
PAGE FIVB Atlantic Side News KINYIR QUEEN Hair Dressing QUEEN Coco Solo make your hair sort and pretty MAIRE DRESS lored somenever where are using the wonderful hair grow!
It keerufswa prd stes falling hair.
Sold at drugstores, by Prents, and at 17 Street wear Ancon Fost Ofree.
Try QUEEN medicated skin and scalp Cap. QUEEN peroxide skin cream, CTN focesostitute insist 00 Jon take a QULEN Agents wanted Address, Box Aneon, 1 Canal Zone Notes CIVILIAN CLOTHES The sprinkling Whites COLON WEST INDIAN CARNI9. Colon Municipal Band 10 QUEEN CARMEN VAL ACTIVITIES and West Indian Float 11 Los Piratas Float CECILIA THEATRE 12 Four Decorated Cars Sunday, Feb. 6th 13 Colon Baseball Float 14 Four Decorated Cars Program for Week Ending February 11, 1921 Arrival of Queen Carmen. 15 Navy Band from On Sunday morning, Februa 16 Submarine Division To night, Saturday February Monday, February Ty 6th, the Queen Oamen will One Float GERALDINE FARRAR SELECT PICTURES Birive at the Royal Pier Les 11 Four Decorated Cars in sops in Her Majesty Ship Yacht from New Cristobal THE WOMAN AND THE PUPPET PRESENT Carmen accompanied by her 18 Los Goajiros Float ALICE BRADY Ladies of Honor, the Prime Min (The Wild Men of Colon)
To morrow, Sunday, IN 1ster, the Cha celor of Exche 19 Four Decorated Cars THOMAS MEIGUAN quer, the Private Secretary and 20 Penama Canal Float IN Her Great Chance. 21 Four Decorated cars 22 West Indian Band ol Colon, and will be received by CIVILIAN CLOTHES and Strand Comedy the Lord Mayor, who will pre Decorated Cars (Paramount. IT WAS HENRY FAULT 24 Bent Her Majesty with an adCaeserved for first float dress and proceed to meet reported to Marshall and Quen Carolina I, of Colon, after then will follow auiomoJESSE LASKY which the parties will make a biles and coaches and genshort parade through the town eral body of citizens PRESENTS adjoining to Windsor Castle, the It will be noted from the above Queens suburban resort.
that Queen Carmen float will THOMAS MEIGHAN Coronation take 10th place, instead of 22nd At p. all roads will lead yesterday.
as was indicated in a local daily IN to the Strand Theatre, where Queen Carmen will be crowned dud a grand program rendered Musical Concert at America t) ali who avail themselves tb Theatre. The story of a girl who married a Captain uniform, then had to live opportunity to attend. The prie of admission at the Coronation Colon, Jan. 31. rare musical with a suit of cheap civies.
sball be: feast was offered the music lovin public yesterday evening in the Reserved sea 075 excellent program presented by (Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 9 Friday, February 11 Gen Admission 50 Order of St. Vincent. Guild MARION DAVIES After ihu Coronation the Queen of Acolytes) of Christ Church by:IN PARAMOUNT COMEDY avu Party will join in a coofetti the sea, at the America Theatre, battle along the streets of the in which they were ably assisted CECILIA OF PINK ROSE Al St. John SHIP AHOY City.
by the United States Naval Band SELECT State Ball Of Coco Solo Submarine Base.
program consisted of Thursday, Feb. 10 OUT AND IN. Goldwyn Comedy At 30 pm. the Queen Stac piano, violin and vocal solos and Ball will begin at the Royal duets all of which were rendered NORMA TALMADGE IN ace, 4th and Bolivar Streets to by artistes of BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUE more than average the strain of the Rujal. cu shility. The march The Battle HER ONLY WAY tre.
Hymn of the Republie, by the PATHE WEEKLY NEWS 97 and Bray Comic Priest, Acolytes, and choir of HIS LAST LEG NO MAN LAND. Strand Comedy Monday, Feb. 7th Christ Church was one of the most impressive feature of the Confetti Battle evening Highest appreciation was From to pm. the Queen showa by the audience through land, to which Her Majesty the and Party will take part in con out, but special mention must be queen her Private Secretary: the Setii and xerjentine battle along made of the band which left Prime Minister, as well as other HOUSEHOLD REMEDY the royal thoroughtare of her do nothing to be desired. piano notables have been invited.
solo Cavatina, by Mr. Cyril Practical, Economical Lawson accompanied by Mr. At the request of Mr. C. Kerr, Queen Reception Swann, La Harré Aeotian, For burns, ents, bruine, sprains, for sore, tired feet, for lamo of the National Baptist, 7th and back. strained muscles dobla tehes, use 80 to 30 Queen Car: by Messrs. Swaun and Levy Choir will render the cantata and Poetand Pesant, piano solos Streets, the Colon Wesleyan me. will hold a grand reception respectively were, heartilyap Jesus of Nazareth at his church DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC at Windsor Castle.
plauded on the night of Wednesday the It has been found to give quick relief from pain and to heal open Public Exhibition in Royal When at length the program 16th isst.
wounds quickly.
It has also positive. estab ished value aj a quick relief. taken came to a close, the audience dis.
Garden (slit. Park)
persed, all feeling that a happy Susser CC. is scheduled to internalıy. for coile, eramps and diarrbuea. 30 to 30 m. the Gilmore and profitable time had been meet Lilo Whites CC. in to mor. At your druggist. You need it BOH. the Human Reptile and spent row cup match, on the Camp the Trapere King, will give a Bierd Oval.
public exhibition.
Nuptials Whittaker Hogg.
Princess Veda of King Colon, Jan. 31. Mr. George standing, no cup match was As a result of a sliglut misunder.
NILE Whittaker and Miss Carmen Boggplayed Sunday last.
QUEEN ston Reception were yesterday evening joined in The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin At 30 Prir cess Voda Holy wedlock at the St. Joseph Ex Quartermaster Sargeant, of Made of oils imported from India and Japan will hold a grand reception. Her Church. by Rev. Father Burns, in the Jamaica Contingent, who has Majesty Queen Carmen being the presence of a very large seen service in Belgium, France CREAN BALN. VANISHING CREAM SHAMPOO.
the guest of honor.
DANDRUFF REMEDY gathering and Italy, for the period of two The bride was beautifully years, 1917 19, is the recipient of Kashmir Chemical Co.
Springfield, adorned, and was given away by two ribands trom the Record Tuesday, Feb. 8th Mr. Richuds, the well known office, Jamaica.
have done wonders for my hair and skin. At p. Her Most Gracious photographer, while Miss Pearl Mr. Parnther is now employed smooth and lovely we can be and my bair has two look and glossy, my friends Majesty, Queen Carmen will Hogg acted as chief bridesmaid. at the Panama Canal Press. Mt.
ma ke ber grand triumphani para assisted by the Misses Leon, with Hope.
Very truly yours, Car(Sgd. SALLIE REID, Âde througb her domains, seated Ia ber royal cbarriot and accom rington, nd the Misses Geneteau Advertise in the WORK NAN SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS panied by her ladits, followed by Blivar St, between 8th and th. Colon.
the West Indian O»tnival Junta, Mr. Caleski was bestman, and and get God Results.
her Court and Cabinet.
was assisted by Mr. Blades.
The Cuur was present in full Grand Masquerade or Cos strength, and in addition to a tume Ball grand wedding march from the At 30 pm, the West Indian music.
organist, snpplied appropriate Carnival Junta will bold a Grand Reception took place at the Masquerade or Costume ball al residence of Mrs. Hogg, after COMPOUND EXTRACT: the Royal Palace, h and Bolivar which the newly married couple streets, to the strains of the boarded the 11. 35 train to Pana Royal Orchestra at which Queen ma for their honey moon.
awen will be the guest of bonor.
Royal King Solomon Lodge Gl. Installs. FOROrder of Procession Colon, Feb. The installation of officers of the Royal King STRENGTHENING Calon Carnival Festivites. Solomon Lodge, No. 11, TU. of SM, took place at the Flower of a meeting of the Colon Carh. Isthmus Lodge Hall, last CONTAINS U1 PER CENT ALCOHOL niual Junta held on Monday night the following order was outlined Grand Lodge entered on its duty: after the usual formalities the Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, cars will be placed in the big par. new administration as follows: Boils, Blotches, Tøttert. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, de on Tuesday: Holder, Brendan, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood. Marshal and His Aldes Spencer, D: Collins, Mounted, Laurie. Secreay: AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR Cristobal Boy Scouts Harper, Treas; King, Ter; Colon Boy Scouts with Holligan In. Guard; Doughty, PURIFYING AND ENRICHING Huge Flag of Panama Chaplain. U. Army Band At the conclusion of the cereŠ Asmy Detach mony the usual banquet took mont: place, after which the function H. Lifeguards and closed with the singing of the Royal Heralds mounted on doxology.
Chargers Quality only is considered in the selection of the ingredients employed QUEEN CAROLINA In this preparation.
Personal and General. ON HER ROYAL FLOAT with a Naval Guard of Honor The Club is giving a banJavier Moran, American Pharmacy Four best. docerated quet and dance to night in honor automobiles of Princess Jessie, of Westmour hands of in minte to bear Victory He book also GOUGE COLD CREAM. LIQUID POWDER WRITENER AND CLEANSER (BLEACH HAIR GROWER AND BEAUTIFTER CREAM POWDER (5 SCADES)
GATUN St Bernard Lodga No. 15, o.
On Saturday night January 22nd at the lodge ball it this towo, an initiation of new members and the installation of the officers (for the present term) of the above named lodge took place, several brothers from various districts Dother PIG: and Hall, GM: ated at exercises. The following is the list of those installed Bros. Russell, IG, Stephen son, ML Sec; Small, SD: David John son, Treas, Coppia, Tyler; Es Sobers, G: Prince, Chaplaip.
The meeting was brought to close in the usual manner. Presentation of Flag.
Before one of the largest crowds of spectators and lovers of the good old game, of cricket the hoisting of the banner flag which was presepted to Bule Ier team victors of the three Sunday series of games took place last Sunday Precisely at pm Eagles ton, Secretary of the Clubhouse put in his appearance amid loud cheers from the crowd. The day was an ideal one light showers the ground which was well prepared for Lily cc of the Windy City who did not put in teeir appearance, our genial Secretary delivered one of the most elaborate addresses ever heard in the history of SL cricket. He called on Batler, Captain of the Cornwall and winner of the beautiful Pengant which was it was presented his.
teammates and wished the men.
bers of Cornwall C, all success in the future. The flag was then placed in the hands of Miss Bennett, daughter of James Ben.
nett. who assisted by Gittens, hoisted it amid merry cheers of hurrahs. Morris, employed in the District Quartermaster office here, returoed from a six wieks vacation on Thursday, Feb. 2nd, Reports from him show that his wife and relatives are getting along tipe. He also visited sev.
eral of his friends in his home town, Savla Mar, Ja Through the rest he is now in the pink of health and is back on the old job, answering the telephone. Anderson, employed as car.
penter of the same department, was also on vacation for six weeks which he spent with his relatives at Peterstield, Jamaica.
His wife and children along with his many friends join in wel.
coming him back to the Isthmus.
It is with regret that we an.
nounce the departure from our midst of Bertie Kennedy better known by our boys as Bertie the Barber, for reasons not knowa to us. He was surely a kind and up to date young man, always ud ready to accomodate all of his partners in the barbering line.
All join in wishing him success in his new sphere on the Windy side of the Isthmus.
The Reliable 80 bacing club is growing stronger and stronger every day. We now bave on roll 40 members and is expecting more when the pay day comer, Messrs Holder, and Scantlebury, along with Brossard are spearicg no time to see that the members receive whatever they can give them at the practices which are taking place every second night.
Advertise in the WORKMAN and get Good Results ܬܪܝܬܫܚ Chionom Gentlemes. Nile every eroting of punnies liver spots and black beads without success, until found Kashmir e Nile Queen. Now my skin is as all aduire il. wish all our women would ley Nile Queen, bearis et Box 736. Cristobal.
THE BLOOD night.


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