p. 8


ASE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY. TEBRUARY 5Panama, Republic of Panama se Inspection of Primary Schools Panama, January 28th, 1921 PACIFIC THEATRE Isthmian Undertaking Company timited Incorporated October 18, 1919 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: All teachers of Private Ele mentary Schools in the sof Patama are hereby notified that they should present for regitration their diplomas and paits au horising them to maintain vate school, at the office or the Superintendent of Primary Schools, prior to the tifteen day of Mu, 1921 All teachers or Private Elementary Schools who do not possess diploma or permits, ar hereby notifid that they should Is examinations in Englih, Arith methie, Hinsence of Tesdug wie wil betrid on Mich. 19 Aption for ad cision to the examinaisuus Sube filed in the above mentioned of fice on or before the tiiteenth of next March.
INES FABREGA, Superintendent of Primary Schools Saturday, February Sunday, February MARY MACLAREN Harry Carry in the Universal Reel Feature IN The Amazing Wife Ace of the Saddle NEXT WEEK GOOD PROGRAMME EACH NIGHT COMING SOON The Great Serial The Invisible Ray starring Ruth Clifford.
At the Annual Shareholders Meeting of the Isthmian Undertaking Company Limited, held at the St. Anthony Hall on the 24th January, the following transaction of the Company was presented, REPORT OP VIGILANCE COMMITTEE Total Shares subscribed from netober 18 1919 to Rec 31 1920 at co per Share 84565. 00 Total Cash collected on Shares Punerals.
257895 Rents and Sales 436. 21 Amount olleeted to e 31 1930 870416 Expenses from October 1919 to Dee. 1930.
700788 Balance in Treasury December 31 1920 09. 08 Internatioual Banking Corporation 33 Balance in Treasurer hand Total Cash ASSETS One (1) Automobile Herpse 4200, 00 Balance due on shares Furends 10 25 Deposit at Panama Hardware on yoods 10. 00 Goodson Hand Old suck on Hand Shop Equipment 175. 02 Furniture and Fixture 31120 Balance due on Reutels Sundry Iteras Total Asset of Corporation Liabilities as per Bills on lile.
Total value of Corporation.
Shares subscribed Profit 1013 78 The profit of 1013. 73 showa entitled each Shan lolder to twenty Dor subdividend is embodied in stock 8540709 AGENTS WANTED To se Cueen Hair Dressing, Queen Medicated Skin and Scalp Soap, Queen Face Powder, Queen Peroxide Skia Cream. Must have me cash to purchase stock of ods. Qureri oilet articles are en No. 17, street, Panama, at pm.
or write to Box No. 17, Ancon, 2, for information. Wilkinson Fareweather Vigilance Commitee ALBOA EST EER REWED eight MiAAguard MISS ELSIE KEYSER RETURNS.
Miss Elsie Keyser, Missionary of the Ben Wall Mission. Principal of the Gurch spali y School, and Superintendent of the Sunday School and Eyworth Lengun, be returned to the Isthmu after aa abeence of of sbout one year and months from her work here on a trip to her home in the United States.
Owing to the strenuous way in which she laboured, and her untiring efforts per forth in connection with ber work, ber bealth became a bit impsired, ond it was therefore ne ressary for her to take change, which she did, and which bss done her a world of good, for she appears to be in the bloon of health, and she admi xe bat the feels just as she look!
The Guachapali seotion of the Mission is exceptionally proud of her return, as in some cases, be not only takes the par of teacher and instructor, but that of mother, and although not a member of the colored race, yet there is without doubt der spot in her heart for them.
SL She has al:eady resumed her work, and the Guschspali Mission, which is on the progressive side in esch of its depart menie, will brodu ber an indispensable aid, and a friend to be loved and esteem med ed. The members of the Epworth Lengue which Ms Lour. Morris is presideat, but of her return, at which Keyarwn pruent, and slo the Positie Club, Rod toe delig tuld enjoyable time was spent We wish Lappy and prosperous titue butt ia bealth and work, and that this year, ber labors may be crowned with abundant succo, OUT OF WORK? WANT BETTER JOB?
LET US HELP YOU We are constantly receiving requests for competent workers, from the city best employers, Leave your Name and And Address at our Office Employment Department PANAMA MERCANTILE AGENCY.
143 Central Ave.
bild a pit COLON TEACHERS AS Me. Smellie, vice president; Mr.
SOCIATION Drummond, secretary; Miss Mabel Riekets, assistant scoret sty; Me. Kerr, Tessurer. Members of the Largely Attended Executive Committee, the officers of the association togeth with Me. Loa AB ts meeting of teachers of private and Mrs Elle schools held at the St. Joseph GramJohnson The Executive Committee was rewar School, 109 Broadway, Coroa, ou quested to draft the rules of the associa Saturday afternoon January 22ad, there wou and to present them for adoption to were present amongst others Sleste Le general meeting of the association to Gilkes, Kare, Millingtas, be held on Saturday, Feb st p Drummond, Smellie and R. a which it is hoped that there wil be at Cunningham, Mesdames Ele Jobssono tull attendance of members and nonJA.
Misses Mobd Ricketts and Amy matters bearing on the work of the Jobuson, members. After the discussion of orber Ricketta. Sefize Arosemean, Inspector of association and on the fature of privata Public Instruction for the District of schools in this city the meeting stood Colon, was represated by bis secretary adjou ned till Feb.
Senor Appolnya.
Rally Pana na Wesleyan Sun Mr. Cuaningham was voted to the day School, chair and opened the roeting with prayer. TO THE PUBLIC.
He welcomed the teachers present and The rally which is to com off on expressed the wish bat they would make Have you seen R Headley Sunday 13th inst, in connection with strenuous effort to hold together and che Panama Wesleyan Sunday School, taus sive new lease of life to the Colop ready for picnic. parties and the Colon Sight Seeing Car?
reachero Association whieb, practically pleasure seekers making trips out promises to be success The teachers and scholars are leaving went out of existence ia 1920 bacause into the country. Strong and reno stone unturned in their effort bad ceased to runcion H, the introliable. Prices inoderate.
make the event an interesting one. The Juced Mr. Appolaya aud with the con prime object of the entertainment is to rest of the meeting, ex ended the courtesy raise funds with which to give the pupils of the floor to that Benileta sa. good time on the coming holid vy Alc. Arpoiaya on very to ale come to The West Indian varied program of song, recitations, the fecitatom of the inspector and and addresses will be rendered on the busel; luformed informed the teachers of the INDUSTRIAL HOUSE scension ent shiat invitation is tendered Lampe Etor plas to hold sa examination to the parents and others who ne in touchets operating private souwula ia 8rd and, Cash Streets, Ooloo terested in the welfare of the young.
Coton during he muntu of March bex. Ofers exceptional bargains in sau congratulated the teachers ia abend 009 ou tuis coming together voce mure SHIRTS, HATS, CHILDREN CARNIVAL DANCE SATURDAY in the interest or eduoso sod in their GARMENTS, ETC. ETC.
MONDAY, TUESDAY, own interests. hearty vote uf bauks and appreciation moyed by Mr. All Made to Measure Korr, and secunded by Mr. Swellie, was Dress Making a Speciality At La Boca Clubhouse.
tendered to him and through him to the La Boca Clubhouse will be the inspector.
He then asked to be excused CARNIVAL CUSTUMES scene ot merriment for the Car and left the meeting motion for the of all description to be had a nival Season. There will be a reviving of the association was unsaimoderate prices.
Dance given by the La Boca Ten mously carried, and so election of officers Place your orders early.
nis Club on Saturday night 5th. to serve for the ensuing year subsequently famous Silver City Band will held resulted as follows: AMY MORGAN, dispense the music. Everybody Mr. Cunningham, president. Proprietres.
Monday and Tuesday night the Silver City Band will be giving their regular Carnival Costume dance, at 80 The entire Band will be in attendance on both nights.
On Your Gas Stove is La Boca Literary Society, The La Boon Literary Society had Broller Burner 50 Cu. Ft. per Hour another interesting program last Tuesday night, and an appreciable number of Oven the members were present. Mr.
Largo Reynolds was decidedly successful in bio 20. efforts to present a brilliant article on sfter which Meers.
Medium 15 med Dver followed with areditable papers Simmer or Smallest on Why men feil apd. Example, respectively. The reading under the Burner.
above subjects were very carefully gotten up and are not only credit to the The Amount 01 Your Gas BII Can Be writers but they also furnish the 8ciety with very intelligent and beneficial food Greatly Reduced By Using Smaller for reason.
Miss Olga Lamont recitation If Burners More Frequently.
there were no men was well received, us was Mro. Snaith Be kind.
No meetings of the society will be convened at the Clubhouse next week but the members all expect to meet at AT PANAMA GAS CO.
the Carnival in Panama City. The 15th, will be impromptu speeches and scrap Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bollvar St.
basket discussions.
Tel. 798 Tel. 364.
SERVICE Advertise In The Workman It pays.
Lilly of Paralso Ledge Install Officers.
The fam The Average Gas Consumptlon of Burners On Thursday night January 27th 1921 the Liity of Paraiso Ludge No. 8714 of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows, La Boca, Canal Zone, ins a ked its Offic trs for the ensuing term. The ceremonies wete Periormed by Brother Todd, assisted by broiber Holder, of Lide No 9070 The officers installed were as follows: Martin, NG; Gr flith, G; Bro. Glasgow, Smith, Treasur. r; Charles Buyce, Chap. GC, Water man, Edward Drakes. 8. Thom s:16. Busib, Warden; Newry, Advocate. Haylet, Burrowe, to Pierre, to Q; Bro. The mpeon, 8 to at the end of the Ceremonies short speeches were made by a number of the visiting brothers, and an enjoyable sad lostructive. evening was spent.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE JAMAICA will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5th, 1921, for Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, Acajutia, San Jose de Guatemala and Champerico EBRO will leave Cristobal a will lerve Balboa noon, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1921, for Callao, Iquique, Arica, Antofagasta and Valparaiso S; MANAVI will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, SUNDAY FEBRUARY 6th, 1921, for Esmeraldas, Bahia, Mants Machalilla, Manglar Alto and Gunyaquil ACAJUTLA will leare Cristobal SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6tb, for CARTAGENA and PUERTO COLOMBIA S, ORTEGA will leave Cristobal, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1921. for La Pallire and Liverpool SALVADOR will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, THURS.
DAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1921, for Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur. Corinto, Amapala. La Uciou, La Libertad. Acajatla, San Jose de Guatemala Champerico For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies ot CRISTOBAL or to the Facific Steam Navigation Company, PANAMA Messrs. ISAC BRANE ON BROS. Inc. Sub Agouts.
The Royal Mail Sterm Packet Co. Panams.
a. success ders. Brown Casswllipold Insta lation, Colon, Jan. 18. The Casewillpold Allgt No. 2804, A. , U. last night installed their administration for the present term in the St. James Lodge Hall, 8th Street and Hudson Laue. The Offio ers Installed are as follows: PH. Har vey, M: Moore, Secretary; Barrelt, Troms; Quello, Anderson, Secretary; Roe, RM; Price, LMIS. Atkinson, RS8.
Sampeon, LSS; Agrimouta, CG. Forde, LCG; Vesmon, 1, G; Stewart, Pesson, 1P. M; At the elo of the ceremony which we performed by Anthony, Grig wion, and others, the usual banquet was perved and imn. ensely enjoyed.


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