
Oh, what fragrance!
YOU LL never find another del Cresterfield ents ihr wiedom CGARETTES LIGGETTLERS TRACCO co.
They Satish osttling Military insist tusta Chesterheld CIGARETTES CLO TAGE 3X THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY FEBRUARY, 26, 1921.
U, LEGISLATION MAY RUIN Jap American AmISUGAR TRADE OF CUBA ity Shaken Fordney Emergency Tarif the extent of a dollar, bec:use the Pard. Tokio Believes Has Bill Declared to be Vir. Dey tariff bilt will automatically halt the Asked Hard Guarantees importative of raser which would have Over Langdon Incident tualliy Preferential to pay until such time the domestio tock on hand and growing shall be con AID NATI GROWÈRS umed.
JAPAN MAY NOT AGREE PREFERENTIAL Opponents Clalm Measure Not a tariff, but preferential, tbe Suspicion that America is will put Herge Tax on Sugar ive for ten months Fordoey bill, if it pases will be effeoSeeking to Control Her There is sufficient Consuming Public er in the enuntry, and sufficient duty Eastern Policy free ruger will be available to ripply NEWSPAPER COMMENT the detased for ten months, and do raw sugir, paying duty, will come in ut al. kio dated the 17th ulto. desbte out the Direct Wat India Cable from Tol Therefore the additional tax of enots faformation that Government odisiel New York despatch bearing date pound, rominally tərift, is actually bue no se ser made publie the text of cigarette like Chesterfield.
January 21, asys that wepapera all preferential to Ameți un sugar in the Waited States Dole protesting again!
over the United Stat. re taking a The finest of Turkish and urosta ravage fight against the Fordoey emer the shooting of Lieutenant Laogdan boy genry tarif bill, wh ch would pla Domestic tobaccos in an unThis is how it would work out Praca Japanese sestry as Vladivostok Pub high duly ups Cuban susar.
seally the entire enhancement of valse licists, however, express the belief that usual blend. You ll like em actated by the Fordo y bill would be Wshington hu not only weaked repar.
The New York Evening World can colleted by the domes le sager interation with guarantee, removing prob. they satisfy.
to sieht but ho sure would pribah ly date on it would vistuaill be end en nubtb, would be in the bu: slo bus ag na pointed out to Japa The United States government at aby of similar incidents in luur, bankrupt be island.
positive iono far, na sugar tariff recripta ih of reducing if of wilt Tho pamage of the Fordney Bill, is concerned, of old Mother Hubbard. draw 13 uitogether, troops from the rays this bewopajer, would utterly The proponents of the Fedory bill o untry where she possesses no BV bankrupt the Reput lic of Cube, which prefers to be nesid ve the importati a eign rights. but ito littoral of which is we went to war establish in 1898, and of German and minated power which has costus hundreds of milion »gar. The offici big ares of production would open the old thorny quentior, of dollars. Germ ny and Belgium for the past waich Japan herself has been finding It would destroy the purebasing nine yeurs show that there is no jround difficult in Ad vision of opi power of Cuha for yests. While the forslarin over this feature of the es nion exista in Government circles as to Cuban mgar interests are to blame fruation.
the Siberian problem. Leaders of the the condition of that botry to day, it Party Japanese troops In 1914 15 Grany produced 2, 699, would be bsd economie tactics for the 330 tous iterugar and confumed it would remain in Siberia, while Congress of the ited States to acorn the situation by legislation in at hone, oferit it to obur rruntrica Psace Treaty is soaking ways and messe lavour of a domestic induery that done in the Cuniti Lupite and in allies to abandon an adventure, which, it is ont need a subsidy from the Govern ha es is atcd be sogar esp for 1920 21 claimed, is ruinously expensive and ment.
is 1, 150 0 tone. This is less so half without bope of compensation, be pre war production Th: impresion exists here that Japan lustrative of the plight of Cuba is perion of the deposite of two of NO DANGER FROM GERMANY will neist upon the solving of the ques tion in her own way and at her own LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
he: le riz banda de toilet speculs If Germany and to in ort ups be time, if for no other reason than to as in Juun, 1920 the dep site the Rounded to 112, fore the war so coertuinly cupt sort the doctrine that she is pars mount. w, with but her productive in the Far East. The Hara Cabinet thryn 1600 ali prel zed there is to dangt p ars to retain its strength, but it 1020, tha dep sita of the that Gore by it going to tlord this be is ved it will not survive the impeerSOCCO are now about 10000. uy iiiralong the oing scasion of the Japanese Diet at which relations between this country and CUSAS LITE the Voit Slates will be discussed.
tipe in wou. Dork Cubi only market in the cro; ut pract, it is in now The correspondent of the Associated to bleuer is the aited th till all for the Prope, who has ju returned to Tokio atire nit the Tyl 10th Diet u interesi ad burn of the Far East, four drome eines uudio. ee effort to cartoy it planters from a visit to many of the larger cities The Ecring World, in its initi. cem up, su sill save the people everywhere regarding relations between exprea of the rentrative hind the 275, 000, 00) of the 363, 000, 000 which Japan and the Unit:d Bates.
In well ordney Emerg: Dưy Taft Bil, priniet te Freey bill would druin trom their ioformed circles these misgivings. ppour We wonly to per cent, cf pockets. The Lucianabol ingereed to be bared more upon what was the mil then to the cunning of the in with 14. 000. 000. The beet sugar bold described as Japan recentment to any torutai int framed to mravure, which inga aro worth 75, 000, 000 at prevailing American policy ontculated to curs Jap into place to 365, 000 090, prie a pose expansion in Asia, than upon the ARODNne public of the United Steles in order that the les interests. y paying for their plus end The covernment could proret these Cali ornia que tien.
problem, while touching sugar refiners, iho Louisiana cane grondre destroying it at a cost of 49000. 000. Japan national prestigo and the inter and by and the speculators who Tak out of the taxation, the difference outs of Japane e in the United States, have is menso picks of sugut on hand, between it is sum and what the Fırdney is apparently not regarded with the may be reimbur red because of bad busite julgement.
for losses incurred bill would cost the pu slie in the way of same seriousness as the question of Jap 84 cents pound advance on tugris an vital interests near Nippon la di The opinior disclosures in the sugar 275, 000, 000 plama ie circles here the opinion prevails amendment stated that the United States that the situation does not justify the Rent Racsipt Books in SpanGovernment wild profit to the extent pessimiem noticeable ou:side the borders Everybody is just crazy over Ish and Engiish, for sale at the of about half the total to from the people in the thape of to be exnoted Britain Pride Lodge, No. of the Japaneso Empire. On the con Workman Priatery.
trary, it takes Dr. Welters Tooth Powder the view that the attitude on imported lawr. Tois statement 2343, Order of Druids, of both the Tokio and Washington Gov was bewed in the fact that notully this ernment is baard oa ottidence that a teeth, retards al seases, prevents decay, and relieves tooltuseb lution for troublecome matters, now in Pro. from gris. It la Antiseptic country including the Penitippines, He wait Try a 138 Bolivar St. teiseanbh acd rh Cek Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands, general meeticg of the above the foreground, will be distuver Es Tu Cristobal. ož THE GREATEST raises about half the 4, 090, 000 tons con named Ludge will be held on Agents Wanted LASINIR ETUATY PARLOR Distributors.
GIFT putnou aan ally, and inporis the remai. Saturday night, February 26th, der from other countries.
1921, at the Druid Hali 2018 There is no Better than Hawaii, Porto Rico and the Virgin evening will be initiation of can.
The sugar raised in the Philippines, Street, Central Avenue, at p sharp. The business of the The greatest gift that Heaven Islands comes in duty free, but further didates.
the Best.
has given to the gift consideration of this deep and crafty Members of sister lodges are If allowed to pick our choles, piece of legislstion establisbes that the it is a priceless treasure. No hu.
would have done but the best of overy man being can be happy without Treasury would probably not profit to cordially invited Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and retreshit. It cannot be bought or sold thing: yet it is nad to say that our peo Ing beverage. Once drunken you will forget by either rich or poor. More ple on the Isthmus, at the cost of their headaches are caused from eye health, jump at every now patent med Root Beer and all other aerated drinks strain and eye weakness than icine placed on the market; especially it CALL AT THE all other causes put toge it is nice to take.
Such risks generally prove harmful, Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane Do your eyes feel as though there is gravel in them? Are many of the new dopes are nothing but (INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA. fakes and Secure same for your Xmas Drink and should be carefully avoided.
inflamed? Are you having When obtaining your medicine, get any trouble with your glasses!
the The best is always that which It there is any question An your is well tred and recommended by the mind about the condition of your The greatest proposition ever taken up by West majority. Remember, don experiment eyes or the kind of glasses best Indians; and the whole world is falling ir.
with life, for it is precioun.
suited for your vision, then consult a COMPETENT EYE SPEall men, that DeWitt Pilih CIALIST.
The Directors are offering 100, 000 worth of have got the indisputable right of being Stock to the people of the Republic of Panama and the best Patent Medicine on the loth mus. Let no one fool you, no other Costa Rica.
sa good. It has blood the test of many years treatment, and holds the Cham This can be taken up in Preferred Shares at pionship of the World on merit Millions have been cured, and million or in Ordinary Shares. now under trentment Room avec OWNED BY cuntinent.
The money is needed before the end of Febber ruary 1921. This will bring to Panama before April Advice from the makers roadet Du to the many new orders that are being Head Omce: 55, Wall Street 50 in daily from all parts of the world West Indians, this is your chance. consequence of the really love and capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 The kind of glasses as you so.
demand for have in above evt relieves all eye Purchase and live! Disobey and perish! found it necomary to remove to muck strian, protect the eyes from larger factory grounds at Cherry Orchard Official Depository of the Republic of Panams glare or strong light and gives Rond. East Croydon, London. Dopository of the Panama Canal you perfect vision for EVERYThe right treatment is DeWitt Pille.
THING and ALL DISTANCES Head moncy by mail to Start now. Sold at all loading Drug Stores, and are always in stock at the Through its Agencies in the Interior and Dr. BUCHANAN (Renowngeneral depot.
its Foreign Branches this Institution offers ed Eye Specialist of New York)
is one of the most competent and CAMPBELL, THE CITY PHARMACY, cooptional banking facilities.
reliable eye specialists in this city. Many persons whoin he 130, CENTRAL AVE, PANAMA President and Managing Director Draftafon Jamalca and other West Indian Islanda has served are testifying to this fact.
73 ORANGE ST. Dr. BUCHANAN KINGSTON, JAMAICA Interest Paid on Savings Account, at Per Cont Advertise In The Work office is located at No. 182, Boll Per Annum Var St. opposite Masonic Buildman. It Pays ing. Colon, of ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY The latter Beese s the ONLY debutee that pollshes gold in the mat. blesebes the DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH OF SIGHT, and all will agree that from WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
they best.
Koow yo INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION This statement in backed up by facta The National City Bank of New York.


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