
LANDWIST THE WÖRKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1921 PAGE SEVEN Law to Square Moratorium Interesting News from West.
Cuban Senate Passes Measure Almed at Gradual Liquidation TO COMPLETE JUNE 10 suicide Oh, fine!
CHESTERFIELD that dhe shoethe smoke! Fresh, firm and full of flavor. They Satisfy. The blend can be copied either you only get satisfy in Chesterfields.
Cesterfield house brief: LGARETTES LIGARET SACE CO.
fore and bis scene, took the the father They Satisfy 15 per 15 General but died ruary, Chesterfield (ontinued from Page 2)
Barbados Bahama Police Force has obtain.
ed the complement of men he came here to recruit for the Bahamas Force. Seventy men Man Commits Suicide. presented themselver for inspection, and of them thirty were Early on Saturday morning a selected. Sgt. Brooker will sail report came from Black Rock. for the Bahamas about the 8th, that a fisherman named Piggott proximo by the Schooner Lily Brown, of Bayswater, Deacon Louise which has been charter Roming his throat with a had committed hyed for the purpose.
maker knife. Brown, who, it appears, was very fond of strong We regret to announce that a drink, was overcome by liquor telegram was received here giv on the previous evening, and on ing notice of the death at Bath, getting up next morning, shortly England, of Lady Goodman, wife after six, be called out to a shoe of Sir Aubrey Goodman, Judicial maker named Oscar Maloney. Commissioner of the Malay and asked for the loan of his Straits. To the many friends of knife. This was done. Shortly the deceased iady in this island after this the youngster went the news of her death will come back to to Brown and on as a painful shock.
entering the bedroom, found him stretched across the bed with his throat cut from ear to The Canadian Bank of Com.
farhand the bloody knife grasped merce was opened on Monday in in his his. Maloney raised an temporary premises at the coraer of Broad Street and Bolton alarm, coming Lane. We are pleased to be able quickly on the knife out at of Brown band. The to state that it is doing a good Police were notified and Brown business.
Son was taken in an ambulance to the about teha omplintateko ardere ad mores High wang tuna Sanitary clom!
At meeting of the Michael sion. An ioquest was held at the missioners held on Monday it Hospital at mid day by Coroner was decided that the Chairman Briggs and a jury, at which Dr. together with Mr. Peach and the Roberts stated that, in his opin: two medical officers should inion, death was due to hemorr. tervie the Colonial Secretary the wound indicted on the neck. of 250 pounds sterling to the hage and shock consequent on and through him make an offer The Coroner having summed up, Government for the building at the jury returned a verdict of Cave Hill. It the negotiations suicide during temporary insan are successfully carried out the ity.
structure will be used as an 180 Sergeant. Brooker of the lation hospital.
England to make from coal tar, it was explained, and the manufacture of the Gas for Warfare cial article to the production of the mili tary wipp is but another continuous Insures Development of development of process. By insuring a of the dye clienDye Industry to Manu laid the ground work for possible wider ical experts here said, Great Britain bu facture The Poisonons spread use of gas in warfare na chemical Stuff.
factories can turn from the manufacture of dvestuffs to the production of painoa REGULATION PASSED SO ally at will.
competition in this country German and American mado Both Products Come From dyes also le seen by officiale bere Coal Tar and Plants May the act prohibit the importation of dye result of the British dyestuffs act. While Easily Be Converted, products into the United Kingston, the Washington, Dec. 28. By the peoported for exportation after transit restriction does not apply to goods imange of the Dyetuds Import Regula hrough the United Kingdom or by way tione Aot Great Britais bas definitely al transbipment.
accepted the theory that poison will be the supreme weapon of the next war Under the present War Trade Board and at the mme time has opened the regulations, officials explained, dyes may way the this forube entry of German dyes into not be imported into this country when to the it can be shown they are of German expressed to night by obemical experto origin of goods shipped by way of Eng.
of the Government, Isnd if the casings were changed before The British act, which became a law consignment to this country.
prohibits the importation of An influx of German dyes would probdyestuffs in which Government exports declared. will the development of the American indusBritain for ten years, ably mean, officials frankly stated, that enable England to build up ber dye intry, would be bindered and consequently dustry to a point of complete indepen the United States would fall behind the dence from the outside world. other nations in ability to produce poi.
Poison gas and dyestuffs, both come on us in the event of a yar.
CIGARETTES After that Date Moneys to be Collected by the Usual Processes A Havana despatch dated Jan uary 15th states that the Cuban Sena e, at its Wednesday night session, passed the Torriente act. Providing for the gradual liquidation of the moratorium, Public opinion varies greatly as to whether or not the measure will be successful in the lower bouse of Congress, The provisions of this act, in he are: That mercantile obligations be liquidated 16 per cent betore the end of January, 25 per cent be.
the end of February, 25 per cent in March, and 85 per cent in April, Bank deposits to be liquidated cent by the tenth of Feb per cent by the tenth of April, 25 per cent by the tenth of May, and 25 per cent by the tenth of June.
Banks desiring to liquidate their deposits as above, to com municate with the President through the Secretary of Fin ance, and those failing to do so, to be fiscalized by the Govern ment, but the state would assume no financial responsibility thereby.
Government Supervision The agents of the Government referred to would see that such banks proceeded to collect their outstandings, and pay their de positors in the manner stipulat ed.
Debtors of the banks to pay their obligations; certain per centages per month of their obligations in cash or certified checks, on the same banks of which they are debtors.
Mortgages and documentary obligations, dated prior to the tenth of June, 1921, except in certain specified cases, Certain Immunities The conditions of the law not to apply to funds of the Govern.
ment, those of the Pan American Union, or those dedicated to the advancement of ed The Presidential Decree of the 10th of October, and those of the 27th of November and 318t of December, cease to be effective from the date of the publication of the law.
The law to become operative three days after its publication in the Official Gazette, and to become inoperative the tenth of Shich date of the present year after persons are at exercise their rights by process of law without inter vention by the executive power.
The funds of the State Pro vinces and Municipalities not to be deposited in future except in their respective treasuries, and payments to be made by cheques or orders drawn on them.
They may not name any pri vate person or company as fiscal agent or paymaster. For pay.
ment of all service outside the Republic the executive power to make such arrangements as he LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
industry ASK FOR LION Brand Margarine of education.
IT IS ENGLISH yesterday, Great liberty For sale everywhere in Panama BUSINESS MEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN There is a limited amount of LUNG GERMINE at the People Drug Store Calidonia and Chorrillo They are going fast, get yours deems proper.
Advance Involcos.
GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST ADVERTISE PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Trade Ommissioner in Trinidad calls attention to the serious inconvenience caused to importers there by the non re.
ceipt of invoices or bills of lading at the time the goods arrive. It is stated that this happens with many cousignments of goods from England. It is under stood that owing to shipping dir.
ficulties it has been dficult for exporting firms to despatch the necessary documents at the right time, but as the local banks facilitate the clearance of goods consigned to firms of any standing, it is suggested that an adVance invoice would meet the NEW ORLEANS, IN THEaces WORKMAN Case.
Dr. OGILVIE IS NOW LOCATED AT 157 Central Avenue, corno! Street, HOURS: to 11. 30 a. to 30 30 to 30 Sundays: 10 11 a.
Appointments can be arranged, To ephone 876 which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
CRAWFORD ELLIS, SIMMONS, Presidente Vice President Gen. Mgr Insurance in force over. 85. 000, 000. 00 Total assets over. 500, 000. 00 Legal reserve on policies in force as required by law over. 500, 000. 00 Assosts in excess of liabilities for premiums of policy holders over. 580, 000. 00 The only Life Insurance Company qualified In the Republic of Panama.
HENRY CAMBRIDGE, Special Agent. Colon,


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