
Carnival Is Gone.
10 But your costume is not complete unless you are wearing shoes to match your new clothes: We carry a large and extensive line of PANAMA AT WAR WITH COSTA Walk Over Shoes was American Bazaar Stores e moment at command boys gen his ching to be pro hay 22nd, boys who wb lePAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY. 1921, THE INV1 VCI3LERAT THE WORKMAN will be at th Padle Theatre Nott Week Patrons of the Pacific Theatre Published on stardsys by Rates for Advertisement appliesi are assure progrunto oigh ALKOND, as the office Central Aretion. Correspondence on sil matters tomorrow night and caen night que and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
the coming wik. glance do All copy for publieation must be the ad. oa dig 8h will prove Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and this. Commenen Moodsy the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Invisible Rill be sersened.
Ooo Yen 12. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica This serial has read cro Bix Months wherever shown and will sure t on but as a mark of good faith.
ly keep Pacific tha ur guers Tare 63 We do not undertake to return spell bound from Mo day night Doo 26 rejected correspondence on. Don miss it or will wa The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS losing a real treat.
Boys Brigade Atto ds Service.
The Bus Brigatio tho Methodist Episcopal Chu ch bad magnificent arch on Sunday lost from their Burracks to the Wesleyan Church in Panama fo for Men and Women.
morning service; it was delighiu Just as suddenly as on the 4th of August, 1914, when to see them, the greater part the little fracas in Servia led to the declaration of war by bing dressed in their unito an the big European powers and finally stretched over to the and looking like real lof soldiers splendid band United States, yesterday the news reached this capital that in attendance, which greatly Costa Rican troops had landed at Coto, a town in the Chiadded to the beauty of the hour.
riqui Province and having demanded the surrender of the AT.
the AL their Governor, hoisted the Costa Rican flag as a sign of possesure, the streets were throng sion by that Government, with spectators, all of whoq seemed to be interested in the The action seems to have been the result of the recent decision of the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon movement the boys marched at Court giving the title of ownership to Costa Rica, of that with their leader at their head long disputed bit of territory, which has all along been MORE General Mayres, chief of stall claimed and held by the Republic of Pasama.
accompanied by his offers, all of whom were attired la thair Shortly after the war of Independence in 1903, Costa uniforis suitable to their rank.
Rica claimed that Coto was the possession of that Governtion there might be excuse for the strange silence on such ASS. MEETING OF THE NEW Atter service, ube appealed. The a AT GUACHAPALI they marched to Cnorrillo, and from there matter was referred to a French Court of Arbitratidn son for this condition on account of the presence of a SUCCESS wbich decided that the territory in question was the proper patent and possible remedy the matter assumes the aspect panied by the band, whɔse lively to barracks in Guachapelleback ty of Panama and ruled accordingly, music served to assist the of a puzzle The following communication has been greatly lo marching The BriCosta Rica was never satisfied, and the matter was People rnust have the necessities of life or they will went us for publica ion which we readily gade is making rapid progress always under the surface of an apparent cordiality. Pana turn from peaceful law abiding citizens into loathsome do without com as under the leadership of its ma was never worried because she felt that the first deci bandits. They must eat, wear clothes and have somewhere brilliant start! Just the thing we eral and the boy boys are beginning have got some sion by an impartial and disinterested government should to lodge at night. The pangs of hunger do not yield to wantedt God bles Brother Lindsay nud teel thu stand, morality or virtue. When we become hungry and are over co workers!
The action of Costa Rica has dissipated the confidence come with want the easiest way to satisfy the irresistible freqsadly heard around the city for the held at Chorrilt for one of the ne treba doimilar phrases were not in night the 20 of Tuesday farewell of this government and its people in the good faith of the cravings of our animal nature is always the one most read past few days.
was Costa Rican government, and the superficial pronounce. ily chosen, and while theft is far from being honorable, there It would appear as if the geoeralp his leaving the Isthal pub mus with mother for Cuba, ments of friendships have been stripped of their veneer and ii no place on the globe where it has not been had recourse lichid caught the spirit of enthusiasm and it was felt by sil present Panama now stands face to face with an open enemy. to under the pressure of uncontrollable circumstance. and joy wla eh animated so ovayed th. De a night worthy of rememberThe United States government is a pledged party to At present, we have not been plunged into the demora capitano friendly Society com Sanda; for him, and the pustor of the sudtuce the Hall of The was taken Panama and in the hour of any crisis must scand at her lizing condition of economic disorder, but if the outlook beat the 25th inst. when the first Mas church to which the Brigade side. For this reason Panama need have no fear as to the does not change we are not far from the accursed bread Meting of the new branch of the N. 1008 presented him with a outcome of an armed quarrel. Yet it is somewhat sur: line. Each week scores of men are being laid off, increasing. And AC. fouaded by Me. book, and as this buy was an ofticar atuther was appointed prising that Costa Rica should have so suddenly attacked the roll of the unemployed. What will this lead to? It is A Lindsay was staged.
Panama with armed force when she knows that the United not difficult to observe that the economic status is wonded the rostrum so called the sale success in all of its under.
A: 45 Mr. Charles Alvarea ti nis place. We wisu the BriStates would naturally protect her.
threatened with a crash. Idleness and want are the cre meeting order.
Costa Rica must have an exaggerated confidence in ators of outlawry, crime and vice, and in our community. The meeting was then declared open her own military strength to jump with cat hke spring we already have too many thieves and vagabonds for us to by the singing of the African National NOTICE upon Panama. What the end of the quarrel will be we add any to the roll.
antbeo, from Greenland e loy Muud meeting of the Spalding Laagus will cannot now predict, but it seems that a grave situation is The vast possibilities that lie in the way of the govern. Then there followed solemn husb, bo bello Wolsay, March 21, ahead of us.
ments for the amelioration of the threatened trouble when the Chairns utiered a boy invo we Ideal Sonyol. All Repru. DAVE President Porras is now facing the supreme test of his should make them become alive to their own responsibili catiunto Alungaty Gud for divine help are luce warned to be on was. Most life. He has called on his people to stand by the integrity ties. If they neglect to obviate an oncoming danger the re sod in utruchou in the great work being mga baris 15 sharp.
and dignity of his country, and he is right. But he faces sult may be serious.
undertaken, Persons acquiring lands from the Canal Zone Govern scous of the Constitution of the tbewe was the realition of a beautiful Then followed the reading of certain probable difficulties which have already cost him the loss of No les entrancing than the previous his Aide de Camp and the Inspector of the Liquor Tax. ment on the one hand, or from the Government of Panama A, respecting the sims and objects of dialogue by the Mos Niles entitled The question has gone beyond a verbal dispute and on the other, might be required to pay ordinary leases and we said Association. Blica and Jace which brought forth both nations have mobilized their forees. This means war taxes which wonid increase the revenues of these two countbater te berei My informing the audience to the root applauso nud erukud a umane Costa Rica has now no Consular representation in Panama, tries. It would simply be the governments helping the chat new branches were there on elhisha superbowl bio farmer start had been fly of and the situation is somewhat chaotic, lesees to help themselves, and at the same time keep me antagonistic naturo, but of a purely yet they did not calips the brilliant The spirit of the Panamanian people is the spirit of all poverty and want from the doors of the country.
uplifting ob truly patriotic people to their country in the hour of a The West Indians here are quite familiar with agricul Chairman introduced Mr.
erisie. The response to the call has given glory to this tural life and could easily adapt themselves to the condi Organiser of the Auxiliary Seymour, Orator, Mr. Brrosiord Lawrence, who Branch at and be ww glad of the opportuny Nttle Republic, and the leaders of the country are all on tions of living under the industrial system of land bolding. Culon and a few of bie sssociate to speak a warchy sus kbo the job.
And the fact that almost everything in the line of vegetab Mr. Boy mour boro of the bour.
We hope that the question may be settled without the les grows here is safficient encouragement in itself to ap courageous leader, was fairly succes imagery, the masterly portrayed the case magnetio speaker, fourless and la beautiful style of picturesque coming of a prolonged struggle, for in a moment when the peal to the great masses of people who are now out of em tol in holding the audience spell bound of Africa Rudoensd; and in most trans.
Dations are biddiog for peace it looks like a travesty for ployment without knowing where to look for relief. Dearly half an hour by bie forcebal con lent luugua e did bo euloypixthe any two nations to be engaged in war.
Seriously, the time has arrived when mature thought and insistent appeal for loyal support of subility of the Negru Rsoe, ariage Coto is a rich coconut district and this makes the should be applied to the economic problems of the coun movinent.
uliustrations, selebrities of setiquity like place important. The attitude of Costa Rica does not try. The wealth of the Nation lies in the soil, but poverty anto, especially Me. Collymnord who of Sheba trou whom deucouded the line No lees encouraging wire bie neist who wise Kug sluan asas mus Vee promise any relinquishment to her claims, while the tena is brooding in the air. The slogan of the hour ought to spoke at length on the necesity for how of Abyssinian Kings.
eity of Panama indicates no compromise.
be: Down with poverty! but how can this be pussible our and respect for the women of Our la most seat tanner did this local The question is, how will it end?
with a great army of able bodied men and women sitting Race.
Garvey, around with hands on their knees?
Sister Beman, President of the Colon Company open to the pouple of bis Rses to jaia the vanguard of the UNLA WHY NOT UTILIZE UNCULTIVAT and Royalty to Panama requires the best contributioa of behuisine panciples and became an interne med handicat loves Panama is face to face with a war against Costa Rica, Idd for Docinion about Back Crowe Nurses for racial independence, and to live up fervently exborted the audience to to ples of Pride, Reint ED LANDS?
her citizens in the first place and her residents, in the sec. erikoe; and concluded ber brilliant folly he rounded up his aplendid ora.
ond, to the public weltare; and under this feature of pa. speech, by mesterly admonition to tion by a fine visualization of Bibiogia The question of unemployment is becoming the most triotic recognition the gil should be made to produce the relieber Lindsay to stand firmaly for the and the Angela in estation rapide o por right.
the consommation of Africa Redeemed. serious cou. cern that the governments of the Canal Zone necessities so vital to the interest of the nation. wholesome willingness on the part of the laboring cennion, among who were Sister Tay ous opsakere and also the audience lor Other illustrious speakers graced the and Panama have to face, not only because it is in itself and industrious element calls on the government to insti or from Bose del Toro and Me. c. the interest manifested.
The Chairean then thanked the Vallgreat menace to the peace and safety of the community, but because of the poverty and distress which will inevit: tute such facilities as will make the impulse of the hour Bishop, of former Red Crose fame, who old orthodox strain of Dwlanguage presented to the imagination of when everybody ushered out of the ball etyle of beautiful metaphoris logy then brought the cubetingetot a Dolores idle force of the working class to support and sustain itself, the fields are there. Ali that is necessary is the creation bis hearers. panoramic view of the and wended their way to their homes ama Canal is the only attractive business offering employ the goverments can do it ment to the rank and file of isthmian labor. All eyes turn The high cost of living is still choking us in this coun.
always to this huge work for employment and sustenance, native but to submit to all the pressure brought about by try and we remain helpless because we have no other alterand now that there is a reduction through the laying off of the inevitable importations.
No More Tired Feet great numbers of employees in all departments people are beginning to wonder where they must look next for some for manufactured in our own country we will then be able When we can put into our own market articles grown IAFTER USING thing to do.
TO In the face of this dilemma there are large tracts of to shake off the commercial shackles that are now keeping DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC uncultivated lands lying within the Canal Zone, and us in the status of absolute dependence on the outside throughout the Republic of Panama that could be leased world.
It promptly and effectively relieves Sore, Chafed, Tired, Aching feet. sure cure for Dobio ito. o industrious people for the purpose of cultivation and The matter of agricultural pre eminence is utterly unThe soothing coolness felt Immediately upon application is indeed farming. These lands are quite within reach of the cities debatable and we may well make up our minds to endorse grutelul. it is not greasy and feel good on the 10t.
of Panama and Colon and with a minimum of labor and and apply ourselves to a system that promises such a expenditure would yield a maximum of profit.
powerful solution to our industrial problems, and bring Use it to night you will be delighted.
As it is, the lands are now lying idle, the people idle about the results so eagerly sought by the people who are GO TO THE DRUGSTORE AND GET BOTTLE NOW and business dying. If there were no remedy for this situa alive to their own neeus.
to tain.
for the Race.

    Working Class

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