
PTƏHJNƏZSƏY boovat upon SILIAIDD Trindd saoghall מיקי 01 prat1983)
Oitic te UU Cox Strand WIESMA boan was ciəsrəJA SPFƏgtərsəy. THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1921 PAGE SEVEN Interesting News from West.
ooooovad. SUHAN LLEODI SOLLCUVOI. ontinued from Page 2)
St. Vincent Barbados The St. neant Sentry of 314 Fatal Drown ng Acto tulate the Honru able Dr Eus tuce Gr aves, BM. Mer of cident.
Surger of thi Ujersity. Edin biry, sc ing Colonial Surgeon SEVERAL LIVES ALLEGE of St. ned, on hi co tim: tion in the tice ne surcento ED TO BE LOST.
the How able Dr. Darran. Geaves is a native of Berbasad Two Bodies Rocovered.
brother of the hi Justice of that eolan.
The radi of the 29 ulto.
From le tue of nis wriv heretates that a tragedy of an unin April 1919, to act as Medical 2001 and horritsin natura no sousp 857 pure up moaeg of No GreeVps nou only able enacted in Carlisle Bsy last Wed.
oy sdəəxt vəddem 1989 me ken verse day afternoon as a result of terest in the institutions utions which a veral persons are alle which enme under his sup rui to have list their lives by peq puy nos suța peq sseu sion but al o established a Iro lular priv to practice in KPI nin. Unfortunately thy ure of the occurence prevents noows MouTƏW Powegs own, pa licularly amonk be from being accurately known qwƏq Aoļua INOA sptag poorer classes who were se nx cºly how many persons were daily calling at his office at Hall ir ned. The facts are that the. J3psByɔ no ye SAVMIV in large numbers, choyner Aida which way lying was due in a great measure to the nis ubarı vation of conditions a to stil on Wednesday after: Ibe nomher of Charlotte that certain valua le migrants e pauper Institution at Furtoon for Cubs WD setoriet ad u provements have been mode Cuba. The men 160, had and by Aroher.
cases from the Cloninl Hospital migration agent. It is a rule to a special ulcer ward offer Cubs for crowds of young men the whenever emigrants are willing Fort was adopted with manifesi advantage. Taking into consid. ind women who have fallat to eration his personal knowledgeure admission into the citite!
of West Indian conditions, gen nun ber to endeavour to stow erally, his years of experiencinemselves away on the ship as a medical practitioner, his un. And the general conditions of failing courty to his o intr res hardship under which labouring and bis subordinaten, his keen papla exist in Barbados славе interest in and his ability to loc Ruthorities twink, so to on Nanitary matters, Dr. rak, at ang Greev Phould prove a success which a willing man or wonen rul Colonial Surgern and a wor takes to tres to obtain enployment.
Any successor to the skiltul Med Cone quently thore was a grant ical o ficers who preceded his number of men and women in. the persons of Dr u Dur hore he intent on boarding rant and the inte Dr. Christian Corried ta Cuba As one of these Aida in th. of hans Beanch respectively.
little craft drew aongside the e cra th scovones British Honduras Schaubie wo ti side of ine bat party of about 18 Jendeavouring to clambar abord the Aida The Clarion of British Hondu. the boat with the result ras states that Mr. Hall of the body into the wized throwing every Wireless Station will lassen. Doo water. fierce xer on the Sonsler which is struggle took place in the water to sail for London shortly. We as a number of toe party could understand that he will purchase the meantima not swio. Adober bat had it a proper outfit for the Station through the occupats tryiax been capsized.
it Wireless touch with Jumaies and the jamp icom uns buat another United States without having to their efforts to reach the through Swan Island and schoner. Assistance was given. cut out the beavy toll the to the persoas strugeling in the Uited Fruit Company. This water, out when everything was stoppage of the financial dran over two bodies were dived is by no means its best aspect. were missing.
rumour said persous 10 xutting direct connection Nailed in cer in th: evaning. At The sun oder with Jamic we jpin up with an iuguest held on Thursday the all Red Route to England, and there is less likelihood of drowning was returned.
verdisc ut accidental destb tru.
official messages of a confidential such inessages are sent through Llewellyn Mere a foreign country. Aga instead of the pifle, called press news, TEACHER: THORSTER SCOPAL SCHOOL with which we now have to be RESIDENCE Market Street, Caloo, RP content, real news of interest to ADDRESS: Bozan Cristobal us as British subj ct4 will regu Music, Spanish and Bvening Lossano larly come throuxh. Vorv moderate Price.
AN be the ure Would resort that 04 Wharf Question in Trinidad The West Indie Committee, acting at the 18 of we prin els petroleum oinpane oper Bling in Trinidad, has addressed the following luter to the Under Societary of State for be Colo hie81, Mimmi tee have been approach by cartoon of the companies cone td With the tre eum in utry Dr. qu. to call your site.
tot) the inconvenido Duy which is result ng ir mtu COOK Buon on the wunfa. Port It has been pointed out to us that no great is the di der 11 cmenti in as the present to that youds an initrials for ich thol come have essing need have been left ia Ilovers aflat, there being a rin for them on the warf.
Bin arly, parcals of aspha sin ten Beigot to be shippolat Port of ho have to remain in nghters pending the arrival of 1h: thteam rs, owing to lack of 8p1ce on th what Toie use of the lighiers for storago apr. ventter ing devot wth ir nor mil purp ises, amonz when the removal of maturial by witer to the oil companies bates a Point a Pierre, Point Fortin spa Claxto e Bay. The team unload their cargoes into thlighters without reward to desti nu ion and ownership, and th goods consequently becoine al nost inextricably mixed up l hu oil condus suggest that the congestion on the wari in mainly due to the fact that th railway has insuficient rollin Buvck to enable it to remove th accumulated material, whilst th.
disorder on the whart whic intente e with the oper ations of the railway, even in tad chero bute lurg lyt. the fact that the the rolik stocn, they attri whole of the uploadi has to nductei by One 57 ton crane worked by hand power.
such hind power bele Napp ied by the varius consignees, who tak charge of the crane wheneve th y can do so Tn y unlo20 their inater al on to the whart, and generally, owing to lack of Bpace, ale comp lled 10 put it o the tip of a previous consigo mont belonging to some ne else and when they have finished with the crane another consignes it, process being then red. Committee have learn with satisfaction that His Excel dency the Governor is consideride the question of of increasing the ex isting wbart accommodation, bu to express the hope that pent the comi letion of ar in this connection lu pe may be k to relieve in situation by the proy ision of additional rolling stock and crane capaci ty on su gested that one or two elec obtained without delay, sinc trienly driven cranes could be there must be in any to Apare in this country from inunhion fac tories which have closed down while is ample electric cur rent available in Port of Spain. These facilitie would, in lar towards relieving the exist of iny Committee, go the opinion Tar ing situation, and am to express the pe thet Lord Milaer uay see his way to recomm nd their adoption His Excellency the Governor of Trinidad and Toba 22 go. have, etc, ALGERSON ASPINALL. Noted Geologist Dles The West India Committee Circu.
lar regrets to annoui ce that Pro fessor L Wutts, the geologist of the Ken River Olbelos of Cal fo nia, Lud. in Trinidad, died recently during his return jur boy to the Island. Although American nationality, the late Mr. Watts was of Serttish bi. ving settled in the Un ted Biales arly life, where he engaged in professional work with considerable distinctie and tuccess. man of fcrupulus Conscience in his professional duties and of orixinal and pleas fog personality, his loss will be severely felt by his business associates, BRITISH CONSULATE NOTICE The British Consu ate, Colon, would be glad to receive inton mation regarding the ab ute of Robert Minon Brath waite, native of Georgetown. De.
merata who arrived on the IsihDus in 1913, and is believed to bave worked in Cristobal aud at Paraiso which will put it she relay to ALBOA EST EER REWED and other out than when for the samewhart, li has beer COMER and FSTREET, GOL.
there am TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN There is a limited amount of LUNG GERMINE BUSINESS assic MEN at the People Drug Store Calidonia and Chorrillo They are going fast, get yours GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST ADVERTISE PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of IN THEWORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
Vice President Gen. Mge lasurance in force over. 35. 000, 00. Total assets over. Legal reserve on policies in force as required by law over 500, 000. 00 Assests in excess of liabilities for premiums of policy holders over. 580, 000. 00 The only Life Insurance Company qualified in the Republic of Panama.
HENRY CAMBRIDGE, Special Agent, Colon, where:


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