
Report of Big Uprising in Cuba West Indian Steamer Service Imminent.
WARNING Dr. French Strengthening Compound th: Tuotteen Dr. French Strengthening Compound On Sale at all reliable Drug Stores ad esta D4D Wan o DEMETRIO FABREGA 11011 Paulo; would on SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE th OU co suu Spa AT Away wil) Le buur.
Business Needs and BritIsh Prestige Belief is That Movement acy effort which wept the island in 1912 und rtiolader hp of two edu. In response to an invitatio Designs Setting up of cated negro, Edwus sed Ive for the expression of their view WHEN YOU CALL FOR ack nupuvlic Baba were native Cubans, but bɔib wert. dua ted in France and spent cuae. det regarding the questio of West Indian stramship communic.
able tim in the United States CLIMAX EXPECTED IN in, the Executive of the Wes Revolt Leader Kllod India Committee have submitter APRIL Their following ww large, powerful The following Memorandum to nd, of course, mostly ignorat They the Imperial Shipping Cul mit Huvaor, Jan 16. Toformation either the beated only after Escenos was but tee:bas tached or is one way to head dovo and killed in the tropical Memorandum on Steamer Do not let your druggist deceive you with some similar Departurut which is likely to cbatuag lika future of Oriente pruvine Communication complo. ely the entire course of be Amt IQ web tie Ciry of Santiago de Cuhu noua savestigation into conditions in sted, from where thous! West Indis Committee on preparation telling you that it is just as good, simply The general views of the hohen vided hy Cubes uy stet vous ch. coel, the revolutwory because there is no medicine just as good as themselves, and by Americans wbo bavi ha bds dies tosir greatest sustaice, subj ct of West India steanet. Out o wewe uf the islato Dot only in money, but actually in fuod com bunication are in accord public, and indicate that the country sad other supplies with those expressed by to In on the verge of revolution by which ost of 1912 ww. comparativ. ue in their repori dated Augur West Indian Shippiog Commit the Italia beuta LENTO. Ia end to bemou strate their bumerical supremacy brought reports of the contemplated.
y feetle, according to those who have 15h. 1919 (Coumaod paper 372, build up a Lou Repubwo wbuch black PEINDR out of the interior. Toe question at the momen wil tue white. uted by Gea. Mon eagudo. then Cult largoly one of the provision of The immediate vehicle which will be and in chief of the Cuban steny, the cilities to enable Jassengerst used as the basis for the outbrek wil he folowers of Estevou add Iv. Det Dutta vel direct between the United be the latgled political ficaucial stua red more o. hoto tan 000 in the field Kingdom and the British Bon arising to the last Cuose elev Estimates places the best herrol. Odles. Fairly frequens opp Sole Agent for Panama and Central America, o Geo touch Couwder to the Lalabot snything from 16, 000 to 15, 000 Thi mails are afforded by the steam pitta the cloud of pooolble American in krength has beea marabilled outers of the Harrison Direct Line ratio beveting Nuovo bis Bunny effort at recruitin, and without une the Rosal Netherlands Thusta will pouch clima u the most pliable of all th» mes ne at other shipping companies ano Apil, when the muco aliud candidates in two hands of the leaders, what ota in plas also via New York. At the sain Panama Drug Store be the tid viguced aterowi sad whould be in ing upon the emotivne of the upou sa teu sime it would be wreat conve stilled.
business men general Nacks at work upon the plantatioue Ls, and especially to bankers, it nience to kietbe con cation of the black popu Who the leaders of the present revalu they would be assured that mat bar tere will be no such tugu wanty nouveawat are is not generally but Gover atent au hurity at tha Quwa, but men who recently were in bedspatched at regular in terals, with the certainty o timo orthur wil. bs non existent or impul und noor Santiago, Palas Soriano ano heir arrivinx with regularis nuther ther that section of Oriente probowy poter will come to Mitin, per province, usert that the preliminar por contain dates. In this con, might be ticularly if the United States, as every expenses of the organs of that twenty years aga mails wer: one on the Island anticipated, struigtitele cu ment being extorted from despatched from London on al out the present invoived cumulo Freucta oulies planter, whose acres wrnate Wednesday, and deliv Yuu vuyt auk sutfor more. Now is the bus duurde. WdAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED either bv intervea. iva urly more pea abuu Suntiago and from the smallered regularly in Birbados order to completel, dominate your sufferings is the furous)
ceable measures.
Mladers in the more isolat sections is the following Monday weer that ary, tur the meats of communication is to say, in twelve ways, Wing HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES What tekmes are seeking is Bruhn with those places, where they exist at how it takes anything from Mix of world wide reputation fur Neurasthenia, Anemia, Weakness, Lues of Appetice, Lebility, ete.
bugaboo on the island since American ulte privo bort, atau tbe teen days to three weeks turu its are buusreds of ute in letters to reach their distina.
For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Messrs.
Tuey demand the withdrawal of the ng bctore appeals fur ald can be lions. Salazar, Delgado Son and Da Costa Gomez in the city of Colon.
AC ou Ulbr art atendwout which pic If direct passenger steamshi; GERVASIO GARCIA, buits tue sao sau ut oi. Poli 46. usaps the greatest aid to the nexroes communisation was necessary Την M, CENTRAL AVENUE party and un mour cum fcum Bolsbevk prop Radists belo e the war, it is, in the Cuin Agous tur e pubus ut sama Peady to launch what will be cu lural. y have everrun the land. Inittee opinion, still mo e ce Tharo aro may on the island who ensary now, in view of the adau in the eastern and intelor reclube sve voucheated the informa iva that tion by Great Britain of the po due lode pendent Political Party of Ci Curs has been the tempurary scoppiog licy of Preference and the im our Under such a won 19 tko wekrone Vierace of hundreds of these age ato e kus peading krant by the West la corte de contabilite substantiall: wedgers, their mails and pas. Leaves Question for very Luce but Colonies of pr. wwards subsidy for rexul.
the country.
are uwe upped with pssports or other lerential advantages to thiervice by suitable ships for a ALGERNON ASPINALL Successor title of the negro party is means of entrance. Tuey have spread Mother Country, which should period of years on the under Secretary.
Dotkown. The present movement to the gospel of revolution and taco puwer und to divert West Indian trude standing that tenders would be would be The West India Committee, werely the rejuvenation ul thu revu u ion from one end of the land wibo olber, from America to the Mother nvited, tha President Wrison will Tako ruhly antroppd.
13, Seunt land.
from the im December 17ch, 1920.
no Steps in the Matter At present adeqrate facilities of Disarmament cargo offering; but it is very im loween this country and the British and Enziin, for sale at the DANIELS GIVES ADVICE are available for dealing with tn. portance of re establishing direct Rent Rosaipt Boki in Span.
WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. purtant that British commercwh West Indies for business rea travellers and business men van of Workman Printery.
hone, the questien prestigt INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA. erally should be able to travel to anno cannot be overlooked, ed, and the Washington, DC, Jan. 11. Promid13 ORANGE STREET, KINGSTON, and decom bei West Indirea direct West India Cornwittee consider Llewellyn Kerr one Wito on will take non sempus to bring JAMAICA of compelled heir that it would be in the highest about confrrence ou undi hike inconven sols degree undesirable, from the TEACHER: LETNOST EPISCOPAL BUT SCHOOL ex arminant, believ ng all such qi stione OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping and delay should be left to the incoming Adminio traveling via the United States by Imperial standpoint, it the Wet 19 Market Street, business. 8ste David or Canada. It is is true that fort Indies had to continue to depend ABDIENSNES DE Baron Corporal, 12:32 train. Uader Secretary uf (b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, nightly opportunities will be afoft on foreign steamship companies the United Music, Spanish and Broning Lorsan told the true naval Atisine Comuni. com Panama, New York and Eagland.
torded in the New Year by the land services via At Vory Moderato Price Mr. Davie wid no overturw toward CAPITAL. 10, 000 common shares at per share.
Royal Netherland Mail, but the states for the movement of thel dies ardent have been made to the Committee consideri luodes Introu the Imperial State Department by (oreignascon (6) 40, 000 preference shares at per share.
that British travel with the exception of na invitation (c) Shareg may be subscribed for as follows: 5s per OUT OF WORK? WANT BETTER JOB? the League of Nations to not repre lers snould have to depend on share on application, 68. per sbare on allotment and the bar entative to onaference cn reducing foreign steamship company for lance as the Directors think it LET US HELP YOU mamente, which the President refused reaching British colouies.
beasure the Uaited State Was Dos (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors. The Comınittee appreciate 04 member of the league.
the offer of His Majesty Gov We are constantly receiving requests for competent (e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall bold workers, from the city best employers, Beoretary Daniels al aporared he Dot less than 50 shares in the Company.
money, calculated at the rate of fore the com oittee on the diamame The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and 90, 000 pounds sterling a Leave your Name and And Address at our Office question and unheritating guve President elect Harding advise at the hope to start the service about the end of September.
for the Employment Department.
Isional passenger steamer sernation at palicy on this problema sfior It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will March 4b.
avafl themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num. dum and the West Indies, provvice between the United KingPANAMA MERCANTILE AGENCY.
Mr. Daniels advice was tbila; The ber of shares.
ided that the colonies of Barba 143 Contral Ave.
President elect should call an intern SOLICITORS: Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St. British Guiana, and Trioi tional conference on diarmament, Kingston, JA dad, were willing similarly to which all nations would be repromated guarantee a sum at the rate of sboetly after his inauguration.
30, 000 pounds sterling a year. While making little mention of the and understand that the reason League of Nations the cure for DIRECTORS why the West Iudian colonies the world ille, he was pron A. CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vloe President concerned failed to skree to con do in the past, the secretary tribute were that the arraoke Toiterated bir belief that uhlow the Unit DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; DR. Sr. CYL.
mata were to be for threa ed States jaise an interesides grow DR. OSWALD ANDERSON, TULLOCH, BINKAM wonths only, and that they dla ment to reduce the machinery of war JOHN WEITTINGHAM, GRANT, not consider the vessels which is OWNED BY it must have incomparably the router was proposed to use for such navy is the world. He sloo opposed MISS LENA BANDFORD, Secretary, Bervice suitable. Imperial Gov ernment ward to approach out The National City Bank of New York Japan to declare a holiday Partnerlogo Great Britain APPLICAON FOR SHARES West Indian colonies with an of construction.
Head Omice: 5, Wall Street While Mr. Dwie and Mr. Daniele and to their ranks have been added more were before the Naval Aftsin Commit WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
tee, representative of the Woma out of the United States bubbling over Peace Buciety urged steps toward die 73 Orange Street, Kingston with enthusiasm for the much preacher artnamedt before the House Military beg to apply for. shares of unch in the West Cause of bem equality everywhere, and official Depository of the Republic of Panama Allsine Committee.
Indian Steamship Co. Ltd.
Where the black man outbum supremacy Depository of the Panama Canal herewith send you 6s. per share with this application Evidence that the negrows ate be Through its Agencies in the Interior and Dr. CALVO and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 5s. per share and to make further payments as indicated in bs. per ginning to feel their power on the islan has been found in many places in Orien its Foreign Branches this Institution offers Physiclan and Surgeon the accompanying Circular, provinor. More than one clash hº exceptional banking facilities.
CENTRAL AVENIR AVD No. Name in tud ooourred already, but they have been 19TH STREET, EAST.
only spontaneous outturata of th. Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indlan Islands Address.
sort than the revolutiorary agents hav OFFICE HOURS:. 10 11 am, discouraged and have done everybinei Occupation.
laterest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent, to p.
print, in the hoped Date English, French, Spanish and divertine strention True their mot Per Annum Ambitious plans Italian spukea.
Country. Apart although blist instead RP today extremely maintenance of a prova year.
dos, INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION todo Chase o edustad meg to who com Capital. Suplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 of 41 each in the bers the white their power to


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