p. 8


PAGE EIGHT Cricket Rupert Julian in The Fire Flingers The Delicious Little Devil COSTOSO kides Rain Stops Games Last Sundry The Lilywhite of Colna jour neved to Pano lut Sinday to try to stop the Surrey CC. Llywhites won the tree sodat furry to the bst, and bn, eventually, si puta end to the gaine, Furry had tosde 75 Pure for the lum of wickete. Jobe 10, den 12. Pielde 15 and Thomas 28 pot out.
At the lathmian Park, Britannic who WAS batin trit, hnd xt for the If wickets, Croney 24 abd Purkr 27 not nut.
Game for To morrow To now the paldirg Challence Cup will toilie Putty (C.
the chons of the Pacific eod Udebied he road to the oud. to see the Sony cown defestefore Tictathew The boy de ind to mobiles they Na catban oling DV tion, kuid will play their bolto cow.
The Ticked team will consist of mes from BNG. Yrkbre 2, Sandard Vinent. 2, Prinfuse and DewePura, At the conosain of the game the Cup l bn prrented by Mr. doro the donor, and after the function is ovel the fans pr sent will have a rec plon the soisgement of the We are sure, therefore, that the Pan Wo are not stus ericketing will be all triers to be at the tre poa, by way of th wingi their appcinion for the ta pus Torih bi tho mshagrannt.
It is, however, to be regretted that the promoters of the Bristoie Jecanica toateh did not be their way to post po:cibo continuation of their test batch in order to atlow all the fans the oppurtuni y to witness tbe presentation.
Hawer to this has been the custom.
Surrey Elects Officers 4t ho monthly meeting of the Surrey ibe following were elected to serve le the eustina APODW. Soura. Pieo) Felde. Sec Trea) D bousa. Ctp. Pitterson. Vice Cap) Thomae, John, Allacaby sud Holder (Cum, :geweat. Soose orientist recalled how Biody of of red by Bandera Oval.
000 two years annuities of 100, sweeping hundreds of Dareds of square attles ALBOA EST EER REWED largest liber THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1921.
To night, Saturday, March 19th, 1921 eels continue to serve un juries Germany of today is entirely An extraordinary Universal Production featuring in every kind of law case; and he different from the Germany of fore long the most reticent bar 1914 let us ask ourselves. rister will plead before mixed whether at the begioning the jaries with as little embarrass German nation was not whole.
inent as formerly before jories beartedly in favour of wer; an comprised only of men The pre (2) whether, if the German na Tomorrow, Sunday, March 20th sent day attitude of the arerage tion scheme of world domin.
man to the average woman in ane had succeeded, it would Another Universal Special Attractior, featuring post war Britain could not have been more or les mocoreto better exemplfied than in a ser in its demands on the difested min preachd a few days ago in nations than the Allies lave Mae in Bristol Cathedral, when De been.
Murray Roslyn Bruer. Oply Neuffed at the ancient convention by which men always att butia personal The Vorld Greatest r VA Dce to women He went Secret.
en further hi ti as this ande Next Week, Special Universal Features ledilo delight wom Though so many of th deadly congiegation it is their that it Brerers of sciere have en ro THURSDAY, 24TH FRIDAY 25TH christian duty to dress well ac vealed to us in the last half cencordinx to their opp etoritie: tury there is one perhaps the On the whole it is to be doubud most deadly of all. which evades PASSION PLAY whether there is any country in uintill. It is the secret of the the world where women hve electron to which referenca wa SSSSSSSC) Covasi SSSCXOS more freedom or more definite made hera the other day b: Lord equality of sex righs than in Headley in a lecture to en zinEngland.
leading scientist Few Pacts About Repar science in war tine ani argued deadly had been the march of.
ations that in future if the day of war in the Germany is asked to pay the rons were ever let love. 705 a the shape of harnessed eleet Allies 11, 300, 000, 000 ocunds ster: single hunan being would sur lingin 42 years onquestionably a large amount yet Germany Wive on any battl tield. cost Britain alone 10, 000 000, 006) eral officer, sit ing at his cou for in pounds sterling in five years, by touch a button and release des na War Otice, might forciog the war upon her.
tructive Germany bas to pay in the sweeplece kencies, capable of C00, 000 pounds stelling to the every living crouture thereoa. 15 100 miles and depriving of of existenre Britain alone has to over 125 000, 000 pounds sterling and Lord Kelvin two great Britpay was said that sie Oliver Lodge Germany year in pensions to the widuwa ish scientists hul calculated that wade husbandless and there was enough energijo to the healthy men Germany every ounce of matter to lift the made cripples.
whol, Britis. Fleet from the sur Britain and rance, moreover, tace of the sea to the top of have to pay the United States Mount Everest, that there was about 120, 000, 000 pounds sterlinx en ugh latent force in your ette each year ia respect of debts in tager to run all the trains in he curred on behalf of her alles to Unit Kingdan for several help them in the task of defcat minutes, and suficient atornio ing Germany energy in an unes of matter, if Germany is at liberty to de properly controlled, to keep the fay the Reparations bill pre at full speed bor a week.
in the world in senud to be immediately. 11 Tha she were to do so it would total, cribed as the world greatest el Cronic energy has been tripped of interest over periods crib Exteridine ap to 12 years, to only and cont terrible secrei. 30 avut 000. 000, 00. e. to sou kreat and so terrible that it has thug cousiderably less than har been seriously put forward that what the war cunt Britain alun seientific research in this direc in money.
be stopped notil it Flower Service and Rally.
feitebat the human race was When Germans express their suficiently elevat to be one horar as the picity of th trused with the keys of such Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Sunday March 20h, and Mon Alis a3 maust. the few home storeuouses of pow. ro Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
day 21st will be har ner days for Rent Bill it is well to re War does not promise to be cremembers and friends of the member these elementary facts.
Corezai Road kantist Church, And when they declare that the come a more pleasant pastima when they will hold Flower FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Orvice and Rally respectively WANTED CHURCH Noricas Those in charge of the prepa: a tione are leaving nothing undone St. Peter Church, La Boca QUILPUE to prepare a good time for 11 SECOND HAND FURNITURE Tara will Morning Prayer and will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon, bose who may attend either the oceasions. The flower service will pay reasonable prices pon, Evea song and erau at 32 address at li o cloak; Sunday School s38 SATURDAY, MARCH 19th, 1921, for will take place at o clock pm.
Boenaventura, Esmeraldas, Bahia, iianla aad Guayaqui én Sunday to morrow) and the Call at 119 Central Avenue, The services daring dlsly Woek will be rally on Monday night following follows: or Plone No. 130 Monday, at am Intercessi ɔng.
Representatives from various ORDUÑA religious bodies have been in Tursday, at sm. Morning Prayer and will leave Cristobal vited and a soul stirring time is short address.
FRIDAY MARCH 25, 1921, for La Pallice and Liverpool anticipated. All are cordially Wednesday, at sm. The Litany and welcome.
short dress; 730 Evoulog Praver Thursday, at Muraing Prayer BARIMA NOTICE OF REMOVAL and address; at 30 in Evening Pray Will leave Cristobal a will leave Balbon, noon, er and address; 30 pm Evening Pray.
SATURDAY, MARCH 28th, 1921, for er and addres.
Pántarenas. San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amarala, la Newste steder Mrs. Annie Lindsay Oa Good Friday, coca zencing at 11. 30 Ucion, La Libertad, Acojatia, San José de Guatemala and begs hereby to notify hey o clock, there will be the usual Thun CHAMPERICO datrons and others that she Hours Service There will be a celebration of the Passengers wishing to make the trip through the Canal only has removed to No. 7, Holy Communion at an; Maraing can do so. Fare 10 including meals.
Street near Central Avenue, Preyer and address at 11, Sunday School Sailing dates and ports of call subject to alteration without obliquely opposite the Am at pm, and Evenior Prayer sad adfast. U, QUEEN od notice. The Company do not accept responsibility for bug erican Consulate.
301 will set foar. pretty dreas it p. in, Three Hour Service gage, and passengers are recommended to insure same.
Good Friday will begun at 11. 30 o cloc Ms. Piedmont Promptly Pays Sealp Soap QUEEN Per MULCARE, Arte Skin Creau, QUEEN For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at Rector. Continue from Page 1)
Church Mission Hall, Las Case CRISTOBAL hand in his pocket and wriggled or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, around like a fish worm with the ATIONS. Al woed storas sell them.
There will be celebration of the AGENTS WANTED colie. His package of Pied. Address: Hos 17. Aneon, Holy Eucharist at 11 o slook, Saaday PANAMA monts was stuck to a large ball School at m, and Eraias Prays otshoemaker wax he carried in The Classical and and address at 30 Massrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sul Aguila his He was, literally pocket There will be service on Good Friday speaking, stuck on Piedmonts The Royal Mail Strom Packet Co. PADAM. Grey and Herbert Price Commercial School 11. 30 a.
were MULCARE, as prompt as soldiers at mess call No. 2, Calle Domingo Dlaa Priest in charge.
and both received prizes. Others Box 1044, Ancon, Impressive Confirmation Sar too numerous to mention went happily away with Mr. Pied ELEMENTARY AND HIGH vice Mrs. JONES mont dollar, and with that satSCHOOL COURSES One of the most impressive services isfaction which comes to all of us Day and Night Sessions ever beld at St. Peter Church Resident No. 18 Street, in front of Saint Paul Church when we are paid for pleasure Boes, was participated in by over aya Graduate of the Leila Collexe, New York City, Mr. Piedmont intends making SUBJETS: Arithmetic, Algebra hundred people los Suoday evening. Madam J. Walker Method Sciertific Hair Cressing Dis visite a more or less regular Geometry, Bookkeeping.
Type. Long before the service begra, the to 30 pm affair. Look for bite! He is worth writing, Shorthand, English, Elecburch was filed to its utaon apelly Speelai trainining for Hair Culturists. Sham eins. sitg. Cord the meeting for cigarettes ments of French, Spanish and with ing and Beautifying. Special Treatn ent for Dandruff Scientifically worshippers. Soares crowded the alone but no one refuses the Latin Grammar, etc.
preparing the Sealpior powerful growth of Sett Flowing Hair Night porebro. At the dose of Evensong dollacs these days.
School now in session. Day twenty one candidates were proseated The most Modern and Up to Date Systemer School re opens Monday, Jan be the Rac or, Rov. T. Muloero, Walker Bauty Parlour No. Tivoli koud uary 17, 1921, at 30 he Re. Rov Jay Crank Morris, Du Hair goods, Superfice Facial Soaps, Hair Growor, Lotions, Pertuses ROBERT LINDSAY, bishop of the Canal Zone, who duly aid Advertise in the WORKMAN his hands on them, efter which he daliw (Camb. Senior)
and got Good Results ered a soul atiering wraan, takiag full Principal bi tást Kings 13:14 18.
Erilarn. amaica Test Match The first game of the series of test ebo to be played between these two al was bioped by the heavy rains which lellt und just after Britan nic bad lost fur wickte for 65 ron These will be continued to mir the 20 inst, at Isthmian bester weither conditio whicbwe hos for. Te tes of this pectet to be peen. Toe Britain by sve started tbeir inringe in the bril Reitwy that was expected of the ani are determined to add a lot of run: more to their last woke. while the Janineteegially deterioined to stop them.
ton should was staia Grand Lodgo Visit.
on reminded en all The State Grand Lodge No 4, 10. visited the Rising Sun Lodge in an official visit on Friday, March 11, and were re.
ceived with a warm welcome on behalf of the lodge. The State Grand Ruler Bro. Gobourne, gave an instructivo address on the order, and remind members to live up to the teach ings of a true Galilean. Here turned thanks on behalt of the State Grand Lodge for the kind reception, and attentive hearing, and wished the Rising Sun great aucces. After the lodge was closed all members present repaired to the banqueting room, and spent an enjoyable time exchangineentiments.
KINAK And addross.
Noboty keskin: ku Lital and stret Iy with low wavy hair by usio QURAN HATI DRESSING.
Tale Transnation removosdaadruif.
feeds the roots of the hair and he is SOW RESOLUTION straight hair. Price 350 for big bux Try QUEEN Medicated Skia and Face Powder.
WHEREAS: Our High Chi af Ranger, on Creator has eren 6t to call unto Flimsell the soul of our dear brother Canute Lowe on the March, 1921, kod WHEREAS: Through his death wa bave lost a true nad noble hearted For beter, and that a link in the chain of Forestry has been severed, also the great done that has been sustained by his cadas.
Arrept no sabstitute for QUEEN PREPARcompany.
RESOLVED: That this Court in Hession now assembled atsnd silent for dve minutes as a mark of respect for the departed brother, whose loss we at toum, Rod, Hours tolla.
BE IT RESOLVED. That this Court tender to the bereaved family of the brother our most sincere condolence, and pray that the Almighty in Is benefi eirat goodness and mercy my smooth the path of life that hins been mue rugRed through bis bis dernise, and empower to a with for itude and patience to brave their loss AND BE IT ALSO RESOLVED: That a copy of this Resolution be seat to the family of the deceased brother a opy to the Star Herald for pub lionbon, a copy to the WORKMAN for publication, a copy to be spread on the face of our minutes, sad that a paga be left blank in our minuto bouk In front DeLesseps Park, Panama City


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