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BRITAINS WAR DEBT TO London Letter AMERICA (Continued from page 1)
Eritish Economics and Finance The World Ships.
London. Feh The past years (By LEONARD REID. shipping tigares, by the way, are certainly worth careful study la recent article set out the va ueniors of benkers. Alter America The United States, which lor a fresultheatade of the Unit if try the United States Treo brieperiod hile British sh kingdom, indistingihe great recovry undertook the task of lending mokey ty UK 19. by be it ab exth Alles The Dericia verchait to deal with the Germans ey yards were busy producing war purtrude tod the irse sormati tof weni adr. acus outstanding to Britain lipp slipped into first place among the Leice of trade into one very us roount at the current rate of cx bange world world Pinotally vuable this cury abuut 86) milions ship constructors, is now These are lech once again far below. Britain, es Bruce wrote, the Board Irode bavnically tepay at do on demand, and owine before the war, is now building upplied to the pres of the first per Iw the doccia il vi sering exor D30 more shipping than all the rest bin. Beder Trace Jour o te of bed list, would cost to day of the world put tog ther. fields are so much better.
o thug like 120 milions to pay doubt if there is any other con. estimusted fours of the weet Bonds imp red an exported in 1920. 10 or the repayment of any sumus fiderable industry in any country Buy a package and judge for pe with 1991d Tels, the luce diarios Culd not be us which can ke such a remark10 PET, show sted at one time, and the ad able bist.
Өa yourself. See how mild and abite. CICE passing aing this alus in more or there were in the whole word fragrant they are! They 2013 way low pew. les lle a long term loan, with gradual bitter piese two mainly 18 miskin or, ie about to te discussed between stivetion and of this amount Py: 7180,(C0 gross tons under con Satisfy and the blend can for its the valutaron Never parentatives of the Londoa and Wash 709 000 Theli 81. ite luue was on he increase iagton Trensuries. be deficite ob iga ish were being built in Brit. be copied 1920 The Bikh: o in ports into thi ti to me these aivan cte is cte which ish yards and 1310, 000 in COUNTY 10 1920 counted al 455 Bertoia cisarly recoguisa, no tia United States, the second biggest There is reason to toor, against 38, milion lontention of atienpting to evade, and is constructor 10 1919 and 58. million tons in 1913 pertectly capable of metting in the post or decline in shipping tiz: little time, for it la the some expurttikures scording to weight course of reasonable But is would coil naturally plays important part felt that the frihoom! og Troneu y con has got ahead of the rest of the appear that shipbuilding Exporte trom the United Kindom of terene att well be mad: the occasion world in recovering fro cal, coke and manufactured ful in 1920 of rsviwing the whole position as to war. Several nations particular.
weighed 28. wil. con toos against 1919 garde Europe debt to Americ and ly United States and Japan be.
and 70. milloa tons in 1913. Other inter Alled ia levtedness. It is worthy sides Britain extended the exports of the prod iets of the United of note that during the period in Kingdom, however, itn proved in volume America lent Britain this 860 millions, war. so that, after the in which shipbuilding yards during the over 1919, the figures being 10. mil on Britain lenta. foot and 75 million tone te pectively. Allies. In effect the Allies received the were made good very rapidly and similar eum to her the world shipping Armistice war an incresse of more than 25 per cent. benefit of America segerous advances, there are now eight million more But these exports in 1913 weigbed us while Britala ebuldered the burden of much 15. million tons. Thus when giving tecurity and guaranteeink repay. than in 1914 with, at the moment, tons of shipping in the world the trade figures are examined apurt meat. In all, the face value of Britain lets trade to carry. Here again krom the influence of abnornal prices, it war advances to her Aihesis about is a problem not unconnected will be seen that there a stiil consider 1, 730 millione.
with the revival of European com LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
able leeway to be made up. At present, merce.
however, owing to the general trada depression, the export trade is undergoing Mrs. Robert Sutherland reaction. Ils recovery depends in po Passes Away Hopeful Outlook measure on the establishment of a successful export The official announcement of The chief topic of discussion in fin. Colon, Feb. 27. Mrs. Robert the fall in the cost of livingsocial circle bere strexat the wo Sutherland, native of Kingston, eleven points in two months outlook. As the liquidation of Jamaica, and well known mem has been received with satisfac stock of commodities proe tds th) ber of the Mizpah Lodge No. 22, tion by the British public, though rain on sredit relixes, and with trade Indepeu eodent Order of Galilean coincides with the decline in in olack there is lere money dem»nded for Fisherwan. succumbed to a long trade and the ndustrial enterpriso. Tiene influences, and wavering illnesse sesterday ployment, and it may involve the bich bave already ta refleo ed in a evening, at ber residence, 4ta revision of wages agreements (affecting 500 000 workers)
considerable recovery of pises in ihe street and Hudson Lane.
Btockowa koja stoice the New Year Interment tok place this eve ing to the rise or fall of the cost based on a sliding scale accord especially among gil edged it. cka mutining with the full rites of the of bead duo dly anketo some factor, at present untreatended.
course to cheaper turney, order, and the funeral was wai of living at present a decid more hopeful view is taken of the Mr. seen, comes into play. The atost geo Kolla vay, tead of the Dapartment of Over eral expectation, is the the Bank of CRICKET Eoland rate will be lowered iron per seas Trade, in an official cent, to which it was raised last ment declares that the banking Apri, 10 per cent sute time during the Progressivo Defeats Hummers and credit systery of this coun eix of reven wekt. Such a reduction has weathered the worst of AT THE the storms and describes his wou automatica ly raise the quotations Colon, Rob. 27 The Progresowo attitude with hera of Government and otuer gooi claes in sive cc engaged and defeated future as one of own attitude with retard to the of restrained vestment wearies rating fixed in er the Plumming Bird in to timism. Ha ests. would also do somebog ta day cup match on the Camp ity in Europe and guiken commerce and commerce and busiry, Whic Bird Oval Britain are closely in perity in are als) hoping to relief brough the drip The winners bitted first and and that what is needed is not a ts Exsess Patis Day. No made a total of 64 runs, to which restoration of currencies to their official andoutcoment has yet been made the Hummers replied with 63, pre war equivalence, but a stab.
as to the face of the duty which was Hart ard McGowan leading lisation or exchang) values st tuiscint year lrum 40 per ent to to with 18 and 13 respectively. whatever figure. There is some The Classical and per est; uita believed hat econo Critchlow bowiing for the win talk of a proposal that bour wie u reduces will lead to its abanners made an excellent showing should agree to a temporary le Commercial School while Motly and Morris, for the duction of wages, apart from the No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz Britain War Debt ta America losers made things lively for short time scheme, in order Another important suject claiming their opponents during certain Box, 1044, Ancon, to assist in the reduction of the cost of production; but It ELEMENTARY AND HIGH fancial attention at the nuoment is the stages of the game.
doubtful whether the working question of Bria war debi to Amer.
ion. Before the United States entered Advertise in The Work such a concession, though it is classes as a whole would make ICE CREAM FACTORY SCHOOL COURSES She war Britain and other Allice raised some loss in the States from private man. It pays.
recognised in many Day and Night Sessions that a device of this kind might 35 Calidonia Road SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra, in the end so increase the pur Geometry. Bookkeeping. Tyne chasing value of nominal wages writing, Shorthand, English, Elo as to constitute a real wage adments of French, Spanish and vance.
Latin Grammar, eto, Nigb School now in session. Day AND RETAIL Schoolre. npens Monday, Jape Verdun and London.
When Mr. Poincaré, accom ROBERT LINDSAY, panied by the Mayor of Verdun, pays his promised visit to Lon(Camb. Senior)
The greatest proposition ever taken up by West don in April as the guest of the Principal Indians; and the whole world is falling in, City and County of London Committee of the British League The Directors are offering 100, 000 worth of of Help, he will be sure of a hearty welcome. The visit will be Dr. Hoffman Stock to the people of the Republic of Panama and connection with the scheme Costa Rica.
generally in operation in this bas reopened his olinic for gene eral practice for gynocologica country by which the larger English towns This can be taken up in Preferred Shares at have cases and urological disorders of adopted. OWNED BY of the towns and villages both sexes. Diseases of the blood or in Ordinary Shares.
treated in with the France sbattered by the war.
The National City Bank of New York latest German discoveriesch Alpe The money is needed before the end of Feb render these plication of the Genuine German devastated places practical assistance, and this Head Office: 55, Wall Street 696 ard ts latest modiScations ruary 1921. This will bring to Panama before April the more swiftly and the (1495 and Silber salversan. your large passenger Steamer.
better done because of the fact TELEPHONE No. 746 West Indians, this is your chance.
regard itse as the France CENTRAL AVENUE NO 41, of a particular town in Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Purchase and live! Disobey and perish!
As the Opposite Amador Theatre symbol of the heroic Depository of the Panama Canal French resistance, Verdun has been adopted by London, Through its Agencies in the Interior and AGENTS WANTED measures are already Send mency by mail to taken to raise the sum of 100, its Foreign Branches this Institution offers 000, which is to be London To sell Queen Hair Dressing.
exceptional banking facilities.
Queen Medicated Skin and Scalp enntribution towards the recon Soap, Queen Face Powder, Queen CAMPBELL, struction of the town before which French resolution, crystal Draftsjon Jamaica and other West Indlan Islands Peroxide Skin Cream. Must have lised in the now familiar phrase.
some cash to purchase stock of President and Managing Director Ils ne passeront pas finally Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent goods. Queen Toilet articles are excellent and sell well. Call at beat back the great assault of No. 17, street, Panama, at pm KINGSTON, 73 ORANGE ST. JAMAICA Per Annum the enemy.
or write to Box No. 17, Ancon (Continued on page 8) z, for information, Commercial Receipt Books ALL ON SALE state: W49 Hy has WORKMAN PRINTERY related, انار تلا لا BIJOU quarters INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION will be dhat e il polish cow Capital. Surplus Undividad Profits over S13, 200, 000 900 being arat


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