
der used IFEBUOY ho tein wiul on DISINFECTANT SOAP Instead of already Mest India THE many hands which are wiped on the to init LIFEBUOY SOAP wash day a great will require to that LLU AGRALELIOS PAGE 8L TAB WORKILAN, SATURDAY FEBRUARY, 6, 1931.
Inaugural Will Be AMERICA, IN ITS WIDER The Revival of the SENSE Simple Affair West Indies From a recent issue of the Request of resident Elect India Committee Circular wi Sir Edward Davron Predicta of United States will be clip the following:Bright Future for Sugar an interview published Strictiy Obsei ved. shortly before he left New York, Industry of Islands MANY Senator McCormick, who ar ved last week in Englaral, is RECIPROCAL TRADING TO COST ONLY 3, 000 eported to have said that we HANDS do not believe that America has Few Outside of Officials beamr interest as, asy, Franes TO DEVELOP COLONIES. MUST or Britain in the Mediteri anean EXPAND INTELLECTUALLY, Members of Diplomatic or the Balkans, whereas we bave WIPE SOCIALLY, POLITICALLY Corp will see Event. an overwhelming interest in the Caribbean, and assume respon odon, Dec. 22 Then came the to the exclusion of Washington France and Britain. Conside wet and release the ring line andere be of ON ONE war, although the West Indies have desca annars en wtates that ling that the British flag was fls. be empire, set in a commercial meno exire simplicity will ma the in the Caniobean for over they derived benefit, said Sir Edward monies or Piegi century before the United States vson in a per on The Revival of TOWEL!
e asciocid to become a nation, Serte tor or te wo tudies uta of varCirersional mick claim is to say the last. Inauguration of it Comit mimea hint pre uthuse uues en Royal Canin lui autem pertinentes he and Pehas, however, th yoterday Hr was speaking the black days in deliver his disease in the cotate temu America in its wider chamber, and grobably not more sense, and Canada would certain the history of the islands that followed that one thousand spectators have something to say in the bor Gerraan sta e beurtles in sugar and op to state that as the result of Outside of officials of the House, watter the war the high prices that prevailed Senate Supreme Court and members of the diplomatic corps Rent Recept Bco! n pane for their products earbled them to will witness the event.
ish and English, for sale at th plenisb their depleted cuffers and marked a definite ending of the period of de of using the 50, 000 dol. Workman Frintery.
POD The paper Jeslt with the lars Congress alre has appro advantages derived from be preference priated for governmental ex. the request of the Presiden. advent penses, such as the erection of a elect should be complied with kranted by the mother country and the be platform and amphitheatre at This telegram was sent to him wen the Dominion of Canada and the the eart front of the Capitol, the st Marion: Indie. The Joint Commitee on In preparing vf engraved invita Sir Edward speaking of the trade of tions, the enlisting of additional auguration have received your the islands, expressed ihe view that the same towel are busy all day long handhog police and similar incidentals, the telegram transmitted through the flourish total governmental expense is une as chairman, dated Jannaty sugar industry would be able gerın laden things. Books, Money, Tools, ler expected to be not more than 10, indicating your desire to and increase in the future. If the Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
extreme simplicity in the inau colonine ure to reach their fullest der 8, 000 dollars.
There will be an additional garal ceremo. ies on the fourth clopweate, be proceeded, they must cost of about 5, 000 dollars, which of next March, and that the same as expand socially, intelleetually and politically the In ugural Committee will sball be word practically Sir a to the loyal bave to rey to contractors with without explored the come mat way in which the natives worked not been completed for the erection tion in the spirit in which it ion when wages were low and they boro of the ir ugural stand and who made and has decided, subject the PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
had ordered all the lumber, part to your approval, that the in the burden of poverty torother with of wbich was at the Capito to augural ceremonius shall take their employers; but also during the It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy with large force of work place in the Senate chamber, more recent period, when industrial uz men ready to begin work. which involves no disturbance tt root and strife hao bampered production Soap does more. It positively protects its users from The norision to abandon all the arrangement incident to the throughout tbe greater part of the but the necessary details for ad. inauguration of the Vice Pre world.
the many germ laden things they come into, contact ministration of the oath was ide ident and moles no expenst The Neighbouring Day with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
made a hommittee this after. except such incd niel expenser There had been a for noon.
a police the creum. nces deal of favourable comment The days are coming when the Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lachor will Members of the Joint Commit Press of the colony will be wantmake your skin glow with health, Wash your face with it. Rathe both House and Senate of Mr. tee are Senators Knox, Nelson, ed to help restore the balance of Its siwith it Harding aunouncement that he (Minn. Rapublicans and Over life in the community Shampoo with it.
wanted no display, and us little man (N. C) Democrat; Represen lence will soon be as weighty as tatives avis (Neb. and Can. its utterances.
expense as possible MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE.
Senator Knox (Pachairman oon. Re ubicans, and Ruck The Germans still assert that of the committee, early in the er (Mo. Dennoc: Britain won the war by propa.
LEVER BROTHERS LIMITE. POR SUNLIN! ENGLANU day arranged a eeting to consider the change in the programme. Advertise in the WORKMAN. ganda. The Press won the war.
Its self imposed censorship was It was unanimously agreed that and get Good Results. as effective as its outspokenness.
In the very jubilee of panic in the days of triai the Press built up morale, and saved the day. people, in their. ympathy WEST INDIAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY LTD. with and support of the Press, by their own act determine what SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA kind of a Press y desire in 73 ORANGE STREET, their in det, and men whether KINGSTON, libes JAMAICA ble tatt lue of the You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED TO We order to completel, dominate your sufferings is the famous Govern press at all. So, luns ORTOS.(9) To engage generally in the shipping alohish is either da kur enlighten. HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES. ac ording to the conception in wheth, Piens is held. of world wide reputation for Neurasthenin, Anemia, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Debility, ete.
To carry on busines4 between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti.
Government se fortale to Panama. New York and England.
For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Messrs.
antagouisettirin im air its useluiness, or wp it out Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon.
CAPITAL. 10. 00 cuminoa shares at El pet share istence is on the way of commit(b) 40, 000 preference shares at cl per share.
ting political suicide GERVASIO GARCIA, trying to annibilate the Press, 68, CENTRAL AVENUE (c) Shares may be subscribed for as follows: 53. per Agent for the Republic of Panama.
Government should help supply share on application, 59. per share on allotment aud the ba vigour to the Press where itis not lance as the Directors think fit.
vigorous, because in one dark (a) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors. delicate day this chief instru ment for producing massed mor made in Jamaica many years ago. e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall hold not less than 50 shares in the Company.
ale and for restoring halatce in Mr. Josephs who is still a young Everybody la Just crazy ovor The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and services to outweigh all the lit future in the Colonial Service. We Dr. Welters Tooth Powder hope to start the service about the end of September, tle inconveniences to Govern. extend to bim a most hearty wel.
ment in the past.
It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will teeth, retards diseases, prevents de ous, and pollenes robahn the mouth bleaches the come, and a pleasant stay during Free from Rrit. It Antiooptie avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num.
At any rate, we know that we his briel sojourn in Trinidad 198 Hollvar Sb. between 8th and 9th, Colon Live now just next door to the ber of shares.
gents Wanted KASHMIR BEUATY PARLOR Distributors.
day when the Press will be Want Light of Colon Lodgo Installs SOLICITORS. Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St. ed, and its silence be uore and New Officers.
Kingston, Ja.
hurtful than its voicu.
mmmmm The Light of Colon Lodge No. 11, MR. HECTOR JOSEPHS. of of held their installation on Wednesday last, at the DIRECTORS Flower of the Isthmus Lodge ball, Under the caption Eminent Broedway, Colon. The ceremonies were CA CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President Lawyer in Our Midst the Port performed by Bro. James, assisted DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; DR. ST. CY. of Sain Gazette of the 4th inst. by Bro. Cumming, Anil Sis.
kad DR. OSWALD ANDERSON, TULLOCH Williamson, The new Officers in says: BINHAM Among the passengers who atalled for the ensuing terna were: Bro JOHN WHITTINGHAM. GRANT, recently arrived in the colony is Taylor, Siu. James, it to MISS LUNA SANDFORD, Secretary.
Mr. Hector Josephs, Bro Airey, Sis. Johnson, OWNED BY C, formerly Assistant Attor of F; Bro. Hordman, Sis The National City Bank of New York ney General of Jamaica who has Temilinson, R; Bro.
APPLICATION FOR SHARBS been o appointed Attorney General McDermott, 8; Sio. Williams, booth Rodney, Treasurer; Head Office: 55, Wall Street WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
of British Guiana. Mr. Josephs is of Fadeey, of Bro. LE man of outstanding ability and Sis ta considered one of the ables: Foron, Prelato: Sis. Barnett, of La Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 IONS lawyers the 73 Orange Street, Kingston Finley, addition to his official post in Ja o Bro. Williams, Inner Senti. beg to apply for. shares of uach in the West maica, a very extensive nel; Sis. Johnson. of K; Bro.
private practice in that colony Palmer, Outside sentinel; Sis. Betty, Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Indian Steamship Co. Ltd.
where he was standing counsel o herewith send you 58. per share with this application of Bros Depository of the Panama Canal Galo, and John for of the largest com son, were installed as Past Chief, also td logo and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 58. per mercial concerns. He is staying Bro. Bloomfield, was erested as Through its Ageneies in the Interior and share and to make further payments as indicated in 59. per ste Queen Park Hotel while Installing Master. Bro. James its Foreign Branches this Institution offers the accompanying Circular.
awal ang steamer opportunity for banked the Officers, for the term exceptional banking facilities.
Name in full his new sphere of labour. Yester bad served, and congratulated the newly bir day he called on the Attorney installed Officers. reminding them of the Address.
General, Hun. Auchet solemn obligation they had taken, and Drafts on Jamalca and other West Indlan Islands Occupation Warner, at his Cham asked them to keep up to them.
10 to bers and afterwards on Messrs. After the ceremonies, the members Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent Blache Wilson, and LA. retired to the banqueting hall, and aid Reilly and Mr justice to the many things provided for ostat Per Annum Jackson whose friendship he had the Ocassion. TOTIDIULIERI atent menterne (hi Far from it the that gold Lootbaebe.
Try atin today Box 73. Oristobal. JOSEPH INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION he had a many of then they.


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