
PACE TWO TBE WORKMAN, 8ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Grenada PIEDMONT THE VIRGINIA CIGARETTE Although the Governor of this island at the meeting of the Legis.
lative Council on the 14th. inst said that he was still waiting word from England on the ques nection with the proposed Incoins Tax Ordinance, we notice in a ro.
port of a weeting of the Council of Tringsite he. four days before our meeting, that the Governor over there is already in possession of all the facts, and knows all that there is to be known at present and for a long time to come.
Thus we find that the question has been settled in Trinidad while we wait. but for what? To spring the measure suddenly and clumsily on the public!
The COOL MLD Smoke and Co Co. Ltd.
With that lingering taste at MOISTURE PROOF PACKETS OF 20 about an rain want the price THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE First Class Meals served at all hours EARLY TEA AND COFFEE Special accommodation for Ladies TIDY AND POLITB WI TERS SERVICE UPTODATE, Ink the banana fields has been severe in Jamaica some districts, but the quantity of fruit that might be affected is limited.
The Welfare and The Pastores Position Yesterday the Pastores had to cut out her call at Port Antonio, owing to heavy seas, etc. She of the Constabulary Force came on to Kingston where she of Jamaica landed all her cargo. The Mana gua, of the Jamaica Shipping Coy. had to complete her cargo GOVERNOR CONSIDERING QUES of fruit in Kingston last evening TION OF APPOINTMENT OF COM rather than go around the coast.
MITTEE TO ENQUIRE INTO CER Up to yesterday the norther TAIN MATTERS AFFECTING WEL was still on.
PARE OP POLICE PORCE Conditions at Montego Bay Montego Bay, January 17. few days ago we announced The elements have been quite that His Excellency, the Govern disturbed since Saturday even: or had under consideration the question of the appointment of sing, and it is said it is the tail of storm which passed here on committee to enquire into cer lain matters atfecting the wel Saturday night doing some dam.
fare of the Jamaica Constabula of the big trading concerns here.
age to coast boats and lighters ry Force.
om Fully. Pully eight boats were lost, the two elected members have been greatest losers being Kerr and the United thosen to serve on the commit OBE, and the Hon. and Rev. there been the usual warning tee, the Hone. simpson, Fruit Co: The boats were caught in Kale, but had Young. It is also learnt the boats would have been taken that the General Officer Commanding the Troops will also be to the sale barbour at the Bogue.
Quite true there was shower a member of the committee. It of rain in the afternoon of Satis felt that something should be be turday but this ceased for some done to improve the status of the o clock there the time. When Force. Although the pay of re was a heavy downpour with cruits joining the Force has been heavy gusts of wind which conincreased, for some reason or tinued severely for Other the right sort of men are hour, then the discontinued not attracted. Then again, it is a while, the winds continuing contended that the Force is in working by laws and regulations Sunday the day was furiously for several hours. On which are obsolete and unsuited little rain, heavy clouds, moder sultry, with for these modern times. Chiet ate winds, and some sunshine amongst the drawbacks is the and heavy seas. Late Sunday Pensic Law night the weather appeared The committee will be able to give very helpful advice to the threatening. So far the disturb.
Executive, and it is not unlikely ance created no loss of lifes that their recommendations will At Oracabessa come beto the Legislative Council at the regular session.
Orocabessa, Jan. 17. northeast wind sprung up on Satur day night last and caused a pretty troubled sea. Owners of caut Secretary of State noes had a pretty hard time of it; they had to rush through the to savo viena Favourable. Cananin pouring Falow cutou. Despite ths precaution taken, more than representative of the Gleaner balt a dozen canoes were very and several learnt yesterday evening that badly, smashed His Excellency the Governor has slightly damaged.
Mr. James Allen had narrow received advices stating that the Dieses Tavourable to the recommend time de some distance by the of State for the Colo escape from drowning while try.
to rescue his craft.
mendations of the Select Com mittee with regard to strong current, but eventually sia to public officers. The to: saved himself after being sever?
commendations of the Select re:ely knocked about on the wharf Committee were published in owned by the Jamaica yesterday Gleaner and it loe Shippipkarat damage is reported pected that consideration of contained therein will from kio Nuevo, where the be business when the Legislative Co. was broken in two and porCouncil resume on the 1st prox. tions tung into the sea. Out of With regard to the financial four large boats used in the car status of Public officers as a rying of fruit, etc. to the ships believe that His Excellency the whole, there is good reason to only one was not shattered to Governor is is not in favour of the Stony HIII system of grants in aid prevailing, and it would not be sur.
Stony Hill, Jan. 17. Since Sat.
prising that the coming session urday evening last a very strong the Estimates for the next finan almost continuously, resulting in cial year are considered) a pro a loss of much of the banana crop. the districts Ing increases once and for all to public officers. The grants in banana crop, and young bread sid, of course, only applies to the fruits have been blown off the present financial year. trees. Several fences and roof ings have been torn down and in a few instances carried away.
Reports from Coun. The Industrial School was ex: pecting try Tell of Strong op ons van real. ou dovoly spring of bananasbut their have been thrown to the winds.
Norther The banana has been the greatest of the crops hit. The other staples have resisted the gále.
Raging Seas Wreck Boats The weather is inclement and at Montego Bay and looks rather stormy.
Orocabessa At Guy Hill Guy Hill, Jan. 17. Since CO. WHARF SPLIT Sunday night last rain has been falling incessantly with now and Stony HM Says Most of then sharp puffs of wind which slightly affected the banana Sanana Spring Crop Wont fields. Every body has to keep Down In Breeze indoors most of the time. The schools in and around here were On the Northside timed to be re opened yesterday, but have to be kept closed owing News was recel ved here your curred bere and there. All busito the rain, Landslides have octerday that a very strong norther has been in progress on the ness and work on the Pembroke Sortbaide. It extends from Port Hall new road have to be at Antonio right down to Montego standstill. The district is in the Bay, and has been playing havoc grip of a cold wave.
Citli From what can be gathered, Weather at St. Ann Bay Lully nine bosts, including light 8t. Ann Bay, Jan. 18. Copi208, have been loss by the United eus showers of rain have been Fruit Coy. between Buff Bay falling here since Saturday night.
Rin Nuevo and Montego Bay. There are also fitful gusts of The effect of the blow on the wind, but no damage has been more Secretary He was in the comis THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE 167 BOLIVAR STREET fine assortment of Canal stone rings, fresh supply of wristlet watches of solid gold and gold filled with high grade movements, silver table sets, diamond rings, diamond la valliers, initial buckles, belts, safety razors, fountain pens, etc, etc: Fully one thousand rings of all descriptions to choose from 10 discount on all purchases commencing Jan, 15th. WILLIAMSON, Proprietor proponen made According to Government Notice in these columns. West Indian) the Government are of fering four lots of land along the Tanteen Road for sale at 160 per lot and under condition that a house of the annual rental value of 40 be erected by the purchaser of any of the lots. In the first place, the four lots com bined make just enough space for one house and grounds at that rental value. like Mr. Weston hard by and to think of putting four decent houses on those lots is out of the question altogether. Wny don the Govrament try the experiment and how it is to be done?
ly they houses foot ment officers. We on the four lots and pod that they comprise about halt an acre reported up to the present. Toe in measurement, certainly not days are comparatively dark and more than three quarters of an the sea rough, acre. Thus the charged for the land land by Government is at the rate of between 1900 to DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN 21, 200 an acre, but Goverament went to :D: Suitable Men for Constab for his land which is ten times Charles who asked 200 Oan acre ulary Force. better in site and everything The Gleaner of tras good reason to believe that Government be surprised it in recent date the than the lots now offered by. Should the the police authorities are exper: future people quote a similar iencing some difficulty in obtain.
services of suitable men price to them.
o to fill vacancies in the Jamaica Constabulary Force; and it is Cocoa estates in this island, on than probable that Sir account of the cocoa crisis, are Leslie Probyn will appoint a com striking off many of their labmittee to enquire into the mat ourers, giving them holiday.
ter. It is felt that the scope of It was a long time since the pay commission enquiry should of labourers has been reduced extend to the entire force, It is owing to changed circumstances.
almost certain that this will be The most wonderful thing in the the result.
world is that in this serious situa wires.
In the meantime there is a tlon, foreshadowing the throwsuggestion that the present Sut ingo of thousands out pl work, ton Street Police Station should Government have be condemned; that the building single statement, good, bad or should be demolished and a new indiferent. Unemployment and police station erected in the cene, of labouring class.
tral part of the city. This would es, the ruin of peasants by selle Resident Magistrate Court, general capsize at our econotheir holdings etc. to be housed on the present mic crucible are these unworthy there could not bite, and then of the notice of Governmenor offices erected so that the Police The West India Committee CirCourt and Court would be cular, London, makes mention of housed where it would be easy to the letter we received from the remand and put back prisoners Hon. Gideon Murray in which be in cells below. The whole matter expressed the opinion that the is gradually taking shape, and time has arrived when Grenada more is likely to be heard of the should posses more represente latter proposals.
ative institutions of Government than she bas to day.
Lee Enfield Rifles for (Continend on Page 7)
Jamaica Legislative Council bas Llewellyn Kerr been appointed to advise with respect to a telegram from the TEACHER: ETNOGIST EPISCOPAL AT SCHOOL Secretary of State instructing RESIDENCE Market Street, Colon, that the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury had agreed to Music, Spanish and Evening) Lossone offer to the Government of of Ja At Vory Modoreto Prico.
maica supply of Lee Enfield rifles and of small arm ammuni tion with a view to encourage The Classical and voluntary military effort and placing the overseas local defences on a thoroughly sound Commercial Schoje No. 2, Calle Domingo Dlas Rent Receipt Books In Span Box 1044, Ancon, C, Ish and English, for sale at the ELEMENTARY AND HIGH Workman Printery: SCHOOL COURSES Dr. LOWE Day and Night Sessions SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra L, Edin. writing, Shorthand, English, Bler Geometry, Bookkeeping, Type 139 CENTRAL AVENUE ments of French, Spanish and PANAMA CITY Latin Grammar, etc. Night orice Hours 30 am lum. School re opens Monday, Jan; School now in session. Day med pune uary 17, 1921, at 80 a. Bar 790 Office PO ROBERT LINDSAY. Camb. Senior)
Ancon, gz the atoms, Sutton Street YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT prinderea de suffered one in the That the goods we sell are exactly as represented We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisfactory service in the interest of our customers is our constant aim and purpose.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry and expert repairing. Call and visit.
FULLER JEWELRY STORE, 122 Central Avenue, Panama.
LET GET TOGETHER Resolved that the price of Dressmaking must be reduced.
Phone: Residence 1002 Prinelpal


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