p. 8


Cricket PACIFIC THEATRE COSOSS The Dragon Net SESS under ine batams TE The Dragon taking Gor Waail bound of Co They The Dragon Net EATO Mary McLaren in Creaking Stairs alizing the companied called on and with being honors tomary ALBOA EST EER REWED Bome seitled Sosios THE RECENT HOSTILITIES (Contidued from paga 1)
Surrey Defeats Yorkshire Leen ecupelled to act by their What is your opinion regard respective publics made furious ing the treatment accorded you Last Bugday, at the Standad Orl.
by natriotie ardor, the Panama. and your countrymen by the the above mentioned teamet and To night, Satday 12th Tuesday, 15th. As a result of the occupa Panamanian forees Lieu enante plased met exciting este o echet tion of Coto ard the Costaricans Colonel Arges dus was asked, and Bunny the tuos peod EPISOÞES C bat. re the cateva HARREY CAREY by the teating down of eut Court to this be replied saving: of Arins, which of JE Thomas showed up some cart you know caused similar action in San treatment. heard Cartrin Me We could not in ask for better of cigaretus and announced to the playJose Ers, ibat ibe British American bacro Fists jie when he said to his men, after Bare Company bod offered them se prizat Questioned as to his reasons we raised the white fae: Enfor occuyg the Panan arian oueh beys: abielute courtesy be cont fur is that stop. The town of Coto and his authority now for the vanquished.
winning test would get thrre carton for so doing. Colonel Tomorrow, Sun. 13th Hector of then the bowler with the best anal Wednesday, 16th Zuniga Mora declared: Captain Mija is both a vuliant soldier and secouplisher Jais would get five pickng, end the Actit.
with the bigbeet individual instructions of the man, ss is a leo General Qto.
EPISODES 8 moore na koges. Cheem wir given Episodes 11 12 TOP Porn marched trem, tawhom no doubt, we are with Coto for the Brit sh Ame Tobacco Co of of docend the cour Inforhingtions which have been shown us with a detachment of indebted for all the considera ok befindeterate Net sit igen te The Dragon Net the Penamanian authorities torra And for which we are profoundly die blir especials Uw. way that was talit The name of the Cassion in inteful.
the Surry erament. Three or four days Adresing group of Coet for 13 rett is folder this folder the Monday 14th THURSDAY, 17TH after my urrival breate aware rican privates the ir terviewer 86 mixerunt fin. It was imed HARREY CAREY ask them what they thought of the fact that Pane forces were of the Paramanian suildilts, to to watch he lex books, and his EPISODES 10 OF of drives Cota in renched the the vicinity which they all replied: Hrding made 18, and w, DeS rusa 14 It wo thought by the Solders Praise Captors Blinding Trail pl Coto on Saturday evening and Burrey supporters that thou cigarettes rerbeps bois because They ignored Very bravu! They treated us for batting would eurely go to Holder, the strenzth oi my force or my but Brasbwsite, of the Yorkshire CC.
position, pitched cnp and dur a storm of builets from which upeet all their bopes, as the batsmin FRIDAY 18ih ing the following day started a frescaped alive only through a after having played his eyes in, envelopir 18 movement and alls miracle of God. They fought finally surrounded with an enthus asm which struck RE fine exbibition of bad bittian. He was us.
seriousness of my position, ac say this because we are prisonthe terror to our hearts. We don exo edingly rough on Jobs in the one over be was permitted bowl. The by one of my suborers, but hecousa wa really think 1903 so Yorkshire fell for 97. Brathwaite 0 SEXO yoox din stes, command of the Panamanian on the officer in ers, Are they mombers of Part 67 not cut and Sargeant 17 were the incipal sonrers. At the conclusion of forces informed the leader of awa regular armyp the gate, Mr. Thomas read the memothe Panamanian forces that had The correspondent informed rial he bad received from the British o intention of resisting his them that Panama neither bas en American Tobacco Co. and the cigaretforces because had not received army or arms. That these men ang instructions from my se na volunteera arine a somen with les were distributed as follows: The were either police patrolmenar Currey C, the winning tean, three ernment offer armed resis carrons of Piedant Cigarettve, 118 tance to any action which the rifl s, oth fre with shot bands of Surrey package for Wouring Panamanians took with regard to others with machetes, but tal the best bowling analysis, and Brathos occupation was asked to ready to die for their country.
wsite of Yorkshire package for the surrender our arms and agreed This information failed to com: bigbool individual core, to do this providing the Panama vince the Costarican sold ters who nian forces gave me a receipt for made no attempt to conceal their Games for To morrow At Isthmian Park, Britannic and Pan. manians Pan. This was agreeable to the disbelief.
and the transfer of Do you like warring? the Jucaia.
At Standard Oval, Surrey and lily.
arms was made. The Costarican correspondent next asked the rolflog which hoisted over the dlers to which they replied: No, Whites, town on my arrival there, was sir! We did not know that we The Lily Whites is a Colon team he lowered by wowered me all the the cus were taken into a territory OLD that defeated the Sussex C, and bow ibeir de vaccorded it by which the Panamanians were do ibeir determination is to it flict tha.
both forces, was termined to defend one Rogging on the Surrey It is the depository of the flag and with bullets. We want no war.
true that some of the great cricket gian everything was se! as far as On Wednesday evening the line of the Atlantic rod is to be found in the we were Were concerned pending an terned Costarican noncoinbatLily Whites but ustment of the problem by ants were liberated on the con the Surrey CC It will truly be a matter currerentive governments. dition that they eng ge in no boe of diamond cutting diamond, and this Major Miguel Angel Obrexon, tile activities against the governmakes it exeedingly bad to pick the com ander of the tirat delach zent or people of Panana.
winter At present. All cricket faus who ment of reinforcemente, was seni the andard Ovul to morrow car text interviewed. He said: The 1945 train on Thursday be curtain of recitg god gine. absolutely had no know brought into the city the Panama Important To Cricketers.
alle of the fate which had hebatt lion withdrawn from Bocas.
The British American Tobacco Com Colonel They arrived in Colon earty that AI donel 2i ga Mora.
pany is to prikry to the various tur about an hour navigation un morning on the urrialba, the Cricket Clubs to be competed for at the the river which leads to Cote, we same boat which had taken the Various games, Mr. Thomas has received wire tired ofron the Costaricans back to Limon, and shore Menorsodum from the Company, Believing that it was my were under the who had mistake and has been selected to offer and do Leszi. The news Colonel Pedro ken us for Pan Bruto these prix to the lucky winners anniaus and had filed of their coming spread through The name of the wispers of all rizes triel to make krown the city in quicle time and from who we will appear in ib: Work min from week were by hurr. hing for Costa Rica all the lanes and back street per Bhable commenced pouring into the was rainfully surprised when Central Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
my cry W48 in werd by un burven Avenue. At the passen.
wie ser station the crowd was so Call at the Canal Jewelry Stors by Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
that had to deal with volley of lille tire il diclore room could be made for the For the latest in Parlor Clocks, nians ti cops. Tzen, as was a cheer upon cheer went up from na men to form up. Meanwhile Ladies and Gent waiches FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE tural, DON ordered my men to re weer ond Jewelryf all description turn the enemy tire. We hen thoughit they could do on the assembled multitude Williamson, prop. SALVADOR nothing for a few minutes, but réal zing too much to show their apprecia Women Jurors Will leave Cristobal a will leave Balboa, toon, the superiority of the enemy and tion of the spirit of loy. great deal of publicity has SATURDAY, MARCH 12th, 1921, for their advantagecus position, Ally and seltsacrifice displayed which would enable them to des ed and practically unprepared who went forth untrain.
been given in the English news. Puntarenas. San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala. La papers to the fact that in the Union, La Libertail, Acajotla, San José de Guatemala and cimate us in short order if we cob: but ready to lay down their lives Courts of law women have now CHAMPERICO Taway dandruff and stops tinded to resist, decided, after to uphold the honour of their nas been called upon for the tirst a consultation with my time in English hist Passengers wishing to make the trip through the Canal only ry to serve can do so. Fare 10 including meals, surrender. When raised the country.
Also use QUEEN Medicated on juries. In a number of cir skin and Scalp Soap QUEEN flag, already seventy per When at last all was in read cumstances they betrayed consi Sailing dates and ports of call subject to alteration without Pace Powder, QUEEN Peroxide cent of the small force comandness and the men had all derable nervousness when ac notice. The Company do not accept responsibility for baged, had fallen before the Pan shouldered their rifles and, to cording to the rota their gage, and passengers are recommended to insure same, air anian fire.
the strains of a martial air by names were called in Cour. and begged Sold at 17 St. Patatu, Dear Ancon kost Lieu ter ant Colonel Alfredo Ar the Republican Band, started off to be excused from Omee, and at good Drug Stores EBRO But AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE guedas, second in command o for their headquarters, the part they were will leave Cristobal Address Pox 17. noon.
the second launch captured, said Avenue presented a picture selOur quite willing to take their share SUNDAY MARCH 13, 1921, for New York direct.
CHURCH NOTICES the same as that to which Major balconies, electrle light poles, in this city.
agreed that they Obregon and bis men were sub levery place of vantage was o have discharged their new func S, OKIANA St. Peter Church, La Boca jected. When we realized that cupied by the outlookers, and tions fairly and fearlessly and will leave Cristobal MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1921, for The services at St. Peter to morrow it was not Costarican but Pan right heartily did they applaud with round judgment. In a long Havana, Vigo, Corunna. La Pallice and Liverpool (the Fifth Bunday in Lent) will be as amanian forces which were firing the appearance of the boys.
Rnd that exhausting murder trial on us, we returned the enemy follows: attracted widespread interest, Carrying First and Second Class Parrengers, also Deckers for Harana At a joint meeting of the Cabt fire. The battle waxed furious net and National Defence Come Holy Communion at 30 am members m; Matos mittee held last Thursday and sermon at 11; Holy Baptiem at 30 and fast for almost two hours.
terwards expressed through the QUILLOTA pm; Sunday School at p. m; Ever Commander Killed decided to repatriate the Costa Dewspaper inen their apprecia of the services of the three will leave Cristobal song at 30 At the core of Evenrican prisoners at the earliest Colonel Amadeo Vargas, com possible women members, and the fore. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1921 for New York direct. song the Sacrament of Holy Confirme opportunity and рево tion will be administered by the Risbt manding the expeditlon, fell tiations have already been begun man testified enthusiastically to First Class Fare 120. 00 Reverend Jw Craik Morris, Bir under the first onslaught with a with the Spanish Charge Althe help received in particular bop of the Panama Canal Zone. hullet through his brain. was fairs, whom the Costaricaa gun Jrom one of the women, who Sailing dates and ports of call subject to alteration wlthout very cordial invitation is given to the near him when he fell, and real ernment has asked to represent he said, is of very, hixh notice. The Company do not accept responsibility for high intel public.
izing he had been mortally their interests during the pre lectual curious attainments.
baggage and passengers are recommended to insure sama. MULCARE, Rector. woorded, assumed command. sent struggle, for the sending feature of the first appearance of St. Barnabas Church, Empire soon realized that resistance back of the men.
women in in jars. box the traditional For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at was useless. We tried to turn symbol of British justice was the That same afternoon, InstruoThere will be morning Prayer and ad, our lauch down the river and es. tions were issued for the with pon CRISTOBAL iece raised by objection dress at 11 am, Sunday School At cape, but in effecting this man. drawal of the American military male prisoners to being tried by women. This is hooked upon as or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, m; Confirmation class meeting at 30 oeuver, our vessel ran aground and Evening Prayer and address and stuck hard and last in the guard which was stationed at the PANAMA ma at p.
Presidencia since the morning of merely a sympton of sex preju.
dice whiệa wil disappear in the Messrs. ISAAC BRANDOR BROS. Inc. Sub Agents, the attempted riot.
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Panama course of time. It will not be long We were subjected to gallBritish Consulate Nctice. Sing fire from four directions and Defense Loan were coming in Subscriptions to the National before women barristers will be practising in the English Courts, The British Consulate, Colon, with our predicament made more rapidly and it is expected that and one newspaper bus gone so would be glad to receive informa serious by the grounoiny of our by the time Colon and the other far as to predict that within the Advertise in the WORKMAN tion as to the whereabouts of launch, the only course left open provinces as well as the Canal next quarter of a century thera Mrs. Rhoda Moore, daughter of to us was to surrender. cun. Zone have all been beard from will be woman holding the James Grant, deceased, and for sulted my men and when they that the amount asked or, great othee of Lord Chlef Justica It pays.
merly resident at 50 23rd Street, agreed ran up the white flag namely 5000, 000, will be greatij of England, Panama Cits and surrendered.
ac but this is also true of people onu we iu work KINAIK 137 Bolivar Street, Colun HAIR who have short stubborn hair when it is so easy to have long pret ty hair. Jump QUEEN ADRESS.
ING and see now quickly it will im prove. QUEEN HAIR DRESSING keeps hox to da falling hair. BUN;accep for 35e Insist wen, to no substitute.
a while in Creu most.
for the from service.
it is penerblic responsibity hand the male of the jury af it was tion of that he repeatedly.


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