p. 1


Invasion of National Territory CAUSES BIG DEMONSTRA: UNCLE SAMAS GASOLINE LAUNCH TAKES SEA FIGHTERS TO PRESIDENCIA FIRE IN OPEN SEA Local Forces Mobilised. Two Contingents After a stay of ten days in Pa Six Persons Lose Life as Result Despatched to Seen of Trouble.
of Great Explosion Bid Adieu to Panama After Enjoyable 10 Days Visit.
sailed informed of the and The little brothar. son On that we la more ga Moro, the force, todo of the bucied it at der greier Colon got up He resistance, not ing the Visit to numanian Waters th, Pacific and Atlantic feets of the United States Navy left these waters during the latter part of the seek. The Atlantic fleet first Relations between this govern Director of El Diario Nacional as arrangements could be made the bande adieu passing through the List Sanday morning between The dond include th englamr.
onal ment and that of the neighbour spokesman for the crowd spacious wall way of the Munici, day for Guantanamo Bay, Cube launch Rosario away Wednes and o clock the gasolene Cliford Dixo, Junaican; a wila: ing reputlio of Costa Rica have addressed himself in part as fol pal Building was the scene of an is usual base, and the Pacitic known as the Machigun) pro Alteed Freckleton. Enity Frock (formerly Carmea Cruz Panamsatan: Joha become somewhat strained dur lows:on their patriotic road more about set two days later for Sao Pe perty of Mr. Francisco Alvarado, flotano, Martha Prookletna and ing tho past few days due to the comes to mam.
Occupation of a certain fe, Mr. President. This manibodied sons of Pauamin eac dro, Los Angeles demnun. forcing his way to have hit cam portion there to you be banale pentru tot ce este relation was kept up all the men were allowed shore pniles onts and so omen here ceritropis yang ting During the warships stay here Aposto which took place bers of one family who wars armed forces acting undertion posted on the orches Paterne de coure dades realise with this. ex leave and thousands of them the coast of Pacora, aix persoon dien the bathrivasto being allar structions the Costa Rica We are the deleratie des fuade citement and anxiety had spread their white uniform lending an catastrophob was on its way to Aocked truch the city each day, losing their lives in this dreadful bean captain. Another anilor government The territory in question lies to day by the Costa Rican Consul over the entire city and busy sphinx bagutiful to behold. Panama City from Darien wben Freckleton her streets that was borders between the two in tais alty, consequently, it is crowds were to be seen rushing you as possible, rescu riqul and is bounded by the the country what you propose tion.
rivers. Goitibo preseat emergency being the name of the and when you should prove your phone kept busy serving out without saying: Everybody. wat out in row boat for water but not in June to do The vattous supply stores cuinted in this city by the twen had run out and for saved Rmmt aad har brother the. who in the officer in command Patriot wysou horou o loro come porte to the police online were to past and super heb ik bilan spending styling is absence the follow me onder and invading told the passed by a balo, of. but leave in afternoon of yester Panamanian Police Inspector of on the contrary you should be day. The hardware stores also their dough and dont you forget the accident occurred and from the following day. It is presas leton were recovered Juta with that. that covered the darkest where ar ns and ammunition are they all had a real jolly good the account given by one of the in decupying the territoy, bis shadows or iguominy. Mr. Turn sold also came in for their share time spending it too survivors it appears that while ed that little Marta was so government was only complyinger adu ress was creatly up of business in hinding out The behaviour and deportment Clifford Dixon, the engineer; eer, burnt that nothing ren xinet of with the recent decision of Chief plauded, with the band playing necessary implements of war tas of such a large body of men in a was in the act of straining out her. The captain and surviving Justice White of Washington, the National Anthem.
President Porras then replied sitioned sama toy ur in the forces muy expressions of satisfactor) za with the water in the bilge of Mrs. Freckleton were the the local govern went had requin child hoe die redenen vast tall fohet some gasol ene which had leaked sailor were placed under arredi who gave it as his persoral desired called of and had Me milan amat the land nndur dispute and among other things said that to be despatched to the scene of any appreciation from respon the boat with the object of using ents of Mr. Roberson was Costa Rican territory. He he had badly recovered from the trouble.
then asked Pinzon to surren the surprise caused by the un Police Brought Over from the place which he reiu. ed, ex pected attack of the Costa ame husband been for The numerous entertainment sailors, Carmen Cruz, turned the long tim clerk with the Alper not having any orders from this Ricans when comes and other diversions ly wheel. The spark from the icna Trade Daveloping Company government to do so. At the surprise at tue apparent soubt the city of Pana na and on th nagneto ignited the gas in the of this city andwno is no pro same time, ho however, be could concerning his patriolina. detachment of the police Caval Zone for entertaining the Dilge and a territic explosion fol viding for the wants of the sur for fron Colon was requisitioned men were all taken advantage of lowed, not offer any hay viving members of the family.
and it is not three months yut since was surprised at the attacks for and the nine o clock train from and enj yed by the good to the necessary forces, and it is not allowed the invaders to do what distinguished diploat vi list that sity brought over 80 men bast of what each function af they pleased while he wired the country was on 10 bars who were marched to the bar forded.
Prominent Columbian Doctor Clains to Have Rose circumstance to the Governor of Republic and gave assurance of racks and equipped for despatch assurance with the second contiogent.
And when the hour arri. ed fer Offers Services.
them to bid adieu to the Isth the Province, who in turn in their friendliness and traleruity.
tored Daad to Life formed the National Government De. Porras assured the manites. Second Contingent Salls. mus they all felt regret that the through the Chief Executive, tants that tay government was days had slipped by all to fast, The following letter from Mr President Porras.
doing all at its aisposal to face Apart from the hundreds of Ibanez a Coluxabian citizen, Used Afronalin. a Extract resident. va of Kidney Gland of Animaiss the afternoon of the 21st. im. cure their euthusiasm as it was other provinces Panama sent School Children Entertain anos at the present juncture: This occurred at o clock in the invader and exported them to volunteers bilag mobilised in the medfately on receipt of the news wow the time not to talk but to forward her second contingent Parents To the Present of the Repubwhast Rewarkevio Instacaco wao de tachment of about ice uct. We shoula ne said, sacritice Houterday afternoon when the lie: The circumstanca of my not that of Child Dead for Four and National Navigation Con under General Quintero and Gov.
Last Sunday afternoon at the being a Panamanian citizen pra Minutes and Body was con wife, and steamer David left the mother, wife.
me from legally presenting whart laden with a force of near La Boca Wesleyan church the myself at the office of Mayor enliste en London, January 10 The sensation Inden with arms and ammuni had given us. He concluded by Cross nurses under command rendered special programme soldier in answer to the call al claim that is certain osaditionellen day imorning about one o clock whatever God in his kindness ly accepung the demonstration of Inspector Lamb of the Na of songs. recitations and dialogues made by Your Excellency on all dond on be revived is made by Da adhesion and told them that they tional Then the news commenc should present themselves for polics and in honour of their parents and Captains Panamanians by reason of the Cranston Wallor, of Birmingham, other adult friends who Hernandes ed to spread around and en eurolimeus at the Mayor ofice conflict which now gives spooibo instanove in numarcable were interactional The David also carried a good the guests of the occasion.
Thursday evening, without any lrum thu following day.
Lindo, the supply of arms, am to unltion and contronts the country. Notwith article is the British Medical Jour superintendent, standing this, In my my condition asnal notice, monster dem After this the crowd marched provisions, als horses for the opened the occasion with a few. Columbian citizen The of revival ie adrenalin from bersanta Ana Park where back thu Santa Aus Park and carelor men. Several important teatrod uctor a remarkacand then honour to inform your Excellen en teoria del seu lados en el momento dispersed, soun after, however, personages, natives called upon Master George Rsycy tha: the government oved of animals with which De Walker Shey 888cmbled, to the preploed a lew of tue more impetuous, of foreigners, have offered their mond to take charge of the tiel palace where they Alng proceedings as chairman. which nous troonobls represide boon experimenting since 2010, manifestants to services to the really needs the their protest against the out the vente medicalengo dos among them being. Doctors This caused a great deal olamus unjustified agression of which have experimented in twente. nation of all that had tran contempt at the outrage, attacked ma Hospital, and Don. Rodolfo tot of seven summers and it was which doubt very inuch, my saree of those were tavourable for the Reederand James of the Pana sement as little George is only a the country has been the victim, caso, muid De Walker, but only spired and at the same time the Costa can Consulate and Chiari, ex President of the not expected that so big a job services as a soldier and the little treatment. It is absolutely no pledged themselves to defend wech down the conte lote aruns public.
would have been placed into such fortune which possess are on that the body bò undamaged. The they dragged along the chiet actors in this sndden out. Ceatral Avenue till they reached press no further news had been his part to the satisfaction of all Republic of Panama, where Up to the time of going to hitle hands. He bowever played conditionally at the service of the After Four Minutes hurrt of enthusiasm splay the Santa Ana Park. Mr. Tumas received from the seat of the present.
of loyalty and patriotism were Jacome, the Cousui, who is a trouble have acquired the latter and The only complete 1000w is that doen The programme, which was woich consider as my second cribed Drs. Harmodio Arias, Aurelio Panamanian citizan, had, how. nent is at its height and grim both interesting and Instructive in the British Journal child unde Dutary. and Ricardo Morales over, so ine time previous cabied determination can be seed on time was carried through without a hiperter having Papendrecht weichnis. Luis his to the Frank Morales, Antonio Val of Costa Rica.
of ever listing and mobolis on those who were responsible sincere, is not only for the prebad proved inettestual, sad tho be Panamanian Volun hitch and reflected great credit life in it. This offer, which is. operation. Muwapo at the same des and Julio Poylo. The Re the publican band being present in Castro, brothers fa law of the Several batehes were taken out ones. The occasion was further sons when Panams will peed the sea gives second instances enhanced by the the park for the regular Thura. President and Costa Ricans by to the Exposition Grounds yes liuvenile visitors, representatives this only exception that it does his article of woman of thirty er assembling of her sons with presence of day night concert, the assitat national is hea helesis debesterday afternoon and pat through ance of Director Galimany was positions they held es Aide den some preliminary exercises.
not treat of anything that would dropped apparently dond. Ta heart of other schools, who contributed requested and obtainsd, and im Uamp to President Porras and certain items to the programme go against my country: Columbad ceased to beat here also.
mediately from all the neighbor Inspector of Liquor Tax for Pan The jaw est, and tha ayos indicated few remarks by the superininx theatres and Body of Czar Daughter. tendent and the singing of the recreation ama, respectively.
Without fear of making any that death has occurred.
mistake, can inform Your Adrenalin was injected, and in for places came men, who, headLong after doxology brought an enjoyable Excellency that the majority, it minutes the woman was sitting up and ed by the band, marched down day could be bidnight on Thurs.
Central Avenue cries of Viva London, Jan. 17. Bodies sup evening to a close.
not all, or the Columbia colony talking.
to the Rail: Panama, Abajo Costa Rica, posed to be those of Grand Duch road station and back again to for the assurance given by Pres ese Olga, daughter of former taken to the Holy Land for final residing in this country shares In the last instance. said the doctor, the Presidential home, All along ideat Porras from the balcony of Emperor Nicholas of Russia, and interment.
my sentiments. the womaa might possibly have revived the route fresh streams of men the Presidencia seems to have her mnid, are aboard the British Hoping that the Government under different treatment, but every will accept the offer have made, other method of restoring life to the kept pouring into the ranks till enthused the patriotic sons of steamer Devaaba. which is British Consulate Notice place myself, with all consider child had twiled when injected adrena when a last their destination this young republic, and their oua to reach Egypt at the end of was reached, the number easily greatest anxiety was that Friday the present week Disinterred at atioa, at Your service as an ia.
exceeded 83000, morning would dawn sooner Ekaterinberg, the bodies are said The British Consulate in this (Signed) IBANEZ.
President Porras and certain than ever so toat they could en to have been smuggled through city would like to know of the of his cabinet ministers appear list and be mubilized in the de Persia and thence to Shanghai. whereaboats of John Samuel Advertise in The Work ish and English, for sale at the Rent Receipt Books In Span ed on the balcony of the palace lence of their country.
Upon the arrival of the steamer Eustace Mends, wbo is asked to to whom Mr. Domingo Burner, And so it was, for as soon as they will be disembarked and call at this office.
man It pays. Workman Printery.
Community vents ernor Estripeaut kft on the riches, catheter. bealth, lite ang Nation. of tion.
have and display face or Dr.


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