p. 1


LONDON The Week Review of the War NATIONAL FORCES NETTER BIG ANTI GOVERNMENT AT PACIFIC END DEMONSTRATION IN CITY element. Resu Capture Many Prisoners and Considerable War Booty al newspaper the fron un fus Valiant the win.
duur en toe the Pere party ot who received been Une eru allar Нау 108 WO.
ihs policy. his country.
And this Avenue Great Britain and the French Cabinet CUNARD DEVELOPMENT. Results in Four Persons Wounded and Eight Arrested.
London, Feb. There was once a time, not so many years ago (though so much has happened The unge tled state of this city of the approuching storn bad since then) when ministerial crisis in another country was of for the past ten days due to the however been wired the presto te voert hurried preparations which are dency and on arrivinz there they COSTA RICAN FORCES INVADE BOCAS vary minor interest to the gener. bing made for repelling the sud. found the doors encurely barred er. It was re den ana ulae speed invasion of against thet. Failing to wain purely as a national by they cern of tine country in which the porce from Costa Rica acting was turned and assulled the rear Daltung erine, won for herrelta Inunch and the loss of tour of the vid of the pricesOne news to have any direct bearing on Department of that republic with such fury cat thay too a no Panoma hne, in the present, the atranding of the wasolene were stopping, he had to call in crisis occurred and one not likely dare instructions from the war door, which opens on 5th strent place on the prges of history unir number with a wond, many paper, La Tarden in riving affairs and events outside that wayartu ther aggravat aulae wotice of the shots being tired in them of a demonstration beld countryAutres. priatechiese and her throw up their hands. The in Sun Jove for the purpose of mouw s; and Britain in acest Monday by the actions of an in the air by the palace guards Kn covered. furiated bind of trives with a so of glory or gun with a good supply of numu arnment with which to tight and the interest of all Europ: of citiz who in the rituution grew more and moro the machile demanding arms from the ar that it che verrasked the resident. ssa horeput a tento er heated enthu critical and seeing which any nation can the justly sitou, twnty to studeretten Mated as haviny declared vitle. President Acosta eal in the changustik and proud There were those who, wer food suplion and certain igno antly, or judicial y or other cories; ondence from the Costa Costa Rica was prepared to seeing place in Paris during the plac. with tracxores por se e dont la wounding be forcibly compelling en tout tied mother le bonde Rein War Otice all fell into the ten thousand, yea, twenty thou lew days Pench personal and Paris 10 qut the presidential four men, one of wist, eptenisinid tears seriously, that she politics are not very gon Julto Os a of without a Nandang army and Lands of their cavtors.
chair. For nowever, from Hund men if versary to avenge without aruns or smu unition of From the correspondence the the death of their country men ally understood in this cuuning the fultilent of their aims, the Darien district, wbo try, but it has very gener, they broughs about complica wound in the region of the any consideration would not have fact was revealed wat rte Corta und should there be wiped on ally felt that it the Frencla crisis tions which the city as a whole heart the bullet coming through e xhost or a chance is protectie Rican bus bei recietly prerae the women were ready to take developed in a certain way inen tiad cause to the ceret, namely the histert side and breaking a ribon herselipaidnt Coria Rica with tog tribo iu vasiun slice Do up arms.
the chances of settling the Go occupation of the ci y by her wd trained avd Lodeinly ember last.
the Domingo On Thursday evening the fol man reparations, problem und forces of the Uaitei States, attor gev at Turner.
law and editor of El Diario Naco.
quidsrey, but they did not ske into bectult the luck and Panamanians Score 3rd from the war Zone: lowinx despachos were received several other matters which have ral who se left arm may he of lit assisted in retarding the urgent From the time that the news deter in the lle Panauanian Rican raid prea in the future, und Abel Victory bus not restablishing the of the Cost people backed up, ar ib y até. by Pregrero, March 1921 ceoromic heaith of Europe would throughout tne city, there arose Fores and Eogento Noche, who a terse! 16 just ce of their Twenty four hours had scarce. President Porras. Panam. again become remote.
a teeding on the part of a certain are slightly wounded.
aud wel It was tow the th Government either country un ly alapsed when the news of a It hanp ned that American excel din Buy Me sengere just arrived froin bat with Leygues us ober popeIt other stormus victory for Pain Coto contirm the report of the Prem po. was tbatpinit that stimula a came uver the waren 14 th y dared to stand in Pet Mota or hoy or the oficer in nan forces of a third ga oline arde a decent and wane seitl and inwediate details of the the Pre ideat while all this was in no wowcapture yesterday town by por hen to the greatest figuin acompanyag the first two an unen with 100 men and provi went had bewn de. Furtun situation to the puolis, and on transpiring on the out ide and mechipe of the soe, we world var inox parties, the Costa Rican sions aboud.
ately, with Briend in office the vocasion of the ly inmed Geinanny, so won War Departament amplche an The wesengor left Coto at once again it is felt that proxeras demonstration which waited on Canal military neadquarters foc for the ser selves the sprobation other ausen, Lu Engeland the midday day and th ayrassert may be continued upon lines the presisent a cuple of day, assistance. In quiek time five biz army pened all y of the whole civis en water to content of over the left everything out terd world There should be no break in at chis apparente douby concerne le zone trucks laden with city 100. The tighting on this was calm there.
the continuity of Allied ing bis intentions and love for who stationed themselves around And so in the short space of occasion was of a stubborn pat Yours truly, the place, along the Central vital importance ten days the ne plucky hulle ure, 28 dead, 12 wounded and in at the present time, for ine Captain ALEMAN.
To crown all this. last Monday and at all hardware stores where the principal parks fully designate them) have come result As on the previous oc PERONA (as some disdain 102 prisoners being the reported ish and French Governmente morning there appeared in the arms Progreso, March 1921. have reached an advanced stava columns of a local duly there carried: and ammunition were together, volunteered for service casions, the Panamaniaus captur President Porras Panama. for at the of ed a large amount perations, sur of arms, am port of an interview which a colt.
Tendered whatever atos Reliabi news brought by the the result of much laborious nad with the president in which close all the cantines and other Orders were then given to is inember of the Associated Press and munitions and other story.
war they bed and successfully repulsed immediately telegraphed his con est Buffered by the enemy ouplink promises, it continued to give Jay said that war between Pain and with these precautione The President of the Republic relaterte pred let the Wateboat the lower thought and reguliavinn and it was alleged that His Exyn places dealing in alcoholic drinke encounters. Vina la Patriation to General Manuel Quintero andare de Costa Rican forces longer. Ts interrupt the develation oles Corts would become normal aspect, but for little the Invaders in the first three tatulations and those of the ha the last encounter between Pan definite results before very Rica over the occu Vivan los Pademies. And at the the launch La Estrella present the appeal from the ouder his command.
titals 23 dead, 12 wounded and to re open the discussion o stive, subsequently proved to be opment of this agreed plan ant. bsurdity. This, we are glad to groups assembled here and there who continued to discuss the sitfront is not for arms or at un Meanwhile it has been 103 pmachine guns we cap points once settled wouid have a misudor bunding on the part Sion but for upar med men. Send ed by passengers who have come tured Later in the day President of have recreated men, Osptain Armuelles Porras issued a statement com are well However the publication was eves that arrangements are le ed and a new attack many perils so long as the Alpage to General Quintero, recting the misunderstanding a vent captured from Belen Querada, we progrench core bien drive the which is expected to be the lies facing facts as tey are, for the pent u reelings of the and further explaining why Panic define in unison formally pupily on amoupition. Dena us we both being armed for mere respondence seized from enemy will be able to deal with the re tra ion against the Go liebe my with your abundant they may, as well as the one strongest medie, up to the pre there in bope that the demandern so rdWhis immediately ancom declare war. The statement in sent, as is indicated in the cor jul and pacific forces in Graoy Brranged for bestile monbled in the Santa Ana part says: Me nen and we will be invincib at the 110nt with hSuke nõid, admirable numerous troops wanting to be embarked prisoners captured Tuesday, Guveromont did not say that war bo Last Monday The Belen Qu zida by the way 18 Governor of Chiriqui have stay. Following instructions vf the actionary elements in Gərmany.
Advic: froin certain inflaen twesa Panama and Costa Rica morbing rews received from the lor Pavad adian register and tial personages to be calm and over the occupation of Cote the ur cot ditional surrender or owned by Clare.
a Pansma ed belound here with the prison. Cunard Development prudent as there was possibly a would be abeurd, as it is stated the first detachment of Costa Ri nan li passed througu the Carers, but will leave for David to mistake some where was un can uncome. It would appear that of garoline troin Savannah, Geor said that it was absurd on the London, Feb. There was a he ded by the crowd who Dal on Feb. 5th lass WILO a cargo The Invaders did not reckon in Yours truly, perto de amount bet surprise es ued to demand tha lunmonata para ele Costih klica top have ocene pressed when Canard Com pid. rupturing the 10 rapid move on the part of R18. for Puntarenas. Captain ALEMAN. pany and the shipping lines Seeinx no other way out of the isted between the two countries president secular friendship which has ex.
themselves far from their bune arrivals Iron Port Limon, where nut he receive assurat ces from vare stock at 90 There had been semana and Everardo the national forces and finding similar reports come by recent associated with it issued 4, 000, The Insal Government conti 000 worth of per cent at ben Tarner, Felix Oiler. Harmadio value of the lands disputed. Mesars. Domingo and als) discussed the material means of obtaining a goveroment vessel seen Resistance, nowed their disere load on troops for the xaola Aunericans and other foreigners much pessimistic talk about the volunteered to approach the What did say and which Hiao to overcome their valour and region. These latter also tell of resident in this Republic offer future derefore all made prisoners and manians are being subject in the ana Chen entus uestas en continues their business pretty throrough questing the crowd to de torte ale medier obey were the indiguities to whicho Pana ing their services assist Pantolettenberg sumping set in spite president and acquainthia is not the ratify: In that the measures Cunard manavement.
taken up to now are police.
the Panamanian flag was again neighbouring repablic and the ure tanen in defense of the na At Colon who are credited with crown the plaza the debe presidentti het ons honor and that meitabinet boisted over the city.
furious false at high fever heat. Many volun. y, anorunced ineir intention of return. Naturally the president hive ever barbored the intention the members of my ette Minister of War ganda being carried on by the teers have come over from the proceeding with a huge shipping refused to accede to their re of invading Costa Rican territor Meanwhile. expecting Rican in Windy. was well with the nest detach to excite the people whore in parched to the seat of war. The doubling that which they already goes the forming the delegates or waging an offensive canza anent sent only a small force on spite of all this, it is said, will boys are all in high spirits and control, will make them the pow to do so it the cont he would be only too willing paiga.
board a gasoline lo ench with a putenlist unless forced so to do munte jovial but with a set deter: sessors of practically 000 000 ed the desire of the whole repubrequest representThere are powerful reasons tons. The huge which must ceterinine es ta former, watta instructions to hold the informants, wbu are not war situation.
over subacribed when the ist cited Abe territos until further pup than ENTS. Augusto Duquel they state that recruiting is was closed five days before the onlyouths of Panama City avoid armed conflict such a the lack of an adequately equipped second to better for and the fact that Panama fate than iter pecutors. Im Macam Auto, Morris and the leadership of Maximino Wal agree with the Canard manner theme by therede deres urony Nations and this hast prevents is the case o under many of investing public thenis answer, communicated to of of same au 1y up or lar eng they were bu yo, Pana in eniten ladies visiting her in speeduy getting in form ment that thougn the present cheve owd and eneg innearately us troa em barking on a war of served to increase of ordered 10 surem. But bey in that republic, who were and way to ready for de patch state of affairs leods is it to armed themselves with piece of conqu st ualens we would run Immediately opeba 30 on the wrwented and in ulted by letter to the Auantic or Pacitic glo my interpretation the fatore ure wood op ained from nearby trie seuntlet of having all the Sot jullove. Obe tight aslednat on appealing tine prop de Pantuanans who eiutDd band of Costa Rican Gentlemen (fronts at any moment.
Latent news from Colon last night of Brit si sbb ping is deciddiy bakery, arag and whatso ver mem ders of the League of Na Sur one and will decurg Win Ocot lae nobelat wuio suey id Cort au. on page)
other impl meats they enuld fint was decling an ecuoric buy.
DI Continued on page C) and started or tha palace. News (Continuand on vaje Je 891 settling this extremely diffi 81 been report.
ustion 18 TOICENS s inorrow morning. Hibout out Duque need.
re el Jero army 13333333


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