
WARNING Dr. French Strengthening Compound it is Do not let your druggist deceive you with some similar preparation telling you that it is just as good, simply because there is no medicine just as good as Dr. French Strengthening Compound On Sale at all reliable Drug Stores neady cifficul nd never aoxius over ruos.
Sole Agent for Panama and Central America, DEMETRIO FABREGA Panama Drug Store by pursuing Bourse of Wag also afall that be beld Roll, ia SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE out.
witb of forceful sad on months, when 3061 reet et Yяда. АЯУТАА ИАКАТО НЕ MOB A WOLATAN. SATURDAY FEBRUARY, 19, 1921.
CRICKET AT BARBADOS Royal Sanitary Institute WANDERERS VS. PICK of our cricket world is likely to record WICK.
was more of the valuable contribu British West Indies contre ti. Dre Store and Mariah, and of the Sanitary Institute of Great 8 Batson und Gerd er sette Britain has been formed with Exciting P19 01 Game materially in taking the so re to the branches in British Guiana, Tot apl adid tot at which it stands Pok nidad and Barbados (Herald ny. 15)
sisk wilatera their first innings to la each) colony board of ex WHEN YOU CALL FOR day, and, wrather favouring abould give amigers, culunial representative At Kensington, on Saturd y le t, was good serunt of themselves, and an honorary secretary have commenced the play off match between (Herald, January 29)
bewo appointed, and it is proporLO to do the ed to hold examinations yearls Ownersbip tb firat el va cup for the Despite may gloomy indications dur por certificate in eletuntury 1920 re son. The weather was gratifying ing the work, the weather was perfect Sanitary Science and al o for the y bright, and the wicket respot. sively daturday list when play was reumed more advanc certificate of the perher. The attendance was a large and arse and the pl. y off match st Kensington bo Roval Sanitary Institute enthusiastic with Winders wat wen Pickwick and Wanderers. 1b syllabus of lectures has been 100, sad up ned their intuss with the wieket was in an excellent state pre drawn up for the Burbadus Challer Brothers; and partnerebip OP DE rution well as the entire ground Branch, and it propose to built on cautioue play, though by De duil, yielded be very rareatable the altendste wus the largest of the begin the course of lectors ing batsman with so stribu in of 61 Hur hinson, the promising loft baoder.
nings with Torilton. kipper) and H Legislative sancuon.
Personis de ous of attending his cred Hedwplayed much of his per With the score at 40, du chinson was the course and qualifying for Fiction the off is. sken tebind the wichet for 20 rub; and these examinations, are quest then vw stylist; but bis definee Kiddoy, who fi led the vacuucy Wed to apply for further particu of prrctic luo: si led the varanty created and clean bu maled by See to feel lars to Me, su Peach, Hon enditure was at one fred 17, and with the screef 88 Sec. Parucial Buildings.
a coup: Srowue paridend arlon and the pair that is still av ing strong, and in whici o sled down. Both batsmen wero its backers maintain betrictest outfi granite monuments under the JOTTINGS dence. At a Viry wendo Deated bowling changes and setted to ence wipe; but hox Dk Tirilton was del satly a fentive. duce only one twelfth nuca Chollette the od complete mastery over the rundThe Pilippige at present pro ing once sinned and been for iven, drove exhibited lus unquration na ito bhfulnes line u deviation hi os a conveni. Dce to be of hou. Ruzar a Cun, al ho 18h the ielnnd have three iiies the area larynd not infrequently got some uite and much richer sl. It is said straigo eu. Income paredes over to the Botla tutamen are playing the store be met beaten, and it was bys changed quattrodern sugar machinery opside. Oaly once did Only one did that wi the int llaston o nde valler e game, but with the refinemen pace delivery trou De. Skoeto to which the production of sugar to the ond scientific faint that drives away alipped and left muob opportunity for Philippines couid bo multiplied thought of boredom and creates a Being sumped so confident was the sphere of perpetual interest. Ther. cket ko of his his downfull tha by Bity, ed word, however, morate when Geory be ball unusually look fording Toril. It is reported that a British found it aveaient, wi hout dampet in time to regaia police of safetyl mission is to visit the cotton disNie club o interests or to bicoll, to stes Browne played attractive oricket, but tricts of Braz to udy the we do na drive vigorovaly to the cand far too much riek in placing the general conditions for plant boundry; but his atitude was generally through the slipe. It was pretty, but ing, and the means of transpor ee of costlos calon with the apparen wesound, shot and it ww irritatine tation. It will recommend the whjvor of foord breaking over before the Wanderers backers to se bº formation of British companies You ought aos to suffer moro, Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED Lp Nim. Ince is emulating him bravely, often it was brought off with success. for the purpose of stimu ating order to completel, domlaste your sufferings is the famous Muu wis goud weather to day, there in the partnership was not brokea watil the development of the coton so prece imating the result of the day. Gorge was favoured with new ball. industry in those districts.
HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES pay. Two total toure now viande st 321: Trundlink with demoniacal energy and a of world wide reputation for Neurasthonia, Anemia, Weakness, Love of Appetite, Debility, eta Chinilesor 190 oot out; Lace 66 sot pure purpose quite worthy of his side The tomato Industry in the GAUR. Herald, January 22)
For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Mossrs.
bo succeded in clean bowler Bruwee Bahamas has a proutsing faturo. beauty which surprised the best transport Csabe assured Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon Wanderers alred their firt innings ia msa and dislodged his baile was to the United States and Cauada the play oli matola sgriot Pickwick at perfect long ha and might have boeled. The crop ein be successfully GERVASIO GARCIA, Kensington on Saturday let 515 better unna. Browne contributia marketed during the winer NE, CENTRAL AVENUL Agent for the Republic of Panama for 587 ruou. B Austin was 68, the result of driving tresh vegetabl abent result of illness, consequently swd rond play. At bio di swuf all the cominand high prices. During only nine wickets full. The not out of total otcod at 229, the partnership hav last winter season, owing the provious Saturday. Challenor ing thue yield. 161 runs. Wood Want of transpot, une quarter 190 And lace 66 suceded in us Joia Tarilton, but 19 runs later the of the crop was not picked Besturing their double sud axle centuriss latter edged rising one from Cholenor About 150, 000 crates were shipNILE QUEEN THE GREATEST O)
spectively, but ulter achieving tbees and was taken bu ifuly in stipe by ped the Uited States, each conspicious performances they failed to Borown for 130. Tarlton downfall crate containing six fuur quart The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin GIFT baskets get very far beyond, Challenor trinx came as a surprue. The extreme cu Made of oils imported from India and Japan how lod hr Craves with a Ingging deliv tiun be had all al ng a played, wened wry for 210, and Ince caught on the CUTE ANFANTER LEACH The greatest gift that Heaven les wiadoste possibilities of a buko indi CREANIMALES VANISHING Rent Receipt Books in SpanW at de 106. bola wa tatu sa pinyed was vidusl o un ribu ion and a cammoch ish and English, for sale at the has given to mankind is the gift of Sight, and all wil agree that total. He was however, csukht sopprox Workman Printery. Dibicent muidge, ehindly notale for priceless treasure. No hu. extibition of of sterling patience and bril on the jub by Bits u and not forgiven man being can be bappy without defence Mason Wood and Lapako are at it. It cannot be bought or sold one? more exemplifind the the truth of our present on the wicket. Te totul stande until founi Kashmir Nile Queen. Now my skin is as There is no Better than smooth and lovely as oso be and my hair has own so took sod dossy, my friends by either rich or poor. More statement in regard to him at the 202 for wickets. Dr. Skeeto of the lost intercolonist tournament:truadhing was, perhaps the most out headaches are caused from eye Data uraames (Sgd. SALLE RED strain and eye weakness tan and it is, that he has a very pleasant standing fes ure of two day play, al. the Best.
SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS from all other causes put toge babit of pleading past the hell oentury bruxas is out unusu I, the best prises ther Un turday last be reach u 79 ruus ris did not fall to him. He bowled with Do your eyes feel as though ateeding but ing, and from the form he pace, reettine vod Akht on the ball, It allowed to pick our choice, there is gravel in them? Aro displayed we aro sure that this veteran and maintain de perfeo leak th.
would have done but the heat of overy they lofa med? Are you having thing: yet it is sed to say that our peo Any trouble with your glasse: If there is any question in your ple oa he Lothepus, at the cost of the mind about the condition of your health, jump at every now patent med.
eyes or the kind of glasses best line placed on the markets specially if it is nice to take.
Such risks generally prove harmful, Drink Muscadine Punch, a deliclous and refreshmany of tho new dopes are nothing bu fake. and should be carefully avoided Ing bovorage. Once drunken you will forget ADD DI When obtrining your medicine, go Root Beer and all other aerated drinks The greatest proposition ever taken up by West the best. The best in always that which is well tred and recommended by the CALL AT THE Indians; and the wh »le world is falling in.
majarity. Remember, don experiment life, for it is precio Colon Co operative Stores, Sth and Hudson Lama The Directors are offering 100, 000 worth of Knor yo all മൻ, that Wilco Pith and Secure same for your Xmas Drink Stock to the people of the Republic of Panama and have the indieputable right of being the best Patent Medicine a tho Lotte Costa Rica.
mue. Let no ono fool you, other This can be taken up in Preferred Shares at pood. It It has wood the test of many years treatment, and hold the ChamThe kind of glasses as you see or in Ordinary Stare. plonship of the World morit in above evt relieves alley Millions have beon ourd, ad illione Satrian. protect the eyes fruna The money is needed before the end of Feb aro under treatment oondpont.
glare or strong light and gives iary 1921. This will bring to Panama before April you perfect vision for EVERY This statement is booked up by footer THING and ALL DISTANCES your large passenger Steamer.
Advice from the makes medo: Due Dr. BUCHANAN (Remow to the many new orders that are belee ed Eye Specialist of New West Indians, this is your chance.
sent la daily from all parts of the world incones quance of the proudly tarimad is one of the most com Purchase and live! Disobey and perish. in their found demand for. DeWitt e Pille have OWNED BY alty. Many persops whom he 19twed bas served tre tesutylag to the derfootboy grounde Cherry Orchard font OXO Road, Best Croydon, London The National City Bank of New York Send money by mail to Do Thighs treatment in DeWith POL IUCHAMA teismood Start now. Sold of leading Deus 90 Head Omeor ss, Wall Stina to ho stores, and we always late at the 2016 lo ofde is located as Noite Bolt st 86. opposito Muonie Build CAMPBELL, oral depot THE CITY PHARMACY, President and Managing Director 130, CENTRAL AVE, PANAMA SVIH Omolol Dopository of the Republle od Ponen 73 ORANGE ST, 24 KINGSTON, JANMICA AGENTS WANTES Depository of the Panama Canal Dr. LOWE Through its Agencies in the Interior anid To sell Quoon Hale Doming, Qeven Medicated Skia and Scale ite Foreign Branches this Institution offers L, Bdin excooptional banking facilities.
Soap, Queen Face Powder, Canon Everybody lo jumt crazy over Peroxide Skin Cream. Must have 139 CENTRAL AVENUE 12:19 PANAMA CITY Dr. Welters Tooth Powder some cash to purchase stock of Drafts;on Jamalca and other West Indian filando Otto Hourw mm goods. Quoon Toilet articles are Bosure it the ONLY dentisoe thus polleho rold in the bowth. biochor the to. rotards dioses. Drevente deosand reloveo soothe excellent and sell well. Call at Laforest Paid on Savings Account at Por Cool Amenn Leje Anttooptio Try en today No. 17, street, Panke, at pe.
10 Boll St, between Ath and 9th, Colon.
or write to Box No. 17, Ancon Per Annum Bu 198 Phoen: Ollie 844 Agents Wanted KASN WIR BEUTY PERIOR Distributors. for information Macae, Hasidince 1812 COLD CAO CREAN SHAMPOO.
Kashmir Chemtoal Co. Chicago.
Gentleman Nile Queen preparations have done wonden for my hair and skin. nearly every hint to clear rolexion of pimples. liver mots and black beads without slladmire it. wish all our women would by Nlle Queel.
Very truly yours it is a lisnt but steady od made in Bulvar between th and th. Colin Box 73, Cristobal DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH with life, for it Conde de reb.
ow from INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION to Gapital, Surplus Undivided Profits otor S13, 200, 000 toe. color, of 14 Profeom geit.
Box. Oraro el


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