
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands DR. GEMS BLOOD ELIXIR no often. pulled up, but bas it will be 811 THE BLOOD Braised mapenteliher (New go through, Mr.
were made a ostare years that Go that a it lonn JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Attorney ston could small place. He was Attorney oso SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Sussesso Jamaica ng Sagar (wet) is state General of the Bahamas, Brother quart, pess at 118. per q1 small place. colony of 60, 000 coconuts at 1d, 13. and.
inhabitants. does.
each, according to size.
Make Kingston Free ten? He has remained in the bamas for some. COMPOUND EXTRACT Want to Revive the PostPort of Call for does that matter? Is he master tion of Solicitor General of his career, in the sense of be Ocean Ships ing able to move on to larger The Gleaner states that in the fields at will? The men who move Eduates for the coming finsa.
fastest, or, rather, who are moved cial year we have been sub mitted by the Guvernment, proLocal Government to Adopt faster, are not always the men visos made for the creation Suzgestion thrown out who merit promotion moet West Indian usually FORcarries of two important of 80s. The by New Zealand Goy more weight in the run, and is STRENGTHENING lipat is that ol Solicitor Geper.
At present Mr. LLC Brown, The Gleaner asks, in effect, can AS TRADE DEVELOPER any leo THE BLOOD KC, occupies the post of Acting good come out of Nazareth, Assistant in the Attorney Ger.
with its 60, 000 inhabitants. Well, CONTAINS 11 PER CENT ALCOHOL eral, but it is proposed to revert Proposal is that the Facility Grenada with its 70, 000 inhabito the position which existed Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pitoples, tants has just given Palestine Should Last for a period years ago, viz, the ensintenance of Justice, the like of whom is Chietdered by colonies of Three Years.
Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, if the office of Solicitor General, with rarely 000, 000 inhabitants.
Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
is proposed that the post Although should carry sa ary of 50)
MATTER FOR COUNCIL for Mr. Weltn to per annum and that the holder we shall find pleasAN ALTERATIVE RECOMMENDED FOR should beve private practice. It is almost certain that in view of The Jamaica Gleaner of re as an honoured West Indian. We fillinn Mr. Walton PURIFYING AND ENRICHING cent date states that at a meeting shall all tbink West Indian more the meritorious services which be has rendered to the country, of the Legislative Council the than we screech it.
that Me Brown status is perthe Legislative Council will se Clerk presented the following It is, indeed, gratifying to us Message from His Excellency to record the increasing preferher office which is about the Governor ment falling to the honour of the Honourable Gentlemen have West Indies, especially in the to be created is that of Assistant the honour to lay before you the realm Law. And we bave a Quality only is considered in the selection of the Ingredients employed Postmaster for Jamaica; and it accompanying copy of a telegram West Indian as Governor of In this preparation.
is almost certain that if the which received from the Gov. ish Honduras. When a acheme should 20 ernment of Zealand stating sons are selected to Javier Moran, American Pharmacy to Fletcher will be selected that it Kingston posts as Judges to fill the appointment. The free port of call for at least three General, to seek and to Xoxo commencing salary attaching to Government is of dispense shows solid the office is 600 rising by one opinion a useful volume of of confidence in them, and it 100ts increment to 650.
business might eventuate. am our claim for the greater public inclined 10 agree with the Gov recognition deep down into the Fifty thousand pounds sterling ernment of New Zealand, and res sub zoll of merit. Is it not for has been set aside by the Govcommend that the suggestion be our credit that Sir Herbert ernment of Jawaica for the po adopted. Resolution to give effort to Sir Conrad Rebadian, as was Greaves a pose of making advances to agri.
is Chief Jus cultural sucieties from this proposal will be brought be tice of Barbados, and that the which loans fore you in due course.
may be obtained by leader of the Bar the there bas for the peasantry for the pu purpose of PROBYN, gears been een Bar Barbadian? Sir purchasing land for settlement.
Governor. Demetara, was born in the West Chief Justice ne The ear marking of this amount is the result of a desire to stem The Telegram. indies. Mr. Justice Berkeley the continuous tide ef emigration Telegram from the Governor of under him is a West Indian, and 10 Cuba.
New Zealand to His Excellency so is the Gleaner Mr. Hector Jogephs, DeYour telegram 4th November, merara. Grenaca will soon have Barbados My Ministry are of opinion that its West Indian Judge, Mr. Wal it is very probably that if King.
ton, while its Attorney General; be made a free port of West Indian, Mr.
call for at least three years a use 18 now Acting Chison, Fire in the City ful volume of business might Deane and there was, until re Trinidad there is Mr. Justice The block of buildings in Mideventuate. good deal would dle and Shepherd Streets occu His volume of business will be suf David, In St. Lucia there is a Honour Preudhomme course depend on whether the ently, Cum pied by Mr. Cole, printer. at the Mr. Evelyn, garage keeper; ficient to induce steamer trading His Hanour Anthony Mr. Taylor, commercial to London or Eastern United a West Indian. In the Leeward agent; Messrs. Piggott Stroud, Islands also we see recognition ports for Panama to make merit druggist; and Messrs. Whitfield call at Kingston for purpose of of West Indian unloading cargo and in this como ed Attort ey op. Domicica Co. dry goods merchants, was has Ger eral Just been pink of the scene of an nection steps are being taken to ed an outbreak of fire toca. The late Sir Gerald Good on Saturday night. February 5, bring matter under notice of ca.
which did extensive damage.
those engaged in the export of man, Chief Justice of Mr. Cole lost his entire sto stock as frozen meat, dairy produce and Straits Settlements, was a also did Taylor and Mr. Eve fruit in order that best informa badian, and a Junior Judge of has the same place is Mr. St. John kion available may be obtained as Brarch, Viscentian, late Attor Whitfields and got Stroud had damage done to extent of trade which is likely to their stock by the wate water which to develop. Government of New ney General of Jamaica.
had to be applied to the buildZealand fally realize value to this things should fill the hearts of a West Indian with it pride and country of new markets and are Wes damaged building is the property of Mr, James Kellconsequently desirous of further does seem doubly unkind, and it man, clerk in the Savings Bank Ing development of Trade with the Gleaner, a champion for does seem even suicidal, to find and is insured for 5, 000 pounds Jamaica.
Mr. Cole printing recognition of the West Indies GOOD ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM Government, stock was Insured for 400 pounds by the The Gleaner treating Mr. Wells. Durrant to the sterling and his boss is estimated at about 2, 000 pounds sterling.
adverse sentiments of its quoted The losses of the other sufferers Criticism of Mr. paragraph and without the least are covered by insurance.
justificacion for 80 doing Wells Durrant What will give us. is to hear Fire in Tudor Street, that Mr.
St. John Branch is ap ashore, and let Mrs. Alken know Another fire causing considera what happened. She secured able damage broke out in the city We hear of Mr. Wells Dur. Palien sind eucceed his chief, the Gerald Goodman, and rant coming to fill the post of that His Honour another boat with two men to on Tuesday. The alarm was De Anthony YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT Paisne Judge: but Mr. Durrant Freitas takes Mr. Branch place belp, and started in pursuit, but made about 11. 30 a. when the the canoe had gone far and fast, Mamorie Hotel a two story buildis coming from the Bahamas, a Mr. De Freitas ought to be more and was about half a mile from ing, run by Mr. Hoyte was colony of 60, 000 it habitants, and ing now, for if he should remain the Palisadoes when it Was dis discovered on That the goods we sell are exactly as represented.
fire. The fire was suggest that a gentleman totis St. Lucia much is to we venture with all who other covered meanwhilo Mr. Percy caught through a little girl play.
paper has remained and in the Bawhich be may be appointed, judg anytime in We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satis Aiken, finding his wife and ing with matches nes hamas Attorney General will ing his ability by the children gone, searched the har petrol Mr. Hoyte was not on the factory service in the interest of our customers is our geography not exactly shine a legal lu of his sphere of labour, might be bour until a while the water premises at the constant aim and purpose.
in the island of police boat did the same.
of Jamaica, led to make a no less unfair point named left in Sunmong way What then is to be done! In our of his misfortune and attempt For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry charge with tarpaulin to opinion the Government and to question his undoubted capaPrice of Banana Mounting but without avail. The slarm was to smother the flames Legislatare and expert repairing. Call and visit, of Jamaica should at city for larger usefulness, once make it clear to the Colon The Guy Hill correspondent to Squad of Police the Fire Brigade and ial Office that Jamaica does not FULLER JEWELRY STORE, the Ganer writes that there is Harrel turned out promptunder Lt. Col.
to become a place of STRAY CANOE AND dawning a glimmer of light, now refuge for derelicts, or merely a PLUCKY LADY 122 Central Avenue, Panama. that the price of banana is is: The fire had by this time obstepping stone to official promo mounting again week by week, and it was only by the spirited tained possession of the building elsewhere.
and as the reason is such an ex efforts of the fire fighterschat Commenting on the above, the night In The Harbour cellent oze, the fruits mature the fames were confined to the Greneda West Indian animadverts was 12 102. This week it is 15 which is rapidly. Last week the price building. Hills tobacco SA While the north wind was blow above according to the Trio ing over Kingston and the Har.
THE CENTRAL RESTAURANT contiguous received straight June of Nassau, is clipped from bour last Friday night Mrs. Percy dy announced No. 16 STREET EAST, CENTRAL AVENUE the price her some water from the efforts of that the Gleaner of Jamaica. We say Aiken, children and two assisweek will not be less than 17 the Fire Brigade as did also the early that we fully expect to tants at pm. were struggling 10 per 200 hundred payables residence and provision shop of hear the Gleaner singing the hardt Mr Pickering. Mr. Hoyte comd to bring a capoe to shore.
This week there are four compa plete stock in trade which except praises of Mr. Wells Durrant in Beaten by the wind they had to First Class Meals served at all hours nies operatine, namely, United the near future.
allow Then creeping along the her to drift in to harbour EARLY TEA AND COFFEE We prefer not to look at the Jamaica Fruit and Shipping Co, ed. The building is the propery Fruit, tho Auantic Fruit, the tor a player piano insured for uninsured was destroy.
and leaner paragraph in the light shore, they got to Belmont Beach Jamaica ed of libellous attack on Mr. at about o clock on Saturday Special accommodation for Ladies Trading Company of Mr. I Baez, and in: Wells Durrant (which it is) but mornineren were on the beach!
sured in the United Insurance Cocon is slowly going up at 24 rather to look at it as presstitutTIDY AND POLITE WAITZRS and ad. per lb, coffee at da. and Company.
Ing the growing Standard of collecting shells. The chiidren per Ib, Bocording to qualWest Indian merit.
elitned into a canoe woored there.
by Ground provisions are The Port of Spain Gazel e statMr. Wells Durrant. Vin. It broke locse and floated. The plentiful but the prices at which es that the claims put in bys Opentian, and St. Vincent is a biggest boy James Myers, swam ihey are sold at are bot low. Continuand on page 77 our States son of WORKMAN PRINTERY the Bar.
lyn; Me Messrs.
These Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Ball and Concert Cards ings.
The 99 pointed near tin of as man as a time, and minary given and aspire 10 sion obacco factory and it is per 100 500 was the Baltimore and


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