
WARNING not less Dr. French Strengthening Compound out Club of Red Tubin, wical Oolturo Dr. French Strengthening Compound roads being ran along the de route The Koing was track and often to slow, the riders having. Monte Lirio was to dismount and?
sbank it Carnival Is Here. Messrs.
CICICC with such good having left Pana nus the PAGE YOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1921, PECET38982. AS Trans Isthmian THE WORKMAN Cycling.
The latest fad anony Thania athletes and if yil calorists seem to have ken the form of Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on appliea desire tsped across the IsthWALIOND, at the ofice Copinsi tion. Correspondence on all matters mus on a pair of bicycle wheels, ane and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. de than three separato All copy for publication must be WHEN YOU CALL FOR Box 74. Pandma trips haviok ban ondernea written on one side of paper only, and during the past fortnight. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of The first of these was carried One Year 12. 40 9. Cyshe writer, not necessarily for publiek by Mr. Terence De Bourg, Six Months Director of the t on but as a mark of good faith.
Three 806 we do not undertake to return Canal Zone, Ooo 25 rejected correspondence.
along with Mrs. Squires and Hawkins, two members of the The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS Do not let your druggist deceive you with some similar club. They left Mitra p. in on Saturday, Jan. 22 nd. SATURJAY, FEBRU RY 1921.
preparation telling you that it is just as good, simply sed completed the trio nous arriving at because there is no medicine just as good as THE ERRORS OF PETER W! LLIAMS at 3rd, street and Broadway, Colon, at 10 inck The party report an unpleas.
ant triple to Gamboa on account of The full confession of Peter Williams before the Ancon the heavy with crud oil and sand with woich District Court on Thursday of this week furnished information concerning his operations which for a considerable they were being treated at the length of time had bafflled the police departments of two On Sale at all reliable Drug Stores time and the clogging efect it bad on their wheels countries and set the whole public in a whirl of excitement.
Gamboa and Frijoles between the On the face of the evidence on the seventeen charges the the railroad for burglary against him, confirmed, for the most part, by his own confessions, Williams was found guilty and sen Sole Agent for Panama and Central America, tence witbbeld until the cases against his parents and his Vreached at 80p. when it was sister shall have been heard.
still necessary to proceed DEMETRIO FABREGA slowly on account of the dim. great deal of speculation is running circle as to the twilight until Gatun was reached sentence that will be imposed on Williams consequent on acd the moon had arisen suttihis conviction, and the excitement that kept up all during Panama Drug Store ciently to illumine the path and the trial has now simmered down leaving the public in a make travelling safe.
From Gatun the golag was more serious attitude, waiting for the final word from the good, the roads being of the regu.
lar concrete type and in excelThe case was incontrovertibly the most exciting one lent condition At Oulun they were entertainon the Canal Zone, due partly to the fact that it was made ed at the botne of Mr. Robert up of a series of sensational escapades by an escaped prisooxed De Bourr, a brother of the Direconer, and partly to the fact that the actor was a superlator. The trip was done just by tively clever click character whose movements at one time way of exercise and no attempt bordered on the mysterious, was made to establish anything of a record. Whatever may be said of Peter Williams, the public Toe next trip was made on the must admit that his prank only ended when the bullet morning of the tollowing day wounds from the revolver of the Canal Zone police scared Schloss by Bryan, two him into delivering himself to his pursuers. If that had of Panama Crack amateur athletes, whose orixinal intention But happened the exciting game of light fingered swiping was to ride out on only as would have continued until the present moment, and no far as Gambua and return. Finding, doubt, every house of importance betwen Ancon and BalWUW r, that they had finished boa would have been on the list of place3 visited by the Your costume is not complete unless you be first part of the trip uninvited Peter.
uen ease and in they decided to pruceed, and ever.
There is a sentiment at large among the populace that are wearing new shoes to match Peter Williams should not be sentenced 10 jait, or that ually hit Colon at 7 bours and. minutes after the term of imprisonment might be considerably short. Their experience on We are not certain of the grounds on which this wild idea your new clothes: oad was pretty much the same soete, but we believe that it is more a matter of sentiment is the other party, hey returo.
Panama on the evening than an instance or principle.
LlantomaWe carry a large and extensive line of rain. Al Culon they were guests Messrs. Bolt, Smith and niac than he was an avowed criminal, and but few persons Vaterman.
who are familiar with the history of the case, or rather Then last Sunday there was a casts, would say that the moral intent was greater than ook louk for Trans Isthmian cle Rice promoted by a few the odd spirit of adventure which blazed forth unchecked thletic enthusiasts and in whicb unuil bis career terminated a few months ago: but it our competitors took part viz: should be frankly allowed that his acts were direct violaMessrs. Hollis, Patrick, Alexis, ons of the law, whatever hie punishment may be.
They went of at a lively place ut for Men and Women.
It may be argued that clemency should be shown 30 in the morning and at 15 were at Gim Pete because he did not do bodily harm to his victims and boa. Pretty good tiine was made others who came under his power; because he did not use along the railroad road track as ar his many opportunities to commit violence and because he as Frijoles, when the going bacame difficult on acceunt of the did not have the inclination to be a murderer.
heavy rains which had fallen the But it must be remembered that the law does not try 13 day. At 12 o clock the an individual for what he does not do but for an offence Hollis, reached Gatun, Patrick competitors, Patrick and alleged to be committed, and, in the absence of suitable and successful defence, conviccion followed by commensurout when about miles out.
ate punishment results.
After a change ot wheels both Peter Williams must take his medicine, and he got away again with Patrick in has no one to blame for the position in which he now finds Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon lead, but the long walk was commencing to tell on the plucky himself. His case is a sad one, because he seems to be a fellow and he was gradualiy youngster with an extraordinarily bright mind, and the overhauled by Hobis, fact must be deplored that so youthful a lite must necesreached the Colon Passenger Station at 12 25, the winner.
sarily be submerged into the criminal substratum of long term convicts, Anotber lamentable consideration which cannot disa budding flower on the verge of her dobót into society. Nazarens Church Elects Officers guidance of God, it is expected that an.
other 85 or 90 per cent will be added to connect itself from this incident is the fact that Peter Wil: rather than a blighted blossom struck by the cruel blast of ruinous misadventure.
The of the Nazarene church, it this year again. This meeting wa diams aged father now lies in bospital as a sick prisoner, If Peter Williams had read good literature instead of suing term, on Friday, Jan. 28th, 1921. Mizpah benediction, when every one felt held its ek otion of officers for the en brought to a close by the sinking of the and his mother and sister in jail awaiting trial for their the sensational rubbish wbich fell into his hands and The members turned out in full force to good to work for another year success alleged collusion in the case. It is generally known that awakened his spirit of unusual daring; if he had focussed his meet the occasion, and after the usual nod blessing.
the old man will not recover from the severe attack of energy and agility on matters of beneficial interest; if he meeting the President in a few well it The Junior was heart trouble which has resulted from the excitement and had studied to labor honestly for a livelihood he would lid worde, addressed the members, tell by Bro Locky, Superintendente, como pressure of his son predicament, and his own arrest and never have appeared before the Canal Zone bar as a guilty and thanked the officers who had cerved the of meeting, by Miss Elede The meets Friday evening. Juimprisonment in connection therewith.
prisoner. If he had thought of his poor father and mother; their teren so faithfully, when great ap: niors p. Seniors and intertua The situation of the mother and sister must be la if he had visualized the aspirations of his studious sister plauso was kiven from the audience diats at 30 cordial invitation is mented in the light of feminine delicacy. These women and calculated correctly his own self respect Peter Will. The following officers elected for the en extended to all. Came sad bring who had never before known the experience of imprison iams would to day be a gentleman with his freedom and suing friend to the Nigere Francis, President. re elected. ment or the curtailment of their liberty in any other way integrity facing the whole world as an honorable and T, Vice President; Thanksgiving Service, are now behind the bars. Mrs. Williams and daughter, ac worthy member of society. ButWray, Recording Secretary. re elected. The of the customed to the comforts and privacy of a home are now Parents should be practically watchful over the move Mrs. Harris, corresponding Secreta Supreme Council. British Indes wards of the law in jail awaiting trial on charges of con ments of their children. Books that fall into the hands of 2; Mr. Taylor, Treasurer. re elect pendent Order of Good Samaria tection with the case.
coming young men and young women should be care tion committe, Mlecionary committee, on Sunday last, soth January ed. The Look out Committee, Informs tans and of was observed The sister, who was a bright student in the National fully scrutinized; their companions ought to be well chosen and Praying committee, was man by the Ldges in this city worra Normal School, is now, if even innocent, a fallen star, with and limited; their attendance at motion picture. plays nod by Neal, Chairman of the en ing under its jurisdiction. Ao the stigma of her brother guilt marked heavily on her should depend on the character and quality of the subjects, sire force, with Mro. Dixon, a sup companied by members of societies apdo face, and it is certainly paintul to koow that a life of pos and the very best moral and religious principles instilled in porter, and workers: Merata. Locky, dred aible brilliancy should be smothered by the clouds of them as early as possible.
Laurence, and Clarke, they marshed from the along with sistero Haynes, Simons, Foa: room at 24th Street Guachapa il another errors.
It a lame race behind the horse after it has got out ser, Dennison, Estwick, Evelyn. and to the Wesleyan The sad story might have been otherwise. With his of the stable, and it is an impossible effort to bend a dry Misses. Haynes, Johnson, and Bryan. a service was The was held in grateful actively working mind, Pete, as he is commonly called, twig. Let all the training and culture be done at the period nem bere or commidete.
are ex oficial ness for the prosperity might have been serving in some honest and respectable in the life of a child when is most receptive and impres committee was also elected from the past year. The Rev.
attended the Order throughont employment supporting himself and contributing to the sionable, and the character cast must come out of the the intermediates to visit the hospitalo Evers conducted the service. com rapport of a feeble father and dependent mother and mould exactly as it was formed.
and distribute Gospel trete and carry preached an impressive sermeni sister. His place in the community might have been one of The experience of the Williamses will be a great les lowers to the niok, and on each lower At the conclusion they return general estem and confidence; bis father days might son to parents and children not only in Panama, but in printed tort, which the President willed to the lodga room and the never been bened; and his mother heart might have every place where the knowledge and consequences of the above St. por cent toujor this was sporcula speech maling of deen eheerful and happy instead of aching; and his sister case may become known.
then it ww your ngo, and with the while refreshmanse were served to po Walk Over Shoes sod Arosemena.
previous American Bazaar Stores leading on foot, his cycle having given After a cha the lead who term Yearwood, kind ale Bowell, tre Church which where Pastor and President


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