
of the Light up!
YOU LL In ngh it is which Us einen is, on takes.
fort ciativa ars witouto 10 IGARETTES الأنم ists. The LIGETTES TODACCO Co.
се They Satisfy was Chesterfield kind on incial publications with a tho 13 leared that the Sepind public the statemo Cabinet, ORDER: BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY huve good sit PAGE 3X THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1921.
CORRESPONDENCE FROM Sugar in Santo DoLONDON mingo 200, 000 Ton Crop In General Election Prospects Sight (By Richard Blount. By AN ANGLO DOMINICAN)
There is nothinz on which ments which had affected the po The Dominican Republic will Enlish jurnalists like more to sition of even the most prospersoon have be reckoned with as 2o cul than the prospects of a ous newspapers in the country a factor in the world sugar sit General Election and the na ading journals uation. Production in Santo Doture of the political programme whose names are familiar to the wingo is going ahead rapidly, which wil then be preserted to people of other nations will in all the local estimate placing the the country.
In the past few probability survive the crisis 1920 21 CM 28, 000 tons as days the newspapais have been but the principal newapaper against 175, 00) ton for 1919 20 filled wih plausine rumours proprietors are much concerned and 153, 00) or 1918 19. The in this subject. The Ant Go about the immediata future, and possibilities of the Republic as never want for einment juroals hwo iauralls is will not be surprising producer of sugar are tremenif aras Tanrur is Heren introducers dous, for the soil, altho a better cigarette than the sa ne time that the price of perha ns rich as the best Chesterfield. Everybody likes to bring discredit Con news nader Io Cuba and suffers fron a defi is in she savganted creased. will be a regrettable cient rainfall in some districts, em and you will, too they re tha: there is growing Lisagree result it DIO vosed. conomic Very productive so mild and fragrant and ment between wines o! the form of reducing tb a when taken in from forest, tave it, and toate of to eign correspondent bucanes Kluw in it will rainon mello dissenstos have appeared within wh certa certainly make una cosils for twenty years the raiks both of the Coalition item of administrative expendi plouting The two drawbacks rals and th» Coalition Union ture. There never was a time are the want of reliable labour, The refusal of Lord Derby, when English nen were legs iso and political uncertainty The on his return from Paris, to ac lated in their international out out Dsninican is most unreliable, ed as implying in the first place interest in there more intelligen: and much prefers to live on his foreign his dissausfaction with the Ad used to be the Cinderella of Brit Many labourers from the neighfarm among the woods.
ministration and in the next place ish politics, buuring Republic of ot Hay ti go to bis intentions of forming a own It is obviously, of importance Santo Domingo but a large pro party in order to crush the Coali that in view of the growing in portion of them are of a very iion. The Prime Minister, it was ter dependence of nations that poor physique, and they are said, alarmed by the vigour this intelligence should be foster much less reliable than the Doand persistence of the Aati ed and stimulated; and the value minican. The bulk of the cane campaign, and was de of British correspondents abroad cutting around the Macoris dis In order to disarm apsbas lain in their ability to fami e neighbourhood, is done by trict, the principal sugar produc attacks of this on an organ liarise the public at home with British negroes from the nearer ised scale, to make an early ap. the foreign standpoint resting Islands. who come for the crop peal to the country with a policy not in politics, but in industry. in the and retu return when it is tipished, Tor CIGARETTES say Budget promising remis. and customs of the day. But carrying very fair sums of money LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Bu u of taxation and based on as many of the English journalists with them. As might be expect very low vocale of expendituria undo undoubedly have a There is, believe, littls solid period t» face and this is parti the best; but their phyeique is in we do not by any means get have ground for those newspaper dis cularly true of the smaller prov. cor trast to that of the enesion. Lord Derby hus statemont that he.
18. des purposes with the fund to draw and has explained that that visible portent has made its ap United.
he refused office solely because arance in the West of England, template the early withdrawal ot of the immediate claims on his where a well known Liberal daily the forces who at present police attentions of his own affairs in newspaper has just kiven up the the Republic. If this is done and Lancas. Cabluet Ministers ghost, or a hf of staty years, the country returns to its former have also denied the permit is tru. that lie whole of its of corrupt government and hiots of an ard of dispendios within struggle against financial ad ver. be no safety for either life or habe noge continuous frequent revolutions, there will the Coalition. has good sity; but it has been ti nally over property, and the progress of reason for stating that as long coine by the accumulating trou 18 they retain the contidence of bles of iecent inonths.
now, the fact the House of Commons and the that the Military Government is country the Governinent are depending Jargely on the local fuiy resulved to Sex Problem National Guard for the protec.
to continue with tion out interruption the work of ro tion of the country districts, the construction. for which they etics and into every phase of puoThe entry of women into poli armed went so far as to bandits ceived an mandale in 1915. Much of that lic and civic life is now so much appear an cmphatic Electoral work is still unfinished, and most taken for granted in this countralsecently on the two cen.
furthest out in the that it would be a try that have been Macoris district and strict and demanded misturtune t) plunge the coun astonisbed by the piquant con money under threat of using try at this period of acute trada troversy that has arisen (ut of There is no Better than depressiva iv the chaus and the first divorce court case in their horses at ut certainties of an inmediate which women se ved as jurors to the mountains, in whose woodGeneral Election, Tbe the Best case possessed several un. ed fastness usually di agreeable features, and laut they are most ditti then was the production more circumspect at. They are much one of to get Newspaper Troubles It allowed to pick our choice, wo when of a revolting sketch seat by one bave the fear of a force of would bave none but the best of every An effect of the bad trade con of the parties in the case to his Marines before their eyes. ney thing: yet it is sad to say that our peo the Marshall care ple on the Isthmus, at the cost of the ICE CREAM FACTORY lawyer, hesitated fully reused by the British pub Hall, a leading treat them health, jump at overy new patent med.
Jic is the serious situation in the to show the sketch to to the women tempt. commission of licine placed on the market; especially it newspaper world. Following the members of the jury, and in the officials and Dominicans is 35 Calidonia Road it is nice to take.
practical difficulties and tinan end it was agreed that only the to be appointed immediately to Such risks generally prove harmful, cial strain involved in the high male jurors should see it. That go over the laws and to reform many of the new dopes are nothing but paper and the steady rise little incident has raised again the them where required land wages and Barles, the whole question of the advisabili court of Americans is at present fakes. and should be carefully avoided.
WHOLESALE Slump in business has pro ty of establishing mixed juries, sitting for the purpose of disen.
When obtaining your medicine, gel the best. The best is always that which daced a heavy fall in advertise. On the one side it is maintained tangling the question of the own AND RETAIL is well. tried and recommended by the ership of land titles at present majority. Remember, don experiment with.
case generally hoped that Know ye all men, that Do Witt Pille they will delay the evacuation indisputable right of being WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
until the country is in a much the best Patent Medicine on the leth better state to govern itself. Of mue. Let no one fool you, no other course, the politicians and the as good. It has stood the test of many (INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA)
Press want an immediate evacua years treatment, and holds the Chamtion whilst there is a full treas pionshlp of the World on metit.
have been and million are now under treatment from every The greatest proposition ever taken up by West that if women take on public du Indians; and the whole world is falling in.
tjes of this kind they cannot rea This statement is backed up by facto, sonably expect to escape any Advice from the makers reads: Duo The Directors are offering 100, 000 worth of parts of them which happen to to the many new orders that are being De revolting or unpleasant. On OWNED BY sent in daily from all parts of the Stock to the people of the Republic of Panama and the other side, some of the old in consequence of the the greatly increased demand for DeWitt Costa Rica.
anti suffragists are reviving their The National City Bank of New York we inthusiastic prejudices and in found it to remove to This can be taken up in Preferred Shares at sisting that serving on a jury Head Office: 55, Wall Street larger factory grounds at Cherry Orchard one of the duties that this case Road, East Croydon, London.
or in Ordinary Shares.
proves women. runtitted to per capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000, start now sold at all ladies Dream The right treatment is DeWitt Pillo.
Bernard Shaw for The money is needed before the end of FebStores, and are always in stock at the part characteristically and ruary 1921. This will bring to Panama before April u digwantly protests against the general depot.
Oficlal Depository of the Republic of Panama THE CITY PHARMACY, yr ur large passenger Steamer.
blushing barristers Depository of the Panama Canal the 139, CENTRAL AVE. PANAMA sensibilities of the male male jurors West Indians, this is your chance.
his matter of improper pictures ors in Through its Agencies in the Interior and would be less Advertise in the WORKMAN Purchase and live! Disobey and perish!
its Foreign Branches this Institution offers women. an exceptional banking facilities, and get Gcod Results.
man, says, in my sixty fifth year; and solemnly protest that NOTICE am entirely guiltless of this al Draftsfon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands Send money by mail to leged male habit of reading aboThree Sisters Lodge No. 2477, gloating over o. of The regular meeting of this Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent pornographic pictures The al Lodge are held at 50, Street, Colon. CAMPBELL, on the first and third Tuesdays of eala most certain upshot of the dis.
Per Annum cussion, to which people of all montb; Instruction on the last Thursday.
Visiting brothers are welcome.
President and Managing Director classes have been contribut ting their views with great emR. CHILCOT PAINE Rent Receipt Bcoks in Span73 ORANGE ST. phasis. is that everything will go Advertise In The WORKMAN KINGSTON, JAMAICA on as before. Women will assur.
Ish and English, for sale at the Advertise in the WORKMANN Continued on Page and got Good Results. Whorkman Printery.
and get Good Results retard. Eventry will be much people feel Derfos.
When finished they moun at once and BIJOU a Guards, and with con mixed in it is life, for it is precio de have got the Millions cured, INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION continent.
world bave Pille, lit necessary muck his that Heine, ne of delicate than the married minable letter and gloat


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