p. 8


Cricket Greek Dépa lis Scera Oath to King PACIFIC THEATRE KINKY THE WAIF 06 have short subor when it can to have lonet y la ply some QUEEN ING and see how quiets it will prose QUEEN HAR DUASIN kees Flint hair for toistoa QUERN Secept sostitute The threw the Crea derange Otice, and at Kol Dress 20 30 ALBOA EST EER REWED Surrey defeats Britannic Refusal Causes Uproar in very interesting game of cricket was LON Chamber ans Mhitary Had played last Sunday between the Surrey Saturday, 26th Sunday, 27th to Give Warning and the Britaboie on the Standard Oval in the presence of fauly 6 Episodes of the Wonderful Direct West India Cable free arge Rathering of erit fane. urrey Serial on the top and demto bolando LLAR DRESS Atbees dated the 1st inaut, reports that the surprins of all we dimissed for the there was a stormy session in the Chan Dragre porte of 63. Desues played INVISIBLE RAY ber of Deputies yesterday. The reading Beautiful reel feature the dubias inuings for 21 got out away dandruft of the sea requiring albei on to King tutul Tho loved gloomy for Surrey, Constantine evoked bested process from Venizeligt merabans, who repared to but thanks to ber bowling strength when AQITEN Me llentes in and Scalp Sa QUERN Subscribe to the cath the list wiele Britannie wert down Monday and every day of the week the sente board only showed a total Pas der UN Proxide Csaber isto ao uproar. Torre were 61. Never Leless, truch praise must be ONE EPISODE OF Ruyalist ies of Throw tbeun out giver Grosto od Barkles of Britannie vigorously asking fists and who, going in at a time when they bed THE INVISIBLE RAY Sold at 17 JS. ABCD Pust strati ne from the occupiais of the Bub lost wickets for 15 me, pluckily play.
AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE beries. The miitary and police threat ed and esord their ef marino Address Box 17. Aroun, ered to intervene. but iho tumul conti Dione refeat Graha Baile 17 and aud until Peter Rulli muted the Bela SOON Thruse and exbrted pace. said Investiture to be the turm, of the bath would be explained Britannic defeat Melbourne Beautiful and Daring Marie Walcamp after the Chamber was forally conti The Melbourne of Colon Cabo Held Next Tuesday luted.
overlast Tuesday and went down to INThe Comcil of Ministers have ap defeat before the Britanio on the THE DRAGON NET pointed a delegation to attend the one Binodard Oval. Batting first Britannic Governor will Decorate ng Conferens in Londo, at which the made 78, wbich we rather disappointing to ber weny fans as the way the game Thrilling Universal Serial with Insignia Recipients rurkish and Greek situacija will be disa cuased. Premier Rostiis, who wil inund was opened, a much larger sore was of Honours from King he the delegation, will b: soompeated by expected. Britannic hod 40 runs for the 08:50 Kalogeropoulos, Minister of Flosa. co.
loss of one wicket, but toanks to the The Gleaner of the 4th inst says and will stop over in Paris for a few Ho will lunce Ahear on February 7ida bowling of Blessian and Sealou, the en we are in for med that on Tuesday, duso. Tao Premiur purport to antivo fire team fell for 78. Crousy made 27 and Bill 18. Melbourne in their turn at the 8th instant, at Kings House in London several days before the Cow the wickets could only get together 56 the investiture by His Excellency ference is to begiu ia order to cool runa Foderingham got 15 and Brown 12 the Governor will take place with perea as high in British polisien Game for To morrow when tho insignia of the several circles.
honours bestowed by his Majasty Surrey vs. berara at Standard Oval Umpires: Coulthrust and Hall.
the King upon various persona CHURCH NOTICES now resident in this island will This is the last game of the Spalding Competition, and Demerars is putting be presented.
The following are the names of St. Peter Church, Boca formidable line up in the field, in the hope of lowering the colours of the those who will be investad. Mrs Third Sunday in Lent Champe. Norton, BE. Mr Her.
berant. Calotel GM. Goldsmith. Se as follows. ca The services at St. Peter de Church, Li Bica, to morrow will BE Be, Major Cricketers Bonefit Assocla.
18. o. E, Captain and 41. Smythe, Choral Celebration of the Elody tion to be Organized.
Quartermaster G! Cox E, Communion at 30 a Matins To night at No. 141 Central tain G. Curphey, Lieu. School at pm; kvensong and Captain Lloyd, Cap and sermon at. Bunday Avenue, the residence of Mr.
Joseph Trent, all cricketers and tenant Murray. sermoa at 80 m.
Captain Cox, Hon St. Barnabas Church, Empire the sporting public in general are here by surau. ooud to attend Lieutenan: Colonel Burke, Matins and address at 11 am; meeting for the purpose of forming an Association, the After the investiture cou Sunday School at p. in. Eved primary object of which will be ference on the question of estab iag Prayer and address at p.
le raising of funds for providing listing in Jamaica branch of Church Mission Hall, Las Case financial aid to cricketers who the Young Women Christian Association will be held.
may be incapacitaud though accidente sustained while on the It will be within the recollec. Sunday School at p. m; and tield.
tion of every one that three or Evening Prayer and addre is at It is thought that this will be a four weeks ago an announcemert p. on.
wasmide Wero means of alleviating some of the Grice that Miss Saunders, who bas had great worries of many good partici experi Casewhere in organise Advertise in the WORKMAN Pet the game by en uring theta some means of support in ing CA. work in different time of illness.
parts of the world, was staying and got Good Results at King blouse, and that Lady well represented; the musical Joseph Lodge and brought førtti SH H! DOUG MACLEAN, 00 part was entrusted to Mr. much applause when he told his THE RACES AT JUAN Pobyn proposed to call a mer inns or well kao sin ladies and Llewellyn Kerr THE JAILBIRD STAR Boothe whose ability in that line FRANCO King House to is well known. His choir was at audience that St. Joseph Lodge WAS JAILED ONCE!
consider the practicability of TEACHER: METHODIST EPSCOPAL BUT SHOUL.
CORNER Rd 20d F3TREET, COLOR its best and discoursed sweet was the oldest lodge on the Isth inst tu ink in Janca a branch RESIDENCE 13 Market Street, Colon, On Sunday lat the Panama music, must except Court Brock AOF.
of the WC. This meeting ADDRESS: Box 207. Cristobal 0, Racing Association entertained Mr. Drummond the Another encouraging part of Paramount Favorito Arrested bus been fixed for Tuesday after Muvio, Spanish and Evening Lessons the public at Juan Franco Park introduced Bro. Kilby the programme was the Big And for Speeding Spends Night in noon, the h instant will be At Vory Moderato Prloos with a well selected program of of the District of nual Report which was read by Prison Cell horee races the Order of of as Sister Agnes Lawman. The presided over by Lady Probyn, pro and it is expected that This meet, it is stated, was got chairman for the evening, The gramme was leugthy. Perfect Douglas Mac Lean, who is star the attendance will be birge pp for the binedit of the sailors chairman on assuming the chair order prevailed until the close red in the Ince Paramount picture We understand that Dr. Mar from the combined Pacific and gave a brief accogot of the St. which was tong after midnight.
The West Indian The Jailbird. which will be in has brought with him to Ja Atlantic fleets of the United shown at the Cecilia Theatre to maics number of illustrated INDUSTR:AL HOUSE States Navy, who have been visitmorrow, didn have to make any cards of very large size, suitable ors of this city during the past special trips to penitentiaries for for educational purposes to con 3rd and Cash Streets, Gulon two weeks.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. local color because sh huh h! he nection with the move Although the program was has been a real jailbird himself, ment. If a branch of the Offers exceptional bargains to considered very attractive, the and has done time behind prison is established in Jamaica, it SHIRTS, HATS, CHILDREN attendance was a not very apbars.
18 the intention of Dr. Martin to GARMENTS, ETC. ETC.
preciable one. This was accountDon get the impression that offer these cards to the new ed for by the many other attracFREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE he a criminal on that account Society.
All Made to Measure tions which took place on Sun certain town bot far from Dress Making a Spaclality day last at various points in and around the suburbs of the city, an etficient. a callous AMY MORGAN, will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa, noon The several events were keenly and got Good Results.
contested and except in one or MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1921, for Wed old judge, and strict speed Proprietre laws two instances buckers and was Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta, Machalilla, Manglaralto, house party one Sun bad their prognostications Ballenita and Guayaquil.
realized. Ace of Trumpy day evening and in a hurry to get the hero of the local turf, caused there, Doug whizzed through the QUILLOTA spread disappointment by town, shattered failing to pass the judge box first will leave Cristobal a will leave Balboa, noon forceand was in a furlong BUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27th. 1921, for contest against motorcycle cop led him back Good Time.
Buenaventura, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta, and Guayaquil This created a good deal of dissatisfaction to town and the judge.
Doug S, PERU speed twice what was anong backers of Ace. who (1. WE WANT YOU SATISFIED the law allowed, the judge reTashls concluded that the race will leay Cristobal a. will leave Balboa, DOOD marks were extremely caustic, was a frame up. But the gen SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1921, for and the bail demanded was 100. 2) OUR SERVICES ARE FREE eral checks not considered.
the Ace otherwise is that Guayaquil, Paita, Pacasmoyo, Salaverry, Callao, Tambo de was beaten at the didn have a hundred in cash pole owing to over conßdence Mora. Pisco, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique. Antofagasta, Coquimbo and Valparaiso with him, and all of his friends on the part of the jockey.
were miles away. Efforts to raise The meeting, although sparsefriends over the telephone proly attended, was marked down duced no results, so Doug spent As fair to good refining and many Will leave Cristobal a will leave Balbos, noon, his first night behind prison bars. Wo want to give you good service and you can help expressed satisfaction for the SATURDAY, MARCH 5th, 1921, for Now he carefully watches the day ousing if for nothing else.
Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso.
that his work in The Jailbird is speedometer and also maintains us do so by letting us know when the service that wb ORCOMA twice as good as it would have St. Joseph Lodge Holds been if he hadn done time him.
will leave Cristobal a. m, will leave Balboa noon, give you is not satisfactory to you.
37th Anniversary self. Doris May, formerly his coSATURDAY, MARCH 5th, 1821, for star in Ince Paramount. produc Saturday 19th February 1921 Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso tions, in his leading woman in this will ever be remembered by the photo comedy, members of the St. Joseph Lodge No. 17 and of as For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at Red Letter Day in its history.
AT The event was pulled cff to COLON GAS CO.
commemorate the 37th Anniver: or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, LR. Edin.
Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
sary. No pains were spared to PANAMA Office Hours: 30 a. nl.
make this festival live up to form.
Tel. 798. p. p. Nossrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. lac. Sub Agarts.
Tel. 364.
SERVICE er celebrations of its kind of Box 798 The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Posts Office 844 which this lodge is noted. The Aacón, Phones; Rosido 1002 fraternal orders of this city were Pacific Steam Navigation Co. at det the MANAVI Double borovice for dia ditud jail Adverthe In The «WORKMAN Week end wide tawe, stirred up all of the police LEST YOU FORGET who Doug REMEMBER ESSEQUIBO Aufbane. Doara


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