
TAE WORKMAN SATURN:Y, FEBRUARY 12, Dri, PAGE THAR: To People Now Go There is no Better than ing to Cuba. the Best.
Illir 28 FATIMA on ranim اولي TURKISH CIGARETTES Cameron Cameron Co.
bbel is issued been Road, SUCCESSORS TO Camerer SACCO CH co 15 Cents 88 inge per Package Made in the of the best Tobaccos Letter Recelved from His Britannic Majesty Con would have none but the root of evige It allowed to pick our cholen, sul at Port of Santiago.
thing: yet it is and to my that our pro LABOURERS WARNED. balik, jump at every now primat made ple on the Lethmus, at the cost of the icine placed on the market; especially The following letter from the it is nice to take.
British Consulate at Santiag. de Such risks reorally prove harmfel, Cabr to the Colonial S20:et ry many of the new dopes are nothing but of Jana ct should interest not takes. and should be carefully avoided.
only Jamaicans, but all West In. When obtaining your medicior, dans on the Isthmus, who should the best. The best in always that whird Ir ad. mak ard in vardly dit is well tred and recommended by the setele they ue ile to leave majority. Remember, don experiment for Cuba: with life, for it is precious British Consulate, Know yo all men, that De Witt Pine Santiag de abt.
have Ritt the indisputa lor right of being c. 13 1929.
the best Patent Medicine on the letter Sir. have obrerved that a good. It has stood the test of any mus. Let no one fool you, no other is within the last week, the num. years treatment, and holds the Chan ber of Jamaica labourers arriv. pionship of the World on merit inx at has greatly increased, due un an now under treatment from every at this port from Kingston Millions have been cured, and millions doubtedly to the well known de contineat.
mand for labour on on sugar estates This statement le backed up by frete at this period of Advice from the makers rondsD normal conditions, when the year under at least to the many new orders that are being 50 per cent of the estates com sent in comment in daily from all parts of the world menced their grinding this in consequence of the greatly inermend. qulte abnormal; not a single found it necewry to remove to musica estate has commenced its Its crop, larger urger factory ground at Cherry Orchard por bus any announcement Rand, Best Croydon, London made with regard to the approxl.
The right treatment is Wit Pille mate date on which the estates Start now. Sold at all leading Drug will commence with one excep stores, and no wlwayo in stock at the tuo, where it is advised that the general depot.
crop will commence on the 15th instant THE CITY PHARMACY. There is also a great financial 139, CENTRAL AVE. PANAMA depression all over the island and everywhere labour is tinding it exceedingly dificult to Dr. Hoffman ubiain employment has reopened his clinic for Ren.
Under these conditions it eral practice for Kynocologica would seem to me to be advisable cases and urological disorders for His Excellency the Governor both sexes. Diseases of the blood 10 Caution intending emigrants treated in accordance with the that they may have to wait in latest German discoveries. Cuba for some week before ob plication of the Genuine Germa caining work, and that the liv. 606 and its latest modifications expennes are here so hixb. 1495 and Silber salversan. it would perhaps be better for them to remain at home for a Telephone No. 746 little while lunger rather than run the risk of suffering privaCENTRAL AVENUE, No. 4, tions here.
Opposite Amador Theatre As far as have been able to ascertain, a number of estates will comience work during the TO PARENTS month of January and some as late ds February, whilst others Why are you Bo selfisn and unkind to your children? Why probaly will grind at all, for have you neglected their eyes No tinancial reasons; ain continu long? You see that their eyes ing my enquiries regarding this are weak, painful and waters.
natier and will again report They even complain to you about thereon, them, yet, you continue to neglect have, etc, them.
Prince of Wales on Unit al Kingdom, and with grea!
aren birger than that of the Syd. BRICE, the West Indies possibilities. visited most of the Acting British Cousul.
islands of the Windward ard The Honourable, Leeward groups, but had, on The Colonial Seeretary, In the course of a speech at a acount of a serious Do you wish to see them blind reception untered him at the omit two or three of them. Kingston, Jamaica have their vision impaired lo Guildhali by the Corporation of regret very much not having their early years? hot. Then if you want to make the City of London, the Prince of oren to British Honduras, Babe ASK FOR les made mention thus of his inas ard particularly Jamaica, Oright men and women of the pec nt tour in the West Indies. the largest and most important children God has given you. Siling Pron Portsmouth on of all, but hope to remedy this OCROL you desire to see them progreso March 16th in tils Majesty ship later on. After leaving the West in their studies and acquire Renown, my first port of cal was Indies sponte short storiched Blood and Liver Tablets ested in educut on, if you are interBarbados, where the warmth of Bermoda, that olu established future welfare DO NOT ne their eyes my reception was a great op naval sta ion which Nowest and best Medicine a couragement to me at the out: itu part in the racant war, and set of my journey. We the event aally reached Eagland on Liver Complaints Indigestion, it only a competent eye specializing made for baa eyes could have been sered caine to the Panama Canal, up to October now man greatest engineering The Chairman (Mr. Ruther Loss ut Appotito, Billiousness was consulted when the first and slightest signs of eye trouble feat, where the Ucited States ford) and the Secretary of the etc. etc.
au horitt gave us every facility West India Committee had the For sale at all reliable Drug Stores appeared.
and toada admirable arrange honour of attending this bistoric If you are in doubt of your Bolo Agent for Panama, mnents for our pissage. It was a ceremony and luncheon, and it is own eyes or the eyes of your Kreat achievement getting that an interesting coincidence that Demetrio Fabrega, children, see that you consult Dr. BUCHANAN grat ship through the locks, the sitting Panamk Drug Store lirgest that has ever been put under the shadow lof the monu Renowned ojo specialist of Now York 182 Boliv se 136. dioe particularly as we had ment of the Jamaican Lord May.
In front of Monio Temple Bldk, Bowalny of a landslide to lor of London, Alderman William Muller Building. Chlidonin Beckford, formerly a member of He then summarised in their ancient body.
graphic manner his tour through New Zealand and Australia, rais ing hearty laughter when he!
said that at there were awyers de Advertise in the WORKMAN ney people present, be be could tell and get Good Results them that he had certainly seen tele!
their harbour, and that he had (BRANDON BANK appreciated it. Touching refer eace was made to his visit to the Tha Classical and SECURITY gouve of one of our greatest Writers, Robert Louis Steven tas Commercial Schope SERVICB SOL, and his light touch again manifested itself when he advised the Mayor when he had No. 2, Calle Domingo Dlaz Panama (Founded 1863)
ht present high and Box 1044, Ancon, ardavus ottice chat he could take ELEMENTARY AND HIGH Our farge Resources and well known no velter liday than in Hawaii, SCHOOL COURSES nur enjoy soy ulug better than conservative Management afford unBurt rding.
Retarning to the West Indies, Day and Night Sessions questioned security for every dollar heza: SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra. Our return presage through Geometry. Bookkeeping Type deposited with this bank the caval was uninterrupted by writing, Shorthand, English, Ele.
any ob tace, and began my ments of French Spanish and furtnight in the West Iudies at Latin Grammar, etc. Night Trinida. one of tne largert of School now In session. Day the West Indian Islands, which School re npens Monday, Jan.
is very rica in oil. From there Iuary 17, 1921, at 30 a. in.
wen on to BSO Guians in ROBERT LINDSAY, ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL JBRANDON BRANDON iht cruiser, adset twenty.
four hours at Gorgetown, me. Camb. Senior)
President Vice President Trendurer 10. Duat ia aluuy with a Principal pid mic, to should Any PROSPECTUS OF THE Black Star Motion Picture Theatre Vaudeville Co. Ltd.
Incorporated under Companies Act 27, Victoria Section Chapter CAPITAL 000 Divided into 15, 000 Shares of 4s each.
good again played they should have been through the Panama Banking Company Objects The njbects of this Company is to prect a Moving Picture Theatre, and to carry on general Thextre burlness for the social, econumical and industrial uplift of the Negro race. To utilise local talents as much as possible in its theatricals for the benetit of the race. To run the Shows on the most modern, Improved and scientific lines, as is done in the United States of America To provide moral and educative Pictures suitable for all classes of the community conducive to the wellare of the younger generation.
The Memorandum and Articles of Association may be Been at the Company Registered Otice No. 65 Harbour St Kingston, Jamaica, Shares No Shareholder will be allowad to have more than 200 abares.
Not less than eve shares will be allotted 22 on each share and 11 on allotment and the balance on call.
The Directors in promoting the Company feel confident that our People can support and control this, their own, Moving Pietare enterprise which will provide not only amus: ements but handsome dividend tothem in the near future.
Every man woman and child should invest in this grand enterprise, and let yoår mogey work for you in order to be in the March of Progress.
Remember this Motto: To Cooperate is to succeed. So buy your shares in the Black Star Motion Picture Theatre and Vaudeville Company, Limited, laid down Lord Everybody is just orazy Over Dr. Welters Tooth Powder General Banking Business Transacted Beesuse it the ONLY dentifice that polishes gold in the mouth bleaches the In teeth, retaris diseases, prevenu decay, and relleves soothache.
Proofrom Brit. ILI Antisoptio Try in today LOS Botivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colo.
Box 73, Cristobal. cz got Wanted KASHMIR BEUATY PARLOR Distributors.


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