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Congressman Mason Shoots Off Hot Air A in of the world The cpening of ther sex sive foly, Congressman on the has the swer of inter pre however, furnish a satisory Biational parent and wound only being scalp daa to standing and of thril th: screen as EV as their own ring berow and ing Disk women of tomorrow the biggest pala in lue li ortof spreading plitical and which the school will allow Do the West Indies the neceseary tenant Duran, with Captaia coin, au this is not all. As BOOD pose siz or we Mr.
WAS IT AMERICANISM HIGH EDUCATION SCHOOL DEPARTMENT COLONEL LAMB OR ANTI BRITISHISM? To be started at Las Case Compels Private School VICTIM OF ACCIDENT cadas for Natives and Teachers to Present themWest Indians selvos for Examination.
Differs Materially From General Colon. March 21 Tho Ford For some time during the near Gives Detailed Story of Recent Pershing Recent Speech news of the establishment of sn past there has appeared in the academy by the Seventh Day columns of a local daily a notica Regrettable Catastrophe Adventists at La Cascadas, is calling on all teachers of private Il Congressman Mason of III. ought to be told that the analogy has been hoog leit need in die primary schools in this city to just to hned, and as far can On Sunday last the had there been a braakman on hoia bad left the Isthmus at the disor mestne way he came here: Britime derises conditions that anade the detection among the West la presenetitor the inspection and Ucited State.
Tie Gorgona the bad che Sinent of National rived at Balboa bringing Colonel subjects on the Isthmus would bombing of Wall Street possible dians on the Isthmus will be met Elucation The only other survivor of the have bad much more respect for the other day.
The West Cartbbean Confer represen. Naliohame, respector General pot accident. Captain Yebra, aid his political acumen than that Britain does not recognize the ence recer tly secured from the rative Miss Ines M1. rubrek, Ic Nortion in Fource was was recome on the Gorgona as his con.
which they now posses.
vd man wbo seems to have two by tour individuals like Mr. nsing nine buildings at the North diploma notion at Pradregal, province of Chiridone all that was necessary fou Irish Repubic, however, mueb Panama Caual the pri tese e spector of Private schools, their pour te drivinvorner of the water om dition did not worrant any exting them as the core orson the terrible red care, Di Dutar, and Arias and ber si ed nothing by his long ex Mason and his iends do, and End of the village for educatoa tamashers and thot rond. catastropha which occarred the Chiriqui Red Cross having persney as a diplomat (1) found it he knows anything about tres al purposes. is proposed in the absence of such a doca qui on Friday, March 19:b, and him.
er ud shiu gibig at Cereat beltann displayed better intelligence como erad as of academic Work for the submit themselves for an exami. Whilo rezulton the other of the gence law he have school carrying twelve ment to Colonels Zarita and Armuelles which blowed that his his most pro cluding his speech without such native races living in this part Diuent ailment is portation to be carried out under accompanied the Pinamanian ex and Captain Porto and Lenter 19 Anglophobia an illegical allusion of the Irish of of this of department and what the are no siguid ul question.
work is prompted by mi sioiary a order that they migh quality peditionary forces sent to repel ant Duran, who lost their lives; muedlid improvement. dir. Mason seems to be of the motives, and the doors of th rad obtain the necessary santa tha invasion of the Costaricans were buried at Davit la 890 day with full military honours.
Some people like Mr. Mason Colonel Linb condition is believe that speccu making con: spent o estut their tiue cussing who is as less sixteen seurs class of American politic answto school will be opened to any well. tion.
intentioned It is hardly neceseay for us not as serious as was at first pists in a tirade of irrelevant cut poweriul e and leb and or tise suurte shot our embonents bied sreding cont. copt 459 und res diy ridth xede om hope to state that we suick this stated in the early reports te Big Dolngs at The Pacific ceived from. his la verv good more on the part of skull not being fractured, the the Balboa stadium the other for them. He sught to bave at Theatre work above. Alicants e rend high was the effort of corpo ora!
staink that every arent bas His must severe injury, however, ssea or will see ihe necessity is a fracture of the lert lek, neat licila theatrhu ben providing tation) Gen. Persirg speech recommendation as This democratic and popular ought be given the laud wiich was delivered wapecial Prize for his contribut. on of Coroeting called in protest against Tuition for the first year win Indian children here day, we boxes or sin munition with which tainment every evening, both in thereof. There are several West the hip, cause by a few of the its patrons with tiest class enter sistent rot.
the freelance policy of agitation from Rom rent, including regret to state, who are receiv th cur was loaded falling on him If Mr. Mason is really as brave foreiga maters.
zh, and plein laundry will ha ing tuition from anything but However, Di. James of the Pan ling seria the way of features as he pretended to be, sudi beber General Pershing why man revin lite cents a week or St 50 competent teachers and we do a ma iiospital, who also volun tries, Dragon Ist es hit Is as strong a votary the and the lician independence as are cou. di Wup that or for a period of the as Congressuren Mazon a million will be arranged on the cafeteria coudreno reason why Paese wered for service at the front of Pana be tried stout cu o would be times paning before an au pian and will vary from aboui ma should not be given the bene und in whose carais Colo Camh, Mario Walcamp, th» iredevila with ot best him to sopportu: diene of over 11 000 persons in 850 S850 a wee to co ou de training the outside the elementeri bu no amputation of tho lez.
stated that there is likely to des to help tausu tuo puerto New York on the 19an most be in the summent of focd ordered in anderen henni einen einen Colonel Lund, tells his owa Comanen en as thorough an as the star, has draw a larg crowds beame brendas nis stadia ora nella cliente se esfreedom na speeches of terly denous persons persons of for by.
lion on a scap box some where in the United Siates for the pur to work two hours each day for All students will be required children of to day will ke the men story as follows:saother bg tarillas The Man Colonels Zurita and Armuel featuring that giant whether on ou the Isthmus ia Loudun.
les and Captaia Porto and eu in sea and stroneth, Elu Lin wat propaganda to Weaken the remuneration Mason reminds us of the friendship between the United training shouid be given them in Yebra and myself, the two sur will be ready to start, and guest Those who desire to work more order to fit them for the future vivors, were sitting round on who is the rooster wat was as dumb as a Sales and her alles.
as tha sariil is rhwn a lothar anait when the fox was bear but thu the two hours in order to duties of good citizenship. General Pershing declared pay a part of their school ex who crowed like the devil when some boxes of ammunition wichhthan well no other he was sale away up in the tree that there can b: no such thing peises, such as board and room, We understand, however, tha; had been loaded into the steel kid ar It was qui King the. but you distance.
Uniku States ba made a breed ratas varying from about cents to the movement. What their the sama boat we were to return ho: Confuse it with the curaust Here is a part of what the rating place for intrigues. to 174 cents per hour, the high reasons are it is surprising to on.
the Circus. It ang charlatau said in his great. The General is a man of wide er rates applying for skiled understand but we would ask We could not see out either in new and different serial. Basidas is an entirely speech: knowledge political ana diploma work only. All work done will why is qualification necessary in front or behind as the box car these colossuses of the tie, and he seeks to maintain the apply on bɔard and room as no the West Indies and not on the was closed up all except the side there will be others no less la the median care too ch hebout best friendship between the cash money can be paid out boy Eboh ma certificate ourse weigd mot door near which we were siting ous in featura plays: Pricilla real estate. whether States and fvreign coun.
the school for Students tht teacher is The came and King George or King Bill had trie Carnel Myers, Dorothy of the class whose eternal their school books.
the one who gives the best a the dazz ing star of was nothing to do but to win the dirge is that the Boxlish gov to Tae Panama Canal has placed results, but we prefer know tof Humanity; Harry Carey that parents hard earned dollars The car started galning speed Salisbury regardless of the fact that Greatern Britain and her leading people ally, des! and strongest, diplomatic Caribbean Conference So we say again we heartlly ap ed up to the locomotive we ex. And for laughs, the inimitable say we didn take any part in it this is a complaint le cours. excellent opportunity for devel to Great pected it to stop at any minute. Lron Moran at all We knew nothing of the fate that all these offerings you have no other jobs.
are abusing us think they what he was going to say before and supplied with water, felt the car hurdle over the end shall do this evening! Ths Paought to pay the interest on pe stocd on his teet be woula is expected that many ambiti facilities, and it of the wharf and take its fateful cities, with its evar popular prices What they owe us (Applaust. bave carefully avoided making our young people will avail them Personal and General plunge to the bottom of the river, answers your question.
Why, just think of it, the day itbe asssertion the heavy boxes crushing dowa lett Washington We had a tribu selvas of the opportunity here my companion officers and It is a pity that such little inen afforded to acquire an education St. Joseph Day where on the line yr una sonlarin Seir iedom prominees and general lem selves for site visitors and play Caligo ay bila prilete mocked to head. something Perhaps the most noticeable several boxes falling heavily on Celebrated agreed they would never sucot prisoners or war positions in their country.
last Saturday night was Mr. any yet Great Britain eto six the thies and friendships of historic Educational Department of the from OL Virginia, who was there bottom of that river seemed like celebrated on Sunday night by the do more to alienate the sympa. call has been made upon the Piedmont, the Daddy of em All Tha few minutes was at the The feast of St. Joseph was that we from General a and St.
were personen y capturea. They than anything else. Me. Mason Bay Adventists or Tokoma. and a pocket ful money in tig declared a state au wae and par leheneng at holder loud te house for washington, Ch, Tebe mad tih su pobeh obited ofving way ohio do side that data box car filled with Society in their bal, No. 15 it. military rule Eoglish bull to saw nothing Broadway, Colon.
Tuis bis nauseating utterances do not for demands to hear, but al instructions to help in caring lar bills and 25 cent pieces to the others until inally managed to An interesting and instructive new who and knicos los talde vi bare one oren for people no bigger than word has already bech coived bod a package sol Piedmont cigarshining througа the door and ciety and addrestari wero dellusy they a prisoner desparately uatil saw the light. Mederick, President of the so.
and trained teachers are ettes in their possession.
shot to surfrea the vered by In the ciues of Chicago and New Perhaps he was not altogether expected to be on the field well residents sentative York, and no doubt to Panama, responsible for what he said is understood that the school some got a dollar, some 25 cents had no idea was injured until Lival and by Williams on the flust year of the work, Calidonis caught Mr. Piedmon. si calledano pretera de right away Sciendly society. Panatha, yon you have been solicted to heip the wet tropics. and after a all saw captain the rebuild the homes and take care there are some people in the will Charity.
Ireland that are made widows seriously, whatever the suna nue thirty six weeks, ending De Piedmont visit again on Satur for the pain. Waen they helped tiated into the mysteries of the of the widow and children in world that must never be taken the open Tuesday, April 5, and Everybody was well satished tried to get into the boat and work of the year will conti al are looking forward to Mr Cound ta ut could not use my log Five new candidates were iniand orphans by the Biack and yssy.
cember 8th. school year will day night. The Daddy of En einer knew my head was in Oeder, after which she usual bau.
Tan soldiers. It is the same you tre divided into six week periods Successful Rally ernment that tired the lodians Alla rete ure of the quality of this jured because aw the blood uued trok place The Normal session for the cigarettes, and very Under bod was toastmast.
to scalp out ancestors. And we The ragtime rally organied by the church school tərchers of the expects to have to speak up inte start to fall down my face bare reading on in chating, cut only as suas De Derancie. No 19. 10: West Claudebet Conference ben Calidonia with a mask on when When asked what he thought ar, and be gunel allaies with is giving away which ww held on Friday, open first week in October he discretion.
Ho bake capital of the shoot ut, at the Loval sharok lodge and will continue ten wees, otherwise they will have to call Colonel Lainb said that after the the fanc ion was brought we money, or wag the cause of the accident, happy time was spent, and kng of Eaglisu political prisouers rooun was a brilliant bacoess. Credit ending also December 8th.
him accident be one day 18 like straining at a goat and must be given to Bro. Arthur Davis for from being mobbed by these di that the engine was not coupled close at 308 swallowing Cainel. We don the cuocess attained, se he worked faithscerning smokers who really to the box. believe Congressman Mason fully and hard in making the online as Advertise in the WORKMANE appreciative of the best Virginia Camb also thinks that the acci Advertise in Tas WORKMAN knows what taat moans, but he stated above, and of Good Moulte Oigarettes, dent could bave been avoided and, got Good Results than Eldie and alle port movie fan in Tha screen of the (Charenne. Mon Monroe United them, but alter we got in there ar, Mason seems to be must come prepared to pay for necessarily the best teacher or gan pushing us down the incline toward the wharf.
wer, and we did win the war: ernent is the smartest, shrew within the reach of tho We are going iato worthy pockets, but as we thought we were hitch and a host of well knowa players. thanks, but thiok while they land it Mr. Mason really kneware pac. ous, comtortable, and who don care to quality seek already we other most of use falness.
with a under.
and applied the rules of war, make a pleasant atmosphere training school. Favourable re pened to catch him while they get my leg loose, swam around lecture on the Saint was given by the fresties they made at the Hague.
and The Irelana but a


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