
General Reduction ForeThe greatest gift that Heaven shadowed has given to mankind is the girl of SIGHT, and all wil agree that conference between a sub it is a priceless treasure. No ha.
Committee of the West India man being can be happy without it. bought or sold Committee and representatives 15 Tot the Royal Mail Steam Pack by either rich or poor. More headaches are caused from eye Company and Messrs. Thosstrain and eye weakness than Jas. Barrison was held at the from all other causes put toge West India Committee EM ALL ther.
January 24th, when a discus on slon regarding freight rates, Do your eyes feel as though trok place. Mr. Mitchell and there is gravel them? Are Mr Kefe represented the they infamed? Are you having QUALITY WINS Benalmal Storm Packet Com any trouble with your glassest pany Mr. Francis If Bark the Harri Lind about he condition you EVERY TIME son Line, while the West India eyes or the kind of glasses best Committee was represented by suited for your vision, then con de Pase, who presided, sult a COMPETENT EYE SPESir Edvard Davson. Mr. CIALIST.
Moody Stuart, Mr F. e.
man and Hir. Algeroon aspinail, PIEDMONT CMG The various items in the sche dule of rates were discussed, IS and it is understood that a cen in above evt relieves all eye The kind of glasses as you see eral reduction is contemplated The sugar rate will be subject to glare or strong light and gives strian, protect the eyes from private agreement, that on cocoa vou perfect vision for EVERY will be reduced from 1601. to THING and ALL DISTANCES 1301. and similar reduction will be made throughout the list. Dr. BUCHANAN (Renown.
The representatives of the Ship ed Eye Specialist of New York)
ping Companies pointed out the is one of the most competent and difficulties of their position due reliable eye specialists in this to the export trade having fallen city. Many person whom ho off to almost vanishing point has served are testifying to this owing the West Indies being fact.
over stocked with goods of al kinds at the moment, coupled Dr. BUCHANAN with the great increase in wages and the representatives of office is located at No. 192, Boll.
the Committee similarly called var St. opposite Masonic Build.
attention to the serious declice ing. Colon, of in the prices of almost all kinds of West Indian produce, point Ing out that unless freights were Advertise In The Worka reduced materially, shipments would fall off very seriously.
man It pays.
The Quality Smoke Cool and Mild etc. Predmens PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW ORLEANS, CIGARETTES British limerican Sam Cold CRAWFURD ELLIS, President. SIMMONS, Vice President Geu, Mgr MANUFACTURER Insurance in force over. 35. 00. Total assets over. 500, 000. 00 Legal reserve on policies in force as required by law over. 500, 000. 00 Assests in excess of liabilities for premiums of policy holders over. 580, 000. 00 The only Life Insurance Company quallfied) In the Republic of Panama.
Take Advantage Of Your Opportunities HENRY CAMBRIDGE.
Special Agent. Colon, Use your opportunities as an investor to tha best advantage DRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH The Isthmian Undertaking Co. have during the past year created a profitable business and bids a fair in this year of grace for bigger business.
This should interest you, since it can be the means of opening a safe and sane investment.
There are still some unsold shares. Buy them Dow. Later on they will be worth more.
Indies, such Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refreshIng beverage. Once drunken you will forget Root Beer and all other aerated drinks CALL AT THE Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane and Secure same for your Xmas Drink a 00 Pill: NY NUMBER Remember we stand for Service, Profit, and Co operation Coming Medical The Classical and Conference.
Commercial School No. 2, Calle Demingo Diaz Lord Milner has suggested to Box1044, Ancon, the various local governments ELEMENTARY AND HIGH the desirability of the holding of SCHOOL COURSES a medical conference in the West Indies, to be attended by the Day and Night Sessions principal medical officers of the SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra, various colonies, and also by Geometry. Bookkeeping. Type.
representatives of the London writing, Shorthand, English, Ele.
and Liverpool Schools of Tropi. ments of French, Spanish and cal Medicine Latin Grammar, etc. Night Among the subjects which School now in session. Day such a conference would probab School re opens Monday, Jan ly consider would be the diseases uary 17, 1921, at 30 a.
generally prevalent in the West ROBERT LINDSAY, as filariasis, book worm, malaria, tuberculosis (Camb. Senior)
venereal disease, leprosy, and Principal pellagra, and the question of infant mortality.
British Guiana has been sug.
gested as a suitable venue in view, An oil fuel station is to be no doubt, of the fact that the will shortly be commencing its pany already operating at Hav.
expedition of the London School established at Punta Piedra, its near Antilla, Cuba, by a com in that colony. It hoped that representatives of all the ana, Matanzas, Cienfuegos, Manon Indian colocant to without correspondent in Trinidad in the deliberations of the enquiring for the names of ship.
nference, which should pers of certain goods writes tbat proves further her important factor his reason is in view of the new towards drawing the various British preferential tariff and units more closely together, be increased duty on American sides paving the way for bring goods he must now buy in the ing about still better health con United Kingdom instead of the ditions, It be recalled that United States.
similar conferences nee to deal with agricultural, quarantine, steam.
The reference to the new Gren.
ship, and customs matters have ada Preferential Tariff published and that the Associated Weet requires modification, various already been successfully held, in the Circular of January 6th, Indian Chambers of Commerce kinds of foodstuffs being subadvocated the continuance of the jected to specific duties. Thus holding of such meetings of ex on bread, biscuits and cakes berts regarding various ques. Some rentene da tor example, the tions of common interest from 100 lbs. the general rate being duty is time to time.
2s. 6d. per 100 lbs.
British Consulate Notice. Dr. LOWE L, Edin.
The British Consulate, Colon, would be glad to hear of the Office Hours 30 a. Ip. nu.
whereabouts of Clare Small, p. p.
native of Trinidad, and resident Bor 798 (ffica 844 in Coloa until recently, Phones Aacon, Resido1002 work in exception, will coppe medical conference, whic Panama Banking Company (BRANDON BANK)
The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
No. 47 CALIDONIA SECURITY SERVICE will deal with Panama (Founded 1863) Colon Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford un.
questioned security for every dollar deposited with this bank OUT OF WORK? WANT BETTER JOB?
LET US HELP YOU We are constantly receiving requests for competent workers, from the city best employers, Leave your Name and And Address at our Office Employment Department.
143 Central Ave.
General Banking Business Transacted BRANDON IBAAO BRANDON President.


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