
Hig Pershing Warns would take similar action.
know that America is to expand America to be at the exzebise of other muoas, that she has no designs on other Prepared cu atries, but the other nations may not believe that. In conclud ing the witness said that it was his Urges that United States belief that deve opinents ia aerial Continue Its Big Military cn warfare will have a great effect cu the Mil Military and Naval estabProgramina lishments of the future. Nearly halt a billion will be required to Direct West India cable val building programa embark complete the United States Nafrom Washington dated Februa ed upon in 1916, the House AD ry 2nd. ays that a warning propriation Committee estimated against p:cicism and unpreps to day is reporting the annual edness was given the House No. Naval appropriation Bill for the val Committee to day by oneral Piscal year 1922. The Committee Pershing who appeared to di. said that while the total cost of cuss world disarmament.
White Dom expressing approval of the completing the programma was conference, he said the United about of materials and probably would ineres States should go ahead with its the onstro 972 931, 000 of which present Navy and Army pro 533 270 000 has been appropria gramme until a definite agree. ed. The Bill port.
tent hai been reached by at which carried a total of 29, 550. ported today the five great world nations. We should ste 444, 423 provides ninety steer of driit ing into a pacitist state of mind toa nex for continuing construe.
simply because we are discuss krain me authorized 156 ships.
next year. The 1016 ing this subject, General Per. Many shing asserted.
of these have been con want war, but ០១ pleted, but battle shipg, several we do not want battle cruisers and a to be caught unprepared if war auxil aries are still number of comes. The nations of the world under conknow that the economic position stalo day carried 37 Tror The Bil as it reached of the United States would able it to outstrip the world in 129. 77 less than the amount ap military preparation if it so de. 011 287, 24 less than the amount propriated a year ago and 3284.
sired and therefore they would requested by the Navy Departrealize the sincerity of a more ment for disarmament if initiated by this country and would subscribe British Consulate Notice: to it madly. war between Great Britain The British Consulate, Colon, and the United States is not con would be glad to receive inforun.
cejvable. won believe Germaation as to the whereabouts of ny wants another war. Hannah Codner, native of JamalHe gave it as his opinion that ca, alleged to haye been resident the powers now in the League of until recently at Ancon, and of Nations would not go ahead with becca Gray, native of the same any disarmament steps unless island, recently resident in Co assured that the United States lon.
million None of TURKISH CIGARETTES label is issued by Receron Co.
Cameron TOBACCO CO SUCRESSORS TO Cameron Cameron FATIMA Gora 15 Cents PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW ORLEANS, per Package CRAWFURD H, ELLIS, President. SIMMONS, Vios President Gea, Mgr Made in the of the best Tobaccos Insurance in foes over. 35. 0)3, 05. Total assets over 500, 000. 00 Legal reserve on policies in force as required by law over 500, 000. 00 Assests in excess of liabilities for premiums of policy holders over. 580, 000. 00 The only Life Insurance Company qualified) In the Republic of Panama.
HENRY CAMBRIDGE, Special Agent. Colon, Take Advantage Of Your Opportunities Use your opportunities as an investor to the best advantage The Isthmian Undertaking Co. bave during the past year created a profitable business and bids fair in this year of grace for bigger business.
This should interest you, since it can be the means of opening a safe and sane investment.
There are still some unsold shares. Buy them now. Later on they will be worth more.
BIJOU ICE CREAM FACTORY 35 Calidonia Road has been sentenced to alasearDr. Hoffman WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 00 PER SHRE.
NY NUMBER Remember we stand for Service, Profit and Co operation.
Three Years for Re The Classical and bel Priest Commercial School No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz Late MacSweeney Spirit Box1044, Ancon, wal Adviser Convicted by ELEMENTARY AND HIGH Dublin Court Martial SCHOOL COURSES INCRIMINATING BOOK Day and Night Sessions SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra Some of the Headings In Geometri bor bolaska, Bingelishi bele Volume that Led to Chap men of French Spanish and writing, Shortband, lains Downfall Latin Grammar, eta Night School now in session.
By Direct West Indian Cable uary 17, 1921, at 30 a.
School re opens Monday, Jan it is reported that the chaplain ROBERT LINDSAY, of the Republican guards and (Camb. Senior)
spiritual adviser to the late Mac Prinsipal Sweeney, convcted by a Dublin in January imprisonment of which two are has reopened his clinic for gen remitted. He was arrested in December when two monasteries cases and urological disorders of ral practice for gynocologica were raided. The charges against both sexes. Diseases of the blood hm were based on certain pas treated in accordance with the st ges in a note book and a a letter latest German discoveries. Ap alleged to have been written by bim or to have been in his posse plication of the Genuine German sion.
He maintained that these and to letost modiscations passages in the (1495 and Silber salversan. the note dictated to TELEPHONE No. 746 by DOOR DES in Brixtoa Prison, in the presence of the prison authorities CENTRAL AVENUE No 41, for transmission to his friends Opposite Amador Theatre and that the letter was a private communication to a friend in Eng NOTICE land. The letter made reference to Black and Tan reprisals and Three Bill Lodgo No. 2477, the Croke Party shooting, which o. al The regular meeting of this it was declared, was ordered by Lodge are held at 60, Street, Colon, General Maou ready, military on the first and third Tuesdays of each commander of Ireland, and Gen month; Instruction on the last Thursday.
eral Todor, commander of the Visiting brothers are welcome.
auxiliaries It was also declared it had be a decided to assassi R8 CHILCOT PAINE nate Lord Ma or Neill of DubIn. memorandumalleged to AGENTS WANTED have been found in his room at To sell Queen Halr Dressing, ed Ireland an invaded nation, Scap, Queen Face Powder, Queen the Capuch Friary, was head: Queen Medicated Skin and Scalp and began all the iababitants Peroxide Skin Cream. Must have of every nation vnjustly invaded some cash to purchase stock of are bound to resist the invader. goods. Queen Toilet articles Throughout MacSweeney hun lexcellent and sell well. Call at are ger strike this priest was ever No. 17, street, Panama, at pm.
at his side and was present or write to Box No. 17, Ancon the bedside when he died. for information.
Cum Panama Banking Company no o him by (BRANDON BANK)
The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
No. 47 CALIDONIA SECURITY SERVICE Panama (Founded 1863) Oolon Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford unquestioned security for every dollar deposited with this bank OUT OF WORK? WANT BETTER JOB?
LET US HELP YOU OULET We are constantly receiving requests for competent workers, from the city best employers, Leave your Name and And Address at our Otc.
Einployment Department.
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General Banking Business Transacted BRANDON ISAAO BRANDON Prodent NATHANIEL BRANDON Vice President.


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