
PAGE TWO THE WORKIAN, BATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1921 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands PIEDMONT THE VIRGINIA CIGARETTE tapped Jamaica tames Dougall, op.
The Committee will begin its operations in the sector to be Jamaica to Start served by the line, next week.
and will make report on the Paying result of its labour to the Gov.
ernor Its Share of Empire Wer that Major Thomas, the Director It is learrt on good authority Debt.
of the Railway is a strong advoThe Gleaner states that provi. cate of the bulding of this exten wions will be made at the coming sion, as he has the highest opin regular session of the Legislative ion on productiveness of the Council for the payment to the district to be In short, Lords Commissioners of His he believes that the extension Majesty Treasury of the sun will be paying prepositionell be of thousand bine miles of track for forty years as a contribution built through rather dificule from this island in reduction of country from railway stand the war debt of the United King point, but it is figured that its cost should not exceed 150, 000, bill has been prepared and it is understood that all the rails be introduced in the Council needed for the extension to give effect to resolution ready in the island and the hopes which was passed by the Legised by the Committee and recom are ift if the scheme is recommend lative Council some times are mended by the Legislative After the passing of the resolu. cil which is tion whereby it was agreed that is contidently expecte a Jamaica should contribute 60. that construction work will 000 per annum for 40 Majesty Government were Saint Catherine will be com years, His start about October this year.
The New Works extention in appraised ot 128 been accepted, provision is pleted by the end of this month, now being made for the Island it is three miles in length.
Treasurer to pay over this The construction engineer for amount annually, the Locomotive workshops which are to be erected will be in the island in a few weeks.
Anglican Synod to Deal St. Vincent The Colony is indeed av sad loss, Intel mondo good baritone, nel fuente versationalist an bit of wine Ruist, fine chum and yod sportsman, Pbil. Ki E, cut off in the midst of a promising career, will be missed by many, and his death most poignotly felt.
To his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
King, his sisters, the Misses King, and Henry Noel, the eldest brother of the deceased. we ten.
cer our deepest sympathy.
Wake Up Somebody should get up a bill, and, with a Gabriel trumpet, sound a blast to wake the dead Perhaps that will cause the Agri.
cultural and Commercial Society to wake up and hold a special meeting to consider means of saving Grenada the disasters of economic collapse.
recommend action to be taken in ought to be able to our Cocoa Financial Crisis, and perhaps think ont what new in.
dustries, planting and otherwise, are necessary for the salvation of Grenada dom The COOL MLD Smoke are al impending The e Society With that lingering taste and it MOISTURE PROOF PACKETS OF 20 passed an an examinatian hygie mere. Des Arey Power, Dr.
And Times of one of our have been THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE 167 BOLIVAR STREET fine assortment of Canal stone rings, fresh supply of wristlet watches of solid gold and gold filled with high grade movements, silver table sets, diamond rings, diamond la valliers, initial buckles, belts, safety razors, fountain pens, etc. etc.
Fully one thousand rings of all descriptions to choose from. 10 dļscount on all parchases commencing Jan. 15th. WILLIAMSON, Proprietor liant. The by West Indlan Womanhood Miss Audrey Jeffers, the talented daughter of Mr. Jeffers, Solicitor, Trinidad, has been successful in obtaining a cate from the National Health certif: Society, England.
Miss Jeffers ne, sanitation, anatomy, phys.
ology, tuberculosis and other in.
fecuous diseases as well as the care of children. The examiners England, Dr. Mury Pilliet MB, England, and Dr.
Grenada illiam Jameson. The President of the Society is Princess Helena The Death of Mr. and casete Secretary Miss Fanng Lancaster Miss Jeffers left Trinidod for Philip Norbert King Eogland in 1914, and during the war her Law Student in England vice in providing comforts for work, and rendered special serWest Indian soldiers. We noticed (From the West Indian) in an African paper sometime ago congratulations extended to Natute could stand up end say and help to Africans while she Miss Jeffers for her kindness to all be world this was a man. was in England. On the termi. Shakespeare Julius Caesar. nation of the war, Miss Jeffers It is with feelings of very decided to undergo a course in great grief that we chronicle the the above mentioned subjects and neath of Mr. Phillip Norbert after a period of training sat for King, one of our Law Students the examination held by the Na in England, which occurred on tional Health Society, Miss Jelthe 7th Jap. inst. Only but yes. Pers returned to Trinidad late terday we announced the death last year.
our promising Fred sons.
Phillip, from pneumonta An amusing incident is. re.
we do that of bis elder ported from Barbados as folfriend and fellow student Phil. Jows: Two men, Bourne and. came to hand on the 8th Janua they could find. They went to a The sad, sudden news ing any ceiver of stolen goods and it is believed death was fered him a keg of butter. The cablegram to his family: Mr. Layne, shopkeeper, and ofcaused by pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs King of Duquesne, while the police were communio buy it. Mean Saint Mark s, and brother of the cated with and the two men late Dr. Noel. He was born in arrested. The keg was taken to February, 1893, and has thus the Police Station and been cut off on the verge of his Instead of butter it contained 26th year. After receiving his mud. The Police, smarting under primary education at Miss Al the practical joke, charged the len Àigh School, Phil, King men with unlawful possession of was sent sometime about 1903 to keg, but they produced a bill Harrison College, Barbados for showing the keg was purchased his secor dary education. There from Johnson Rºdman for two he remained until June 1914, and shillings, where upon the Maxis.
he had a college career which trate dismissed the case on its young Grenadians would do well merits.
to emulate Os the completion of his colcourse, Phil. King was com Trinidad pelled account of the war, to postpone bis going to England to pursue his lexal studies, and, for INFLUENTIAL. took mother estates in Tobago COMMITTEE About 1915 he turned to nada, and for the next year or two read Low at the Chambers To Investigate Possibility of Messrs. Renwick Riwle.
He also filled a temporary elerk of Business Development ship in the Treasury. In Decem. in West Indies our 5th Contingent to the WI.
Regiment and saw active service The Governor of Trinidad has.
in Flanders and on the Italian received the following telegram front. In the army he attained from the Secretary of State for the rank of Corporal, and return the Colonies, dated 3rd January.
ed to Grenada about May 1919, Bat. Canadian Pacific Railway is which came here sending influenvial Committee under the command of Lieut embarking New York about Jan.
Darwent. He remained in the uary 22nd, to investigate posldemobilisation stat until the end bility of business development in of 191 1919.
West Indies. Members already Early in February, 1920, Phil. appointed are Colonel Dennis, King left for England. On bis Sir Arthur Harris, Marlowe.
arrival there be became a mem Request you will be good enough ber of the Honourable Society of to afford every facility possible, the Middle Temple, and seemed to nave been taking very satis Rent Recelpt Books In Spans factors progres in his legal Ish and Engiish, for sale at the studies. Workman Printery.
Pain Ring aus the only son of abop keeper site ce poate discuss refused to With Horse Racing and The manager of the Kingstown Electric Theatre, St. Vincent, is Intemperance.
being thanked for his kind thought in giving a free Christ At the annual session of the mag show to number of the Syngd of the Church of England poor people of Kingetown.
in Jamaica the Venerable Arch deacon Massiah, gave no Bolts Door against Weevil.
tice to move the following resolu The Budget for 1921, which tionchat the Synod of the Chure was passed at a meeting of the Council on November 27th, esti of England in Jamaica now as oates a revenue of 54, 722 for semoled, expresses its complet ne year, or practically the same disapproval of the increasin prevalence of horse racing wil gure as the revised estimate the inevitable gambliog. and par or the present year. The ex.
ticularly deplores the xture of penditure antiopated is 53, 120, horse races for Ash Wednesday, which exceeds the revised Pti It earnestly recommends the sub: mate for 1920 by about 000 stition of Shrove Tuesday as a Active steps are being taken to Pubic Holiday and urges upon guard against the introduction the Government the necessity of boll a rigid enforcement of the Gamworm, a highly destructive pest bling Laws.
which has in the made Islands its appearaace The On Intemperance. weather at the end of November The Rt. Rev. Dr. Bentley gave more favourable for cotton pick beginning on December was was notice to move the following reso ing, but the yield is raid to be this Synod noting with disappointing, and from a large concern the growth of intemperarea, says the St Vincent ance in the island, urges upon the the amount picked is less than at Government as a preventive the corresponding period of 1919 measure, the necessity of amend.
Ginning operations have Ing the present existing licensing started by the factories, the laws and the stringent enforce year crop being estimated at ment of such laws as amended. ginnery was offering, at the end 1, 500 bales, The Government of November, ceuts per lb. for Rail Extension To seed cotton.
Frankfield St. Lucia WII Probably Be Taken In Hand Before End Of Factorles Change Hands.
The Current Year Negotiations for the sale of the Roseau sugar factory were The Gloaner, of the 6th Inst, the property handed over to the completed on December 6th, and gives out the information that representatives of Mr. Hull the Reilway to Frank tield is ma Syndicate, wbo already own the teri. bz ng! There is every reason Cul de Sac factory. petition, do bope that by the latter part of praying for Representative Gov.
1924 trains will be running toernment in place of the Crown this noted outpost of Upper Colony regime, has been preClarendon, and tapping one of pared in the island for presenta the la gest and most productive tion to the King.
sericultural sections of the Island.
This information will make Advertise in the WORKMAN pleasing reading for the people and get Good Results of hat area of Jamaea, and add ed in petus will be given to their production of food and staple Llewellyn Kerr crops day he further knowledge, that withe mile ex ersion TEACHER: METHODIST EPISCOPAL DIT STRONY madem Chapelton to Frank. COLON.
RESIDENCE: 19 Market Street, Colon. field, it is the intention of the ADDRESS: Box 87. Cristobal authorities to take the line on to Music, Spanish and Evening Lesson Cascade and may be even beyond At Vory Moderate Prices The taking of the Railway to Frankfield was practically pro bised fully seven years ago. sur The West Indian veys and estimates beiag com pleted in 1914. But the World INDÚSTRIAL HOUSE War then came on and every Chiog was stopped. It has now 8rd and Cash Streets, Colon been decided to take the work in Offers exceptional bargains in band, and in order to bring all SHIRTS, HATS, CHILDREN the necessary statistics and cal culations up to date the Govern GARMENTS, ETC. ETC.
ment have just appointed a com All Made to Measure mittee of loquiry consisting of Major Hammond, D80, Dress Making a Speciality RE (Chairman) the Hon. Coke rr. B. E, Hon Gny AMY MORGAN, Ewen, LC, for Trelaway, Mr.
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww were opened.
YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisfactory service in the interest of our customers is our constant aim and purpose.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry and expert repairing. Call and visit, FULLER JEWELRY STORE, 122 Central Avenue, Panama, lege im BE NO DECEIVED!
that point. Class Disting is more a matter of dress than anything else. Beat it down. Let us help you.
THE WOMAN EXCHANGE DRESSMAKERS Up To The Minute Styles large asortment of Tallored Walsta NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA ANN THOMAS, Proprietress


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