
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1921 PAGE SEVEN SINCERITY IS IMPERATIVE Interesting News from West. Continued from Page 2)
St. Vincent het Mr. Thomus in his address said that his desire was to promote the healthy development of the children of the island. The first His Honour Joyce Thomas and prize for girls was awarded to Miss Thomas organized the first Audrey Kelly, months, weighBaby Show in S: Vincent which ing 2010s. 14 02, and the first oz met with some succes there a for to Danis sama few weeks ago. Peizas amount at moaths, ing to 13 were distributed in second and third prizes the competition of babies under for boys and girls respectively 12 months old. Five ladies were were 10. 10. and The the judges, assisted by Drs. Young Women Christian AssoGreaves and Gregory. Hints on ciation of this island are interest child saving and rearing were ed in the introduction of work given to parents at the show. along similar lines.
weighing 23 1b First, de raids Thows; Cespedes, The Campaign of Murder Still on in Ireland You ought not to suffer more. Now is the time to decide. WHAT YOU INDISPENSABLY NEED LD Tra! Is Attacked and Half order to completel, dowinate your sufferings is the famous a Dozen Passengers are HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES Killed by Rebels of world wide reputation for Nearasthenia, Anemia, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Debility, etc.
TWO OF LATTER SLAIN For sale at all Pharmacies and Drug Stores in this City and at those of Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and DaCosta Gomez in the city of Colon.
Statement, Relative to AtGERVASIO GARCIA, tempts at Truce, Issued, 68, CENTRAL AVENUE Agent for the Republic of Panams.
by the Sinn Felners DELEGATES ARRESTED Empiro This did not mean that Direct West India Cable it was the intention to involve Co despatch from Dublin Canada, Australia and India in dated February 14th states that all the quarrels of the Mother the Irish Bulletin issued to pight, Country, but it did not mean EXCELSIOR THEATRE In Its report, says the Prime that when there was some great Minister, commissioned the Arch cause at stake, as in the late war, bishop of Perth to come to me to Ire the knowledge tha: the Empire WILL SOON BE JINAUGURATED land as an official intermediary was quite prepared in future to to arrange a truce. Oa Dacem.
ber 14th the Government inti of the past, would be one of the cem repeat the great common efforts Best Pictures. English and Spanish Titles mated its willingness for a truce soundest guarantees of peace.
extending over a month, in which it was slated as follows. The British Government undertakes AVE. B, No. 102, NEAR STATION durio the truce that no Ront Receipt Books In Spanarrests, pursuits, burnings, ish and English, for sale at the martials, or other acts of violence will be carried out by its forces, and that there will be no enforcement of the erms of the martial law proclamation.
We on our side undertake to use 11 possible means that no acts whatever of violence shall occu on our side during the period of the truce.
The statement says that Dublin Castle accepted the formula of er 17th, but added in condition hat we surrender our arms, and without means of resistance Negotiations were continued until December 31st, when on that data a totally new proposi tion was put forward with which His Grace would have nothing to do, Further Outrago IN THB Cork, February 15. Five male passengers and one woman pas senger and two members of the WORKMAN Irish Republican Army were killed to day when a passenger train carrying troops was am busbed near Kinsale by Sinn Fein forces armed with bombs Six soldiers, two railway officials, and two women passengers were seriously and several others slightly. The train contalned 40 soldiers who replied to the tire of the ambushing force and a fierce battle followed. relief train with the dead reached Cork this afternoon.
Sinn Feinners Arrested Belfast, February 15. Twenty members of the Irish Sinn Fein delegation to the British Parlia ment are now in custody. The twentieth member was appre.
hended in Dublin yesterday when Crowley, member for the north division of Kerry, Was arrested.
BUSINESS MEN moved vote of GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST jeave ourselves any or defence ADVERTISE was published in have already the sport Commission on GUIDING STAR ELECTS OFFICERS Cuban Sugar The elotions for officers to serve for the ensuing tera sreb August for the Organization to Control Guiding Star Taberna No. 14, All Operations of Sale OG F, was be on Wedneedsy lmt. the Momsic Hall, 105, Broadway, Caloo, and Shipment sed resulted followe: Brok Abrahame, Ruler; Blair, RW.
BANKS REPRESENTED Asciste Raber; Beanders, Beribe; Wintroph, RW. Amist Beribe; Johnso, Government Directs Buy Rose, Los ructor; Blake, RW.
ors or Sellers to Declaro Adviser; Suter Mattice, Caednetrere; Sister Laura Thoir Contracts. Menenger, and Harriot, ODK. feature of the meeting was the first Havana, Cuba, February 13. Appearance of the State Grand Lodge Frank Beatty, of the Royal Bank No. ia sa official visit, and they were giren very warm reception. They of Canada, will represent the locke very kindly of the Guiding Bankers interested in the Cuban Star Tabernacle, and their remarks sugar situation on a special com. were listened to by an atteative 10 mission of. men, which was ap prwr.
ing. the conclusion Bro pointed by Presidential decree of thanks to io have charge of al operations the offixers of the Great Ladse, which relative to sale and shipment Brended, and agreed by sil. The the 1920 91 doight and crop of Cuban meeting came to a close kn »wn as the su car finance Com my sice biogp: svite for the uses 10 bequrting hill, and did justic: to the mission. The members represent the producers of the island while sion.
the organizition also includes a member of the Cabinet as repre Silver Clubhouses Leaguo.
sentative of the Cuban public interest Men who do things never blona born.
Tae decree appointing the come started the Coal vän under 8o it is. baseball league bu been mission which was th the oficial Gazette ses sarday Notices of the Silver Clubhouses and amusing to file before the people outside of the restricted ares 20. sellers loving public for several weeks, wat form. statements covering all sales contracts made with firms in know about the longue, and the best foreign countries. All details of information one on ket is that the idea these contracts must be given, of the league originated wi. one of the and in addition the agreements retaries and ite othere just caught on stipulate that the product they wud the best thing was the league. The cover is to be refined or used by Tm the terminal cities, ie, Crist bal to mujority of the players have been recruited the buyer and and not sold or Scrute sugar, lucredit for le as by the former Rad tions of rules laid by the former Atletico Colou, Gstua by the re Boca by combination of their old to issue permits for furthur ship players and a picked few from the Avis.
ments by offending individuals tors, Red Tank, it is said, has doure of several old is explained that the otject of the services o Chicago playappointing this Commission is er, and Paraiso is still recruition. The to save the sugar industry of sumes thus far bave all been well attend.
the ed and have been very interesting the leading stated to day that ine Cabin Gov.
sugar producer present standing of the teams being follows: ernment is seeking not only to Clube Won Lost Per ceal defend its own Industry but to Cristobal. 1 defend the consumer in Canada La Boca. 750 1. 650 and the United States against Gatua 1. 686 abnormal conditions.
Paraiso. 2 000 Jamaica Gleaner. Red Tapk. 000 JOTTINGS Llewellyn Kerr Lord Kitchener, was due to TEACHER: TUS Bacopat way acrony, CORNET dood STREET, COLOR sail from Jamaica on the 28th BESIDENCE 13 Market Street, Colon, RP ulto. he sold out all his interests ADDRESS: Box Cristobal 0, in the island and is returning to Music, Spanish and Bvening Lorcond England.
At Vory Moderate Prico NILE QUEEN The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin Made of oils imported from India and Japan WHITENER AND CLEANSER (LEACH) ROUGE. COLD CREAM. LIQUID POWDER CREAN BAUN. VANISHING CREAM SHAMPOO BENDRUFF RENEDY Kashmir demios Springteld, Co.
Gentlemen. Nlie Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair and skin. heads without success, until found Kashmir. Nile queen. Now my skin is tried Bearly every thing to clear my complexion of pumples. liver spots and blackSIbooth and lovely as can be and my hair has KTOWA so Tong and glossy, my friends all adulre it. wish all our women would try Nile Queen.
Very truly yours. REID SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS Blivar St. between 8th andsth. Colon.
Box 36, Cristobal, and rifles.
praeeated by the ol which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
sult in their in the conmission will me down 2 Mr. Lloyd George Declares British Isles Alone Cannot Bear it The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of Defence Burden any All English paper printed Much Too Heavy in the Republic of Panama. Therefore THE WORKMAN is an Advertising Medium which must bring good results.
At Conference to be Held In June Whole Question will be Discussed Svooxsococx prob Direct Wes: India Cable from London dated the 16th ulto.
Blates that Mr. Lloyd George, epeaking in the House of Com muns last evening, declared it was too touch to ask of these small islands that they undertake the whole burden of the de fence of the gigantic Empire in every sea, and that at the forthcoming conference of the Domi.
nions in London, the whole considered Defence must be There tous: be, the pot only between Premier went on, co ordination, not only thu varicus vices, but between the several parts of Empire.
At the Conference of Empire remiers, to be held in London June, there would he the most Domentous event in the history of the Empire. General consent was now given to the principle that the Mother Country and the Dominions must make Canon cause to defend the liberties of She world, and the interest of the BOOK BINDING ser Why allow your Books to go to pieces when you can have them neatly bound at the WORKMAN PRINTERY BE NOT DECEIVED. Class Distincton is more a matter of dress than anything else. Beat it down. Let us help you.
THE WOMAN EXCHANGE DRESSMAKERS Up To The Minute Styles largo asortinent of Tallored Walsta NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA ANN THOMAS, Proprietrees.


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