
TH VORII DIN, BATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1921 Sees Good Future for West Indies Mr. Aspinall Expects Much from Preference and Canadian Agreement LATTER MOST USEFUL DAQ Interesting News from West.
Continued from Page 2)
Demerara St. Vincent 4т.
Treaties Like this Set All Doubts about Trade at Best, He Says Oh, fine!
CH HESTERFIELD that the smoke! Fresh, firm and full of flavor They Satisfy. The blend can be copied either you only get satisfy in Chesterfields.
Cresterfield QOARETTES பண பல.
They Satisfy المه. ha Chesterfield ون CIGARETTES LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
Bpeaking at the Bristol branch of the Ryal Colonial los itute to day, Mr.
Akerson pinall rerired the old Dicus of that city with the West dks and widibat bere bere were being iefactorily sand by Avonwou. the chief part for West Indian fruit.
He anticipated a proprius tuture for the West Indies to view if favou ed treatment of their produce by Caunds and the United Kingdom.
Their robotic potion was wund, and although tb ir producnion of cocoa was Dpw dwarfed by that of the Guld ast, the superior vuility produced by Trinidad and Grenada sboud aidan thes ruute. wey wa matter of regret, Mr. Aupimall continued, that the lansa undustry who under Amerio, control, but it toust be remembered with gratitude that the Bovon Fruit Company nad this Buodeno hd been great benefact in to JE DOH ID the past.
Hodat wub tbe bortage of labour to British Guians and British Honduras, and the need for direct sentebp and telegraphic com dua cativa fur Beinlab Hundutas, and then rehrred at kengih to the Trinidad oil industry, furecasting rapid potes in this trade.
Continuing Mr. Aop. Dall said that sugar we the only industry de vig Datarial Lenefit frum tbe Conida de Agreement, but all brambee of tr. de wuu benefit in din ly. He believed that Preference was a setilo piley of Great lu peria!
Britain, but all ovu ts on this bead Wuuiu be moved if the ex mple of Caunda was full wd and a Trade AgreeDe mae Mr. pital intenced the improved financial position of several lol tbe culouku wch were bow talink their uwal ans, particularly emphuising Irodad corso in this direction.
Reratung Federative, before this bould be practical policies, It buld be the gebitel derire u obe Wist ludes for u. pontical blin, and this bad gut bith.
tres apparent made to be bad conditions ph Yailing to ter»rd to cable and entusiprvier to Ibe West Indies with the exorption of Jamaica, Lut Mr. Aspinalt said that it Would »ppear axable that there were precis butb defects being remedied Health and solitary Editions the at ladies abuned marked improve bent in tent years. the tour át infrie om Le developed, saad Alr.
Aspinat, bolelo properly equipped, OD the lies ut love in Jotusica, are Gay, run by company like the Con adia Pucifie Rainiad Co. Depite temptary retback, be concluded, th: sub of prosperity was likely to bord still biler.
ta recent meeting of the American Lighting Schen, Demerara Legislature an on for St. Vincent otticial member queried whether It seems likely that Klogaton the Guverowent proposd to take will shortly be lighted by electrl.
any steps to reduce the exi. city, Mr. E Freshman. of aitore 40. 600. on the Immigra Schenectady US A, has been tion Department in view of the visiting St Vincent to a ronda improbability of getting immi scheme with this end in view.
Kiants fron India, and the small number of people coming from expense any be avoided hy utils.
The Sentry suese tsthat the the West Indies which would be power su ply of St Vine require a much duced staff. cunt Electric Light Compiny.
His ExcHllency said hat the reply was in the negative as far ciation, which aims at foeting The St. ncent If He Assoas he was concerned.
thrift and industry, has already forty members, although only started in October.
St. Lucia Fairy heavy who vers fell at the winning of October, when the Rum Production in St. picting the cotton cmp was bei iu carried on. The light crulLucia.
ser Cambrian has pad a liree day visit to tie Harbour, leaving for The Troumaeree disti lers has St. Lucia on October 28th.
started operations, says the The spell of wet weather does Vol the first consignment not apuxar to have caused appreof rom leaving the estate for the ciable loss to cotton planters, and Guernient spirit warehouse on tair Sea Island crop is expecte November 28th. The Choc estate ed The Cutton Growers Associ, of 784 acres under cace, cocation and Agricultural and Com.
nat, and lime coltivation, is to be mercial Society have adopted old, he proprietɔr, Mr. moto recommending amalga Knight, retiring after thirty tiye mstin Arrowrot years in the colony.
Growers Association, American Army to ROYAL MAIL RAISES RATES be Cut Down To 175, 000 Men On Service to Wert Indies.
Congress Votes For That Halifax, Januar 2The Size Reversing Its Decision Company, operating shine ton Royal Mwil eam Packet of Last Week.
St. John and Ha if to Bermuda and the West Indies, has adRECRUITING TO STOP. vanced its freight rats by twe ty tive per cent, both reward and houward Prior to th outDecision is Against Per break of the war the rates from Canada to Kermuda were on the shing Advice of basis of 80 59 per dry barrel, 200, 000 Army, 912 per culic font asare ment plus five por cent, primage CALLED THAT SAFETY. surcharge was imposed inakin At the outbreak of the war te rate on dry barr. ls 80 and Direct West India Cable the measurement rate 020 per rron Washing on dated January cubic foot. In August, 1919 thg 17. states ibat Congr s8 voled to rare were again advanced to si gay limit the rize of the regu per dry barrel and 25 per har army of the United Stater. to cubic foot. The new increa16 175. 000 enlisted men. The Son now in force pot, the rat at 83 set aside 25 per dry barrel and 32 its decision of last week to reduce per cavic fool. my to 150 000 men, and without record vote adopted the orixinal joint resolution of Rent Receipt Books In SpanSenator New (Republican. In Ish and English, for sale at the di na directing the Secretary of Workman Printery.
War to stop recruiting until the.
Army is cut down to 175 000 men.
The House ten minutes later adopted a sponment. The House vote was 233 sred by Cnairmun Kahn of its 1)
Milltary Afairs Comittee, also Congress acted in opposition to directing the Secretary of Wat the wishes of General Persbing, to cease enlistments until there who had informed the Senate are no more than 175, 000 enlisted that an army of 200, 000 n conmen in the regular establishe stituted the safety margio.
ASK FOR kufbewerio LION Brand Margarine Ale by a vote of 41 to ob in line Before IT IS ENGLISH Lee joint resolution For sale everywhere in Panama ITEMS OF INTEREST TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN There is a limited amount of LUNG GERMINE BUSINESS MEN at the During the three days around Christmas the daily and Sunday papers in England have syned suspend publication in order give the employess a restas well as to ease somewhat the readiux publie who have been flooded with a great amount of bad news.
The well known bank, Farrows of England, Uspended payment: last Monday morning. The banki had a large client, etc. of small positors As a sequel to the Crash two oficials connected with the Bank have been arrested and charged under the Larceny Aut.
In the Phillipines the area.
Under sugar was increased dur.
Ing 1920 by over 100, 000, aces.
Tie alerage yleld of suxar per acre is three quarters of a ton.
8r Willem Manning form.
eriy Gover or ot Jama ca, and now Gore nor and Leander in Chetit Ceylon was carried to Miss Olga Mary, only duuchier 01 Mod Mrs. Seitor Jones, of 74, dovan prace Lug lalu, or enler 15th. People Drug Store Calidonia and Chorrillo They are going fast, get yours GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST ADVERTISE PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW ORLEANS, IN THE CRAWFURD ELLIS, President. SIMMONS, Vice President Gen. Mgr WORKMAN.
ROCKEFLLLER, JNR. GIVES 060, 000 for European Relief New York. January 21. Mr.
Rockefeller, Jr, ca of the Stan dard Oil Dgnate, has contri ibuted 000 000 to the reliet of stang Lureen children. This announc ment was made 10 yht by Mr. Hoover at ibe conclusion of a dner given to Mr. cke feilet hhorns Adiertise in ne Workman It pays.
which is read by every West Indian în Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
Insurance in force over. 85. 000, 000. 00 Total assets over. 500, 000. 00 Legal reserve on policies in force as required by law over 500, 000. 00 Assests in excess of liabilities for premiums of policy holders over. 580, 000. 00 The only Life Insurance Company cualified In the Republic of Panama.
HENRY CAMBRIDGE, Special Agent. Colon,


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