
PAGT TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands PIEDMONT Cupta Part VIRGINIA CIGARETTE The COOL MLD Smoke zwoll ce ind for With that lingering taste MOISTURE PROOF PACKETS OF 20 naua End keepers bave had to 358 824 of advicated on Joland her ty Jamaica Our Fruit Trade Rawarded herpirsi.
tin Clement on ering diser With England.
tion the biter tvilu bez ted his craft for Isrunan Observations of arriving thera on the inab yve What Colonial Office Did mentined While at Cara. Man on Street. to Foster Sale of Bananas an Clement communicat with his ne til In Mother Country.
Question of Grant In aid Berkely and Son, wh!
raq Posting th: rvi 8 of ve Or Increased Salary for LATE SIR ALFRED JONES Teald spatched her to Cirupa the Civil Servants. The Sitarday mght last Diruthy was taken in town on Bananas Now Sold at Three THE Moodsy, reaching our harbor EMIGRATION 10 CUBA. pence Each. Two For as stated. She is a veself 73 Perny Before War.
tous, and was built at Grenada and was at the time of the mine prierstand that there is some difference of opinion be. The Gleaner reproducee. the hap on her first voyage froun Inicio Excellency the Gov. Followiny takin frum the Western this port to Barbados. erdur and a tw of bis trusted Press of Bristos bienipiants RR to wether the There is a pri spect of at least Port of Spain, Trinidad, Ja.
Public servants sbe und be given one of the natural industries of nuary Canad: led all other xant in and or whether they Jamaica being considerably de countries in supplying tbe oslony sheuld not be given iner as es loped with the assistance of of Trinidad with foodstuffs in or cand for all. It is strted that Exceller ey is not in favour was the foundations of trade the Colonial Office. Before the 1914, complete trade statistics for that year, which have just of Branimirad but is of opiniop that an increase of Dy to be Sir Altred Jone did o much to with the Isla which the late been pubi DW Pubit: Officers should portation of of fuodatults from var bould strengthen by the stablishment nada was over three quarters of all There are de oi ce gree of sa rect line of steamers be wilion dolars wreater in value lecled ep beys who share tween Avonmouth and Port than in the previous year The Governors lewe hat will Kingston were being connected amounting to 203, 998. be interesting to see what takes by ag inst 483 486 The bulk of regular, lupport in to this place when the Council resumes country of hulle quar titles of this coolisting vf flour and sale los oitin gs un ibe It of Feb bananas and other fruit TI The tish.
roers best Dext products of the extensive plantaDuring the year foodstufts Hops in Jamaica often rotted be valued at 538, 534 were im Dernite day hundreds of our caure they could not find a ready ported from the United States; latourers are again leaving to market and the result of the 580, 530 Trom Britain and work on the cap fields in Cuba great shipowner enterprise 50 104 from British Domini is and the TURB is to gient that it was was to ercivrave a colonial in and possesions other than Ca.
would be well it the Executive dustry and ch anen the supplies were to me that the staff at the ofruit to ibe Biiish consumer.
Canada sold this colony raw Permit office is increased. am Bar anns at 8d each nowadays materal Vilued at 203 20. ag nord that great dificulty in is compared with two lor a penny agnins 90 165 in live previous gelung der ne misand through unrded as a luxury. The latest)
being experjenced in the men beture the war. are almost year, and manufactured article valued at 555, 638, against 288.
The delay in Kingston Kingston they have prop 574 in the previous year.
prop al is the erection of a to in cur increased expenses central sugar In factory in Janaica vote for the payment of the pas manulactured articles the od In a few instances some boli sage of the officer and his wife Country had a big lead, impor.
to come to thi capable of an output of 10, 000 the tune annuall: out from Canada.
corsul tilting in 1919 bring valued at the labourers Loans THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT assistance of nxineer is shorily to proced la the previuus year histen the sun juct of the to the colony to a vise as to the the value of manufactureu goods Commercial men in merara botu) peis should like it unable process of mano, No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE point out that it would be a mis have been served with a nouico purebared from Great Britain lucture anil the choice by the various Shipping CowpWas 517, 518.
take for the authorities to par machinery. Small hoid. rs will thene pu nies drawing attention to the able tad rs out o ind a rady output for all their First Class Meals served at all hours am told that an elupplies, and it is this laws the underigen ioved clause on their business Bays the Port of Spain Gazette: fort in this direction is being l of Lading, which had been. The Georgetown authorities sover ment wish tu encourage EARLY TEA AND COFFEE there for some little time, but are wagiuk made, and it would impose hard Ouvivusli, Lowever, in view of crusade against which had not hitherto buen act inile poisoners.
ahli on the large batch of lab ne bagnitude of the scheme Special accommodation for Ladies ed upon, it being their intention On appearance before the will have Cuba.
to act on it in future:and coming from Court, very heavy fines are beIhan reiled upon.
TIDY AND POLITE WAITERS always advice that the Cube The shipowner will not be res ing inflicted; and in case of preJamaica service should be put SERVICE UPTODATE.
ponsible for pilferage, fire, or are sent to gaol without ine opviuus convictions, the e delinquents pr proper basis, and see no rea explosion wherever happening won of a fine. We think the Tet.
Demerara ualy those who un reputable or, however caused and whether nidad magistra es could with hotels should not be granted li on board or on land or in water salety tune leat out of their anses as sunarents to book Several Lives Lost buus Demerara colleagues bouk.
passengers, so long as they have In artsngement with the steam THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE or pending and atter traustip.
went or reshipment, and whe ship cou panies. terrible accident occurred ther caused by negligence of the An action has been filed in the in the Demerara River in the 167 BOLIVAR STREET shipowners and servants or Supreme Court of Trinidad by friend of mine who has just early hours of January h, re fine assortment of Canal stone rings, fresh supply of ageuls or otherwise.
Misa Kuowles, widow of the returned from tour in the sulting in the loss of late Mr. bert Koowles, against wristlet watches of solid gold and gold filled with high Mests Frederick and Onuntry me that the prod seven lives From the informa grade movements, silver table sets, diamond rings, diamond Trinidad la valliers, initial buckles, belts, safety razors, fountain ace dealers and growers are tion ustalued through inconsiderato for personal injuries pens, etc. etc.
periencing very hard time two boats laden with Very litte produce is being pur provision rei out from Canal No.
of a mutur er, and seFully one thousand rings of all descriptions to choose chared and that litte is fetching tor Georgetown, one boat Julio administratrix of the The Trinidad Agricultural De estave of her husband, who was usly low prices. Is it tot being captained by Wm. Jones, from. 10 discount on all purchases commencing Jan, 15th.
partment is turning its atteotion kiided as a result for the Government to who is known up the river, WILLIAMSON, Proprietor to the elimination of the dreaded No specitic amount has been accident Give some Mosaic Disease, which is at pe claimed. The action arises out help in the matter? and the other by George Mans think it would be well if the field, an elderly man. Mansfield wowo mm www neut atacking the sugar onne make there. The economic loss to of the ti agedy, some time last some representations to the lm town but up to the time of writ.
agriculturists as a result of the year, in which Mrs. Knowle perial authorities on on the subject. Ing, nothing had been heard or spread of the disease is very well was dangerously hurt. and her The Home Government might be seen of Jones boat. which beside able to devise some means to a a large quantity of ground prov. Consid red dod a Cum. husband killed by moto YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT. help us. It is clear that unle88 isluns, was bringing to the city ly, in a ec atle ort has recom. while walking along Victoria something is done there will be about six other persons among mended that the Government be avenue. Mr.
Frederick Herrera great tinancial stringency here whom were Kirton, the bow.
appruached for a grant ot 15, 000 was not an occupant of the Tur some time.
u an, two men named Garnett That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
to be expended as follows: at the time of the mishap, but is and Melbourne, the latter an owner. Messrs Seliler and We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satis1. Labour gangs each Co. are solicitors for plainuitf and am told that unless the policeman and a woman named factory service in the interest of our customers is our ot mon and foreman Hamil Smih and Co. soll.
ernment revise the prest nu Lucy Johnson.
freight rates certain of the com constant aim and purpose.
for months of 3, 000 citors for the defendants, Hon. nry Kt, und Danies purchasing fruit in Ja News of the sad event was Daca intend to import motor brought to the city by Mansfielo, For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry plaut and 1st ruloon Vein Savary, we further untrucks to coupete with the Ruil. who astived at a ard report slubol at 200 per derstand will appear for Mrs.
and expert repairing. Call and visit.
6, 000 Kowles, and Messrs was. It is admitted the led that while he had not seen For seattered fast the mile of freight Ry C. and Gastou Juhu.
on FULLER JEWELRY STORE, Souls removed at 20. 1, 000 ston fur tue Herreras.
certaia articles was ar too anything of Jones boat the tide was no rough that one time low, but in the revision, which was feared that he himself wowa i! Providing healthy 122 Central Avenue, Panama.
has taken place, think some ex cuttings 000 WO at 3, 00 pr 1, ww.
80001 Grenada cessive ct arges lave been in pris pot have reached the city. He Transportation. 1, 000 ed. It the Director of the Rails had never seen the river in such Subst quent inspeo way is wise, he will care ulty a state before, and there was ton for rest of year. 2, 000 It is learnt from the West consider the bole matter and every reason to lieve that making a total of 13, 000.
Indian of Grenada, that, Mr.
prevent further a mpetition un Jones boat must have been cap Albert Marryshow, Editor of the part of outsiders.
sized and the occupants perished According to the report. It that pap r, has repied to a body BE NOT DECEIVED!
is by no means certam that these ot West Indians in the United Advertise in the WORKMAN number of men set out in Class Distinction is more a matter of dress than measures would result the States ao septing the invitation and get Good Results search of the missing boat bu anything else. Beat it down. Let ei adication of the disease, but the returned Duter and stated that lol Wed up carefully there is extended to him to take a lectura. us help you.
a lair chance of succes, and in about may nex war in the United States on OR they had not been able to trace The West Indian. It was reported, however, any case the spread of the the addresses will be The next. The subj ct of that a quantity of ground prov. THE WOMAN EXCHANGE disease wouid be very much re FUTURE OF THE WEST INDIES.
INDUSTRIAL HOUSE is ons was seen on the mud flat DRESSMAKERS on the West Bank. Argusy.
Will toucu on the inevitably triangle of any fucure (l) hom 8rd and Cash Streets, Colon Sars the Port of Spain Gazette, the roint of view of Representa Oilers exceptional bargains in The Secretary of State has Up To The Minute Styles of 19. ult. The Alish schoon tive Government and wederations er Dorothy and Captain (2) from the pias of view of SHIRTS, HATS, CHILDREN notified the Governor of Britis Guiana of his appointment to large asortment of Tailored Waists Clement, struxkled into purt on Canadian Annexation. 3) from GARMENTS, ETC. ETC.
hat colony of man from Cana Monday alt, rhoud under the the point of a mandatory by the NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA escort of the steamtug Teal United States.
All Made to Measure da do till the post of Senior sur which towed her up from Caiu yor in the Lands and Mines (Continand on Page 7)
ANN THOMAS, Dress Making a Speciality The Echoger left our Dej a tment at a salary of 350harbor for Barbduos with 450 pounds sterling per annum AMY MORGAN, Proprietress.
Advertise in The Work In view of the foregoing the De snipwent of manure on the 18:h November last, but when u wel man It Fays.
Proprietress erara Legislature has passed a tells probably tion to hand it would be ground that and Ralph driving condly 88 well an Oar that in the Acie and will Dane.


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