
PIEDMONT tietoar genial sportsman, THE DADDY OF PEM ALL THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1921, PAGE THREE Four Years of Vic learned thereby causing an inde Snite suspension of the remain tory.
ing games. After that nothing nore was heard of the coveted trophy until recently.
Surrey to be presented competition was Meanwhile the Milliard Cup in progress with Trophy To morrow. Which ended in favor of the thes The Surrey was orsanized Soon after our invincible Pedro Miguel in the year 1916 when the Spald. Dr. Gittens, again offered another ing challenge cup was first trophy to be competed for the offered for competition amor following season cricket teams on the Isthmus. an interesting ope with such clubs They entered the competition as the Creole and the Pedro while still in their infancy (so to Miguel in the running, but once speak) to compete against able again the Surrey proved herself and experienced cricketers whose too much for the bunch and came fame had spread far and wide. out far ahead at the end of the Not less than sixteen clubs took the season bezt succeeding, part in the contest that season QUALITY WINS It will be remembered that such Surrey was again anbeatable and notable clubs as Spartan, Gren therefore secured permanent pos adian, Hercules, e were then ia session of the Gitten trophy.
EVERY TIME fall bloom and the fans were And now again and at last, the actually at a loss to seleat the very Spalding cup which had so winner. But young and er mysteriously disappeared dating perienced as the boys of the Sur. 1917 is about to come into our rey appeared in the eyes of Isth possession, probably to remain mian cricket fans. they proved there forever. It is not necessary themselves the worths champions here to comment at length on the of that most interesting season doings of the season just ended under the leadership of the vet as fans are all aware of the aderan Edmund Holder. whose verse conditions under which the ability as a manager will ever be season was pulled through. The remembered by all those inter strike, ested in great English say, certainly did uglish sport, cast a dark shadow over Isthmian Without any delay the second cricket, but the players and fans e. readers to the Gleaners, St. John Trinidad, of West Indian pastimes etc. among the contestants.
How are now able to see a successful e the season had ended, termination of the season.
the Surrey, though leading, with In conclusion, wish on my drew from the competition due to part and on behalf of all the some misunderstanding which members of the Surrey to arose at that stage. It is also re thank the well wishers and grettable to state that the games sympathisers of the Club for the scheduled for that season were hearty support and co operation not all played as certain import given during our career.
ant disputes arose which were not handled by the League Executive WILLIAM DESOUZA, to the satisfaclion of those con President Surrey PIEDMONT The Quality Smoke may ever before Cool and Mild Advertise in the WORKMAN It pays.
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Send Off Messages New York, March The New York Worll this morning gives Pres dent Wilson a warm send The kind of glasses as you get off after eight years of adminis. in above cvt relieves all eye ative service at Washington, eton. strian, protect the eyes from by publishing messages of praise glare or strong light and gives from eminent statesmen of you perfect vision for EVERY aff irs in all parts of the world, THING and ALL DISTANCES Dr. BUCHANAN (Renown Italy, Belgium, Japan, Brazil, ed Eye Specialist of New York)
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