
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1921, Carnival Is Gone Three But your costume is not complete unless you are wearing shoes to match your new clothes: We carry a large and extensive line of Walk Over Shoes for Men and Women.
foa is st 11 COC American Bazaar Stores THE MARY MULLER ONE PRICE STORE obs.
four sons and a niece Peter Williams THE WORKMAN Family Released Pareuant to a motion mvie by Publisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies.
Attorney S Carrington on the day that Peter Williams and his WALIOUND, at the office Coaf Ale tion. Correspondence on all matters que and corner of Street, Pasama, of public tuterost invited paramoer were sentenced Fran2doP ces Williams and Eugenia WilAll copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panana lisins, mother and sister of the written on one side of paper only, and notorions basebreaker were LATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must bo scompanied by the name of brought into Court on Thursday DO YON 12. 40. cy the writer, not necessarily for publicamorning and discharged by Six Xora 21 ton but as a mark of good fash.
Jade Hanan. will be remem09 We do not undertake to rolura bered that the parents of Willing Doo rejected correspondence.
ware charged with riding ani string him in a crimes.
The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS the coverrirent did not cullect geticent evidenca on whics SATURDAY, MARCH 1921.
enviction onala ba had, Francis Wil father, was releasPANAMA BLOOD AND TRE doy Jing Planan abont two 3. 120, at the hospital authorities had dischared hta.
The old man cundi very citiciant it is leared ha will never the old Giorn the declaration of Independanc: in 1903 wbe.
poulos were very kid to met Tanan a became an independent an antonomous nation, eich other nyau ou freon pasture and crowd Ollow a Terintegrity and gnity as a recognized power had never the mo her and daugater to their been challenged unul last week when another, and neigh: boine, Kieeting them on hav.
boring, country suddenly threw down the pauntlet and as in obtained their liberts.
ptarted an affray which has roused the blood and ire of this country and made her sons rise up as one man to the Lodgo Anniversary Cefense of the Fatherland.
The Seventh anniversary of th Light It appears that war is imminent with the Republic of of Colon Lidge No 11, of the British Costa Rica through no fault nor provocation on our part Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon Independent Order of Good Samaritans We did not expect war, we did not invite war nor did we and Dughters of Samarie, came off at talk war; but war has overtaken us and we have no other OXCA. NOSSO XSSK Sieci the Pover of the lebro Lotso well choice but to stand up and maintain the cause of this free last Sunday evening euerer ful y.
and progressive land wherein our destinies, fortunes and At o clock by interests lle; and this it is our duty to do without hesitaGALLINAS BIG ANTI GOVERNMENT. de Colonial bound marebed to the Clow?
Cristobal Baptist Church the tion The native sons of Panama have responded to the call a very (Continue from Pace Rev. Stepben Witt conducted appropriate anniversary service. At the of the country with a willingness that speaks volumes for cott against us the result of close of the service the proo ssion agaia their patriotism and national spirit, whilst their mothers, wh ch would be most disaster for sed and marched back to the Lodgo wives and sweethearts are ready to make the great sacriroom where specially prenared proWe fice that the fact of war may exact from them; and in a understand that the fram was rendered and was much enjoy.
moment like this when the character and pride of the na.
Supreme Court has since issued ed by all.
warrants for the arrest of all the CANAL ZONE GOVERNOR tion are so strongly tested it is unqualifiedly reassuring to leaders of the demonstration.
hear the shout that is echoing through the country: We HAS JUST OPENED are ready!
Passed to the Great Beyond Sats Edmund Greaves at Liberty The foreign colonies here have lost no time in assurWe are pleased to have learn ing this government of their sympathies with Panama in HATS TO 10 GOLD Mrs Joseph Thorpe, after a short that by order of the Governor of the moment of her trial. It is admirable, but not surprisbut painfal illness passed off at the Canal Zone Ednuud Greaves, ing, that this general vote of co operation with Panama, Irglib Vekele, Sik Telle illere, Lewes, Aacon Hospital February 22nd, who was sentenced to five rears on the part of aliens, in her struggle for national defense at 10 pm The deceased was a imprisonment at Gamboa Stockshould be so voluntarily and spontaneously given; and the for alleged Embroideries, etc. native of Grand Roy, Grenada. ade last Noveulecon Post Of She was also a resident of Camp robbery of the fact that scores of them have volunteered for military serBierd for the last fifteen years, tice in October, was given his vice is expressive of the appreciation of these strangers where she has left a husband freedom to be remenbered that on week.
for the hospitable and liberal protection extended to ihem UNEQUALLED VALUES AT at all times.
has other relatives in Grenada Peter Williame, who is now serie LOWEST PRICES and the Uaited States to moura West Indians have not been behind in showing their idg a 50 years sentence for her loss.
ries of burglaries committed readiness to help Panama in whatever way the Governon the mne, confessed to having The Grues is deep and green ment might decide to use their services. The large con.
perpetrated this crime without Where thou hath lati uslep, tingent of them in the volunteer police corpy and the orthe aid of Kissed by rof wit is.
derly conduct observed in the districts where they are the MARY MULLER Was ud by goatle slowers, the Court decided to further inchief residents furnish proof sufficient that the gravity of Thou huth thy crown of dowers vestigate the matter before conthe hour is understood and the true part they should play Take tow tły test.
cluding what should be done with Greaves. However, peadfully grasped.
States and Grenada papers in this investigation Greaves We are proud of the West Indian colony because alplease copy.
his been pardoned by the Gore enor.
though a large quota, so far as numbers are concerned, the necessity for police vigilance in parts where they live Heigho! Hart Fans!
Member of Court Pera.
has not been incri ased Arrests and charges are not corded as frequenily now as in the times of peace, the beHeigh! William Hart fans!
dise. No. 9292 havior on the streets has improved, and ob dience to law This popular Paramount star is Please be informed that a speis evident on all sides.
a crook, soldier, policeman and clal meeting of the Court will le respected citizen by turns in held on Wednesday evenir g, In the absence of our regular police force the difficult.
THE CRADLE OF COURAGE March 9«h, at o clock, for wid ty of policing the city is something that cannot be ignoreơ. his latest Paramount Paotovlay givir of lectures. All coacerna yet, despite the present inadequacy of our limited number of WE ARE WITH YOU which will be shown at the Ceci are uiguu to be present and on fire fighters who have been assigned to police duty, the city lia Theatre tomorrow, Sunday.
Mr. Hart has the role of wears an aspect of order that is extraordinarily noticeable.
As long as the populace maintains and upholds the o Square Kelly, a vafe cracker of San Franc:sco who is refors There is no Better than məjesty of the law and respects constituted authority to ed after two years service which it should bow, the problem of order will not expand into a burden on the mind of the Government which must Costa Rica aggressive encroachment upon Pana the American troope in the in France. He the Best.
now necessarily spend its energy and force in working out manian Territory may necessitate your defending becomes a policeman, brings his the plans and issues of the eventful and serious hour.
to If allowed to pick our choloe, your national honor. mer accomplices in crine This is no time for levity, it is war with an emphasis.
and wins the love of a would have none but the best of everypretty girl. The story is exceed What we shall do will determine our sense of manlinessi thing: yet it is sad to say that our peo.
cand ingly Our Companies will hold open all positions and and our ideas of responsibility. The clouds may blacken the scenes appealing, so that there is not a ple on the Isthmus, at the cost of their or they may disappear, but until it is past, this country dull mom nt throughout the de. health, jump at every new patent mede will keep on its payrolls all of its employees who are velopment of the story.
icine placed on the market; especially it must weather the storm with a courage and valor that called to arms.
One of the best tights in which it is will make honorable survival possible, and inglorious colDice to take.
Mr. Hart has been seen in many such riska generally prove harmful, lapse impossible.
moons occurs in this photoplay many of the new dopes are nothing but This country has had no army nor navy, but in a when he battles with and van. fakes. and should be carefully avoided.
quishes a wight the call to arms was answered by thousands of her portrayed AT Rang leader by Thomas Santschi.
When obtaining your medicine, gol This is the best. The best is always that which sons from every station in life. Men have left their PANAMA GAS CO.
YOUR desks in law offices and in banks; doctors have sacrificed only one of the many exciting is well tred and recommended by the scenes that make THE CRADLE majority. Remember, don expariment Cathedral Plaza 13 Bollvar St.
Aucrative practice; merchants have walked off from their SERVICE OF COURAGE the equal of THE with life, for it is TOLL GATE which Mr. Hart Know ye all men, that DeWitt o pine business and the plebian crowds vacated their various poTel. 364.
Tel. 798.
ALWAYS bitions in order that the country might not suffer at the his best picture to date. have got the indisputable right of being It is a complete departure from the best Patent Medicine on the lett hands of a foe whose sudden and unexpected attack found his recent western dramas, but mus. Let no one fool you, no other it unprepared.
ir is bone the less effective on that a good. It has stood the test of many The complications which have arisen between Costa account.
Cricket At Isthmian Park mian Park, The Clovelly The support is strong in every pionship of the World on meridi years treatment, end holds the ChamRica and Panama might have been averted if the former To morrow, has been victorious in their two respect. Ann Little plays oppo Millions have been cured, and malwar government had retiected on the probable consequences first engagements, therefore, site the star.
are now under treatment from every that may develop out of the trouble. Great conflagrations with the aid of the Vincentians, Appearing to excellent advan. continent.
may be caused by tiny sparks, and this question, as bas On Sunday, the 6th Inst. the it is expected the Jamaica c. tage la his latest Paramount pro This statement is backed up by facta already been suggested in the statements of some Latin Jamaica will play a picked boys will have to extend them: duction, William Hart has the American diplomats, may spread beyond an imaginable area, and clovelly on the Isth. selves, Advice from tha makers reads: De reached an emphatic success in to the many new orders that are being THE CRADLE OF COURAGE The point in the contention at which the United Stasent in daily from all parts of the world, tes can justifiably enter the dispute is that which is now the provisions of the League of Nations. Panama is on demand for De Witt. Pille, we have consequence of the greatly increased causing much speculation; but it is universally known that the defensive and must remain so until pressure swerves her BIRTH found it necessary to remove to much the treaty obligations between that country and Panama into another course of action. Meanwhile her sons must be farger fretory grounds at Cherry Orchard will be the grounds upon which the great North American ready to meet the eventualities of strife and war, and if die padre. BenjaminThe right treatment is de witte Pirn Rond, East Croydon, London.
nation shall come to the aid of Panama whenever that aid the circumstances of the situation make it necessary to be the their start now. Sold at all lead aga perang might be needed.
baby boy who arrived reaidence The question which has resulted in the present affair bravery that will make every mother heart rejoice and snsthaad Streets on Tuesday, Stors, and are always in stock at March general was one for diplomatic action, and not armed contention. the land of their birth honor them as the wortby scions of Mother and 102 ara gatting along THE CITY PHARMACY, Costa Rica has chosen unwisely, and in contravention to valorous antecedents of this country.
bioo y, 139, CENT. BAL AVE. PANAMA ang accomplice, but No. 89 Central Avenue PANAMA!
cradle Seadle of courage dramatic deemed


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