
with the Jos which he to bed just by proposal for the Shis 1slands.
went Shay be a much more general all of engaged from BUSINESS of the MEN tion of retirin Mr. ish Co. and the Quebec Steain ping and Trading Co. undesain Ship and to Worts they have to ADVERTISE THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1921 PAGE SEVEN Colonial Shipping Interesting News from West.
Company SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE Continued from Page 2)
To Fly The Bermuda Flag Demerara You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED 10 sad as it wastjretire weeks pr3 viou ly that news was received of Tae current issue of the West order to completel, dominate your alleringe is the famous the dea of Lady Gyodan India Committee Circular is reSum to Developing Cattle suffering fron full malads who had bean Oponsible for the following:HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES of world wide reputation for Neurasthenia, Asenda, Weaknes, Lursof Appetite, Debility, etc.
Track had been in England on leave of It may be remembered that in 1913 it was suvgested in these For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this city and at those of Messrs.
absence since the end of 1919 an columns that the West Indian Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon.
At a meeting of the Combined had jast had his leave extended Coun on December 7th, the exfor another six months colonies might have a joint flug for use on ceremonial occasions GERVASIO GARCIA, penditure of a further sum of hope of taking up his new apand popular festival, and also 68, CENTRAL AVENUE 15, 000 on developing ihe Rupu pointmeut as Chief Justice of the with the object of welding the Agent for the Republie of Panama cat authorised. Major King, acting Inspector Only ben group still more closely together bonds of sentiment.
Th General of Polics, bas submitted After filling successively the was subsequen. to the Government reconimenes posts of Svicitor General and tions for additional police, 43 Bubmitted to the Gwerntents General Attorne; of in of the various Strait Georg town and 13 in the couatry he left here in 1912 for the borders colonies, and districts.
Settlemnts to enter upon with. no KL al of Barbados, Jamaica, Trini pay the Allies. The Allies have duties of Attorney General to dad, the Leeward Islands, and ot gold enough to pay America.
British EXCELSIOR THEATRE Guiana George ed; and was suberquently ap, which past he had heen appuintthe Windward The iwe And everybody wants to be paid town Elections.
the other gold pointed Judicial Comissioner of mainland colo lavour the To find the answer to this WILL SOON BE INAUGURATED In the municipal elections for the Federal Malay States the tion, and Mr. Harcourt, the then situation is not only the hardest sugges. the Georgetown Town Council. Chief Justics of his tormer very year he on leave and Secretary of State for the Col reparation problem, it is the Mr. Thorne, Rowanie sphera of duty only a few months onies, Jecided there must nardest problem of the whole ohne for No. defeating Best Pictures open world to say English and Spanish Titles bis agree death.
the present Mayor, Hon. G. before And it may be added that of ment before the matter could Wolford, Hon. Cannon Of his career in his native lebe carried further. The way 1, 500, 000 000 marks worth of successfully contested No. of land of our readers are aware, then and since 1914 goods Garmany offered France AVE. B, No 102, NEAR STATION Ward. The Argosy reports the safice it to say that when he was the properyer been more or accepted 20, 000, 000 marks appointment of Mr. Hill to relinquishing his post to go оор less in worth.
act as Senior Imigration Agent leave barely. year ago his work The writer is reminded of this of the colony.
was spoken of in the bighest question of a joint flag for the terms of coimendation by the West Indies by the decision of An important change in the and un official members of CounGovernor and Colonial Scretary SISSES directorate of Messrs. Booker to place the vessels as present Broe. McConnell, Co. is ancil.
in the Bermuda and Bir Aubrey leaves three sons nounced by the Argosy, Mr. one of whom is in the army, West Indian trades North McConnell, the managing direc one in Canada, and the third left America including presumab tor having expressed bis inten Barbados with his parents to fin ly, those of offering Cameronok, and bead of the Liver: Ish bis education in Erland to his as well to acquire ager mother and one elster and other coloniai flag Their objet his and his family a interests, an brother who wu odar our is to foster the trade of Bermuda ođer which, it is believed, is like condolence.
and the West Indian colonies ly to be accepted. It is probable He was a dutiful son, an affeckive them more direct GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST that at least two of the new Lonate brothar and a devoted interest in heir shipping servi ces Besides, directors will be local wen, re busta and father.
it has seemed presenting the local share holders, anomalous tlist the vess le should but there will be no change in flying the flag of a Dominion either the picy of the tiran or Election to Horn of Aslas they are al are at present at whos!
in its capital, sembly ports do not even touch Messis 00 whicved The Combined Court 01 The elections for th: use of te urness, Deceinber 7th, on the motion of Assembly, which took place un petition to the Bermuda Legisla Hon EG Wolford, voted November 29th, have resulted ture for the incorporation of an annuity of 50 to Mr. Rod in the return of all the old mem Shipptox company to take over IN THEway. in recognition of his tiity bers seeking re election, except the vessels above referred to, years literary and scientito in the parish of St John, ware which will, if the arrangement work for the Colony. Mr Mr. Elliot Sealy, owing to ill.
are carried out as contemplated, WORKMAN fly the Bermuda flir. It is also Beeby Toompson, the hyaraulic health. did not stand, and Mr.
engineer who has recently con George arwood was defeated.
proposed to carry out in connec cluded a visit to British Guinana. The successiul candidates bere tion with the company importan has called the attention of the wer Mr. Douglas Pile and Dr.
developments at Tucker Tow.
Government In the direction of providing ad to the present ex Briggs Clarke.
travagant use and serious waste ditional facilities and of encou of water which is taking place, Barbados Shipping and reging developmeubratulared upon the to be being between 80 und 90 gallops Trading Company, but one would, 01 per head whereas 35 to 40 gallons The end of November saw an preferred to see the sutice the population of Indus importanmrcantile recon truc vessels of Messrs. Furness trial towns in Europe.
tion six of the lirgest tirms in Co. sailing under th the isla de combining to forw the wight have done had it been Mr. McLeod Balden, one Barbados Shipp ng Trading of the atorneys, and in anager of brought into existence as rug core Ltd, whicb has been regis.
gested in these columns in 1913 on December 11th the recipient of 750 000. The The moment would seem wb.
of an address and various gifts consists of the following com.
combination opportune for reopening the from the staff on the occasion of panies: Manntag Ltd. question of adopting a joint flug nis resignation from the firu Wilkinson and Hynes, ca for the British West Indies.
and departure from the Colony. Ltd. Masson Co R, Anxiety of all Nations and Gardieoor, Da Costa Co. motion was passed in the Gara Austin Co. The Court of Policy on December four named all have been convertTo Protect their Trade tles of conver or resumed to places within the sion into private limited liability up Indemnity Plan.
Empire, the eat war tax stamp companies. All the tirms wul being abolished.
continue to carry on their indi.
vidual businesses, subjact to the (By Edwin James in the The death is recorded of Mr. ping Trading Co, whose direc interest New York Times. of the ship Cameron Menzies at sea oa toratwill b; comp 1sed of the Paris, January 28. Mr. Lloyd October 22nd last. For many pirtners in the subsidiary com.
George way moking bis long, mild after dinner cigar and toy years Mr. Menzies was an estate manager in British Guiana. that tha minimum amount to be panien. Toe Advocate states Ing with a liqueur glass he did Plantation subgcrib. before the dew com.
Windsor hot empty. It was at the end of Forest but went out to ti. strinuous day in which he hac the Therefore THE WORKMAN is Erst pany can start operations. driven bome at the Allied Conan in 1911 and took over the man 100, 000 in shares, and that ference is the me that the time agement of the estates of the Bu this annount has already been bad come to. write the balance kit Sembawang Rubber Com. for shcəming from the merchants.
sheet of Europe. The doughty pany Welshman was weary, and what been estates wer man suuld not be who bore infancy, the greater Ata meeting of the agricul upor his spuu r not only ee tronbles tion being unplanted, and it is 26th, the Hon. Sir Clarke tural Society held on November due to his efforts that the of the British Empire, but a compa goody hare of those of all ny is now in its present tourish presiding, a letter was read from ing condition Mr. Menzies the Administrator of St. Lucia bealth broke down about the relative to a complaint that what As one of his guests at dinner, middle of avgust last, and as were described as Barbados wase listening to bi solil quise ou the after war trials of the he left for Bed ļo Canada from that island world as he is went to a England on September 27th by action was question: The letter pointed out that the time that is the hardest problem the ss. Mentor, but died at sea firm of the reparations situatioz. on October 22nd, the cause of his ed, had business premises in death being an incurable throat Barbados as well as in St. Lucia, complaint.
md it was agreed that nothing plied this. the Primier re.
forther could be done until the All the allied nations are Society had heard from the Can.
agrees that Germany must pay her indemnity by exports. Ail adian Trade Commissioner. to: Barbados whom the matter had been the allied nations are agreed they referred.
do not want Obituary The end of November was Bhould take German exports and characterised by favourable enable Germany to to pay the repa LATE SIR AUBREY GOOD weather rain falling on every day rations with what we would owe.
MAN, Kr.
for a fortnight The planting of Wa thinks France stands much the crop to be reaped in 1922 is more in need of German exports than we do. And your own Mr.
It is our painful duty to have had already been plaated beloce now general, and many acres Herding ding said he was determined to record the death in England December.
on one thing that Europe should on 21st instant of a distinguished not pay her debts to America by WORKMAN PRINTERY Barbadian in the person or Sir Sending goods.
Gerald Aubrey Goodman, Kt, Every nation wants to protect Chief Justics of the Strait Set Rent Recept Books in SpinIts owo industries. Every na tlemen Ish and English, for sale as the tion wants to collect aus debis.
Toe incident is all the more Whorkman crintery, 19 tourist travel. Bermud which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
course, have What Indian.
last The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama, controlling had then Advertising Medium which must bring good results.
in their inte Eurone wa de ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable Asked.
BOOK BINDING German France thinks exports England Why allow your Books to go to pieces when you can have them neatly bound at the


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