATH consideration, stated that the reply was in the negative.
could most advantageously listen and 00 per diem hereto paid to tormer swear by the Almighty God, by all in heaven and The Steamship Situation to the proceedings. was a sus fair una neces of Americabattere in format eing, care con upon earth, by the Holy and Blessed Prayer Book of our Mr. Hurd, who asked on December 23rd what steps cun ladies and gentlemen or both now being parts. and an internet Chhehs by the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mother of God.
were now being taken to increase and improve the British appeared in terme de freington again pour la vie chat the more recente by her Tears and Wailings, by Saint Patrick, by the Blesspaidthat is by. was informed by his this class of work will Lieut. Col. amery that the matter was under consideration, alleen charged against hiu Were and Oatha first day, twelve of the greatly exceed 50 per diem, ed and Adorable Host, by the Blessed Rosary and Holy tifteen nies concerned, it might be possible to make improved ar tim guilty in wach case. The fol states that the cost of living has in the field of Red Gore of the Saxon Tyrants, and Mir and it was hoped that, with the co operation of the colo heard, the judge pronouncing amo may be even less than that Beads, by the Holy and Blessed Church in all age and by The Consal further our Holy National Martyrs, to fight until we die, wading rangements for a British passenger service to the West towing list shows the occupants not decreased in like ratio, so derers of the Glorious Cause of Nationality, and it spared Indies in the future of the value of that the income is West Indian Trade and the Empire the proparty alleged to have been even greater than would appear to fight until there is not a single Vestige left to tell that Bowies, 39, to be the case at first sight. the Holy Soil of Ireland was trodden on by the Saxon Ty.
Lieut Colonel Amery, in reply to questions by Mr 53, John Rose, McArthur, ald, 50, De Hubbard.
cants and Murderers, and moreover, when the English Hurd on Deceraber 23rd, stated that, iu considering the 328, Maier, 68, Miss 20 Years Hard Labour Protestant Robbers and Beasts in Ireland shall be driven adoption of the recommendations made at the recent con Al xander. 60, Major Bicock, into the sea, like the swine that Jesus Christ caused to be ference at Ottawa, the Colonial Governments had at the 25, Beetham, 50, Cal Such was the sentence hinded drowned, we shall embark for and take England, root out same time under consideration the extension of these pre Ow, puri, Brugze, suspehal Island rootiga of the Accursed Blood of the Heretics, Adulferences to British goods. The Department of Overseas on Petice ses cliente del com como contentional paradictions series of the treasures of EN Vext 528. Each cave wok in dian, by Superior Judge of. possess our Trade had a representative in the West Indies who was the of th charge, the testimony Corded indeetara wa biancona kept our beloved Isle of Saints, our Ireland in chains of Thursday, coldcharged with the representation of the commercial inter of the witnesses, the identitica ests of the United Kingdom. The Secretary of State had tion of the property by the own nian youths, Teodomiro Ponce bondage, and shall wade in the blood of Orangemen and already drawn the attention of the Goveromenis of the ers aud Pelu concessions to the and Leopoid) Oriega, on the Heretics who do not join us and become one of ourselves, The judge again post toorning West Indian colonies and Bermuda to the question of im police of the 21st of Now, Inet. Scotland, too, having given her aid and succor to the poned his sentencing On the night previous to the Beasts we shall wade in her Red Gore and shall not give proving the representation of their commercial interests in Thursday hearing was con shooting the youths were attend Canada.
siderably more interesting as a wake in West 16th street, up the conquest till we have our Holy Father complete mm Pete was allowed to take the in the vicinity of Lorraine resi: Ruler of the British Isles as he was, before the Reformastand vu the condition that he nce, and Lorraine claimed that Carnival Begins ation to select the winners of the was to make a clean breast of his they kept molesting hinn all durtion. To all this singly and collectively, swear to fullfil To day and most original Tuesday, 8th, will be the big how was that goods stolen hi: anger. It is evident, how the spec aisrs wanted know ed to beat him up, which aroused whom to me administered this Oath, so help me God.
day, the To day ushers in the Carnival Sion which will of the grand proces. from the Ancon Post Orlice in everthat the entrando de los Sexe MR. NARCISO GARAY GRADUATION OF NURSES 1921, when merriment and from the Railroad Station ulong whicu robbery one Greoves is much consideration to his ex.
nurset Jollity will reign the Nationwundergoing on tive year sen gese: indubic was sivere 20 years supreme Central Avenue to throughout this city for a period ional Theatre and return. From tence at the Gamboa Pepiten years in which to contemplate a Again Appointed Secreta. ot the Santo Tomas Hospital were last Saturday evening preof four days. The Carnival. Com all previous reso pole mine on leashoot the stand, Pete took on a Inspector Lamb to Remain ry of Foreign Relations uccounts this promises to beat to y were found among Pete change of temper.
sentid their graduation diplo mittee and its various epub. com; bar of decorated floats, automo: more serious manner mas, having passed a successful malitees have befour vererek is very biles and other vehicles, and it The position of Secretary of examination after a course of. impressed, perhaps, Two Years Longer Foreign Affairs of the Republic, three years study. The Misseo deavouring to regain the ground would seem that the judges will by both the Judge se and his at: President of the Republic, Dr. which has been vacant since the Juana Defranchi, Serafins Jost after President McGinnis have the time of their lives se torney auvice as to what was Belisario Porras, receatly signed resignation of the last incum. Berkes, Ninfa de Rosario, Andrea Ind his associates quit the job, lecting the winners. After the Fabio Arosemena, and Castro, Romelia Vasquez eresa succeeded in arranging aa ela was kers and dancing in the parks and his sweetheart who sat on Alfaro, Secretary of Govern neen performed by our esteetned Ester Gomez and Antonia Samar sight of his mother and his sister made between Dr. Ricardo the duti borate program will take the prisoner bench awaiting ment and Justice, acting on be Secretary of Guverument and niego.
The ball be a rolling will not be. early. presentation was in so Tag with the arrival of the after six o clock each day and lite as schoolboy, which he gave and Mr. Albert Lamb, actual hus at last been filed by the ap the auditoria ma ur the branded his naujest Queen Crater alt 11. 30 the use of Cardboard swatters fire up at the uge or ís, prefering the Chief of the National Constabul pointment o ot of Mr Narciso Garay. Superintendent Majar Edgar The when the keys of the city crackers, thatmay be in.
will be handed over to her. She rious guide other ob this latter he became a newsboy services for another two years. Presidential bent was made by cock, the Chief Nurse, mis Decree No. of 1921, Genevieve Russell acting is jectionable been and will arrive by a submarine chaser Prohibited by a decree of Mayor for transportation division and are practically the same as the worked at the docks, The the new contract dat January 29th.
and land at the English wharf, Boyd. Automobiles and coaches for botels. Then he tuok to auto previous one and includes Mr, Garay, it will be remec There was a full attendance of do front of the Balbos Brewers are allowed to charge double fare mobile running, during which salary, 325 per month, furnish. bered, was one of the delegates the doctors and nurses of the appointed to represent this Re institution and addresses were crowned at the National Theatre and it beboves all who have never in. each day.
Finding himself short of money Witnessed one of these elaborate The WORKMAN wishes to im. he one night decided to rub the on, two orderlies and two dress the League of Nations held re Major Bocock. Tais is the fourth uniforme.
The new contract cently to Geneva, Switzerland, baten of nurses who have grad.
functions to be there this even press on all West Indians parti bachelors quarters at Ancon. dates from January 30th. and who, along with the oth uated from this hospital since ing as it will assume all the pomp cipating in the Carnival the ne He also gave a description of It is said that among the im. representative, Dr.
Harmodio the organization of of the clase, and feature of a real coronation. cessity of observing the strictest his life in the bush aìd the nan provements which the Chief is Arias, made quite a showing be making a total of 87.
After this there will be pubtio sobriety and decorum through ner in which he managed to planning to carry out in the near fure shat august body.
on dances in the parks which will out the period and so avoid the evade arrest. His story all future are an increase of force Mr. Garay appointment will the excellent results of their be illuminated to suit the occa. painful experience of being haul through placed Httle or no blame and an increase of pay for the bring him no new worries as he labour and the graduating nursing Blon.
ed into court with its conse or his parents and relatives. He once uccupled the same position on the success which has attende during the Valdes regime, ed their studies, and hope that On Sunday at 10:80 a. God quent rouxb handling, fines or accepted sole responsibility for imprisonment.
the Ancon Post Office robbery Mrs. ANNIE LINDSAY We congrasulate the President they may prove to be shining Momus, the god of laughter, will but denied the bold up story of the Republic on his excellent lights in the honorable and chantpay a visit to his domains and Mrs. Anderson Salls.
told by the Panamanian police Certified Midwife and Trained selection and feel sure that with table profession which they have parade through the principal and any kaowledge whatever of Nurse Mr. Garay as Foreign Minister, adopted.
streets of the city. In the after robbery of the Judge house. Begs to inform her patrons and the affairs of the Republic in its poon the children will come in for their share of the fun and Mrs. Anderson, wife of Dr except what he read in the the public in general that she has dealings with other governments Terminal vs. Clovelly will assemble in costumes in the Anderson, physician and papers, Howevar, at the end of his de maica, where she has been spendreturned to toe Isthmgs from Ja will be in capable hauds.
The Terminal will engage Banta Ana and Cathedral Parks. surgeon, of this city was a pas newly formed Clovelly is a firul In the evening will be the usual Panama for the United States inclination to accept it senger by the steamer positi on the Court expressed dis; ing a short vaccation, and has reBIRTH class cricket match at the Isthmian Park dances in the parks.
sumed practice.
oa Suaday the 6th inst, This game On Monday will be the usual to be gone for some time. The think it over. His alleged abet, and should be very interesting. owing to the BIRTH maskers along WORKMAN joins with her many tors mother, father. sister and Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril fact that the Terminal C, is composed Central Avenue and other friends in wishing her bon voyage, paramour will be given a hearBorn to Mr. and Mrs. John McLaine on Friday, February of reliable and experienced cricketers, to p. the ing before sentence de pronounc. Elliott of Red Tank, a baby boy, 4th, baby boy. Mother and while on the other hand, the men of the committee of judges will take Rent Receipt Books In Span ed in his case.
on January 26th, at p Moth babe are well while the genial Clovelly are determined not to love their stand on the balcony of the ish and English, for sale at the Advertise in the WORKMANS er and baby are doing well at Cyril is wearing a smile never so their maiden mateh, anyhow wo murrow building occupied by the Amer Workman Printery.
at the home baby grand par: broad at the arrival of his son and we ll know who who, it the Lihmise and get Good Results ican Foreiga Banking Corporaents iu Panama.
Park, heir at الم On than and it is learnt that they have procession the usual parade or pected of him as well as at the his approval to the new contracbunt, les of which have since de Barria, Liberia Rivera term as a men.
the parade of streets. From


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