
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1921, THE WORKMAN CECILIA THEATRE PERSONS THIS WEEK Up the Road with Sallie o care for In Who Cares Published on sturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica ATROND. at the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters Eve and corner of Street, Panama, of pabilo interest invited.
TO NIGHT de All copy for publieation must be PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and This photoplay offers the captivating RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIO: must be accompanied by the name of comediene a role in which she esa be as One Year 12. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaMr. PIEDMONT capricius, As vivacious and lovable Lewis Selznick Su Monika ton but as a mark of good fatih As may be expected from the delightful Thre.
608 we do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
characterisstion the bus shown on the Ono presents screea ia she past. A: Salie Walters, Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JENIUS THE DADDY OF THEM ALL Comanes Talades inherita Tiv Constance Tainadzo Thousand dollars along with other legs SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1921.
tous unknown to ber; the one who make In will be in CALIDONIA this Saturday night batute of bis money is to reive the PANAMA SOVEREIGNTY UPbalace of the estile. But Salli, bow. Up the Road with Sallia ever, heat on adv bure kid peber HELD IN COTO from to o clock. He will have staid old aunt in her er and sets out From the navel by Francia Starrots for a lively bone where they meet two you hful criminals who pusprct them of Without a trained army of soldiers as a permanent helor criminals werking refuge. Then aspect of military glory but with a nation of patriots from brand new 00 bills to give to for the fun. Select Picture)
whom a force of atfei ders volunteered to uphold the dig.
Dity of the country, Panama as a sovereign state spoke What Do You Think About TO MORROW her first word of defiance over a week ago when she told persons that he will meet who have Mosi?
Costa Rica in unforgettable language that for ber bold and ill advised invasion she could not escape its warranted MONEY? LUXURY? BUSINESS?
a package of those famous SOCIETY? LOVE? LIFE AFTER Aroused from a state of complete serenity which had DEATH: never before becu interrupted since the commencement as a nation, Panama struck at her foe with a forca that PIEDMONT CIGARETTES Most of us consciou ly or un Ondeciously, are giving the best part of our lives benched Costa Rica on a thinking tool, and it is certain ope of thore pursuits. And perhap that dever agam will such a silly aci be performed by the government and people of the Banana country, in their posession, in doing as we are overlooking somethine fiber than all the rret Tanama did exacty what might have been expected Think this over, then are, Cecil by her. She was hit and she struck back with a kick, the Do Mille o Something to Think About. Something to Think about force and effect of which will never leave the mind and He will hay nur:ber of 250 Paramount super production with Glo rin Swadron. Eliot Dexter, Theodore teelings of the people of Costa R:ca; and this only serves Roberts, Monte Blue. PDR of divine CECILIA THEATRE to show what justice can do in the face of aggression and sweetness echoing through the silent ADMISSION: 750 and 250 outlawry.
pieces to give to other persons w! 10 places of the heart Those who said that the Costa Rican army was superWho cares?
ior to our forces ought to listen to suine of the tales told MONDAY COonane Tilm de se Joan neste by the prisoners of war we have captured and who are, for have a package of PIEDMONT CIGARETTES free impulsive vil, live with her tue une belog, the unliberated guests of the nation. These Brundparents in the country. The old Lewis Selznick men are tell og stories of the bravery and patriotism of perple are out of sympathy with youth the Panamanian troops whom they had to jace on the with them, Apd Jouk only feels their inck of under presents battle front, and whom they regard with the highest Biennio. She mes is a young man of the mi hborto in the wood: Derby on admiration as ngaters, and with profoundest respect us the to ar nee weret inretios; Constance cuptors.
THE LUCKY ONES WILL HAVE PACKAGE boy Martio gry, flog in love with The way this country went into the fray showed that Jren altough she does not Talmcdsc it was a question of do, or die. There was ni hali hearted him.
spirit anywhere, either in the Cabinet, the National As.
The grandparents fiod out abont the Bemuly or among the populace; and there was nothing mretines and forbid Joan to see Martin nye. old age the right to tnat could come to our arms but victory, if even the check th, bu vyaney of You b? Old Age Biruggle tau lasted longer and bad become nercer.
Kashmir Beauty Parlor Tried it in Cobranca Tolmadp Dew At ha sufl tu the brave boys wno stopped to conS. lect icture, Who Catce? See the 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon From the Story ty Cremo Ilamilton sider holung when called to the post of duty for the honor of the country and the diganty of this young but glorious Repubic. And all praises to the officers who led Full House.
Tuesday and Wednesday them forin io battle and took them througu the path of Europe fire to the goal ut victory! Hurrah, for Pauama. All the word loves a lowrr, And all JESSE LASKY Mme. M, ROBERTS, MB.
The announcement of ine Associated Press cablegram Beauty Specialist Graduate of the Kanir Institute Chicago, IL.
the world enjoys just a little louebot that President Harding had called upon the iwo combat presents pevmoons and honeymooners. Full TRANSFORMATIONS, SWITCHES, UFFS, ETC, ant countries to stop lighting hau oile effect in Panama, Houre starring Bryant Washburo which and that was to make me people determined to wage hot will be shown at the Cecilia Theatre war if the Conditions suggested and demanded by Panama Tuesdy and Wednesday, is a tollicking in were not agreed to, Montoism might have been all right story dealing with the mix up which in the days when the countries of Central and South results when a husband of a day goes on FULL America were political infants, but in these days when these countries are political factors in the world couucl STRAND ICE CREAM PARLOR business trip wnich involves him in complication including love letter stolen chamber of the League of Nations, Monroism is as dead as HOUSE Its author.
Adjoining Strand Theatre, Bolivar and 11th Streets Jewela thieves and policemen. Bryant sbburn bas a strong role and Le with The idea of submitting the question over the disputed The Most Up to Date in Colon Wilson is bis leading woman. It is a territory to an international tribunal is not only feasible Paramount Picture, LOIS WILSON but absolutely rational. It the League of Nations is not Banitary and up to da. in every respect. Loes and fruits of all kinds.
too big and too cumbersome a body to settle the matter, John Bowers in Out of THURSDAY It might be well for the two countries submit the scuff. e Iced Milk, Cakes, Candies, Cigars, etc.
the Storm for regulation to this august association of nacious, Pay us a visit before, during er ofter the show and you will call and we are sure that both will accept with refined taste again. Gght on the lasting deck of a and good faith the findings of that assemblage.
Wrecked steamer, in waves and raio, is cnd But if this is impracticable we would suggest as an one of the dramatic cornes in the Goldwyn alternative that the Big Three take the matter in hand Pieture. Out of the Storto, coming to Rex Beech tbe and straighten out the trouble. England, France and Italy Cecilia Theatre for Thursday.
ale all impartial and disinterested zu the squabble and an Juba Bowers ard a woker are the two present Dr. Tichenor Antiseptic who gtopple on the slippery boaru. Inteligent decision must derive from their deliberations buce wave ww. bee them trom the deck end uvestigations.
is in the bomcs of thousande of familia which have often saved doc ora into the orin in the fiming of this We hope that Panama will never lose Coto, a place bille loy baving it which she was beld at the nose of the rifle, but if she is 10 You should carry homo a bottle to day bec vise you ur your wife or children The picture, strange as it may nem, part with that bit of earth she must let it go under the may need it to morrow not taken on rocky bol in the Adapted from the Famous Puefic, but inside the studio waile Authority of sound and ripe judgment such as the great Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC When the wall of water struck the Novel powers in Europe are capable of delivering, and not by la certain reif for burns, dobie itch, bruises, ents and sorenese la alt struggt ne mes it threw them foreitly off THE TOWER OF IVORY, Any one man verdict.
the deck. Bewers was hurled clear over pats the body. It is the one best prescription for the mattresses which had been placed to GERTRUDE ATHERTON by Panama is justly serious over the whole question and colic, compe, end diarı boen receive him, and fell on the ground.
the citizens of tuis country have shown by their response Ask your druggist, Buy now.
to the colors, their subscriptions to the war loan, and their NOVELTY KISSES CAUSED SCANDAL FRIDAY popular demonstrations that no single power, however, Did you kno there were such things great it may think itself, will succeed in buil duziog or as FLORAL KISSES. Neither did San boozing this small nation into swallowing a dose of domitable and fearless defenders of the rights of the Roy. de ele altres, rent, deept political andignity.
a boost the Venie Wanda Hawley Fatberland.
Whatever might be thought of it by the Costa Rican The Republic of Panama owes much to the veterans Flowers as the King Gr. The music comedy, advertised ybelle in Sover ment, Panama has always regarded the White ver of this war, whom we feel sure will be shown the highest young lady assyriment of arculatory aict as a ridiculous and unsatisfactory geographical deli appreciation and gratitude that can possibly be extended caresses was said to include the beste teation; and there is nothing in the argument favoring to them. They have done gallantly, and their victory wis of the valley kis; the scorching erim his decision that will make Panama even take passing no savors of an imperishable essence of humanity which on ramby to the lingering, tantaliz ing honey uckle twister.
tice of the boundary lines marked out in his territorial con has called forth the unsolicited and outspoken commenda le threw an awful monkey wrench into tour effecting this country.
tion of their conquered foe.
the macbinery! For Maybelle was no based on the play It is now history that Panama had a conflict of arms Pavama has fought and won with clean hands, and let that the date outfit to be events portled Beverley Balance to defend her honor against a foreign toe. This is her sec well may sbe be proud of the actions of the men she sent old California family who had joined to recoup failung famity ond war, in fact, but her first, in fight. It is a glorious out to defend her cause in the eyes of the world. The fare we tek ing ng mga any more by beginning for we have won. Thus the honor and lutegrity greater the magnanimity. the grander the victory; and ca raspun corespundeat in. divorce suit gets PAUL KESTER of the Fathers of the Independence and to makers of the when it is remembered that the prisoners of war were tangled up with jealous lover and Constitution have been sustained, and the liberty with treated like ambassadors it must cause a dignified spirit proud parents frel diegraced by daugoter condection with the stage it which they bad proclaimed this nacion a sovereign state of pride to swell up in our hearts and make us shout on ba lnagised that things are femins unsuilied through the valorous deeds of the in Viva Panama! Vivan los soldados caballerosos!
ALSO AMATEUR NIGET The Parlor of Satlara orlon Scalp and Facial Treatment. Manlourin Shampooin. Hair Straightening Hair Growing, Hair Dressin. Har Drein. Facial Blenhes reinved Curus cured with electrie vibrator, electric comb. electrio hau dryer, sud ulber modern apple full line of Human Hair Goods All handmade under highly sanitary conditions and can be washed, combed, and created as the hair on your head Bryant Washburn Samuel Goldwyn Out of the Storm B WATS burrowly soprd injury Bod Food torScandal orts to


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