
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands జ DR. GEMS COMPOUND EXTRACT BLOOD ELIXIR cantil George 1920 was over 35, 000 00 FOR STRENGTHENING THE BLOOD CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
AN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR PURIFYING AND ENRICHING bear the Caribbean e? Surely sakes beld THE BLOOD Grenada Cry Fron Grenada.
The West Indias o th 11th alt prints the following: The above is thouton of 10 following taken from The Can.
dian Gazetts, Ladon, of January 120, 1921, in its c) Dinants ont a letter from our Managing Eder to The Tings: editor of The West Indian, of Mc. Albert Marryshow, Grenada, publishes en earnest plea for more selfernment for his Colony.
more self go Thero is, he claims, no element in the Government. Ho representative adds. We feel furgotten, for saken, and questioa why are we destined to be the Cinderella of an. Is not the Caribbesn the old cradle of the British Empire for the sake of sentiment alone these haroric lands that meant so much to the early iashioning of Empire should ba taken in hand by Great Britain Added to this, the hearty interest displayed by the Prince of Wales in the growing future of these islands should serve to focus the eyes of true builders on affairs in the West Indies.
from the people of petition Grenada to the King, praying for representative institutions of government, has been forwarded from the Colony throug. the Secretary of State for th: Colonies, and we shall no doubt hear.
of it when the British Huse of reassemble next Lonth Canadian Gazette, British West Indies section, is always and we look out for coples erery breezy and interesting to us, mail. There is mistake which needs correction. The 18 well meaning magazine speaks of an earnest plea for more sell.
sus government for Grenada. There is no sell government here, hence the modest movement for representative institutions of government.
our wharves Quality only. Is considered in the selection of the ingredients employed In this preparation.
Javier Moran, American Pharmacy SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Fapire bodies.
Vieux Fort orec factory, 96 96 tons ales and 4d, per pound re owing a fee one colony York always JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. at the WORKMAN PRINTERY will be Trinidad Huggins, Chairman of the St.
Vincent Agricultural and Com mercial Society owner of Belle wood estate, and, an old and Tiade Depression in much respected resident in the Trinidad.
Colony, where for many years he had been a uagistrate.
wing to the extreme dejec.
At the 12th Annual General tion of the cacao market and to meeting of the St. Vincent Agri the bravy fall in the value chu ted at former high values, of ten per cent was declared for Acur. large stocks of which, our cultural Credit and Loan Bank. a dividend have rccertly arrived, the mer.
position for the most 1920. The St. Vincent Times ment, weites Mr. Edgar Tripp. the tes that there is no doubt that states on January 7th, is in a very up which is to help the small culti.
is fulfilling its mission satisfactory condition. Severe work his land The vator to losses have been sustained in amount of the loans work boses advanced certain directions, but principal. for of 1920 ly by those who are well able to and them, and the ecod credit and practically the whole sum was oft is likely to be loaned peasants. The Times says: maintained, Bank is mittee of the Chamber of Com of the Colony at heart.
The report of the select Com and best investment in the Colo ny for those having the interest merce on the Harbour Scheme has been printed and circulated amongst the members and will St. Lucia be duly considered at a meeting of the Chamber to be short ly, after which it is sincerely to Mr. Peter Leaves St. be hoped that there will be no Lucia Council.
further delay in adopting the measures so urgently neede An Order in Council has been relieve the present congestion at issued under the Sugar (Local In accordance with Consumption) Ordinance, 1920.
old established custom, the Con by which sugar in the following suls waited on 11. the Govern quantities will be retained for or on New Year Morning to sale in the leland; from the offer bim the best wishes for Roseau factory, 213 tons; the the New Year, and were very Dennery factory, 78 tons; and courteously received.
The National City Bank of Cal de Sac factory. 165 tons.
New York, a branch of which was The prices fixed for the sale of established last year, has decid sugar locally are 231 per ton od to close business in the Colo wholesale, and no tail. Licences must now be taken to the very proper out by owners of bicycles, DY, dersion of the Government not out by own to allow them any greater and six legен British banks in New York. It After twenty eight years ser.
ish booke extended to the being payable in each cases pence The Leg slalive Council, fair that whilst the would bave been guney 90. vice in the of the Mr. William Peter has resigned Colonial Bank in New York is his appointment as an unotliciai. not allowed to accept deposits, member: Mr.
Jen from ibis privilege should have been been resident Peter who has extended to a New boy bood, and a member of in Trinidad. All the same it is the Executive Council since 1912, regienable that an iustitution has taken the closest in through which considerable capi terest to everything affecting tal might have been attracted to St. Lucia welfare, and in 1908 the Colony should be withdraw he was one of the unoficial meu.
ing from bers who on the introduction of Meanwhile, banking facilities the Property Tax, rerigued their be further extended by the opening in February of a branch Feeling that of the public Canadian Bank of Com necessary: merce, The Estimates for 1921, which building in a prominent position, tive Council, allow for an ex: have been passed in the gislawhilst the Royal Bank of is about to open a in the centre of the city branch Panditure of 297, 531, which is 4, 000 than that of last The return immigrant ship yor, and exci eds the revenue by Hughli carried 1, 081 repatriated 400. The above figures in Indians, at a cost of 28 per bead. cludes a grant of 475 to the que dext ship is expected about Tropical Agriculturat College, May.
which is being established in The cinema, which bas been Trinidad, and provides 300 for Installed in the Cocorite Leper a motor bus service between Asylum, was opened on January Dennery and the Capital.
1lth before a large gathering which The St. Lucia Representative Port of Spain, Dr. Wise Government Association have the Surgeon General) and Miss drawn up a humble petition to Dannis Slyne. The introduction His Majesty the King praying of the movies, which wil for or an alteration in the present greatly help to brighten the lives system of Government. The pe.
of the unfortunate inmates, is uition sets out that during the the result of an appeal started 116. Syer a year ago by Madame alrea has earn the colony of St. Lucia under British rule Simpson, the American soprano, considerab o section wbo was at that time tinging in bitants has acquired landed pro: the island.
perty, and, consequently state in the Colony with which their The Food Control Committee interests are inextricably bound.
of Trinidad have fixed the selling Parther that as a result of the price of eggs at cents apiece made a majority of the inhabit.
strides which education has But the rendors are agree ment with this price and are ants are quite tit for the intelliasking live and six cents each Rent excercise of the franchise.
Thirty six cents per pound is being asked for fowls. The press are demanding prosecutione.
Tobago Successful AgriSt. Vincent cultural Show.
Mr. Nairn dies at Kings Robert Reid writes that the Under date January 13th, Mr town, St. Vincent tine cool breezes still continue, al With the death of Mr. lowing good progress with cacao Mairn at Kingstown on Decem pickings. but drying up the ber 11th, the Colony has lost one young fruits. It is safe to of its best known and most re that the crop will be over by the spected citizens. Of Scots family, end of he came to St Vincent in 1881 will be little cacao to be picked of February, and that there join the firm of Porter for months thereafter. The trees of which he afterwards be would do their work, but the a partner Wher this firm lack of rain shrivels up the sold its estates and closed down, sowers and fruit. There is now Mr. Nairn struck out on his a fresh flush of fl wers which sown, his latest undertaking be may hold it we get moderate Ing to establish and carry on the rains this month. The country Co, wholesale and retail mer son business of Messrs. Leacock is already assuming its dry ste Guants. He was a familiar figure leewardearrhesuespecially in the in the Kingstown Club.
especially suffered and a planter News has been received from informed me to day that Tobago Barbados of the death there, on would be lucky to reap a halt Decenter 19:h, of Mr. crop for 1921.
Unfortunately the seats in the tax was նը of the who have erected new second more second Fiz Henry Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Ball and Concert Cards tion of the inha a little more Death of Mr. Roy Henry.
Grenada lost a tine type of young man in the death of Roy Cathbert Henry, whose funeral took place yesterday Roy Cuthbert, aged 26, was the son of the late Mr.
and of his widow, Mrs. Henry. It is the way with men to speak good of the dead, but in the case of Roy Henry be nerited a good name in his life and much cannot be said about hiin over bis grave that would not have been ficting when he was in the flesh.
Barbados GOOD ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM Agricultural Jottings (By a Planter Correspondent)
The past six weeks have been the driext on record since a peworld would never miss the sent the average rainfall has been riod of 1912, and up to the preYOU CAN DEPEND ON IT whole of it, as the plantings are below inch Conditions this reduced to 200 250 tons these days.
week have been At Roxburgh to day, an Agri. In consequence of the favourable than they have been for a long time, and can report That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
for some We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisthe Govornment kindly voted his broken factory service in the interest of our customers is our 3250 towards prizes and ex.
ho for constant aim and purpose.
penses. That and local subscrip our cays, the earth has become full Lions ouxht to make the show cracks and, at present, to rid over the For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry financial success. The people soil under preparation.
and expert repairing. Call and visit, seemed keea about entries and permit of rapid evapor take a very active interest.
alion and the soil is hod FULLER JEWELRY STORE, of moisture and At the January Session, on plant nutriment. As a result 122 Central Avenue, Panama. 11th inst. three criminal cases the growth of canes planted in were disposed of under Chief November is being much retard.
Justice Sir Lucie Smith ed and in many cases the canes Last steamer brought over, be are drying od. It the weather sides the Chief Justice, our new Solicitor General, whose quiet lon hues in this state very much THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT continuous supplies methodical handling of the will be necessary, ona enses was commented scale. Further, plants put in No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE Colonel May also arrived and to under present conditions cannot the delight of Tobagonians, per grow as strong as those put in mitted 30 of the Police Band to during more favourable weather First Class Meals served at all hours come over under Band taster and planters may have to faca Wallace. The band played at the another irregular and short cryp EARLY TEA AND COFFEE Botanic Gardens yesterday year, afternoon and later in the evenSpecial accommodation for Ladies ing near Fort House, At several estates that have th:y play at Roxburgh.
started planting early, the young canes are being trashed in me TIDY AND POLITE WRITERS diately. This is a good plan as SERVICE UPTODATE, Rent Receipt Books In Span it holds the moisture in the earth. and English, for sale at the I, however, regret to state that Workman Printesy. Continued on page 7)
a a half icch has been Tobago it is dangerous to rid cracks These quickly robbad or is and Co. of came DEX To day. especially


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