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PRICE Crs. Cy.
icular to go to pro questioned at the ana in vie You is.
pedlars, your you You you say suter for only coust crimes BRITISH NOT FLEET IN RACE HERE AGAIN With United States Ove Behaviour of Men Exembuituing of Warships plary up to Present Time.
After Being Seriously Advised by Londan, Jan. 20 The Dails Ohroolcla political correspon Pacitic divisions of he United The combined Atlanta United Aimed At By Governmemt of the Court to Repent and Reform. dent writes: states Battle Fleet reached here us The inquiry as to naval est Tuesday moroing on their United States of America.
strength and the Admiralty return trip to their respective Last Monday saw the closing have not reohived any benefit in volicv by a sub co naittee of the othern stations and expect to cones of the historic Peter Will. Its return, and you have had lit Imperial Defence Committed to remain in Isthman waters late Washington despatch states that prohibition dams case when, as per appoint. the benefit because you hawaow concluded, and their report period or alichotoa walisema leto the Southern Pacific, law, receive sentence for the long you no son Noman reups ang garis. Defence Committee. Is where Hot or burglary charges of which bader and their sonual manoeuvres, the sentence to the first offense of selling liquor, without givthey to go through They are planning new legislation to provide a flat jail he stod convicted.
Cabinet to consider fur Atlantic fiert visited Callao, Peru, ing the courts the optional right of imposing a fine.
previoue hearings of this par been menace to sociatyavether question of policy which the Pacific fleet being ty managfully for the as on all taken have ben investigated and give at the Cbtlese the guest Other changes being discussed among the prohibition government at case, was packed to the women and children have been their faal decision on mattere Valparaiso.
leaders relate to the search and seizure clause, 80 89 to Hoors, but of this crowd afraid apperently was the least you were at large, not knowing wracame for the coming year. bere series of athletic contests sent law, under which a person buying liquor may de punbaring on the shipbuilding at Durlag the wček to be spent reach the home brew and to make more sweeping the preconcerned as he stood bowed in whether their property would all be taken, and probably their lives the inquiry some of the tesues carried out, the results up to the gather that in the course of between both divisions will bu ished equally with the person selling it.
submission to the inevitable Pete will retire from public life before morning. You have been were changed. It was found that present betaga win for the At Confiscation of every drop of liquor held by citizens, for the next time yearshe he starter to all these people hand decision on the strategical luntie siders in the or wresting regardless as to what for acquired, also is being urged.
happens to be blessed with a lica think the only reason, you have question whether the building of and boxing contents hold lusThis would legalize seizure of all stocks held in a private that will cover that period ad not committed more helnou capital ship sawuld be contin Wednesday, the Pacitic term cellar or a safety deposit vault Objection to that, how we sincerely hope that by that crime is because no one corner ud was not the immediate desi winning the. deratum. The main baseball Series ever, has been made by some dry leaders on the ground the way of the transgressor is solved Yes, ve been cornered.
hard he played at the Balboa Stadium on that little such liquor tỉnds its way into channels of trade in to this: Thursday and Friday.
itsellerose sent Whether at time Before pronouncing the sun interrupted Peter. Ive never Dance Judge Hanan addressed committed sily heinous crin Britain is sufficiently prepared thus nd being eshore at once, of and that it won be long before all such liquor will be The men are granted shore the world situstion leave exch day, as many as ten used up.
him as foll ws:because was a coward, Mr. Williams, you have been on on the seus for wer wins to be the giving the side waika slong the AMERICAN COMMITTEE REJECTS The court continued; You retarding of capital shipbu idias entral Avalue the appearance tarth about 21 years. During had a gun.
that time you have lived more Peter. Yes, but did not use tor how loni. In other words, and, if so, in what degree end 57 sheet of white duck. But than 100 years in crime.
can we aford to take advantage numerous booths, to say nothing there IMMIGRATION BILL sprung lato existence e vecord than 99 of the cri. knew what yon would have of the state of the world and out of the bawkers and more crimes charged up to Court: don know if doce Rupreme position on the seas to minsis of the United States re. if a man had held you up, and delay the building of capital tering every conc vable thinx Gardless of aga Twenty one Suggests Alternative Arrangement you saw you could nt get away whip until the lessons of the for sale to the visiting gobs from of your have from him. It is supposed that it war are better appreciated by all weeks old puppy. And the men existence a Japanese kimono to little two proved wat ons to your father, mother and take life in order to escape. Sot seemed determined not to be ont There is reason to believe Washington, February 10. The House Im nigration sister, and to your friends the have never yet realized what it cri buying and buying was disapproved yesterday by the Senate immigration means to live. You have not lived it must ou bave committed but that on this issue the sub. com done for they are just buyizg Bill which would virtually stop immigration for one year be a lesson to all oth rs is content that the deci Among those who seemed to five to.
on the true ens porten les elected in the frame of mind bietet einen anderen tu pense bave done uploaded on loomade se agreed to adopt a substitute measure to day restricting im.
Mal side of life wore on the read other matters, which will sible quarter of the world sit order to raise funds for the substitute would allay all fears of a flood of undersiraolo food, and lived tements on the not poison your mindand thuation, provided that no vitul Prdende op hetish to be donne spiritual. Your training in life sentence am going to in is give you as been a mistake. The reading this morning is largely for the musela borne links nainen 15 leaves little room for adverse at this session.
volved; and in this canaction The behaviour of the men also aliens from Europe, and that he would push its passage which you have done has been of purpose of effecting your refor: recard building Aves not nec comment. Naturally in such a vnst the worst has poi mation well as As tentatively drafted the substitute measures provide we crowd there will be one or two that the number of Aliens of any nationality, who may The little society from your crimes. su sarily msan to stop building.
cells, the grey matter in your wil have time to meditate and! One of the chief factors in the recomandated the police of the be admitted to the United States in the next five years sind, have been so filled with reflect, and my carnest hope is rolation between the abiobaita telecromoleco 1001 put shall be limited to five per cent of the number of persone an to.
poloon that the whole mental sou owill see your item clear, they alicies Selecteals countries and among the lire has been if are ever permitted to be. It the Among the entertainments of such nationality resident in the United States as deter, the property is During the une you are there com aittee that there should devi dg atlet Tour day and one on emptions are allowed in the case of Aliens in continuouw it. You Co Dati con in Frilay whth was well attended transit through the United States, tourists, aliens froa apparently have had the idea tunity, and books will be furnish between the two cou atries where and were on tripod run countries with wbich treaties exist regulating immigratina und af tile auspices of the Army hat no man of women had you one been release the contenere in which admondott. Nevy propale of money and of native born of naturalized citizens of Canada, New desired it for yourself. This is trouble and annoyance you have dou frasa fur bota with nadst ngbus to property earned it and think and reflect on sugurat d, situs outside of the city. Tumor great mistake for any man or given others, and on the disgrace less anxieties. Ta sre is involvea cow the Race Meuting pro adjacent islands. The measure would become effective os man to make. No one is en you have brougtat upon your own some extent the questi a of scanne at Juan Franco Park April 12th.
Osvo voloxy, for the latencions o will include a race in which sail. or give an equivalent for it. has been inflicted upon you by comes will be celkeye sad chero be When you deprive another of reasons of your crimes. Wnile tint in this regard as their actual expected to be a great deal of Ex Soldier Requested to At the Movies.
fou derived therefroin.
his property then you are taking the maximum punishment is 16 peugramme.
Call al British Consulato Chat which not only injures him, years in the penitentiary, do On the value of the battle The Admiral of the combined Geraldine Farrar appears to Sut injures you. There is only not think will give you that. Iship in the lig it of the war ex fleets and other admirals and Fism of the Desert. one of the ane way to live in this world You are a young man, and you perience and the arguments for officers were guests of the The undermentioned ex solnost gorgeous acreen spectade and to succeed, and that is have been badly misled by your and against its retention as a National Govern cent at a recep diers are requested to call at over produced, at Tas Degilid live right and reading thoughts, the right ºf lite, liberty and you as an allions. She is as an asset manche de minert evidence to given by President Porras this ofạce or communicate with the producerederos.
pain was given. Evidence was also at the Union British General at Now York has already soclaims each and every indi. ful for me to give you thi pu given as to the need of revis ing aigut at which Admiral Wilson Panama in connection with wedi ad this tranendous picture wide vidual. No man Surreptitiously take one 18 the right to wish uent, perhaps, as it is for relationship of the capital ship and the President exchanged cal examination with a view to enthusiasme with plenty of cont you receive ity because you in agzılari s, especially the sub greetings.
arriving at pension decision:from another man. These ill. nave not reached that state of maciae and the airplane.
gotten gains of yours have mind where penitence has been John Hurd, James McCollin, punch to FLAME OF THE DESERT brought you nothing but sheme, demonstrated to me. You have RACES AT JUAN FRANCO Ace of Trompe, the fameus Samuel Griffith, Thomas Young, disgrace and prison lite. It came aut, in my opinion, revealed all chem plon pony of Panama, will Alfred Lyach, William Davis, dirouwd by Raginald Barker, What is expected to be the meet his hait brother in good David Tuompeon, Samuel Bris: traduces the spectator us werke Oasy to you and it has gone as of the truth. You have tried to cast race met ever held at time, and also Dark Losse sett, Richard Paul Inniss, Wil. that never flaks ia itu fasolar easily. There is only one way to protect others more or less, and soquire property, and that is to you have not told me the whola Juan Franco will take place to named Waarnpus do it honestly, and energetically truth. If you had told me the morrow, Sunday, Feb 20th, 1921. levents and it is hoped two trad Patterson, James Hermon, on. It presents a succession of that the Thomas Pollock, Ishmaei scenes of exotic beauty, Wind bosts of players in dazzling trap work for it. This you have never whole truth, and had been saThis weet will be full of feat. Ace will agaia declare himself Stewart pings and costumes. Miss Par Searned. You have brought your tistied of it. would feel very ure events.
8s master pony of the Isthmus.
old much. think some of will be The British Consulate, Colon, rar moviog througа their content all The speedy shorteske will be so prison with you, as well as this you have ota is the truth, includinx ull handicap, The seen in two aventa your younger Sister. You aided but some of it is not true, and winning jockey of which will re ins the fleet mare Dung age would be glad to receive inform na splendor that is regal and stion concerning the wbereabouts and of Josephine Jones, native of Ja Mro. Louisa Otway Roturan of In bringing another woman to do not think you have stated the calve cartons 111 cigaret the speedy pony Cocktail.
prison with with you bed because of your whole truth, but notwithstand. tas and the boy riding second Among other features will be maica, who arrived in Colon in Mrs. Louisa Ouway begs to action, association with her, and ing that, the court has no animo borse will receive carton of sesn the famous litte Arabian 1914, and is alleged to have re ahe being a willing tool to your sity, no ill feeling in this case.
stallion Sampson, also litale sided in Broadway, Colon, until no aly her friends snu the public hands to take other people pro but is going to do what is right Also Ma. 111 will give a Dickie, the tiny Whiriwiod, Red last year and also as to the in general that she has returned party you brought to ber, to and just under the circum carson of the fainous cigarettes Devil, New Negra, Starlight, whereabouts of David Reddie. from her recent trin to her homo dispose of it and pawn it. Astances.
to the winner of the mule race Wildtre, Biscuit, Roxie, Jim, formerly resident at Gurchapali. in Grenada, 100 diamond ring she pawned The Judge then proceeded to and also tue winner of the sailors Keep Kool nad last but not least Ront Racolpt Beolos in Span for you for All this property funny mule race.
you have taken from others has (Continued on Page 6)
The sailors roce will be of four Lets go boys atrd see the sail Advertise in The WORKMAN Ish and English, for sale at and got Good Resulte entries trudou by Hajlous. Ors sujuy the day. Wornaran Printers huen squandered, wasted. They it your mind.
18 right of the neval in.
noi sar.
by th: property in thi this pu to nch to put it over, in Ful cigarettes race.


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