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PRICE CTS. USC it is rumoured that Elridge Colby, former Intelligence Officer, Panama Canal Department S, Army will be appointed Governor of the Panama Canal.
The Coto Question Becoming More Complicated WASHINGTON GOVT.
REQUESTS PANAMA At Sarlier in the day Go The 2 All the that ateis ia RAILROAD TEAMSTER ACCIDENT ON WAGON BOGAS VOLUNTEER It Is Reported Four K!! ed Killed when Spasding Auto SHOT BY COMRADE and several Wounded. Crashes into Vehicie.
To Cede Disputed Territory to tard lite le banking and selecteren op voorledes and careless driving of Honour of Mother Alleged Cause before six yes. March 14. As threat Costa Rica. What is the Motive? received in this city taking ora matar hare with her bermo tko rule the Cairly rather than exeption in this city, for Dastardly Deod.
Raisroad between David and P: another vitin wadded to the death dregal When the United ates offer. Imagine that Panama will pay am lojan car loaded with Partiet when Willian Jordan, emplosed at Another instance of the too quirrel ani intervened to pro over hu Panana Costa Rica is now settled fact that the city and availed and turned years exaired yesterday at about 10 aw tree use of firearms, we think te ta womn called Carmen Pro ed mediate the differences even passing attention to it. amwian trappe en route to this the Cobal rorral as teamster for many.
bcundary two weeks ago, Panama matter will have to go before the accepted thu lor on the fai Lague o 0 Joiau liling Captains Alles in the son hospital due to injuries roue in gom sure to the light according to information gives and and Lieutonia Porto, caved earlier in punishments doled out to many me, had wounded a soldier, and that the dispute would have been comicission of engineers, all members of the Nepal P)
At about 49 Jordan was driv. delinquenis in that line, was dis. after taking her to her home ao lica as well as an orderlic! 13 bis wiroa down the Mount Hope played in this city list Sunday companied by her son and husdecided on grounds and condi This is exactly what we sugonel Lamb, wb un hard to the directive of Color; and on when of a tritling al band in order that she may ar tions of he stricte:t in partialit rested in our e torini azt werk. given and various Tracing the Cristobal tula house the tercation betwen them amamang, her afairs, too her to It was not the opinion of this We knew he were talking Awas the woundad on was bit from behind me ber of the National Police, Lieut the Central station.
ament that the maitr ab wit then snu za bow it now: lin) is mentioned Der going as the 12 of 6) milee na ununt Rsmon Lavans, shot and would have taken the form of a and if ever ibe Mastettler ty tu cauze of the accident was bour, which pushed the wagon to the nortally wounded Miguel de cun: there and commenced in. little while after de Hoyos dictatorial pronouncement, but amicably it will be on taas not received up to two time or unwsite side of the rout, and throw the wos, one of the Panamanian sulting me, saying that had ra ber a deliberate and thought alone.
going to press.
duiver mun his meat, cosio tin duvere volunteer who had returned given protection to the woman fui verdict calcuinted upon the The io possiblity of acceptin injuries ia bield and ab donea. from the Boras del lord scene of and making use of other remarks main points in the controversy the White versies has been ably and directed by the policy of aired by Mr John Huster Datles, Isticlan League of The ear, a 8 model from Daratias jast three days bs insulting to my mother. He left straight towaru and open haud who is now adviser totho Indians.
Young Rage was being driven by fore.
th station while was stating ed decision.
sidney Gladet nº oud was diled with The snd incident transpired in my charge against the woman.
Republic of Pausin. Mr. Dul jos iders who having spent the night West 17a Street, early Sunday Som time after felt like latest statement from lus is a not international lawWashing on the subject is yer of world wide reputation and of the Panama Distries will be a jurila to Gutu. and te ratutaiako tour saia wach de Huyos re una bim in 17ch street West. monthly meeting in denoneto revoley in and as a of going out look quoted in the following para played a must provinent part on convened in Geddes Hall on the names are se follows:graph which reached here in a the reparations and economie Saturday nigat 19. inst, VIM ul Smith, Ejeris Messiah, Christians to nach two in the right arm marks made at the station rs.
ceived, oge in upper part of th called his attention to his recable on Thursday night last, and section of the Amer. C20 Pesce Matters of importance will be Edwards, Victoria Mareball, Carelli Cou and one in the right berazt, karding any mother and instead which created btrong dissatisiac Diegotin ai Paris. Here is di cassed, and as members frontuo, Willi: White, and Al red Butter died in the Santo Tonai hspital of tion lu this country, to the exunt wat he has 10 81y: of proceeding Paraiso Red Tank District will obnerwise, he re peatad Genecal Quluiero con mand IS All of them along with the chruffeurat 330 in the evening.
true that there has been be io attendance, members of griokly fled from the scene, making them which made ng ing the National forces in Coto a long standing bundary dis this district are urged to attend, kood their escape but ware op ured to Here is the shooter story sslose control of myself and don may not return while the ques pute beer Curta Rica and Pan. especially as some changes to be day by the Capel Zoe lior, who Cold by himself to a press repreafterwards learnt that do Hoyos know what happened uiter. tion continues to be as claoue as uma. Until the present deliber made and which are of vital im. 12 and it is at present.
provocative action by cos portance to members will indiately took the maiter up. Thos o clock in the morning, being a was in Santo Tomas Hospial be the dispute has now dealt with It is sincerely hoped of di orderly e»ndust, while the chutour informed that in the Red Light Washington, March 17. The ta wounded, for which te be called upon to arbete och are the Central Police Station, walang etorry you am We note to Panama on March 15th peacefully ride by side in obser Meeting begins at p.
we understand, however, urgently reguesting that Pan. Vauce or boundary lice which exceive epeeding and for the life of with Jorden.
of with some Anerican soldiers, from the report as published by ama comply, without delay, with was recognized to fact, although for watch reason with some la local contemporary and pur the arbitral boundary award of its judicial basis was involved in BIRTH The remsins of the descared were in others immediately left for the posing to be the story of the terred to day in the Mount Hap: oate scene in the Presio ent Loubet of France and doubt.
Oni polica patrol man duy in the Chief Justice White of the Unit the so called White award Robertson, a baby boy on the brother on the Isthmus, and two sisters that Bursto, e band person the tears. Hy is survived by it and arriving at the place we observed vicinity of the shootion that the od Siates in the Costarican aid of 1914 has no legal force. What 25th ulto. Mother and babe are in Barbados, to whom the entire com nothing aboormal was bap master transpired in aa eutirely pute.
was submitted to the Chief Jus dolog well.
paning and decided to stay diferent maager.
Panama is cautioned that the tice of the United States was the munity extenda is ten terest wympathy around street. While there DaHayos Was interred oa Mon heard an abnormal coise in the day noon with the customary government of the United States question: Waat is the true inwould view with apprehension tention of the Lubet award. It will be regrettable if the Sir Claude Mailet on Well vicinity and drew near to acemilitary honours, while Laguna Earned Vacation.
what was happening. found is beli in prison aw citrogwa na the continuance of ine dispute The Chief Justice held this personal polical ambitions of a group of persons engaged in cessary legal procedure.
cue to Parma failure to carry award to be so indefinite as to one man can still bring war upon cut the diligations which Pan be, as he expressed it, hon ex the world, even after the ex isten.
of Germany.
ample ama bolemiy bound herself to We learn that Sir Claude As Panama and Costa Rica is difficult to understand why ish Minister to Uruguay, it at jertorio. An im that diato reply Coventry Mallet, KCMG, Mr. Piedmont Pays In view of this explanation 10 Lady Mallet III had not authorized the arbitra This cablegram reads sometion of anything but the true the Uaited States should have praseat in Englaad on well Promptly. We regret to state that news whas mandatury, and to its text meaning of the Loubet swara, confirmed an unsatisfactory and earned Vacation have been received that Lady It there is a man who needs a unofficial Justice dud interpretation bas prover onders Panamaz bie the exerciti White. Is it that ine United Cacation in a certainly sur Numerous Lucky ones Met Him Mallet, G, British Min. wife of of indisputable rights, noti to Claude. Many of us know tha In and people of Panata, Thus tied the Government of the Unit Scales is seeking satisfy strengus tasik that rested on ister to Uruguay, recently under tb Rica and the United States in od Sites and Costa Rica, she other conuec io as?
her favors in itude of the him duriax his term of office Night.
went a serious operatiou in Eagskug Papana to disoccupy did not accept.
land and is said to be very ill.
and cede Coto to Costa Rica dues For over six years, therefore, British capitalista here as British Minister to this It is known that a company of cement or even the situation has remained in have been anxious days of the late war repub ic, especially duriag toe WORTH WATCHING FOR THE WORKMAN wishes her speeoy recovery.
strengthen the relations between slalu quo and ac. ual peacs bas Kranted concessions on the Cos when work Wieghed so heavy Clause one better by not continMr. Piedmont goes Santa hersell and this country, and the prevailed. Now, without La Rica oil fields, by the Tinoco on his bands that many night determination of Panama to stand ing of any kind, without prior government, which concessions he could be found at his nebling his largesses to Christmas realization of the reason the men shows in no uncertain manner out notics to the United States, dispute between the British Gov by her position in the dispute demand upon Panama and with have been cancelled by the pre until the wee hours of tae morn tune alona He has many enthu were slow on the draw. They sent administration leading to a siastis supporters in Calidonia Were carefully hoading the few that the demand of the United which was guaranteed the inde erano It was thought that at the consince last Saturday evening, remaining Pedmats of dim.
inishing package. Mr. Piedmont States will not be obeyed. pendence of Panama, Costa Rica ornment and our ambitious. It What then will happen? Pana has struck.
Deighbours. What is the motive clusion of the war Sir Claude When be made a thorough says ha does not blame them for of Calidoard on tha nunt for uocerlying this action?
have gone on vacation but smokers ware noi bualtag tham oat to the first ma not Coto reason for this un de la Costa dies, and the Waited prevoke a military artack in town, ciddle the absenca of this susplaced in the departe ter bison bong quick on the dew with a process who asks forconso hagian to valuable. But he wanted States says thut she will view not in the technicalities of to find out tna reason of the overseas was greatly needed and stable to pro hace his pack uge purpose of replenishing thar: cion a it is altogether impossible Britain foremost diplomassage of Piedmonte. inTahlucky them to take tha quarters for the with mai apprehension Pauuma hounuary dispute which has United Sites p»sition in the instead of getting rest he was or Pied nonts was handed in was are! It is clearly see that the need along for decades. butas Tae lations been Paa heroes anew and dispatched lar. Then both he and Mr. Pied refusal to do so; and there we dol internas situation of Costa the United States are of Me Piedmont insists thst, for United States hus faited com Rica.
Uruguay whence ere to require the most constraighteains out diplomaticoat went their respective ways his owa information, it is entire alter pletely to set le or clarify the President Acosta has been siderate courtesy from the latter matt rs there he proceeded to rejoicing.
ly unnecessary to ASK who bas te1tuation, and waters look much unable to connwand political sup to worse than they did before.
England. We wish Sir Clau te a In practically all cases there a pack of Piedmonts. By picking The Whita decision in the resorted to the time worn device ceived from Washington asking resto port in his own country. He bas nota woich this Goverament re pleasant Vacation and abundant were many packages of Pied out toe happy, contented faces monts drawn. Those who were in the crowd he is able to pick boundary dispute between Q of raising a foreign issue, bopiog the cession of Coio to Costa Rica ama and Costa Rica is out of the that a wave of patriotic testing is the most fagrant contradic. Advertise in The WORKMAN additional largess given by Mr. when a shoemaker rammed big reluctant, or slow, were each his Piedmoat smokers, an A1 amusing incident ocurred question, sad it is a waste of engendered by war, would save tion of the existence of sincere ime for the Uaited States to him from political defeat.
and got Good Resuitse Piedmont merely because of his (Continued on Page a.
Is naked.
thia sot vend to ing and amity,


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